The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 07, 1905, Image 8

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For the I Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, courage, strength. How is it with the children ? Are they thin, ?O Ha nnf fnroet p31C) UCilVaiV i M~r\s 14V? V. Ayer's Sarsaparilia. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. The children rennet possibly have good ; health anle-?? the bowels are In proper condltton. A sluggish liver gives a coated tongue. i bad breath, constipated bowels. Correct all I these by riving small laxative doses of Ayer'a Pills All vegetable, sugar coated. i A Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. Mam. jm Also jnaaufhcturere of JL\ 9 HAIR VIGOR. / 1 UPTQ ague CURE. PECTORAL. If Malaria and ague, chills and fever, always bring down those of low vitality?keep up your vifjsHtv with'SHAW'S PURE! MALT. For sale at the Dispensary. local news: Cotton is quoted here today ! I* at 9 7-8 for middling. Mr H P Brown of Gourdins was here to-day. Mr A R Moseley of Salters depot was here this morning:. Mr S W Kirton of Greelyvillcj paid us a pleasant call yesterMr J M. Williamson of Cooper called pleasantly to see us MonMr W T Wilkins went to Charleston yesterday on busi i ness. Mr D M Ervin of Church was, among- the visitors to town Monday. Dr J S Cunningham of Indiantown was noted on our streets yesterday. Miss Lizzie McClary is again ^ in her place at saleslady at P Stackley's. Mr T R Wilson of Spring $- Bank was noted on our streets last Monday. Mr S L Courtney, now of Lake City, spent Saturday in flown on ousiness, Messrs S L Thompson and r Dennis are again with Mr J S Eron this fall. Rj Mr Robert Burg-ess of Spring Bank is at his old place behind the counter at Wilkins'. | Mr S C Anderson is acting- as night marshal, pro tern, Mr J A Scott having resigned. Mr and Mrs Louis Sherfesee: V spent a part of last week at the vis * home of T M Gilland, Esq. , Mr Louis Epps of Kingstree has accepted a position with the Kingstree Hardware Co. Mr W E Allen of Greelyville was in town Friday and added his name to our mailing list. Rev S T Russell and daughter, ; Mrs Mayzie Bates of Bloomingvale_ were in town vesterdav. g.. , ? Mrs H 0 Britton has returned home after spending some days with relatives at Lake City and j 9 Indian town. Mr L J Stackley. proprietor I of Kingstree's new furniture store, has something to say in this issue. Read it. N Mr Bright Williamson, who is j one of the receivers for the Independent j.Oil Co., spent the day in town yesterday. Mrs E Z James of Cross An-1 \ chor, Spartanburg county, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs j James Epps, near town. Mr J B Gamble called Mon-. day and renewed his subscrip ' tlon to 1906. May others be constrained to do likewise. Mr P R Donnelley, a former ! William burger, who now resides! in the City by the Sea, spent: Saturday in town last week. As will be noted in Wilkins' new ad. the money box has been refilled and another supply of keys are on hand ready to be distributed. In Marion county the dispen sarv sore has been .apped with vith the usual result?evidence} of graft as in Spartanburg and Columbia. Mr C L Porter has been promoted to superintendent of the Columbia district of the Atlantic Coast Line with headquar- i > ters at Florence. Messrs J H Blackwell and .1 H IV Gaskins of Lake City were were here Friday attending the monthly meeting of the county board of control. Monday, which was Labor day, a legal holiday, went unobserved here except that, we understand, the dispensary was closed in the afternoon. -< ? Ti n LI 3 ir X Messrs J r Uramoie anu v* i> Clarkson <* Heinemann, two prominent young- men of affairs \ in their part of the county, were here Monday on business. Mrs M R Hemingway and r- daughter,Miss Lila Hemingway, g and Miss Helen Scott have reL turned from their ti ip to the ! mountains of Hendersonville, fr?rt4iT>fi ; -;'y Special line of laces and embroideries at W. T. Wilkins. Sixty-live thousand dollars invested in new enterprisesMonday. That's not so bad tor one day. And best of all every dollar invested represents home capital Mrs T .J Phillips and daughter, of Williamsburg, returned home last Tuesday after a visit to her brother's family?Mr and Mrs C \V Bovkin.?St Stephen's Echo. Station Agent Brock asks us to announce that commencing on September 15 passenger service will be discontinued on all local freights on the North-eastern railroad. Miss Mae Coney, a charming and attractive young lady of St George, who has accepted a position at Epps P O to teach in the school there, spent Sunday with the family of Mr P A Alsbrook. Mr J J Brown, Sr., of Flor ence, a former citizen of Williamsburg and an enthusiastic veteran, withal, was here Mon day looking after the printing of the muster roll of Co G, 15th Reg. S C V Gov Heywarb has appointed the following delegates from this county to the Farmers' Alliance, which :?eets in Richmond, Va.: J Davis Carter, Leo; R H Footman, Greelyville; .1 W Register, Trio. There are now four cotton buyers on the Kingstree market, as follows: Hugh McCutchen, representing Alex Sprunt, of Wilmington; J F Scott, Silcos & Co., Charleston; J C Kinder Inman & Co, New York; W S Gilland, Rogers, McCabe & Co, Norfolk. The following students have left this week for their respect ive institutions of learning. Messrs Benton Montgomery, Clemson college: Lamar Montgomery, Davidson college, N.C.; Peel and Ernest Epps, Asbury College, Ky. S M Wolfe, formerly of Tim monsville. lately of Anderson, has been elected superintendent of the Pickens graded schools to succeed W F Denbv who re signed to accept the presidency of Douglas college near Atlanta. Florence Times. Mr E P Ervin of Newport, Fla., came in last week to visit his home folk at Indiantown. Among his old friends in Williamsburg. "Ras" is a prime favorite and his visits here are always a source of genuine pleasure to them. There seems to be no just reason for the present slump in the price of cotton and we advise our farmer friends, all who possibly can, to hold their crop for higher prices. With the present outlook ten cents is lit tie enough and we believe it will go beyond that if the farmers will stand together and hold their cotton. Following on the governmenl report of the cotton crop condi dition the local market went ofl OS, r>Ainfc 1 net whv tliic UUVUl Mf ^VUllO? W MUW ?* V1K4M result ensued is not at all ap parent. The estimate for August is lower than for two years and below the average ?for ten years. The figures given would indicaU a higher instead of a lower price. Mr. .T E Blizzard, of the Kingstree Hardware Co, made a business trip to McBeth Tuesday. McBeth is nearer to Charleston than to Kingstree, but the enterprising Kingstree Hardware Co has secured a large order lor i?-i J. 1?i v. ? : ounuiug uiuicnui iu uc aiuppcu there, successfully competing with similar concei ns in Charleston and other places that look bigger on the map than Kingstree. We are assured by Mr B W Butler, the capable and courteous manager of the Kingstree Dry Goods Co, that the business will be opened up next week. As is usually the case there have been vexatious delays in getting the building completed, but things are now assuming satisfactory shape and in a tew days the store will be tilled with everything that goes to make x .1 .1 1 _ up a nrsi crass ury guuus emporium. Messrs K H Kellehan and Dr D (J Scott returned last week from a trip across the continent to the Pacific coast. They were away about six weeks and theii itinerary included Pike's Peak, Yellowstone Park and the canons of Colorado. They visited San Francisco. Los Angeles and ventured north up into Canada, viewing wonderful scenery and getting a fair basis of comparison for the different sections of our vast and fertile country, While they enjoyed their trip and returned refreshed and invigorated, they both are glad to ^et back home and express themselves as being better pleased with old Williamsburg and more than ever hrmly convinced that there's no place quite so good to live in as this favored land of ours. Ladies' and Gents' gloves, latest styles and all sizes. Wilkins. ' fr ritffiiiifffrfi jffr' liflfeiiti :! I ; ' i it i! !' 1 r This Space Belongs to t| . i ' THE Smith = Williams Company Lake City, S. C. i i , i Look Out For Their Announcement of Grand Millinery Opening, ~ t i * ;l ! ' I \ t I I j | i _ Youths'and boys' pants.] Good fit and durable wear at i : Wilkins. || KINGSTREE j i A iniud reader has a snap when! UPHOLSTERING Co. J he thought. ' j ; AKE YOU ENGAGED? ^^ Engaged people should remember Furniture of all kinds . that after marriage many quarreja fc? d mad(, t . can be avoided by keeping their di jgestions in good condition with look the same as new. i ! Electric Bitters. S A Brown of j Sewing".Macnines rep'u.iicu Bennet.tsville, S C, savs: ,4For years I ;ind Busies painted "at ; my wife suffered intensely from diys- | m(ldf?rate nrices pepsia, complicated with a torpid ! P 1 liver, until she lost her strengh and i I ' vigor, and became a mere wreck of' ALL WORK GUARANTEED. I her former self. Then she tried. | j Electric Bitters, which helped her j [ Tables, Wardrobes, Book ' j at once and finally made her JJen- ; Cases, Kitchen Safes, tirely well. She is now strong and , etc made to order healthy." 1)r W V Brockinton, n. , , ; arug^wt. Bells and guaranteed theoi I | ("ve US your work ahd ! at 50c a hottle. M we are satisfied we can " ! suit you com in prices GOT OFF CHEAP. | an(^ workmanship. He may well think h? has got off' , cheap, who, after having contracted 1 constipation or indigestion is still , j able to perfectly restore his health.' - - MULm^^L 2 f-~ j Nothing will do this but Dr King's P. A. A/SbrOOfC & CO., New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant Central Hotel, and certain cure for headache, con- K1NGSTREE, S. C. | stipation, etc. 25c at lirockintou's dru . store; guaranteed. a^ww There is a lot of fun in planning ?????????? things that never come off and so; ?cannot dissappoiut 3011 as to the re- Tlftl) fill suits of their coming off. I J I I I Good advice to women. If von ^ J J 1 ..II wunt a beautiful com plexion, clear j * skin, bright eyei, red hps, good Tlllflllinflfl j health, take HollistePs Rocky IB IIVIIllVV Mountain Tea. There is nothing |||ji\M||mn like it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets/ AJ UUAJHUUU* Lake Citv Dru? Co. ; Mew Store--Fresfl Stock. What engaged people like about We Carry a Complete i not seeing each other for ten hours T _.p o+nnln T?on ? ,11 the Ws they .M,v write ?ch Line of Staple and Fan; other in that tim*. cy ttroccriGS, CrockBry, r-r ??- Tin^nd Glass Ware, Rhe.uni.ti6m, gout, backache acid, ? ,, CiiraratteS . poison, are results of kidney troubleI -^111? vlgflXS, g Rocky Mountain Tea goes directly! 3,11(1 Tol)2lCCO. 1 to the seat of.the disease and cures --AlSO? when all else fails. 35 cents. Lake City Drug Co. Nunnally's Candies. Full line of dress goods of all j |NV|Tg YOUR PATRONAGE , i kinds and prices right. ! r W. T. WiUrins. j AND WILL STRIVE TO , j Big stock of siioes including I PLEASE. ms j an, - t TsText door to Postottice. :i iVANTED: Lady or gentleman of. \C \ S C ! fair education to travel for firm of , j $250,000 capital Salary $1,072 j Tobacco.ciffars and cigarettes, ; per year payable weekly, expenses j best nickle cigar in town advanced. Address Geo G Clows, ??Pride of Kingstree." I Kingstree, S. C. W T Wilkins. - Summons for Relief. J STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, J COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. J Court of Common Pleas. i Rectina Withecspoon, Harrison Wither- 1 spoon and O L Sauls, * Plaintiffs, d against j Phoebe McRea, Irene Thcnias; Etta- j wise Gordon. Mary Guile, James Goi- % don and Wilbur Gordon, / Pefendants. j To the defendants,Phoebe McRea,Irene d Thomas. Etta wise Gordon, Mary j Guile, Janies Gordon and Wilbur ( Gordon. ? You are hereby summoned and re- j quired to answer the complaint in this I action, which is tiled in the office ol d the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas x for the county of Williamsburg at ( Kingstree in said county, and to serve d a copy of your answer to said com- ] plaint on the subscriber, at his office ( in Lake City, S. C., within twenty d daysaftei tlie service hereof; exclus- ] ivcoftheday of such service; and if ( von fail to answer the complaint with- j in the time aforesaid, the plainttffs in * this action will apply to the court for f the relief demanded in the complaint, i W L BASS. \ Plaintiffs'Attorney. AUffUSt 7, lyi).-). ; To the defendants. Phoebe McRea, Irene Thomas and Etta wise Gordon: Take notice that the complaint in this act ion was tiled in the ottlee of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for the county ol Williamsburg at Kingstree in said count} and State of South Carolina, on the 7th dav of august, 1905, W L BASS, Plaintiffs' Attorney. August 7, l?0f>. To the defendants,Irene Thomas, Ettawise Gordon, James Gordon and Wii bur Gordon: Take notice that unless you procure the appointment of aGuardianAdLitem, to appear and defend this action on your behalf, within twenty days from the service of the summons herein upon you, an application will be made ot the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for the county of Williamsburg in the State of South Carolina, on the twenty second day aficr the service of the summons herein upon you at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for an order appointing some suitable ai.d competent person GuardianAdLitem for yon and authorizing and directing him t<> appear and defend the action above stated in your behalf, and for such other and further relief as may be just. W L BASS, 8?7?6t. Plaintiffs' Attorney. Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisors of Registration will be bpenod on the tirst Monday in every month for the purpose of the registering of any person who is qualified as fo'lows: Who shall have been a resident oo *' nn<l a# Kn Ifle BlUltJ iur iwu vcais, ouu \JI U..t county or.c year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of election, 'ud shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then'due and payable, and who can both read and write anv section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by the Sup^rvisots of Registration, or *vho can show that he owsis, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the present year, property in this state assessed at three hundred dollars 01 more. J.J. EADDY. Clerk of Board Summons for Belief STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA J. COl'NTY OF Win.IAMSBt'RO. \ Court of Common Pleas. John M Nex?en. Plaintiff against^ - nvuSt.iv OM>r?v Rival Iw. I Jaw i .um t iiiuiio i. v>^u.Bv -- - -Bradley, Lucella Bradhy. Daniel Bradley, Anthony Bradley, Ed\*in Bradley. Harrison Bradley. Kelly Bradley. Anna Bradley. Esther Bradley. Very Bradlev, Jane Bradley. Franklin Bradley, heirs it law of Dick Bradley, deceased. Defendants. To the defendants George Bradley and Djtvy Bradley: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint ill this action which is filed in the office of the r\f C/iiirr <if f'nmmnn Fleas for the county of Willi nmslmrg at Kingstree in said county and to serve a copy of your answer tojtlie said complaint on the subscribers, at their office in Kingstree, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service: and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time afo-esaid, the plaintiff in Tthis action will appfy to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated August *2:1, A. D. 1W5. HIRSCH it HIRSCH. Plaintiffs' Attorneys To tlie defendants, George Bradlev and Davy Bradley: Take notice that the complaint in tli's action was tiled in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for the county of Williamsburg at Kinjr-tree in saiu county and State of South Carolina, on the 23rd dav of August. 19051 HIRSCH & HIRSCH, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Aug. 23 1905. Summons for BeliefSTATE CP SOUTH CAROLINA,) COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. j ('uurt of Com i uon Picas. John M N'exsen, Plaintiff; against Thomas Harper Defend nr. I To tic* defendant Thomas Harper: You ar ? hereby summoned and required to answer tile complaint in this i i action, which i* hied in I he office of , the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas] for tile county of Wi.liamsburg at | Kingstree in said county and to >crve a ' copy of your answer to said complaint on the subscriber at their office ir. Kingstree, S. within twenty days i after rhe service hereof, exclusive of the dav of such service; and if you fail 1 to answer the complaint within the time afore-aid. the plaintift in tki? action will apply to thecourt for rhe relief demanded in rhe complaint. August 23, A. D 1905. 1IIRSCH & IIIKSCH, Plaintiffs' Attorneys To the d-fendant Thomas Harper: Tn\" nonce that the complaint in i rli's action was tiled in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for the county of Williamsburg at Kingstree in said county and State of South Carolina on the 23rd day of August 190.I IIIRSCH & HIRSCH, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Aug. 23rd. 1905. r^?A^T?ffiPEORLE^H I ALWAYS AHEAD. Ml o 4 Solid Car Loads of Goods Received this Week j J > and More on the Way. ^ 0 -s / Our Prices Always Satisfactory and Quality of ? r am Goods Unsurpassed. i Sc ) 300 Dozen Fruit Jars Just Received. O 5 We Can, We Will, and We Do Always Give Satis- O j? faction To All Our Customers. O ^ 5 KING-STHEE HARDWARE 8 < COMPANY". X &ooooooooooocxxxxx>ooooo<xS I ANOTHER BOX OF MONEY 'M Will Be Given to the Holder of the 9 Lucky Key.^ I THE OTHER BOX CONTAINED MORE j IN THIS ONE. TOO MAY GET IT ALL FOR A ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE. WILKINS' RETAIL STORE. k'innrctrpp ?# Wf ORANGEBURG ~~ I COLLEGIATE I INSTITUTE Orangeburg, 5. C The school is splendidly located, is well equipped and offers to your boys and girls the best of training at tne lowest cost. , The departments of .||H Art Elocution and Music 1 are as good as in any school in the State. Applicacions are rapidly coming in. Let us send you a catalogue. ^Your boys and girls are under the best of good influences while they are with us, and at all times have our utmost care and attention. ^9 Session Opens Wednesday, September 20, 1905. W, S. Peterson, - - President ~~ buy the Citation Notice. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 1 ^4r?\$7/LrS^?v^B l L County or Williamsburg. 1 lfl|p i(-!1 i T^alfl 1 By S McBride Scott Esquire Fro bate Tm Judge. Whereas. B C Whitehead, -/I ft^TT - siiWH t||i Clerk of Court, made suit to me. to ;-fg rt?izrrvr/v i i OTTirin grant him letters of administration of bllWji,?u MAUllFlE the estate and effects of L W Loryea. J - . . .. There are therefore to cite and ad- / } Donotb?- d ' -! !>v those who ad* monish all and singular the kindred <S vertise :i v" \ -n;; Maetyind for and creditors of the said L V* Loryea, $20.00. , . a uu' liinecan deceased, that they be and appear be- "M he bo* i. uv j.'tiu I'sorauy of our fore me in the Court of Probate for deuL>> H.>iii ri'.OOto ?18.00. for the said County to be held at Kings\vc t a v/.fljcTY . stree SC on the 6th day of October next Tur Mrw 'in r ic tup crrr at 11 "'''lock a. m. to show cause,if any inc IKi-m li ihfc StbT. they have,why the said administration TheP - .l li ics the strength or should not be granted. weaknu-s <>?' s .w. ' Machines.- The liiven unaer my nana ims ma aay '-TdHi Double. ;..,ni.iiud with Other of Au^ust.A D,1905. strong i on. -1 i ic \cw Home 8 MbB Scott, the . . ai ijiiie to huy. Probate Judge. W.-'l , c .. st oring the dif? Notice to Magistrates. r . 7." ".T.Tai.Tff.urt en Magistrates will take notice that they 4.a i . c.. .irtu mAbtilfu all. must not hold. Inquests without first , .. ' E y ...... notifying tue. When Igive permission v ^ I will pay magistrates five* for *' ' ra-ic.sco.Oaj services and any magistrate holding - " ?Y inquest without first being deputized w^i Qft be paid for services, Wla-lowWrlri .. B K GAMBLE. \ irranton. S. A. 8-24-St. Coroner. [?""pg W' ~^gg?| Attention. Teachers. The next regular examination for * I 7 /\ v'fr^T 1^. Tteachers'certificates will be held in { ' % X X^J 1 * the court bouse here on Friday, Sep| J'., ? r:tcuiber the loth,beginning at 9 o'clock ?JEkS ';::7'3l a.m. Applicants will not be admitted later than 11 o'clock. This will be the last examination for teachers' cert iff* * ??r^ rill nott \fav Srwial exam? inations are not held in this state. ' Notice of Town Elecv?. ice is hereby given that an elee- '*'* M nnWT' UIMH TUP W7 AVPQ ''"" wl" **' held on *he seco,,d MonlA/IN 1 Mliil/ 1 tlH W AV HO (j?y in September, the 11th Inst., for In times of depression or pauic you an in-endaiit and four Wardens for , , . ,. the town #f Kiiiirstree, to continue in want assuiance of safety. Yon can t tt,r years and until the electransact business and carry your tion and qualfication of their sue... <-essors. The polls will be open from mouey with you. a a. m. to 4 p. m. J T Xelson, H O nipr if j\j /~vj in ij an^ ! Bit-ton and J J Steele. Jr , are hereby r U 1 1 i UN UUK oAlifi i appointed Managers ofsaid election. ... T. . j * ' By Order of Council, where it is safe. If the waves dash | j q McCutchen, Q hard against you, we will loan what' Clerk. wdl tide you over. It may prevent FOB, SALE. disaster. Our bauk assists you and Brick in any quantity to suit purchas benefits us both. The ^8t Dr* Press Machine-made THE BANK OF K1NGSTREE Sp c* pondenee solicited betore placing your . A3 MJETSHONEY^TAR ^ fenudnmtmft-r* Bring us your JOBWORK.