Jr Y ~ 1 f he tfotmtn ^rcorl PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY A7 KINGSTREE, S. C. C.;w. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS UBSCRIPTION R ATfiS: One copy, one year, ? ? ? $l.o< One copy, six months, ? ? - .5 One copy, three months. ? .i." Subscriptions payable in advance. ADVERTISING KATES: One inch, first insertion, $1.00; cacl subsequent insertion, 50 cents. Obitu< ai ies and Tributes of Respect over lot o ids charged fur as regular advcrtCe meats. Liberal reduction on advertising made for three, six and twelvi moot lis' contracts. Cuminunnications must be accompanied by the real name and address t the writer in order to receive atten on. No coin munieation of a persona' nature, will Ik* published except a> at advertisement. Address all letters and make al drafts payable to C. W. VVoi.fe, Kingstree. S. C. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1905 A Georgian has discover! a blue! rose. Here in South Carolina i black Kose is nothing new. \Y< have black Lilies and an occasiona black Snowdrop.?The State. The black rose referred to Ly our contemporary is probably the "negrose," though we do not quite set why the "rose" should be capital I6CU. Some of the champions and de feuders of the Ogden movement have stressed the fact that tht Southern Conference for Education is composed largely of representative Southern men. One distinguished Southern educator whc is included in the membership, il we mistake not,, is Booker T Washington; yet we saw no mention ol his name in the list attending the . recent "conference'' in Columbia. With all the complaints that have been made about the public roads we believe, from what we have seen of them, that they are now in better condition generally than ever before within our recollection. Theie has been a great deal of rain lately and mud-holes and wash-outs are the natural consequence, but everywhere ^ve have been evidence of im^^/-provement is apparent; and with the limited amount cf money at their disposal Supervisor Graham and the commissioners are deserving of com.J mendation for the good woi k that has been done. It should be borne in mind that Williamsburg is a very ? *? .....1 4^. .1- ..11 flu. large t'UII11IV ?UU iv nvin oil mv roads at the same time is an imj>ossibility. The reeent pilgrimage of tlie 0gden party to this State lias caused consideiahle discussion among our exchanges as to the aim and purpose of the organization. Just what this aggregation of erudite philanthropists has in view has never been clearly explained to the unitiated. Hoping to be enlightened we read .carefully Mr Ogden's address before the so-called "Conference for Education," but that astute gentleman appeared to be occupied in telling what the Ogdeutes were not going to do rather than what they intend doing. Couched in choicest rhetoric and replete with high-sounding phraseology, iiis ad''1 Knf liflln ninro Hum UICM OCCIIICU WWII Jivwv *?v.v ....... a concatenation of "glittering generalities." One Cold ana MM\ The season's first cold may be slight?may yield f.o early treatment, but the r txt cold will hang on longer; it will be more troublesome, too. U n necessary to take chances on that second one. Scott's Emulsion is a nreventive as well as a cure. Take SCOTT'S EPLSlOJi when colds abound and you'll have no cold. Take it when thj cold is contracted and it checks inflammation, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives^he cold out. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-412 Pearl Street, New Terk Jte.aadfl.IIO - - - All druggtota The Eutawville Case. The five white men charged with murdering a negro. Keitt Bookard, taking him < i Mil Hair is Scraggly Do you like it? Then why I be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have ? long, thick hair; soft, even hair; beautiful hair, without a single gray line in it. Have a little pride. Keep young just as long as you can. 441 am flftT-seren yean old, and ontll recently my hair was very gray. But in a few weeks Ayer's Hair Vigor restored the natural color to my hair to now there H not a gray hair to be seen."?J. W. Hanson, Boulder Creek, Cal. A Mads by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. Mass. T JU Also manufacturers of f SARSAPAMLLA. You can generally tell when a girl has been kissed before by the way she pretends she hasn't. ; d&-:; '1L- i" (t Mmnr Lemons as Medicine i Their Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Sidneys 1 and Blood. Lemons are largely used by The . Mozley Lemon Elixir Company, in r compounding their Lemon Elixir, a pleasant Lemon Laxative and Tonic?a substitute for all Cathartic and Liver Pills. Lemon Elixir positively cures all Biliousness, Constipation, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, ? Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, C Fevers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples, all Impurities of the Blood, Fain in the Chest or Back, and allctherdiseases caused by a disordered -liver and kidneys, the first Great Cause of all Fatal Diseases. WOMEN, for all Female Irreg- I ularities, will find Lemon Elixir a pleasant and thoroughly reliable remedy, without the least danger of possible harm to them in any condition peculiar to themselves. 50c and fl.oo per bottle at I ALL DRUG STORES^ 0 "One Dose Convinces." fa ' . i? ? A Bicycle Conundrum. From Puck. "Why's ?i bike like a woman?" The merry idiot cried." "Because it is so hard to learn," The jilted niau replied. T J "Because sometimes it's very fast," 1 The cynic murmured low; i I | "Because" the critic rash declared, | "It's always on the go." , "Because it runs right throngh m the dust" H A husband sadly vowed; ! "Oh, because it's facinating!" The bloomer girl allowed. Then loud laughed the merry idiot, T" "My reason crowns the cup! I Because it very often needs L A right good blowing up" * ?Kate M Cleary " ft ill II IMil 'OR YOUR TRADE. m I I Al . _ _ I uur wnoiesaie More is 9 leaviiy Stocked and These ioods Must Be Moved. Here Are A Few ^.ate Consignments: 75.000 lbs. Of Rice 2511 Barrels Of flour, Sought Since the 3ig Slump in Wheat. 1 Car of Grits. 1 Car of Salt, * 1 Car of Corn, 1 Car of Meat, 5,000 lbs Lard, 25 Barrels Sugar. TODQGCO. 24C10 dUC banned Goods?AH Kinds Too Numerous To Meniion, 3rices Guaraiv ee on Above Goods, Ve Can Save You /loney On Coats' -?Cotton.*~ Headquarters 'or Stock Feed Hay, Bran, Corn-Chops, ind Cracked Corn, ur Prices Are Like A faane t- They Draw Trade KJ * l T Jiii ion Jn tor NMM,^ ^ ??- "WJ^^^^HtWG BC TRAOE MARK.REGISTERED. (Ebis label fouirt ?\\ ?o "LVTllmcMlo They are exactly what is claimed ' Best Wearing". More Service, in i fort derived from a Suit of ''Palm other make at same peice. Your ' we stand behind the dealer. Hear the Palmetto Label in inir yourself or the boys, i All the first class merchants h; If your store-keeper does not, pie; "rect you to the store where vou c; PALMETTO Ml i 28 East Fourth St., K SOUTHERr 1 1,7 || <0 LOT I FOR MEN, I CHILI i ? Ilf you need a Spring Suitboy?we can save you ' send us an order for sarin MEN'S ALL WOOL 2 pie BOYS" SUITS, 3 to 16 yr i " WASH SUITS, 3 to 8 I " PANTS, 3 to 16 ' ALSO FULL LINE 01 SHIRTS, EATS, tJIv (REMEMBER: All jfood: returned at our expense. | Exp'ess charges paid on a #5.1)0 or over. " = (2 CUNNINGHAI DARLINGTON, \ xewBaamamaBmammmammm We are now offering , j the most complete line of Cook Stoves and Ranges j ever shown m this County. Our I prices are abreast with tlie limes. We give you an absolute guaran tee with every JSTuYE or UAXGK. ^ When you need one come and see ns I and we will promise to suit you in ' evt ry respect. I COFFINS, CASKETS, a Kingstree H< ITEMS FROM BENSON. h ! i A Severe^ Hailstorm?A Kick About j Public Roads. n J3kxson, May 15:?Last Satur- i. day evening a heavy cloud came up o from the South and hail fell in con- ] ! sideruble (juantitv, some of the hail-' ^ < * . i 'pi. ia 1 stones uetng us large us jmiuis i nc ^ ihail was followed bv a heavy rain. ; It has Urn quite a while since 1 ( I have had anything to sav through j The County Record in reference ' i to the public roads, and I thi.ik it is time now to remind the road buildera of (he condition the road is in ' from here to Boggy swamp. Theie 1 j are places along this road that ap-j? patently have not been worked for J1 twelve months or longer, perhaps. J : Bog-holes are in the mid lie of the road big enoqgh to make it necessary to turn out at such places. Now, M of course, travelers who are acquain- j ted with these turn-outs can go on without any difficulty, but strangers not knowing where the hog-holes are ! . |' pi ay have a seriou- time before get-; C( ting through them. It is very eel-j tain that this road is in part over- j looked. Besides the holes and de-.-pigj ruts, oqshes are growing tip on; either side, making it quite difficult 1 ;tl to pass when two buggies meet at jo? / I . . ? r ST FITTING, r _. f BEST WEARING * . c ?; ,it nf i*nmi ^nit of C^lolkipie]." for theiu----"Hest Fitting" and ore Satisfaction and more C'oinetto Clothing" than from any dealer guarantees that to you; id when you buy clothing for indie the "Palmetto Clothing." ise write'to us and we will dint buvthem. FG. CO. few York. S HEADQUARTERS: and !<)() Meeting StCharleston, S. C. HING. BOYS AND >REN. whether for your self or money?if you will e. 1 ce Suits as low as $3.50- 9 s-, from Si.50 to S6 00- 9 yrs., '' 50c to $2.50. yrs-, " 25c to 50c= 1 I)5Zg5Aa.ETC^;< s n A satisfactory can be II orders amounting to ) " M & DOVE, s. c. i i w-vii" - VI W1MIP' \gm 1 ii " Full and CompI etc line of GUILDERS' HARDWARE, including 5ASH, DOORS, BLINDS, LIME, | PLASTER and CEMENT -AND rhe Very Best Grade of PAINTS. Jur Prices are as low as you can buy my where, considering quality. We pride ourselves on selling the best tnd BURIAL ROBES. irdware Co. ????????i inch places. The attention of the oad officials is requested here to | lave the road put in good condition. Die bridge at. Jetlar swamp crossing s in bad condition. The abutment f one bridge seems to have caved in. n passing over the wheels drqp jntead of rolling off. We think ppri steemed friend, the county super, i isor, should come this way once in while. Cotton it being thinned to a stand md is growing nieelv, I hear some complaints around iere of hog cholera. It seems that his disease wiil make its appearance nee in live or seven years in almost verv community. \V. S. 0. I AN INTERESTING OCCASION, i kiddy Creek School to Close With an Exhibition by the Pupils. CtiAt'MAN', May 10:?The Muddy 'reek school, one of the most ourishinc public schools in the; mntv, " ill i lose its present session ii Tuesday evening, May 23, with a ublic exhibition by the |pupils, be- 1 inning at 8:30 o'clock. Friends and patrons of the school v cordially invited to attend these iexcises. : t > ? \ .,-... p ^ J. B. I i' -a THE CL Special Line of the NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, Also a swell line of neck four-in-hand ties that h time.: Stetson The Shoes made by Stet pair warranted and u comfort. We have just the factory. SC-i*- 4 clothing! ?* Two Piece Suits youths'sun <$?&|Call and st Straw We have the Lates YOU'LL B S-ammei " We sell the better kind NIGHT SHIRTS-lnfac line can be found at J. B. f Kin-grst I Us OUE 'BUSY" DJ Is now tilled with choi< now until the spring s strong efforts to clear o something- in winter jlJST WRITE We'll forward samples? HERETOFORE we ha' stocks by means of CI week, and only our hom benefit. Now IF YOU TER, we'll quote prices opens the wav for our secure the unusual barg sales. : : 1 If you want prices 01 I Letter for "THE BIG I BUELL (S I descries* Get In T of cor S. HA IN GOURDINS' THREE We have just recei MBN'S SPh Also the lat SIRRING- M We wish to receive your ] are not pleased after pure fund you your money in e: VOl. Ma Kingstiee. a ah bank deposit Vr Vr V Railroad Fare Paid. 500 7 FREE Courses Offered. Board ai Cost. Write QuicJc j?08GIA-ALA8AMA BUSINESS COLLEGE.Macon.Gi The Record, \ I IbeMW .0TH1ER. K I Am i Celebrated Lion Brand COLLARS and CUFFS. ; wear?the prettiest lot of as been here in a long ~ CI ono6St son are Standard - Every inequaled for looks and received a shipment from -? - HZ*CLOTHING! for Summer Wear. \ S, Ages 16 tn 20. je our line of$gg&> r Hats. t Shapes and Styles. E NEEDING UT ndeiwear, at moderate prices, also t anything in the Clothing I Heeled, :iee, S.C. # =' ' a Write Letter? ' * IT GOODS STOBE :e winter fabrics. From eason opens we'll make iut this stock. If there's goods you can use? US A LETTER it nnrn vt sold out our surplus JT-PRICE sales twice a le customers reaped the 'LL WRITE US A LETfor the next sale. This j r t < _ x _ ouT-oi-iown cusicmers 10 ains offered at our special i Furniture,Mark your FURNITURE STORE" ROBERTS,' toia., S- C. . ' i ^ he Habit idING TO RCU S ' STORY gKYrSCRAPER ved a fresh stock of UNG SUITS. :est styles of IUUINBR Ypatronage and then if you :hasing from us we will rexchange for the goods sold ircus, S. C. | i Cypress Shingles, All sizes for sale at our mill. For prices per thousand, address or call on Epps and Kennedy, Workman, S C 4-1-3-3m. $1.00 a Year. a ,ij