SUffMy^ERWOfrtY ^^^^HH^HEODORL CUTLER, "The Soul's H^H^^Koklyn. N. Y.?The Rev. Dr. TheoL. Cuyler occupied his old pulpit HHPI^^n Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Lafayette avenue and South ^Oxford street, Sunday morning. A very large congregation was present. j*i* Dr. Cuyler, who is now in his eightyjs, fourth year, preacl-ed with his oldtime vigor on "The Anchors of the Soul." He took as his text Acts xxvii: 29: "They cast four anchors out of the stern and wished for the day," and said: v-. The account of Paul's voyage to Rome is one of those graphic passages Xof the New Testament which never loses its interest. It not merely throws a strong light upon ancient navigation, but is strong confirmation of the truthfnlnooo a# IKa into nf fhn 1 nAutlac fnr modern nautical services have established every word of the narrative. The chief interest to us to-day is its rich, practical, spiritual instruction. The story of the storm and the shipwreck you have all been familiar with ' from childhood. For fourteen days the ship had been in the clutch of a terrific "blizxard," as we would call it. but which is described in the narrative as a "eurocyldon." No sun or moon or stars appeared during that terrible fortnight. For safety much of the cargo was heaved overboard and they were obliged to bind around the as a hopeless man." and he laid ho of Christ and made his decision for t Master, and the next time he met t superintendent he shid. "Thank G for j our plain, loving talk with me, f I have a hope now like an anchor." cite the case of that philanthropi who came to New York as a huml carpenter, and who wrought such work that over 100 souls were cc verted under him. Brother believe let the storms of earth howl as loud as they wilt, if we have committ everything to Jesus all should he wc for so it came to pass that when t daylight broke the tempest-tossed mi iners on the shores of Melita cot safe to land. So it will be with us. through t night's darkness, through perilous vr ages we shall each have our souls fr anchored to the universalizing Snvioi whom alone we can trust for salvntit My last, loving couusel to every o of you before me. whom I am rejoie to address once more from this dc old pulpit. Is. make fast your anchc to the Lord Jesus Christ if at last j* would find peace in the desired have The Kenion. Christ cr.rae into the world, Dot tell us what is right, but to give our right doing the right flavor.?Ih Frank Crane. I Sharps and Flats. Some people never feel pious ui 1 they get pinched. The active saint is never satisf | with the nimble nickel. Men will never think alike as lc i as they think at all. Better the pushing pessimist than 1 ' dreaming optimist. i i The man without reverence shoi not be trusted with power. \ \ is-jL.s 1 ^ "Write* to Thauk Dote'* ' jfc Mrs. C.lfc. Bumgardner, a loca^fecer\ ?ir of the Rebeccas, of ?^ of Topeka, Kans., Room vn 10. 812 Kansas ave- e* ,s^ Doan's Kidney Pills during the past year J" Up for kidney trouble and rffBtoj} en kindred, ailments. I t&tojSB to was suffering from if pains in the back and ^^K^kMbKb ay headaches, but found Wffi MSbIr 'u* after the use of one ill BLt ??tra dorse your !is (Signed) MRS. C. E. BUMGARDXER. I* A TRIAL FREE ?Address Fosterng Milburn Co.. Buffalo, X. Y. For sale ,w by all dealers. Price 50 cents, of ,?! BALD MEN'S HAIR CUTS. se 'ly Less Hair a Man Has, the Oftener be D0eg He Have It Trimmed. The secretive, taciturn barber was to finally induced to talk. He remarked: it- "I've noticed one peculiarity about my no customers that I could never quite ex>le plain. The less hair a man has the more attention he pays to it. til "There's a real estate agent who |j comes in here nearly every week for a t(j hair cut, and if I shave him clean 0(1 from the back of his collar to his foreIf heal you'd never know that I'd up touched him. ok He s got a short, light-colored fringe ep that plays around the rim of his hat, 1,1 like the soft, fluffy fringe you see on l!' those shawls the women wear over IW their shoulders, but you'd think to er hear him, that he could braid it and at. do it up in coils. Wants me to be paith ticular and trim it close on the neck ng and around the ears, ss "I humor him, of course. I take a j !>' handful of somebody else's hair and ^ sprinkle it on the cloth I put on him, ^ and then I snip the air gently for 10 ( n" or 15 minutes and make a great ado j' when I whisk him off. he Nine out of every ten of the baldpy heads are that way, but men who've . m. got plenty of hair will keep away . of from here until they look like the edees of an old-fashioned hayloft It's curious, and. as I said, I never could J1' account for it."?Providence Journal. t Oi J ed Literal but Deceptive Truth. < ?y They had finished the parish tea ^ be and the curate stood up to say a few < * words to the recipients before they ^ j.? dispersed. He spoke in eloquent term3 (0 of the impecuniosity of curates in gen- , eral and then went on to say in ap- ' in parently touching tones: "Why, even to as I stand before you now I have only 1 ?r- half a shirt to my back." A few days >e- later the reverend gentleman received 'a* a parcel containing half a dozen new shirts, accompanied by a card bearing 1 ? the name of one of his fair parlshion- J J([ ers. At the earliest dpportunity he j nt called upon the lady and thanked her < on for her gift and then proceeded to ask ] lis what had prompted the kind action. ( st "Why,"' she replied, "you told us the 1 ry other night that you only had half a I or shirt to your back." "True," answer- 1 a' ed he, "but the other half was in ] , front." ill 3n ' g Captured Baby Lyrfe. at W. W. Bridges of Athens, while re hunting recently, came upon a pefe collar track of some animal, which he >d followed. He captured the animal, u- which is pronounced by people who >r- profess to know to be a baby lynx, a a" very fine specimen, weighing 22*4 pounds and measuring four feet from tip to tip. id tie Pigeon Chums with Cat. 5U The story comes from Newcastle, England, that a pigeon became a great friend of a cat. and since the cat has . had a kitten has transferred its affeca\ lions to the ftitten and spends nott tjo of its time sitting on it and playing 3J- with It. ie 5"- Strict but fruitless search was made Hi in the vaults under the Italian Chamof ber of Deputies recently, the Speaker 10 having received an anonymous letter ne stating that the House would be blown up during a certain sitting, nl, '<* T*E SIMPLE LIFE \ Ways That Are Plenaant auil Paths That n_ Are Peace. It is the simple life that gives length ^ of days, serenity of mind and body and lie tranquility of soul. he Simple hopes and ambitious, bounded od by the desire to do good to one's neigbor bors. simple pleasures, habits, food and I drink. is* Men die long before their time be'1? tniisp tbev crowd too much into a their experiences?tliey climb too high and fall too hard. A wise woman IS Ijy writes of. the good that a simple diet has done her: i >11. "I have been using Grape-Nuts for | he about six months. I began ratiier tr- sparingly, until I acquired such a iikne ing for it that for the last three months I have depended upon it almost entirely for my diet, eating nothing else whatever but Grape-Nuts for breaker fast and supper, and I believe I could >n. eat it for dinner with fruit and be satne istied without other food, and feel ed much belter and have more strength to ar do my housework. >rs "When 1 began the use of Grape- j ou Nuts I was thin and weak, my museles j were so soft that 1 was not able to do I any work. 1 weighed only 10S pounds. : to Xotbiner that I ate did me any cood. I to I was going down hill rapidly, was tier- ! Jv. vous and miserable, with 110 ambition for anything. My< condition improved ( rapidly after 1 began to eat Grape- ( ? Nuts food. It made me feel like a new ! woman; my muscles got solid, my J itll **gure rounded out, my weight in- | creased to 1LT5 pounds in a few weeks. J my nerves grew steady and my mind ied better and clearer. My friends teli me they haven't seen uie look so well for years. >ng * "I consider Grape-Nuts the best food on the market, and shall never go back to meats and white bread again." i Name giveu by Posluw Co., Baltic aid Creek. Mich. There's a teason. Look in each pkg. for the little book, j "The Koad to Wellville." | IJ11 * m 11 Superstition Connected With Jeweled Toy of England's King. Wlien as a girl Amelie de France, kow Queen of Portugal, first visited Windsor Castle, the mystic jeweled 3ird which was taken from the throne 3f Tippoo Saliib and presented by the East India Pnmnnnv tn fJcnree III.. was the object of her profoundest admiration. In fact, it fascinated her romantic soul, and Queen Victoria, who lad a strong strain of romance in her nature, quite understood her young guest's feeling, so she ordered the bird to be taken to the princess' apartment, in order that a sketch might be made of the treasure. The first thing the Queen of Portugal asked tor the night she entered the banjueting hall on the King's arm and 3aw the blaze of the celebrated gold plate upon the buffet, was this Jeweled bird! His majesty immediately or3ered that it should be placed upon the table in front of the Queen, that she might gaze upon it at her leisure. There are many legends woven about that bird. A London journal says the Hindoos call it "Uma," and they say that whoever owns Uma must reign over India. It is supposed to have the gift of locomotion, and it alights upon the head of whosoever it endows with royal power. It is about twelve inches long, and is shaped like a pigeon with an exaggerated tail. Rubies, brilliants, emeralds and pearls are sewn about tue quivering feathers of filagree gold work: it holds a priceless ruby in its beak, and an emerald of great size 'and luster hangs from its breast. The bird shares with the Kohinoor the superstitious lAgard of th# Hindoos. While the Uma^olds its wings in the castle on the "nkmes, and while the Kohinoor blazes il the English crown, there is nothing else to do but be as good subjects of King Edward as may be. It is the will of the gods. "Burned" by Cold. Intense cold, as is well known, burns ?if we may use the term?like heat ff a "drop" of air at a temperature of 180 degrees below zero were placed up)n the hand it would have the same jffect as would the same quantity of nolten steel -or lead. Every one who las the care of horses ought to know he pain inflicted by placing a frosted >it in a horse's mouth. It burns like lot iron. The VTorld'i Poatnl Kraployes." Germany has 242.000 postal employes, he United States 23.0,000 and Great Britain 184,000. None of the other States In the postal union possesses .00,000 postal employes. France has 11,000; Austria. 59,000; Eussia, 57,902, ind Japan, 57.9G5. DISFIGURED BY ECZEMA SFonderful Change In a Night?In a Month Face Waa Clear a* Kver?Another Care by Cutlcura. "I had eczema on the face ?r five nonths, during which time I was in the -are of physicians. My face was so disigured I could not g<^out, and it was going xom bad to worse. A friend recommended Duticura. The first nijht after 1 washed ny face with Cuticura Soap, and used Cuticura Ointment and Resolvent it changed prondcrfully. From that day I was able to 50 out, and in a month the treatment had removed all scales and scabs, and my face ras as clear as ever. (Signed) T. J. Soth, U7 Stagg Street, Brooklyn, N. Y." ijj how easily voa can earn v; jffi Baking Powder can labels. Ml inside. It tells all about tl SB every one of the 56 high-c Ml gad cents to you?save thei I GOC G has revolutionized baking j Healthful, wholesome baki H| MMOO W MiUOU MTKtU. Ml kilt ? luCMUit MO(??MKat?Wt?r| tNn^j*2^122SSlSMSS2k^^ B TkU U ikt etiMi rmrj m 1 Let Common Do you honestly believe, that c "" *7 1 fj" This has made LION COFFEE ' ; Millions of American Home S There is no stronger proof of i R ing popularity. "Quality surv; , (Sold in 1 lb. packages. K (Save your Lion-head | SOLD BY GROCE i ? rt-nu"i|H uunyi 7 he Population of f the Earth is Iffe 1,400,000,000, \ffi( One Million f n< V V. V Die IAnnually of ^ Catarrh. f ' ' j ALL over the world Perunn is known and used for catarrhal , diseases. The Peruna Girl has ja traveled 'round the globe. M Her face is familiar everywhere that fr?. Wlnslow's ^oothlugSyrun for chl' '?n teething, soften the gums, reduces inflammai tlon.allays pain.cures wind colicJ15c.abottle. Count It Up ou'll be surprised how cheaply, how quickl iluable premiums by saving the freight < Get a can to-day and look over the little tie most noerai premium system m uk n? lass, valuable articles we offer. Good Luc n I See the cut below. >D LUC* It is the baking powder of positive pi ing of snowy white, of feathery lightness, < follows its use. On account of its si ! | ideal for quick baking. It costs you ) * it goes farther in quantity than an M Good Luck is shown in the fact t (hK been sold during the present year. , Luck. If your grocer hasn't it, s see that you are supplied at once. THE SOUTHERN MFG. ? Sense Decide 1 offee sold loose (in bulk), exposed 5 i dust, germs and insects, passing E trough many hands (some of I tem not over-clean), ' blended," I 3U don't know bow or by whom, B i fit for your use ? Of course you on't. But LION COFFEE I s another story. The green I erries, selected by keen 1 ndges at the plantation, are I klllluily roasiea si our nc* m Dries, where precautions yon I vould not dream of are taken | o secure perfect cleanliness, E lavor, strength and uniformity. B From the time the coffee leaves g! he factory no hand touches it till & ! is opened^ your k itchen. ? the LEADER obaLL PACKAGE COFFEES. ^ 3 welcome liOX COFFEE daily, f nerit than continued and increas- T ives all opposit?n.'' ^ Lion-headoj^Bry package.) jp 9 for valuay^remiuius.) Pj :rs everywhere | WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. K y T-f/ I An Extensive Laboratory. To supply this remedy to the whole yo taxes to the utmost one of the best laoo tories in the United States. A Word From Australia, Walter H. Woodward. Bomadier Ro; Australian Artillery, llobart, Tasman writes: ) "I suffered lor several years wicn a c tressing condition of the head and thro caused by continual colds. "My head and nostrils were stopped most of the time and there was a c charge, and my sense of smell was affect badly. "After two weeks' use of Peruna I fou this condition rld?describes and pictures 99 k coupons are worth dollars Jfl Baking' I Powder 9 arity, of absolute certainty. jf delicious flavor invariably ^9 iperior leavening power it is |B i but io cents a pound?and y other. The excellence of 91 hat 16,145,114 pounds have Insist upon getting Good flB end us his name ana we'll |B 9 0., Richmond, Va, Thompson's Eye Wal DYSPEPSI/ "Harlot tahen roar wonderful "Cuctrtli" three month, alid heme entirely cured of itomi eaiarrli and dyfcpepeia. I think a word of praix due to"Caarareta for their wonderf jl compoaitt 1 hare taken aumerout other (o-ralled remed bat without avail and I Unit that Caacarcta relii tore la a day than all the othera 1 have ul would in a your." Jaiac? W' oa, 108 Kercer St., Jersey City, N. f The Bowels pwoi CANDY CATHARTIC ^ I Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Go Navor Sicken, Wn?Wen or Gripe. 10c, Sc. Wc. Ne eold In bulk. The Pennine tablet itaroped C( Gnareatecu to care or your mouey hack. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. ! MHUALS4LE. TEN KIUJON BOX! i SS5 Fro r|j Prince Jonah Kalanianaole, delegate a ra. Congress from Hawaii, writes from Wasb* ington, D. C., as follows: ?, . .-.t "I can cheerfully recommendyonr Peruna m a very effective remedy for cough*, cold* . and catarrhal troubles." z> Jr val I ia> A Cuban mnl*ter. Senor Quesada, Cuban Minister to tho <*1 lis- United States, writes from Washington, at, ?D. C., as follows: j "Peruna I can recommend as a eery v Up good medicine. It is an excellent strfhgttP lis. ening tonic, and is also aa efficacioos cure \ ed the almost universal complaint of ear , ? .?i. >< u l-u. I | tax i u. ?uuiuaiv j nd From All Quarters of the drtft, ' f \ ?n- We have on tile thousands-of testimonials . ^ tor like thoee given above. We can gtvi oar render* only a slight glimpse of tan-1 vase nd number of grateful letters Dr. Hartmna in ine constantly receiving from afl quarters of ive the globe iu behalf of his famous catarrh remedy, Peruna. I ? :he Around tl>e World ^ i?m * ~ ^jsurss I (jttMX m WUMBSd . I IKHESTAWl&IWHiySFI^mi ^ re- The world-wide reeete- _ thm of Tower** Water- ifttflfa - - wSM I greet Oiled CMUsc * Up* of finger. Instantly d leap peart rt" card. Immediately produced again from any pi4c* CC performer deJlre*. Full lostrucUonaaeat by mall fo* L,J (1. Addie&a. J.II.Ya nderhav ea,Tavarei.Fia*. ^ST IMPORTERS IH AMERICA OF THE ft at German M oach=St4lIions II Horse to Cross on Small Southern Marcs. 9 9 EKY COLT A HIGH-CLASS OXE. 1 ig horse for the South Our last Importation of ' - M i arrived Feb. 3oth. Alf%tallion* guaranteed; lib- I. 9 jade. Catalogue on anpiiuation If your country |*%99 louwrlt^s^^ROUCH^^ONjNash^ne^ennj^ ^9