a TNG DRY GOODS ^I No Shop Worn Goods?Everythi f ^ o ' Is in Charge of fli We Wan - I 1 Ok w WSTRI 5, NOTIONS .?ITe^xr G-< ing Fresh From Fashionable Gen UR 1\ iss Kate Saunders ,4r T Write Us Freely. We want Your Orders READY-TOWE, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT?IHE P Ladies' TailorMade Suits, long and medium length,Coats. Prices range from $10 to $50 per suit. Ladies'New Walkiug Skirts, made of Brilliantine, fancy mixtures, aud , Panama Cloths. Prices range from $5 to $20 each. SPECIAL?One Lot of Ladies' Walking Skirts?plaited all around? made of all wool Panama Cloth, Value $5; our price $3.98., WE HAVE" THE TA All Orders for Carpets, Mattings would if you were here yourself. Stock to "select from. Write and Agents for T A CALL TO ARMS. Lines Suggested by limrod's "Carolina." ^ [Written for THE COUNTY RECORD) A demon treads thy sacred soil. He comes thy happy homes to spoil. And noble purposes to toil. South Carolina. His foul breath taints the purest air, And carries trouble everywhere, Hearts true and brave he does not spare, South Carolina. Thy loved name with glory crowned. Is crushed and trodden on the ground, ?' " And shall no help for thee be found, South Carolina? * I see a noble father's head O' er which grey locks their halo shed. Bowed low in shame and cruel dread. South Carolina. I hear a mother's cry of grief In agony past all belief. Ascend to Heaven for relief. South Carolina. I see thy son: in sad array Cast honor, name, respect away. And fall beueath that demon's sway, South Carolina. Shall thy proud name still tainted be. Disgraced by greed and infamy? No! From this curse thou shall be free South Carolina. Lift up thy head and face the world, Let thy white banner be unfurled, Thy strength against thy foe be hurled, South "arolina. There still are those whose arms are strong, To fight against the powers of w rong, And' round thy standard hosts will throng, South Carolina. Thy children call from hill and plain, Alt'* bid them break this galling chain? Thy call can Dever be in vain. South Carolina! Show them the record of thy woee, And tell them of the fearful blows Aimed at thy heart by coward foes. South Carolina. Tell how fal?e friends with subtle art Conceal the cruel poisoned dart With which tin y pierce thy bleeding heart. South Carolina! Then point them to thy past so bright. When men undaunted were by might, And gave their lives for truth and right, South Carolina! Is truth less sacred, home less dear. Shall wins of such men falter berv, All heedless of the falling tear. South Carolina! Shall they not hear thy urgent cry? Unmoved shall they stand idly by, A ad watch the struggle?see thee die. rv s South Carolina! I hear the answ er, nobly grand. As shoots arise on every hand, -We' 11 sweep the horror from our land. South Carolina!" No face on earth can stay the zeal Of men whose cause is just, who feel That on them rests their country's weal. South Carolina! The demou trembles in his hold, Be hears the ringing w arrcry bold, 4nd knows bis fate, though yet untold, ?QUth Carolina! ^ud when the victory is won, The reign of i*ace and law begun, What land so fair beneath the sun, South < aroliua! Then forth to battle for the right, Thy sabre keen, thine armor bright, The friend shall fall before thy might, Sooth Carolina! Thy sons will stand by thee today, Thy honor to uphold tof aye, ? No stain on thy fair name shall stay. South Carolina! Ki Short but Strong. if You Cannot Come to Our Stores, We Will Send Our Stores To You. ?:? ?0? V?e have %the best equipped " Mail Order Department In the South II I UUI I ngstre Louis Co THE HQUSE THAT G1V1 YOUR M( 232 and 234 KINQ^STR We are branching out.We w our business capacity.We we the city. And since our EXTE ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS double our business. Prices I we expect to be our trade in< 4R GARMENTS, KETTIEST?THE CHEAPEST?THE BE? Ladies' lilack Taffetta Silk Waist all new, a regular $5 value; ourpnc only $3.98 each. Ladies' Black and Colored Taffel Silk Petticoats, strapped and stitche with accordeou plaited flounce a $6 5' value; our price $5 each. Ladies' White and Colored Taffet Silk Waists, all the newest styles? tanging in piice from $5 to $12 eacl RGE8T AND BEST E , Lace Curtains, Upholstery Goo MUSLIN UNDERWEAR-We m; let us know your wants.We wil HE LADIES HOHE JOUR Items from Scraotoo. (Written for last week). Scrauton, Sept 25.?Mr and Mn R B Cannon had the pleasure ol attending the silver wedding of Mi and Mrs John Timmoiib at Florence on Thursday evening, September 21 Mr Bino Langston of Timmons ville was iu town several days thii week. Mr S J Kennedy went to Florence on business one day last week. Miss Flagler of Cades haj accepted a position as saleslady it Mr Winslow Wright's store. Mr J H Stephens, a well-known and successful tobacco planter and prominent business mau of thii place, is on the sick list at his old home near Timmonsville. We hop< that he may soon recover and retarr to the "garden spot," which, ol course, means Scrauton. \f icq A 1 ma xa iuim wauot vi vv n?i uo n as noted in town Saturday morning. Among the young ladies and gentlemen who have gone fron Scran ton to the different colleges art Misses Estelle Lee, Hessie Graham, Adaie Cannon and Mr Oswell (Jra ham. We wish thsiu a pleasant and profitable year. Mrs M A L Cockfield of Lynch wea among the visitors here this week. Mr Willie Myers and Dr Masson of Cowards were noted on our streett a few days ago. A number of the little folks enjoyed themselves this afternoon at the birth-day party of Master R E and Miss AleneLee. Many beautiful gifts were presented to the happy little ones and the afternoon was pleasantly passed in pleasing garnet and other diversions. Dainty refresh ments were served which was nol the least enjoyable feature of the occasion. M. R. M. Good advipe to wopipu. Jf yftc WRiit n beautiful onmnlpYinn. nleai '?r~ r ~ i l ?? ?kjo, b^ght gyps, yed lips, good be^ltl}, tafce IJpllister's Rockj Mountain Tea. There is nothing like it, 35 cents, Tea or Tablets Lake City Drug Co. FOR SALE. Hereafter the Cable Piano Co will keep one of their n jv piano) for sale at the office of Dr R J Me Cabe, where it may be seen ant tested. i 1-3-tf Bring us your JOB WORK. : P A R T ETDI >, MILLINERS soclsl @ters, Season of 190S-06. g All I IN of Baltimore. Look rade and Ren e Dr I hen & Co. ES YOU SATISFACTION OR )NEY BACK. EET, CHARLESTON, S. C. ant your trade. We have doubled re alwavs the hrfrpst ret^i'lpr* in NSIVE "aLTERATi0NS " and were completed, we expect to -ower Than Elsewhere are what iucements. Try us. NEW FALL 'T. A FEW OFTHE , s 50 inch Brilliautine, Black, Xavy e Royal Brown and Green. One of the popular fabrics, 48 cents per yaru. a BLACK DRESS GOODS. q We are headquarters in the South for Black Dress Goods, Crepes and Veiling. We carry a large assortment a of all qualities. Write us for samples. - You'll find our prices always a little i lower than any other store quotes. QUIPPED CARPET HI ds, House Furnishings,etc. will re ike a specialty of this Dept.We al 1 cheerfully quote prices. NAL PATTERNS?10 and 1 W AS. I Before You Purchase Any Other Write THE HEW HOME SEWIHO MACHINE COMPANY ORANGE, MASS. Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regardl less of quality, but the " Bfew Home " is made I to wear. Our guaranty never runs out We make Sewing Machines to suit all conditions I ofthetrade. The "New Home" stands at the heed of all Hiyta-yr?de family sewing machines I Sold by anthorlsed dealers only, j roe SALE BY , Winslow Wright, Scranton,S. (J. I : FOR SALE. j Brick in any quantity to suit purchas er. The Best Drv Press Machine-made I Special shapes made to order, t 'orrci pondence solicited lwtore placing vour orders. W. R. FUNK,' k : SPECIAL NOTICES | I Transient Notices will,be Published In This Column at the Kate of One 1 Cent a Word for Each Issue. ' A good 5 or 6 horse farm with dwelling and out buildings for rent Ipsca or vr i 11 Ttrorlr on ch n with right kind of a man. Agree- j 1 ment will be in writing. Apply ; to W. C., Kingstree. A live, energetic man de- J ; sired. ; 9-28-2t. ' Wanted: Lady or gentle-: r man of fair education to travel i for firm of ?250,000 capital. I n_i A-i a"?a __ _ _ _ i i 5 oaiary 5>i,u Grow Greater and Better, i We Seek Your Confidence [ With Bargains Like These We Offer You Here. : : d WE PREPAY EXPRESS 1 On All Orders of $ 10.00 or ! Over. I _ t jTRY US ON AN ORDER. 1 HESS GOODS. ' UlVAXCED STYLES. ( 4t> inch Caslunerc in black .-.ml all the new colorings. Price 25 cents per | yard. 38 inch All Wool Henrietta lilack ^ and all the newest colors. Price 50c c per yar\l. l 30 inch Rain Proof Covert Cloth, in > Black, Navy, Royal anu Tan Mixture . A new fahiic for Skirts and Suits. Price 50 cents per yard. ? i 3USE IN THE SOUTH.j ceive the same attention that you 1} I ways have a larjje and varied I [ 5 cents each. The Largest and Most Complete V Establishment Soutti. 1 geo. s. mm s son. | ?MANUFACTl'R :KS OF| t Sash, Doors, Blinds i Moulding and Building Material, , ; Sash Weights and Cor is \ CHARLESTON. S. C. To P rinters. I We manufacture the very highest grade of Brass Rule in Strips Brass Labor Saving Rule Brass Column Rules brass Circles '< A Brass Leaders I Brass Round Corners Brass GaMeys Metal Borders L. S. Metal Furniture ! ^ Meta! Leaders Spaces & Quads 6 to 36 Pt. Metal Quoins, etc. t We are now also making TYPE On | * first- series will bet In* popular De j V1NXE which we have nearly ready i rom d to 80 POINT.. Other standard j cfes will follow as rapidlyias possible. | ? Old C olumn Rules refa *d and made ; T as goodas new nt a smal' *ost. Highest prices nah^ybr old type leads, electros, brass etc. Please remember that we are not in j any Trust or Combination and are sure j ythat we can make it greatly to your ad- j I vantage to deal with u>. A copy of our Catalogue will be i j cheerfully furnished on application ' Philadelphia P Prin ters'Supply Co / Manufacturers of High-Grade PRINTING MATERIAL 39 N. Ninth St., Philadelphia. Final Discharge. '? Notice is hereby given that K li la i Kellahan. executor of the estate of J Lib; Turner deceased, lias this day made i ol application unto me for a final dis- si charge as such executor and t hat the !a 16th day of Octobei, A J> 1905, at 10. c; o'clock a to at my ottice has been ap- j pointed for the hearing of said pe-' tition. , ( S McB Scott, Judge of JProbate, l.1 j, . W Jiajnsburg Co., N.'G\ Jtept. Id, 1906. :0R K ATS. GEN~I ?Te^ Ei F For Their DRESS GOO mwtl i IIW * A JfcPAt lent of Grand Mil e No Mc ace, >ds ( J* md some are surprised hat our suits could ^e as good as tailor made' Jerhaps they don t know tnai Tack New York tailors make )ur clothing. Our rei^ulai :ustomers can tell you all ibout the many advantages )f dealing here. Early buyers, and College poys will find a most complete line of fall suits, overmats, underwear and hats eadv for them, with Styles trictly up-to-date, and prices hat do not tell of the advance n manv lines. We'll be pleased to show /ou the new styles at any ime. WAIL ORDERS FILLED AT REDUCED PRICES. 1 Bentschner | 5 Visanska, o K COK. KINO AND IIASELLSTS X 2 Charleston, - S. C. X THE "BOSS" COTTON PRESS! SIMPLEST. STRONGEST. BEST The Murray Ginning System Gin*. Feeders. Condensers. Etc. GIB RE.? MACHINERY CO. Columbia, >7. C. mxszm raoivjr v rr . i" -rxsmmammmmamm MM ?H HOSSR?HSi: 4fc&3BHR W , L. BA55, Attorney at Law LAKE CITY, S. C. >r H J McCabe Dentist. HIGSKIE, - 3. C. )/?. J. L. Bass, HYSIC1AN AND SURGEON, j Kingstree, i Trespass Notice. We, t ho uvfersigiu-d. la ml holders i Ridge anuSuuitcr townships, warn II persons ag inst trespassing on our iids by letting stock run at large, ird bunting, cutting timber and Llicr depredations. All trespassers lull be dealt with according to the us (if South Carolina governing such ISC5. W. E. NESMITH, P, M. HKO< K1NTOX, J. L. NEXSEN, . W. P. MoGILL, K H, PARKER, Ma- J- A- . INGSTREE.-o I COMPANY "S' FURNISHINGS. ETC | DS and MILLINERY. We Can Supply them and Save * ?TH FNT Ilinery Opening Due Notice of Whicj?B iaris to PLEA5E, J Company. ] Farming Tools Of ] 1 All Kinds. m I Also a full line ol Horse Collars, Back Bands, Traces, Single Jj|| J Our Dixie Plow is what you want; a heavier, smoother casting % j and it costs us more than the ordinary kind, but no extra charge:f| 3 ; See our large stock of Pee Dee and Orangeburg Sweeps,* Shovel ^ I . Plows, and in fact everything needed in the preparation of yohr V* .1 I land and cultivation of your crop. 9 Agents for Johnson's Disk Cultivators, the money saver."; 1 ' Just received a car Anchor Lime, always the best. , j Try us on Sashes and Doors; Come and inspect our stock, you < ] I are alway welcome. 1 LAKE CITY HARDWARE CO. 1 i LAKE CITY, S. C jB Big Shipment of 9 Horses and Mules.1 We have just received a big lot of fine Horses and Mules. Gentle family horses, fine match teams of mules, stylish driving horses. Moderate Prices. Full Line tandard Make Buggies and Wagon s. No better made; no lower prices. ?:? ' ?~ xxxxxx Stuckey & Flowers, J i Lake City, S. C. :'|B DO Not Forget. We Always Keep on Hand ?a Fine Stock of? SILVER PLATED WARE, J * SPOONS, FORKS, SOUP LADLES, GRAVY LADLES,BUTTER KNIVES Iff T A nT 11TT\ SUliAK bfUUNi, 1ADLC. ArtU m DESSERT KNIVES, CARVING SETS 11 ! BUTTER DISHES, PICKLE M STANDS, WAITERS, ICE PITCHERS, FULL TEA SETS. ( Southern Railway Watch Inspectors for Georgetown & Western Radrtid ' and Consolidated Street Riflrwri. & Mail orders receive prompt and careful attentiou. S. THOMAS JR., & BRO I 257 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, - S. C. Whiskey I Morphine j Cigarette I All Drags and Tobaee H habit, | habit, I habit, j habits Cured by KEELEY INSTITUTE of S C. 32La?ly ?:.(or P O.Box 75) Columbia. S.C. Confidential correspondence solicited . In M New Guisl ] 1.1 Mu'i is Tit Pint - faari Household Furniture, Bugs, Carpets, Mathng and Everything to Make the Home Comfortable- ? ? -A Complete Line ofCoffins g Jjiskets. j Kept Constantly on Hand and Service* Rendered Day or Night Respectfully