f..y* She (founti) Record. KINGSTREE, S. C. C. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, one year, ? ? ? $1.00 One copy, six month*. ? ? - ..V> One copy, three months. ? .'j.-) Subscription payubh- in advance. ADVERTISING KATES: One inch, first insertion. $1.00: each subsequent insert inn. 50 cent-. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect over 1? U words charged for as regular ad vert i>ments Liberal reduction on advertising made for tliree. six and twelve, months' contracts. Comuiuiinications must be accompanied by tlie real name an I address of the writer in order to receive attention. Jio commiinieation of a personal nature, will be publi?hcd except as an advertisement. Address all letn-r* and make all drafts payable to C. W. Wolfe, j Kinjjstree. S. C. THURSDAY , JULY 13, 1905 Speaking of "frenzied finance" Tom Lawson might tind some valuable data m the Pee Dee section of South Carolina, which if properly handled would make interesting' reading matter. _________ Those who were expecting a revolution in Russia caused by a uiutin uud ucw uuviug jiuadCdMUU ui mc battle-ship Kiiiaz Potenikin are doubtless disappointed at the time j issue of the enterprise. At the meeting held here Monday in opposition to the dispensary one of the speakers stated that the dispensary had been foisted upon the State as a "step toward prohibition," j and that after about thirteen years ! under the system it is time that we were thinking of taking another Step. There's something in that. The Trail of the Serpent. When the charge was made about a month ago by the Southern Cotton association that the crop statistics given out by the United States department of agriculture had been tampered with, Secretary Wilson treated the matter with contempt, declaring that such a thing as a "leak" in the infoifiiation collated by the bureau of cotton statistics was ridiculous. It is now admitted by the depart- j ment that the figures were given out fraudulently for speculative purposes before the report was officially pro mulgated. Bat in comparison with other scandals unearthed in this de- -? partment the mere stealing of the crop report figures pales into insignificance. The employees of this bureau are now charged with selling the figures to cotton brokers and even with juggling with the report so as to make the cotton acreage and me the amount of fertilizers ust d greater fro than was warranted bv the reports a n p from correspondents over the cotton belt. The June report was thus affected in a "bearish"' way and the ^ participants and beneficiaries of this j wil wholesale fraud enriched themselves an at the expense of the honor and in- cm tpjrritv of fht* T'nifpil St!ih?s crnvorn. O V . ! kn< ment. To say what should be done with ! ,, these thieving and infamous scouw- jjs] drels would not beadifficult matter; agi but will anything be done? After riv tY\ all the row caused by the postoffice * aeaodals huw manv of the gang of ? ? enl grafters were punished beyond dismissal from office? it looks as if a]l those high in authority are afraid to pe< punish the guilty logues for fear VK that they themselves will be involved. ^ The beat that can be hoped for, we fear, is the abolishing of the bureau trj of cotton statistics, and the sooner foi that is done the less chance these So rascally officials will have to con- *? tinue their nefarious employment of robbing the cotton growers 'of the South. giv W I 1 - . ^ n uii* wuic iu milij a pass luui sverything that the government con- f;lt trofs SK-nis to he permeated with ore fraud. trail of the serpent is l'or over it all so ele Look in a fcian's eyes for lion- less -;sty, around lus mouth for weak- Tb ness, at his chin for strength, ant at his nails for cleanliness. j Rcj ' < SUPERVISOR'S FIRST QUAI Xante*. Nature < I C Ouss Co. r \V T Wilkins (> W Johnson * J J 1'. Montgomery i R II Jennings. State trea> ' W M Vause NV I: ] la-elrien i 11 M Burrows S \Y Jerni^an J M Knddv l?r II L linker F I.Sliirer Mrs H A M< Ken/.ie I J M Barrineau W W Lynch and M K King < I) H \\ illiaiiiMin and J T Smith i S 1' Britten i it F> Keels M (* McMillan ( W Ca?l?* 1 li K McClaiy .1 II V Raskins A IS BurrowJ W Yarboroii?;h M r Brown K J Mcknight R F Epp> ' C K EarMv T I > Ramble \V E Brockington S ' Si o ctary K K Blakolev Williani Cooper (* B Mitclium i WTWilkin> 1) Busli Nexsen IS N Stuckey B B Johnson % J M Rogers I) La ma r Leo J B Lemon <; J Craliam, Sheriff j una ? % Ro^'t. Jones \ II 0 Britton 1 Lake Ci:y Hardware Co. i Kingsrree " J A Scott Robt Hanna i W II Gibbes i J .1 B Montgomery J J Grahain E () Limmer Brown Brother* Kddie I) Epps A I- Keels & (<< J II Cooner Jauies Epps * 4 l? R H Jennings. State treas Vv W Kennedy Weekly Mail M E King T I. Boyd J J Graham W R Funk R I) Blakeley B B Johnson 44 a ?? So Ca Penitentiary < James a Fa?an I)r Covington Lee J J B Montgomery \JIT l/il?nuAn 'Pv/tac 1 V* TT ilUllii^uu, x IV?^ j M E Kiii); i J K Cox I J W Register S F Cooper ?sfsuiitli Bros X M Venters I. 4< 44 I)r L B Johnson J J B Montgomery 44 4 4k 44 4% 44 44 44 II M Burrows R EWilscn W W L> nch A R Moselev and T E Salter* R B Met lary J L Blake'ey M G McMillan A B Spivey F C Shirer .1 N Sauls W W Lynch and M E King i 4 :i 1 4 f\f\K .\jiru i, ii7vv> VICIOUS LEGISLATION OPPOSED, 'dec, I 3 bop Gaoler's Opinion of the Dis- j agri pensary System. | we < Atlanta Constitution. r.ou Editor Constitution: In your is- l'le > of July 5, I note that one of the amj nibers of the general assembly uni' m the county of Floyd proposes exi!s measure to which as a citizen of Ins* orgia, I wish to enter emphatic ,at' ection. You say: a,1(* 3ne of the measures upon which Ula Wright is seriously thinking ^R" II propose the establishment, of to agricultural high school in every of ( inly in the trtate for the purpose ; disseminating a much-needed Pe|' ow ledge of practical agriculture. C5 * o j'f 'According to Mr Wright's pro sed plan, the fund for the estab. liment and maintenance of these SP" ricultural schools should be deed from dispensaries located in ! i cities and large towns of thelcou ...... I kee ?te where prohibition is not now , forced. , n(^ "Mr Wright's idea is to close up 1eia^ 11 the bar-rooms in the State, le il the local option law, and pro- lut le for the establishment of dis- ( usuries in the cities and larger; or J vrhi v lis. 1 The dispensary system has been P6/1 ed and its moral results have been j ind most vicious. The people of j f ho uth Carolina have found this so, their sorrow, and, in not a few ^ L tees, they are rising up against it il throwing it off. tha mer 2. Our local option law has ^re en us wide areas of prohibit ion n J sobriety not surpassed on the r :e of the earth for morality and ler. We cannot afford *o sell this ^ a f.w little schools of agriculture, called, in whic.t the agricultural ^ ment would in all probability be 5 than an\ assignable uuantitv. e. 1 . ac]1 is bid for the farmer's influence p^0( 1 vote will hardly be successful. y0u illv, the farmers are not as easily egl) ^REPORT. j STER. I t' Claim. Amt allowed. I oad plow 36 (X) ' ' 188 4U oal for jail 29 96 niditor's sal 25 0(1 ; II and jail 93 33 chain gang 9 00 mads 54 50 coroner 62 50 roads 36 92 bridges 3 50 post iiiorteui 5 00 bridges 2 50 poor 6 93 wood forC 11 16 50 chain tfanj: 100 00 ouri plow 73 5(i roads 21 05 36 52 58 25 lii iri^es 2 50 0 50 poor 15 00 bridges 25 00 6 lfi 10 00 maris 12 60 bridges 5 00 roads 26 1)5 bridges 11 75 wood lor <111 1 50 road plow 32 18 co cou * is (5 00 ? roads 33 5" B desk for office 43 02 g stainj s. etc 8 14 w In id<;es 4 71 ?j roads 4 50 g chain gang 56 52 g 48 10 S lumber for bridges 77 23 Q mads 12 34 __ work on jail stables 22 50 roads 11 00 poor 12 00 constable 8 33 A jail report Jan *ts for - 8 ?o j _ bain gait}? 34 90 jail stables 28 72 lumber jail stable* 11 58 rauls 3 V0 desk for auditor 24 Uq auditor's salary 25 Oo contingent 4 80 11 36 magistrate 10 7a roads 10 00 lK*el chain gang 7 52 j l*n>r 72 00 bridges 4 00 lumber jail fence 5 00 " stables 12 52 lairrowed money 5,250 00 bridges 5 50 advertising; ' 80 (?) roads y oo 3 60 2 inos. salary 1U 66 urick for jail barn 3 80 roads 2 00 lumber for jail yard 10 12 work on * " 22 7u cloth for chain gang 2^ 72 bridges ti 00 chain gang *39 50 1 mo. salary 25 oo nrv witness tick's 897 75 oads 19 12 >d equalization 15 40 d 8 oo I 12 80 ^ poor 87 00 roads 20 15 = 34 25 |Ki*t .nortem 5 oo 1 auditor's contingent 5 50 | ' salary 25 00 J. corn& bay-road plow *5 0o coroner 2 mos. 31 25 l?d of equalization 6 00 ? roads 10 00 ^ magistrate and con 17 50 roads 6 00 22 75 ! 1 " . 49 50 / 7 87 I bridges 13 K8 06 ! ? rliain gang 50 (X) i C J. N.HAMMKT. !*Clerk. ?ived as some might suppose. . If we needed and desired an | [cultural school in each county, A do not wish them to draw their; IT rishment from a doggerry run by X civil government. Dram shops education ought never to be; n ted. In so far as any such union I ts in Georgia now, we need to; itute pioceedings for divorce, i = ?er than make the intimacy closer more general. It is an unnat1, not to say an infamous, union, effect of which is inevitably debauch the moral life of the PJ th of the land. If the parents! I < > i l.nou rlui'o nf nrna. 1 II J CVJI glAj ill l 11VOV v* HJU V* 2^ * vw | ity, are not willing to give their' J dren ihe education required for m , they do not wish to be further raded by turning over their off-1 Q ng to the care of a public dog- j i as a sort of wet nurse, 'he preachers in Georgia, with nneudable propriety, generally p clear of political entanglements j agitations,but with a rather gen- [ Pf acquaintance with them,I make j 1 1 to affirm that if any such nieasis seriously proposed in Georgia he repeal of the local option law 1 any sort of dispensary system itsoever, and especially for a dis-; sary system with an educational' )e attached, they will be heard i 71. It may as well be understood t we are not going to submit to dispensary in Georgia in any ii without a fight, and a fight twill mean political graves to i who trifle with the moral insts of this commonwealth. This ot a threat, but a plain stateit of fact. WarreJ A Candler. .tlanta. Ga.^^ily 6, 1905. v'iiere are ^|fiu sick? Head- ^ e, foul-tong-u^ no appetite, k enerj,'-}', pain in your stom, constipation? Hollister'n ~ :ky Mountain Tea will make . well and keep you well. 35 ts. Lake City Drug Co. I 1 WHY When you buy a pi; organ?why not bi est and best Mani world and get the easiest terms? Wri booklet and catal (asking*. Why not! THE CABLE Mason &. Ilamlin Pi Canover, Cable, Wellington pianos pianos?Chase ar I players and C'hici I FACTORY I 2*2 KING Charleston, 25 Per C To Clear Out the Balance Suits We Offer For 10 D Our Entire Line ot Suits a Price. Our Special Sale In Success So we Wan Better, \ Don 't Delay If You Wish Last Long At These Pria ^ All Goods Not Satisfacto ^unninghai )ARL1NGT0N, Vlilburn jingle and DoubI< Bod HAVE JUST RECEIVE BOVE CELEBRATED WA ?JG THEM AT LOW PRICE ABLE PAPER. CALL 'tinmflfi Ar. Rrarl .XlV/UiitVM VA/ A/XVWU. INGSTREE, 'li Emii toll ipecial Rates % VI/ Atlar infnrinrntn l/ntnrnno' Donninn Inilidlfi IIIIGUGIUIG IGIGIUIIO MIIUIl, LUUIOVI One cent per mile for distance Rate from.Kin^Ktree, S. 0 , d! Tickets on Sale June 10th, 1 It limit June 19th. Extension ol be obtained by depositing ti I ouisviile, Ky., and payment ticket, stop-over will be alio mond, White Sulphur Springs Hoc Springs). Special train service and thro operated from convenient poir see the Ajjent, or consult "Th WRIGHTSVILLE | On account of Summer School % * wi 1 ? xt n . Tickets to wiiminj^ion, *>. v^. and 17th, with tinal limit Junt fare plus 25 cents for the roun< Rate from Kin^stree, S. C. to turn $4.70. For any other information v M Emerson, Traffic Mgr. II WILMINGTC Bring us Youi NOT? | ano-piano player jy from the lar^ifacturer in the lowest price and te for descriptive o^s free for the COMPANY I anos and Organs. Kingsbury and . Re^al Electric i_?r nionn I iv* v/unvi |/iuuu p 1^0 Cottage or- I BRANCH: STREET, s. c. ent. Off, of Our Men and Boy's ays From June v 15th t 1-4 Off the Regular 9 Mav was a Bta / ?& t to Make this Even t | ' a Suit, They Will Not 9S.==== ry Can Be Returned. m & Dove, s. c. Wagons. t Complete With ly. . n. i :L> A mk-luau uc inci GONS AND ARE OFFER- j ;S FOR CASH OR ACCEP-; AND SEE THEN AT ham's Stables, s. c. 'I (1.001 ?nr i i ! < itic Coast Line. * lie, Kr Jill 10 li 1,90s. 1 traveled, plus 25 cents. : 7 14.00 for the round trip. < li, 12th and 13th, with tinal f linal limit to July 10 may ickets with Joint A^ent, <; of fee of 50 cents on each v. wed at Petersburg, Richand Convin^ton and (for ujfh Pullman cars will be its. For other information e Purple Polder." BEACH, N, Ct . June 15th to 21st, 1905. _:ii u ? f . tut, 1 r,ti, Will Utr 2!iUlU 'JUlIC It III) x^c** _ i 24th, for one first class E 3 trip. Wilmington, N. C. and rewrite, ^ iJ J fraig, Sea. Passenger Agt 1 )N, N. C. =?=?=9 j r Job Work. ? i /t i ra t n nr U. D. M: Sj THE CL( ' Special Line of the C NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, C< Also a swell line of neck w four-in-hand ties that has time,: ? Stetson The Shoes made by btetsoi pair warranted and une comfort. We have just rei the factory. CLOTHING! Two Piece Suits i YOUTHS' SUITS 1 ??-_____ ?$2$$Call and see Straw We have the Latest YOU'LL BE TJ We sell the better kind at NIGHT SHIRTS-In facta! line can be found at J. B. 5 ZECingfstic WOM't Y(Q)1M OUR "BUSY" DRY Is now filled with choice now until the spring seas strong efforts to clear out something in winter g< just write o We'll forward samples at HERETOFORE we have stocks by means -of CUT week, and only our home benefit. Now IF YOU'LL TER, we'll quote prices foi opens the wav for our oul secure the unusual bargair sales. : : If you want prices on F Letter for "THE BIG Fl BUELLlO Clis-rlestc 3et In T1 OF COMIP 5. n A F N GO U R D1N S' THREE.S We have just receive* SdBN'S SRRI Also the latest 3 Z3RING We wish to receive your pat are not pleased after purcha fund you your money in excli you. W S. Mai Iingstiee? - ^ ~ ASS ZMZK. ASK MR. ( WHAT OUR PA: THEY ARE TI STAND EVEIi ?aints for Every Purpose, Manui aint & Oil Co., Sold by KING * V )TH1ER. !< elebrated Lion Brand DLLARS and CUFFS. ear?the prettiest lot of been here in a long ? / Shoes. n are Standard-Every qualed for looks and ceived a shipment from > CLOTHING! :or Summer Wear. , /tges 16 [' ?Q. \ our line Hats. x - v.| Shapes and Styles. v me -X NEEDING i "nclerTxrea, x, moderate prices, also lything in the Clothing teele's, . 3 e, S. C. I ~+4 iu Writ? I A Letter? , 1 GOODS STORE winter fabrics. From on opens we'll make this stock. If there's oods you can use? IS A LETTER j nnrp m/y? v \ sold out our surplus -PRICE sales twice a customers reaped the - WRITE US A LET r the next sale. This :-of-town customers to is offered at our special urniture,Mark your JRNITURE STORE" tGBERTS, ilTL, S. C. I ie Habit 4G TO ^CUS' TORY SKY-SCRAPER i a fresh stock of KG SUITS. : styles of B BIN BR Y ronage and then if you sing1 from us we will rentage for the goods sold \ \ reus, ?* ? - s. c. rcssii ii :arr ! i [nts are! ' i v ie best! . !y test, actured by Leland Moore! STREE HARDWARE CO. |||| / ' " ] .. t / - -