The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 11, 1905, Image 8

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? i 12" r [ r I 1 | * v . m * f Second. -<? MONDA A DIF will find 1 this excur; alhost eve and go dov Florence, Arthur M. McC MUTTERS AT KOUZON. I |iie Beath Aogel Claims Two Victims? Social and Personal. Bp;;' Mouzox, May 8.?We arc havg' * in? some very unfavorable weather; it has rained nearly every day for a ^ week and Black river and P'idding swamp are booming. There were two deaths in our community last week. Mrs Jennie a Duke, an aged and estimable lady, was laid to rest at Midway church n on Thursday afternoon. Her husband and several children and grand-children survive her. jr ' On Friday, Mrs Sarah Johnson | was interred at the McElveen buryjr.? ing ground. Mrs Johnson had been an invalid for some time. She forI* merly lived in Kiogstree, but on the jp death of her daughter, Miss llebeccca Johnson, moved to the home of her brother, Mr Elliot idams, near fe* Hebron church. A small crowd enjoyed a very pleasant day's outing at Mouzon's ? ' bridge on Saturday, May (!. We were expecting a large picnic, but ii somehow there was a misunderr' standing about it and consequently ft.. only a few were present. ^ Quite a large crowd of young peo& Die assembled at the resideuce <f Mr D B Young on Saturday night, I"1 where a pleasant evening was spent ? in games, music, etc. Among those ? present were: Mr Beasley (ramble jr and little brother Carl of Turbeville, ^ Clarendon county, i Mr WD McClam, who has been spendiug some time with his parKP ents here, has returned to Darlington, where he is employed as salesp man for B H Rucker. pL Miss Fannie Eppa' school at Beth} el will close Friday May 12. They are going to have a basket picnic r> for the children on Saturday. Miss ??' . Epps is a very competent teacher j and is liked by all the patrons, as well as by the pupils. We hope they p; will be able to secure her another e. term. Alpha. & A DAREDEVIL RIDE ,ften end^n a sad accident. To heal ^ accidental injuries, use Buck ten's Arnica Salve, "A deep wound in my foot, from au accident," write* ?'v. Theodore Scheie, of Columbus, O., 'caused me great pain. Physicians jfr were helpless, but Bucklen's Arnica ji ( Salve quickly healed it.'' Soothes and heals burns like magic. 25c at Dr W \ Brook ington's drug store. - / The First ^nrx-u.a.1 Y, MAY 22. 5 IN THE SLJ x THE PAVILION AN IDEAL SION WILL BE ORDERLY ;RY PUPIL. ALL KINDS! VN WITH THE KNIGHTS. ONLY St Vlll Leave Flor all. Effingham, Raiiroad Ag Cades, W. E. Nesir Lanes, S. E. Nettles We always complain of the tasks we are able to postpone. | Letter to J J B Mont-: gomery. KINGSTREE, S 0. l>earSir: The way to buy paint is to go by the name. There is a name never seen on sham paint or weak paint or short-measure paint: Deroe. There are a hundred different ; names in paint. Some are sham; some weak; some short-measure; and some all three. If there is another such paint, as; Devoe lead-and-zinc, we don't know it. There are a few fairly good paints; a few; only one Devoe. A gallon Devoe is worth a gallon-anda-half of those few. Mr Aaron Higgins. of Plaintield, N J, always used 15jgallous of mixed f paint for his house. Last spring he | bought 15 gallons of Devoe and 4 j gallons left. Yours truly F W Devoe A Co. I)r D C Scott sells our paint. "If I could only he like them!" we all secretly cry away down in our heart, as twe behold the successful. But even the world's successful have their heartaches and unsatislied ambitions, CHEATED DEATH. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by ciioosmg the right medicine, E 11 \\rolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, ? - I l- .ll IJ . cnt'.ueu Ut'illU. lie xnv? >caio ago 1 had kidney trouble, which caused uie great pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took Electric Hitters, which effected a complete cure. 1 have also found them of great betielit it) general debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly on hand, since, as 1 find, they have no equal." Dr W V Brockinton, druggist, guaiantees them at 50c. Hi? Reward. A cyclist touring in southern France was pushing his machine up a steep hill when he overtook a peasant with a donkey cart. The poor beast was doimr his best, but with all its efforts made little progress. The humane cyclist, putting his left hand on the back of the cart, guiding his wheel with the right, pushed so hard that the donkey took fresh courage and pulled up his load bravely to the top. When the summit was reached the peasant gratefully thanked his benefactor. 'Tt was good of you, monsieur," he said. "I should never have managed that climb with only one donkey."- Birmingham Boat. - ? nun fllllw i Hid Be:1 V To Charles rsion. Of" HZirLg: IRF, NO ONE THOE FLOOR AND HUSIC WILL AND ALL DRINKING AND )F AMUSE/TENT AND OCE/ IT WILL BE A BIG DAY F ,50 FOR-ROU ence at 7 A. M. Z?a,ssexig;ers Ta For InfoxKQ.a,tic r^wARns W. H. Gause. vwv. - - , lith. Kingstrbe.W.V. Br , Arthur McCul lough. ??:?:?:?:m@:?:?:?:@, I m MBit f ??:?:@:?:ui?:@:?:?:? (fttetors of Cliarw in WilliatrhUun: County an- Invited to Publish in this ('ojuiiin their } Sehcilule of Apiio?ntineuts Free). Rev. W. J. Wilder, PastorBlooiningvale Baptist Church?\ r 1st Sunday, 11 a. in.; 3rd Sundu f 7:30 p. in. (J Cedar Grove?1st Sunday 3:30 j>. | m.; 3rd Sunday, 11 a.m. ( Black Mingo?2nd Sunday, 11 a. i <j id.; 4th Sunday, 7:30 j>. 111. | fj Bethaiu?2nd Sunday, 4 p. m.;j 4th Sunday, 11 u. in. m Turkev Creek?4th Surdav, 4 p. .. i , .i '? \ Rev. J. W Truluck, Pastor. r Scran to u Baptist Church?1st 1 Sunday, 7 p. in. 2nd Sunday 11 a. j m. 4th Saturday and Sunday 11a. ] m. Evergreen?1st Saturday and Sun- t dav 11 a. in. 3rd Sunday 3 p. in. ] . Cowards?3rd Saturday and Sun- < day 11a. m. 1st Sunday 3 p. in, Plase observe and conn, 1 Your Brother, J. W. Truluck, Pastoi. If rightful suffe"him; b , LiEVED. ( Suffering frightfully from the , virulent poisons of undigested food, iC G Grayson, of Lula, .Miss., took jDr King's New Life Pills, "with the result," he writes, "that I was ; j cured." All stomach and bowel dis-1 iorders give way to their tonic, laxa- , j tive properties. :25c at Hi W V I Brockington's drug store, ?uaran- ' ted. j 1 I i Had Sold Both Ends Qf the Bolt. A Columbus shopper tells this somewhat amusing story, giving the ; incident as an atAal happening. "I was makinMsome purchases,"' she said, "in a ywntown store and j. i was directed mr the floorwalker to j the muslin c<mnter. A young man was in charge^^d I noticed at first that he was sligi^^ altected by liq; uor. After sorting over a number ; of bolts on the shelf he finally threw down what I wanted. He looked at ! the cloth for a minute, meanwhile fumbling for the end. Finally he | said disgustedly: 'Dick must have, sold both ends of this. Yes, Fm sure he did.' And with that he pushed his shears across the piece, and from the eqd thus made he sold V. * ' " ' I I HSU ton and the Isl 'stree a,n.d. 3c: a : EVER GRC 3E WHO DA BE FURNISHED FOR TH DISORDERLY CONDUCT \NS OF FUN PROMISED' ULL OF FUN. IND TRIP A! SCHEDULE! and Returning ,3ren at all Static > ?"> A -nnl T7" to tlae C. D. Joyner. Sckanton, I ockington.C. W. Wolfe, J. F. Sc< Special Rates via Atlantic Coast Line. ! . Charleston, S. (J., Celebration1 oliieth liirthiliiy Deutelnr-Sc-huten Club, May 8th t?? 14th. llatc-: )ne liist-class fare, plu.? 25 cents, or the round trip, from all points ; u its line in the Stnteof South Caro- j ina, 11on! Savannah and Augusta, ia., and ii teriuediate points/Pickets n sale May 8th, 9th and lO'li, with inal limit May 13th 1905. Savannah, Ua , i?'ourtn Annual [\)urnaiiient Southern (lolf Association, May 9th to 13th. Kates: One irsc-clnss fare, plus 25 cents, for the ound trip, from all points on its ine. Tickets on sale May 7th, 8th iiul 9th. with final limit May 25, | 1905. Kansas City, Mo., Southern Hap-j ist Convention, May 17th t.-> 19th.I dates: One first-class fare plus 25 ! jents, for the round trip. Tickets I n -ale May 7th to lltii, inclusive, ! ivith tinal limit May 27th, 1905. | St Louis, Mo., National Kaptist Annivet%try, May 10th to 24th. Rates: One first-class fare, i : - 25 2ents for the round trip. Tickets 3ii sale May 14th, 15th and Kith, with tinal limit May 27th 1905. \ V . South Atlantic Missionary Conference, May 17th to 21st. 1 lutes: One first-class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Tickets on sale May 10th and 17th, for trains to arrive in A?heville l>efore noon of May 18th, with final limit May 24th, 190"?. Ticket? will be sold from points in South Carolina. North Carolina and Virginia. W. J. CRAIG, G. P. A. WILMINGTON, N. C. Some men never make a mistake becanse they never make a mo\e. T ove is the blossom of the tree of life. I * . ! e of Palms. canton X_iOd.gres A FO }WS TIRED < NCE . E OCCASION. DON'T BE. PROHIBITED. THE KINOf TO ALL WHO GO. TAKE t SID CHILDREr r Leave to 0-o"cird.i30.? ^'olloTxrirLg': "v. E. McKnight W. S. Lynch, E. >tt and Phillip Stoll. fl0BMK355flEE3QMEBHZFEBHflHHHHHK il n 10 A1H i 101 Hill!: !TJiat I have succeeded my i father, S. J TAYLOR ami I am open for business ai t!ie old stand. When j! you need any Groceries. Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions, at low prices Call and see my stock, i also carry a full line of? , i DRUGS and also a complete I line of COFFINS and , CASKETS which 1 will take great pleasure in showing' you. I defy competition. Get prices everywhere else ten you will return to me. sg Yours for a trial, I?s. i. lira-; jGREELYVILLE, - S. C.| McCALL I PATTERNS |?_________ I THESE FAMOUS PATTERNS ON t SALE G. OLLIE EPPSj AT 10c and 15c EACH SUBSCRIPTIONS ALSO TAKEN FOR M'CALL'S MAGAZINE AT 50 CENTS A ! YEAR. 'p I |g. ollie epps, KING3TREE, - - S. C. i i i Citation Notice. y.TATK OF S< UTII CAROLINA J , CotXTY OF W1I.LIA.MSM KG ) ]?v S MeB Scott Esquire, Probate) Indue. Whereas. L 1> Evans made suit r<> me, to irrant liini Letters <?f; Admiib>ir:it ion of the K*tate of and effects of Solon Evai s, deceased The>eare therefore to eitel an<l ad-! tuonish all and -ingulae the kindred . and creditors of tt e -aid Solon Kvans, ; deceased, that they be-i n<l appear be fore me, in tie* Court of P ronate. to he held at Kinoi- ice S < on the l!'th day ?f May next afler pubjieation thereof, at !t o'eloek in the foreroon. to show Cciu-e. if any il:> have why the said AdminNtrali >:? lioiild not be granted. (iherninder on Hand, this 3rd dav . Of .May, A I>. !!..' } ' i S Mel! SCCTT, !'r-bate Judge. ; ' Published on the 4ti. day of May 1 !? *? iti the Count v Ren nl. -t 1't I ?? , . ' ; * IB / I ? 9 Swlmn.ig'lits Of R WHITES OF THIS SPC X AFRAID TO TA KE YOUR >TREE GRADED SCHOOL 1 \ DAY OFF FROHYOUR M $1.00. ton at II P. Si. B. Cannon. Lake City, P. D. Salters, Foreclosure Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ( COUNTY OF WILLI AM8BUBG. \ Wm E .Jenkinson ?" . G Benjamin Mims j By virtue of a decree of foreclosure ind sale made in the above entitled action on the 6th day of June, 1906, :he subscriber, the sheriff of Williamsburg county, for that purpose J July authorized and directed, will sell t before the Court house door in Kings- * tree, county and State first above written, on the first Monday in June, 1906, at 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, I t he following described real estate: All that tract of land, lying, being j and situated in Williamsburg county,; State aforesaid, containing one hun- ; dred and forty-three (148) acres, more ur less, and bounded as follows: on 1 r the West, North and East by lands of j1 Walter Boyle, and on the South by | ? lands of S J Taylor and Daniel Oliver. * Being the same tract of land conveyed to B W Cutter by Charles M Drake by his deed, dated April 9,1897, which deed is recorded in the KMC office of Williamsburg county,, in " book V, on page 698. reference being ? thereunto had. ^ Purchasers to pay for all papers, G J Graham, ' s w c ' 6-11-81. ' , '1 Notice. Until further notice my office j davs will be every Saturday, ex-! / ?r cept the Saturday before the j first Monday in each month, i and also the first Monday in1 ^ach month. ;1 William ( ooper, i 4-6-tf. Co Supt of Education. j i Pythian E + + FE( DILLON TO CI ; > MAY 31, Operated by Lake City Lodg-< of Fund for Castle Hall. Fare For Round Tr $1.50. Half 1 Train will leave Dillon at 6 A Charleston at 10 P. M. FOE WHIT Passengers Taken Or tween Dillon and Lai Seven Coaches and Best Excursio son. Rememl : MAY i 1 F3rtla.ias * ONLY- I )RT X XX I CHILDREN. WILLSEND BUSINESS ta ' - -- ' rjw Cockfield, H. P. Baldwin. J. C. Everett, W. S.Shaw. Stackley's I 1 ce Cream Parlor. 9 Thanking the public for their >ast liberal patronage, I take . '^|j >leasnre in announcing that I. tm once, again ready to serve ce Cream and all Kinds of Cold Drinks During the Season. I have fitted up a nice place j or the Ladies or for a Gentle- | nan to Spend a Pleasant Hour vith a Lady Friend. : I Keep Fresh On Hand HUYLER'S CAN DIES. ALSO? TOBACCO, CIGARS and CIGARETTES '.<$ ?J? For Those Who Use Them. ?* ? " Respectfully Yours, L. J. Stackley.. S| After a majority of those you ove drift beyond the grave, the dea of sleeping with tbem does lot seem so much of a calamity. irl Excursion DM + + 1ARLESTON. , 1905. * 1^ X3 ?r\t- 4-Vio Rianofit ? i\i \j 1 jl xu1 tliv j^vuvuk t ip, Whole Tickets 5 rickets $1.00. a. l. M. and returning Leave ES ONLY , i At All Stations Bones. Refreshment Car. n of the Sealer the Date I 31. / . -r.