, ? ?hr Counts ^rtori PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT K1NQSTREE, S. C. C. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIEYOR. TERMS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: , One copy, one year, ? ? ? One copy, six months, ? ? - ,5J One copy, three months. ? ? .25 Subscriptions payable in advance. ADVERT1SIXO KATKS: One inch, first insertion, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, 50 cents. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect over let words charged for as regular advertisements. Liberal reduction on advertising made for three, six and twelvt months' contracts. Comuiunnications must be accompanied by the real name and address of the writer in order to receive atten tion. No coinmunieationof a persona nature,will be published except as at advertisement. Address all letter- and make al payable to C. W. Woi.fe. Kingstree. S. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1905 All things must come to an endeven the commencements. Along with William Jennings T> 3 4 11 i) T) i. .. u xsryau anu .tVJion d raraer, nujrstvensky has joiued the great army of "has beens." And now comes Newberry wanting to vote on the question of abolishing its dispensari?s. Newberiy, by the way, is the home county of Mr H II Evans, chairman of the State l>oard of directors. Champion James Jeffries, of fistic fame, has abdicated Ins throne and the empire of pugilism is without a legitimate sovereign. Al1 things considered we are not a candidate to fill the vacancy. About one hundred convicts in the State penitentiary* were poisoned last week by eating cabbage cooked fUo irtuiifntinn Ill IIIC MICI1C11 ui mc iuhuiuhvu. While none of the convict died it seems that wholesale murder was k the intention of the poisoner, who, it is suspected, is one of the convicts. Just what the motive could have been is hard to imagine unless it was just pure "cussedness." Whatever else may be said of th? Russians?and it seems that everyone delights to give them a kiok? they cannot be accused of cowardice. Obedient to the command of his Emperor, Rojestvensky camly and heroically went to defeat and probable death, knowing that he stood no chance against his more powerful adversary. The quality of courage that animates a man to do his duty ia the face of certain disaster is closel.. in cnhliniA hprnisni arvin iv ouviiutv SCRANTON NEWS ITEMS. People Who Come and Go. and Linger for a Time. * Scrantox, June 5.?The young ladies and gentlemen who have been attending various institutions of learning abroad have returned home and we are glad to have them with us again. Mr E J Smith, of the Lake City sectiou, was in town last Friday and Saturday. Miss Leila Byrd spent last Thursday in Florence. Mr H B McColl and Miss Annie Barber of Effingham paid Scranton a short but pleasant visit one day last week. , Mr D P Spell has been confined ^ to his bed for several days, but we v * are glad to report that he is rapidly convalescing. Miss Minkie Carter, one of Lake City's charming young ladies, visited relatives here last week. Capt M F McLaughlin of Effingham was on our streets last Saturday evening. Mi Walter Cain of Florence was noted in town one day last week. Miss Ola Coward of .'^ike City spent Sunday in town with her sister, Miss Estelle Coward. \t_ t> T VSCWMI friends -MT IV JLJ Wtauv.ju ,v..%,v at Cowards Sunday. Mr Ernest Hill spent last Sunday at Effingham. Mr V M I-ee of Darlington was in town this week. Editor C W Wolfe of Kingstree < was noted^n our streets Friday of last' week. Mr E L Parker of Alanta, Ga, is spending several days in town with his parents, Mr and Mrs P A I arker. M R M r ^ HON GRADED SCHOOL " ?= COMMENCEMENT. EXCELLENT PROGRAMME NICELY; f CARRIED OUT -HONJ.E. ELLERRE \ AS A COMMENCEMENT ORATOB. ^ Dock, June ">:?After several days| ( of sunshine farmers have abouti j? > routed uGen Green. '*Crops are nowjL 1 in a flourishing condition. Cadet Ernest Tallevast and his! sister, Miss Rosa, are at home for . vacation from the Welsh Neck High 1 school.' Hi Mis* Mary McDonald irt timed h>!g| her home near Georgetown Nundav,' after spending a few days witli tier | friend, Miss Ida Waluron, of thislQj 1 section. Mr Tonnme Steele returned homet 1 Friday, after sending several weeks in the "City on the Sampit." Last Saturday a party of about tweiitv-ti\e or thirty from this and , adjoining neighborhoods enjoyed a good old-fashion.*d "fish fry" in the Swamp at McCants' lake. This was a day that was heartily enWed X i by every one piesent and how ^ej<_ could it have been, with plenty of j* tish and lots of other good "rations" |*j and just enough mosquitoes to keep, us from imagining that we were bv ' the sea shore? Our little picnic grounds were beautifully adorned with earth's fairest flowers and their gallant admirers, with just enough "old folks" to keep order. Late in the afternoon we assembled at the ; pleasant home of Mrs L .T Nesmith, ! and enjoyed some nice, cord water , and sweet music. It wt s the good pleasure of the ; writer to attend tae commencement. of the Union Graded school at Rome last Friday. The 'day was an ideal oue.. Soft, fleecy clouds floated lazily high up in a clear, blue sky and nature seemed to smile approval } ? upon the jauspicious occasion. A j Tj large crowd was present to enjoy the I ? hospitality of the good folks of Koine, who seemed to use* every effort to make the day one of pleasure foi i their visitors. The programme was ; an excellent one and nicely carried ! out, as I haven't a copy I cannot give the details. The welcome address bv Furney Hemingway was1 j j & . rich, rare and racy, eliciting loud1 applause and hearty laughter, Furney is a ' funny" bov and said a fun- j uy speech.' jp The most interesting number ofjx the programme was the debate. The I query was, "Is a Man of Thought ^ cf More Benefit to His Countryl Than a Man of Action?" The af-' firniative was represented by Furney Hemingway and Elise Rollins, and the negative by Bessie Snow and' Sadie Waldron. Each of the de-! baters made a good effort and brought! out some strong points, but the! \ k judges decided in favor of the nega- j tive side. j Daisy Brock in ton's ''Essay on i Mail" was heart'ly applauded, but! we think Miss Daisy was too hard j on the poor inoffensive man; her "mamma'' should "chastise" her.1 All of the children did remarkably j u-^11 rpfWtincr credit on their teach ers and the school. After dinner we had the pleasure of listening to a masterly address by _ Hon J E EHerbe, whose subject was ?"* "Country Schools." This is an im- j portant subject and Mr Ellerbe j made a tine speech. When Mr El* j f** lerbe closed, Editor Josiah Doar of Georgetown was introduced as the. next speaker. Mr Doar said he in-1 tended to make a "big sjga.'ch" but Mr Ellerbe had said just what he , might have said, so he would do like, "Pat" did when he was asked to speak once. Pat got up and said: "Faith, and these people must think I can speak or they would , not have asked me and, now rather than disappoint them, I'll keep my ! d u mouth shut." Prof Ken- ; ?. .!? ftiQu m.i/lo .1 f-ilL- mifl the t Uk".l ~ crowd was dismissed. j Ot Whippookwili.. i M Opportunity for a Young Man. The South Carolina College offers i scholarships in the Normal Depart- j ment to two young men from each county. Each scholarship is worth 1 $40 in money, besides remission of; $40 tuition and $18 matriculation 11 or "term" fee. The money is paid 11 at the rate of $3 a month for eight j W months, to assist in meeting thej necessary living expenses. \ llf Examination will he held Friday, j jff July 7th. before the County Board of Education. Applicants should lie at least 19 years of ag?, and prefer-' ably teach rs. Write President Ben-; Tj jamin Sloan, South Carolina Col ! 1/ lege, Columbia, S C, for blank on P which to apply before July 7. I \ 1 T leiT' 111 Lull!: or your trade: 1 m ] Our Wholesale Store Is _ cavily Stocked and These oods Must Be Moved. Here Are A Few c.ate I onsignments: I U k, Of Dice 259 Bairels Of Flour, t Sought Since the a tig Slump in f Vheat. v % 1 Car of Grits- c 1 Car of Salt, 1 Car of Corn, ? - r ?1 Car of Meat, j: 5,000 lbs Lard, e 25 Barrels Sugar. L Ol m 24C Ifl 30c 111!! Poll* r i mned Goods?All Kinds Ie Too Numerous To Mention, F rices Guaran^ ~9 re on Above Goods, ; /e Can Save You r loney On Coats' -*Cotton,?* T( !p Headquartersj1" i r* cl :or Stock Feedat i m 'Hay, Bran, j' Corn-Chops. ? nd Cracked 1 in Corn. I an I . D, tic to I ir Prices Are Like A fa agnet- They Draw Trade on m; is in IT< ilii.: ifcilCp M Generil *' Hill, ^ ^ | 4TTEN Ministers, Sunday Sc snts. Organists and lit kCAM O lYlAOUIN OC ORGA dave Received The ? ? Honors iUATEMALA . 1897 M :H1CAQ0 - 1893 P, .IVERPOOL - 1886 S1 :DINBURGH - . 1886 N< .ON DON - 1885 i I JEW ORLEANS . 1885 Sf CALCUTTA - 1884 V ^lSTERDAM - 1883 P. iND ARE THE ONLY AM IAVE RECEIVED SUCH FOREIGN WORLD'S -WWW The Name MASON & HAMLIf )nly in the United States, But in y in the World. They are so V ualitirdlv ana Indisputably the J ,'omment on their Tone and Dura upertluous. The Pre-eminent B )htained for Extraordinary Exc edented by that of any other Mi ver. We are prepared to furnish MAS( lajrniticent variety of styles for odge, Chapel and Home from the ? rgans to large size pipe organs atalogs giving illustrations a >*retlier w ith prices and terms, mai Hie Cable < Ixclusive Factors For MASON Organ ACTORY BRANCH 282 KIN CHARLESTON, S. C. J. VJ rLeland Moore Pair HOUSE PAINTS. " (SHINGLE S' ENAMELS. All of the best q u a I i * y guai Kingstree Hardvs H4PTER OF EVENTS IN LAKE Cin.:.T IE PASSING THRONG?SCENES AND ^ INCIDENTS OF EVERYDAY LIFE !j,.v Lakh; City. June 6:?Mrs Ella 0,,t Jones sjM'iit a few iceent days at |al,l lines. p stu Miss Cecil Severance, who has I large of the Western Union office o'S Marion, came down Saturday,w^' ght aiid spent Sunday at home, j ^ni le was accompanied hy Miss Dociu h'tv >nes of Marion. i 1 Mrs L II Atkinson, who had been :'s v i an extended-visit her old lioine in } e ''Tar Heel State,'"'has returned rati nue. isn" Ri% W I'Gause of Coward was 'It's town a few minutes Sunday orning. Editor Wolfe was here Saturday , id did not forget the Hecoud. ' mis Mr B M Clement has gone to' , , , , . the Arlington to take charge of a posi- j C(),. >n which he has secured in that ^ wu. He has not vet moved his A(f Ala mil v. visi Mr E W Yates went to Charleston \ I J i the e.venrsion Wednesday and re- tjm ained until Sunday afternoon. yjj, Mis W E Ham, of North Carolina, wei visiting Mrs L L Caldwell. Sm H G Askins, Es?|.; spent Sunday 1 town with his father. con Smith-Williams Co. is moving to its new building on Acline 1M" en lie. The wholesale department ") being transferred Jirsf. The retail ^ro1 vision will follow as soon as the- 2 irk on the Imilding is completed. J,;ili Last week the doctors decided on 1 e case of Mr Sam P Epps, who s been suffering several yionths 11 ve til an ulcerated condition of ihe *ro1 Jt and ankle, that amputation was Ce" peratively demanded. According- A the leg was taken off a few inches last h? 'the knew. Mr Epps r^Nied \ HON! hool SuperintendMusic Lovers. HAMLIN lNS Highest Possible %. . > At ILAN - 188* \RIS - 1878 WEDEN - 1878 ORWAY - 1878 11LADELPH1A - 1876 ^NTIAGO - 1877 IENNA - 1873 AR1S - 1867 ? 1 ERICAN ORGANS TO AT ANY GREAT EXPOSITIONS. ^ is a Household Word, Not Every Civilized Commun/ell Known as being Unstandard of the World that ibilitv would almost seem :eputati.n which They have ellence has been Unpreusical Instrument whatso>N & HAMLIN organs in a the Church, Sunday School* unallest size portable reed . Correspondence solicited, nd complete description led on application. o company, & HAMLIN Pianos and s. ^ G ST., * WALLACE, MGR. it and Oil Co's. I floor paints. i iains ? varnishes i antecd For sale by 1 ' are Company! El I 11'1'WHBHyOj^dMI II and is now apparently 011 the ,d t<> recovery. he 'urge stables of Messrs Stuckey Flowers op Dansing street have 11 completed and are now occu- i (1 by that progressive firm. The' eral buildings and yards make up i of the largest and most comfort-1 e and conveniently aira?iged hies in this county. 5ome girls from fifteen to eighteen gle, "Whom will I have?" And en twenty-two is passed, the rein becomes, "Oh! Lord, who will e me?" diss Annie Pipkin of St Stephens isiung at Mr J L Stuckey's. dr Frederick Rollins weais a lier unusual smile these days. Iti t an ephemeral or sporadic smile, one of the "Sunny Jiui" or needa Biscuit'' kind. Can you; ss why? To those sending in the ' ee first correct answers a prize' 1 be given, which will be per-1 sion to hunt hazel nuts under I telephone pos* at "Sturgeon's! nel." >lr Willie Bolton and Miss Kittie y Bolton, of Newnan, Ga., are ling Mr and Airs W L Askms. Jrs T E King is spending some e with her mother and family at ten, her old home. Mr King it down Wednesday and returned i day. 5y the way, Mr T E King, when ling down from Aiken Sunday lit, dropped asleep before reachLake City and was carried op } He had a nice star-light walk u Salem back?five miles, dr Julius F Riekenbaker, one of, ;e City's most popular and entering young business men, left lay for Orangeburg to visit relaand at the same time recuperate n debility superinduced by a ret attack of la grippe. ? liss .Maria Croft went to Sumter week to visit friends in that city. W L B. i ^ p^p TUT J. U : i -j THE CL( Special Line of the C NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, C Also a swell line of neck w four-in-hand ties that has time.: Stetson The Shoes made by Stetso pair warranted and une comfort. We have just re the factory. I CLOTHING! Two Piece Suits 1 YOUTHS' SUITS *2f$gCall and see Straw We have the Latest YOU'LL BE S*vj.m.nn.ex TZ We sell the better kind ai NIGHT SHIRTS-Infacta line can be found at j J. B. S lECing-stx* Woia't Ywa .U?^ OUR 'BUSY" DEI Is nqw filled with choice now until the spring sea: strong efforts to clear out something in winter g JUST WRITE I We'll forward samples at HERETOFORE we have stocks by means of CUT i 1 --1-- L weeK, anu um_y uui iiumc benefit. Now IF YOU'LI TER, we'll quote prices fc opens the wav for our ou secure the unusual bargaii sales. : : If you want prices on F Letter for "THE BIG Fl BUELLin CllD-xlest: Get In TI OF COMI) s. n a i fm r.niiRDINS' THREE-S We have just receive MENS % Also the lates STRING Mi We wish to receive your pa are not pleased after purch: fund you your money in exc yoi. ** S. Mai Kingstiee. ctz nonbank deposit s Vr Vr Railroad Faro Paid. 500 1 v FHKE Courses Offered. I Board at Coat. Write Quick i GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE,Macon.Ga. The Record, $ )THIER. fr jH elebrared Lion Brand V OLLARS and CUFFS. | i I' 'ear?the prettiest lot ot been here in a long Shoes. n are Standard - Every :qualed for looks and ceived a shipment from Y,:;W \ $M - -M ^ s CLOTHING! for Summer Wear. Agesl6to ?? ^ our line oig-g^sv Hats. 1 Shapes and Styles. -xNF.EDINCi rnd-er-^resir, t moderate prices, also nything irkthe Clothing -M teele's, ee, g.q. Write % A Letter? . ?_ ' GOODS STORE winter fabrics. From I son opens we'll make I this stock. If there's I a oods you can use? II JS A LETTER M once.= sold out our surplus H -PRICE sales twice a , M customers reaped the ^ L WRITE US A LETir the next sale. This t-of-town customers to ns offered at our special : ' ' ^ m 7urniture,Mark your LJRNITIIRE STORE" ROBERTS, D3TL. S. C_ ^ J! tie Habit NG TO * C U S ' iTORY SKY-SCRAPER d a fresh stock of ATG SUITS. t nf i jiyicj v? rBLINBR Y tronage and then if you ising from us we will reliance for the coods sold $ c reus, s. c. s Cypress Shingles, All sizes for sale at oar mill, For rices per thousand, address or call n Epps and Kennedy, Workman, S C -13-3m. 1.00 a Year.