^^^ TOI KNO? ANYTHING? I par) Investigating Com nitte Invites Your Confidences. persons in this or any ?the (P^^tate are requested to send any it formation in their possession ret a injr to the affairs of the Smith fare It'l l Suite Dispensary, which 1- th cause of ipiy complaint. Tli?y ai ; Iso r?<|'iesteil to state fully an facts t hat they have as t> irregular tie., mismanagement or corruptio theivin, ?>r oi any one connect* \ therewith, with suggestions as io ho v the truth of the name may be proj erly ascertained. No communication will be cot sidered unless signed by the parti* sending it, but the name of tl number will not be given to th>> put lie if such be desired. Communications must be sent I either of the undersigned. J T Hay, Camden. ' v Cole L Blease, Newberry. Niele Christensen, Jr., Beau fort. A L Gaston, Chester. TBFraser, Sumter. D A Spivev, Conway. J Fraser Lyon, Abbeville. (All newspapers will please copy MARRIED IN SPARTANBURG. Miss L Rosa Hirsbman Becomes lb Bride of Col Robt J Gantt. > Spartanburg, March 18.?Spec ia): At the home of Dr H Baer o Fairview avenue, Thursday aftei noon Mr Robt J Gantt was u.airie to Dr L Rosa Hirshmau, rhe cerc raony being per/oruied by Mr II ] Ravenel. The ceremony was beautifully in pressive. The home was decorate in ferns, carnations and hyacinth and particularly pretty was the din ing room in a green and white coloi effect. A tempting repast wa served during the afternoon. Afte receiving the hearty good wishes o their friends present Mr and Mr Gantt left for Atlanta and Ne?v Or I leans. ^The bride is a native of Cherles toti, who came to Spartanburg t practice medicine several years age Recently she was chosen house phv ician at the State Normal and In dustrial School. She is a younj woinau of charming manner and ha won many friends in her alopte home. Mr Gautt is a successful attorne aud junior member of the firm c Ravenel-& Gantt. He is a broth* of Secretary of State Gantt and col .melon the Governor's staff.?Th News & Courier, March 19. Mrs Gautt is pleasantly remeni bered in Kingstree, having visite friends here on several occasions. l califIrnH ' California entertains every yes a host of visitors. By reason of this she has gained a great reputation fc hospitality. California wants yo to visit her this spring. The Roc Islaud System would like to hav you try its up-to-date service froi Chicago or St Louis to the Golde State. As a special inducemeu greatly reduced rates are offers daily, Maich 1 to May 15. As your home agent or write to Joh Sebastian, Pasienger Traffic Man* ger, Rock Island System, Chicag< ^ TiiAGEDY^A VERTED. "Ju-t in the nick of time our lit tie boy was saved," writes Mrs V Watkins of Pleasant City, Ohi< "Pneumonia had played sad havo with him and a terrible cough se in besides. Doctors treated hit hut he grew worse every day. A ength we tried Dr King's Nei Discovery for Consumption, am our darling was saved. He's no\ sound and well." Everybody ougli to know, it's the only sure cure fo Coughs Colds and all Long Dis eases. Guaranteed by Dr W 1 Brock in ton, Druggist. Price 50 and $.00. Trial bottles free. Not HOW MUCH guano, bu HOW the K. P. Distributo Scatters it. 2-9-6t. > -4?^? CABBAGE PLANTS. From the best tested seeds. Now ready for shipment, larg< strong, healthy. These plants ai grown iu the open air and will stan severe freeze without injury. Earl Jersey Wakeheld, Large type o Charleston Wakefield, which are th best known varieties of early cal bages, also Henderson's Suceessioi the best large, late and sure bieade Augusta Early Trucker, also a fir type of late vaiiety. Neatly packe in light baskets. $1.50 per for fh thousand or over $1.25 per M F O.I Express Office. Special pi ices mac on large lots. Chas. M. Gibso.n, in. 3mo. Young's Island, S C. The K. P. Giiai 10 No Cogs and Chains - t\*v ' . liimmjebm jf a ^PWC.|W f' jji ii ? *^TBi^iME||5^^BPi% p|||^HV J9 1 ? J. C. Covington, H The "K. P." Gus Above ix>ooooOi ^?*R' He is also leader in Fancy Groceri ?:? Slioes, etc., and a nice line o I sell Wagons, Dyring Mowers, ar e of Repairs on hand any time. Gr of my low prices, YOU n M. D. DeLORME, ' ? F0( ,. FOR THE ^ Fancy and Staple Gro- YOU 18 ceries always Fresh. 1- FO Our Line of Canned s Goods are Unsur- A passed. f CAJ s Fresh Fruits of the Season Always On Hand. BUSINi 0 S. L. Courtney&Co i 'THE YELLOW STORE" Claude?If I kiss you will youj 5 call your father? j _ s Maude ?It won't be at all il necessary for you to kiss the whole family. y f WORKING OVERTIME. j kr \ Eight hour laws are ignored by n a th<>se tirele-s, little workers? Dr e< e King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day n 1- curing Indigestion, Biliousness q Constipation Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant,safe and sure. ^ i Unlv -'oc, ai ur u \ nrcKinion s " ir Drug Store, ,r Myrtle?I thought Fred was k :i :mv < | ii : 111 it v. H?s' farmers in'Siulh m A warded diplomas Kv iimeaid Ex erv where Kxh k i-d. Ymiy dialer wi'l ivf 1 nmiM'v if iu?t Satistied. ^ For Testimonials writ Clio, g S. ' ino Distribute Cut, D. DeLorme, BELYVILLE S. C. FOR $8.50. ies, Dry Goods, Hats and C f Hardware and Tinware. id Rakes and have a full re me a call and be convir [RS TO PLEASE, Greelyville, S. )D FAMILY. R S We Call Special tention to Our Line R FINE CANDII TOBACCO, and CIGARS > H Scotch White Oats and moor & Co's. Gold I ESS, Hams a Specialty. Kingstree,S,< II A 1X1 CTDCI inmn Jinu SAVE MONEY. Sy Taking Advantage Our Cheap Clubbing Rates. By clubbing with The Cou] 'ecord you can get the follow ewspapers and magazines at ret [1 prices. To take advantag hese cheap rates both publicati rust be paid for one year in ance: The County Record aud .Vice-a-Week News and Cou ne year each $1.50. * * * The County Record, the At a Constitution and the Su outh, one year each, $1.75. * * The County Record and lome and Farm, one year e il.EO. * * * The County Record and Sew York World, (three tin vtek) one year each, $1,65. * # * The County Record and Commoner, (W, J. Bryan's pa me year each, $1 65. * * Tae County Record and ifouthVComi anion (new Hibscr inly) one year each 92.45, * The County Recoup and \merican Farmer, one year * (1.15. * * The County Record and National Magazine, one yeai t ;1.60. (Wood's Seed rui?A r a kIh Raa una cany raa are usually one of the must sat factory and profitable crops grow, both for home market a shipping. Wood's Lightning Excelsio uul Wood's Pedigree Extra Earl are the earliest and most prodi tive kinds in cultivation, and f in great favor with truck< wherever they are1 planted. Spec prices quoted in quantity. Write for prices and Woot Quarter Century Seed Boo telling all about the best Qard and Farm Seeds. Mailed free. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seodsno RICHMOND, VimiMIA. WOOD S SEEDS Awarded GRAND PRIZE - ST. LOUIS, 1104 60LD MEDAL PARIS, 1900. > llll Ill I IH,..? ' There Isn't ik. ?nnd rw^i w a ; lhe Least lu;?-1 il !!? ? Risk c it iiikI Buying here. Everything- we sell is guaranteed to be fully worth the purchase price. In case of ANY DISSATISFACTION we will thank you to re* >r. x port it to us for adjustment. The newest of spring suits for Men and Boys are now ready, and plenty of Stylish Hats and i j Furnishings to wear witl them. a Our prices mean ecoiromy. _ . i ' Come, or send us your order by line lced' mail, ~ Bentschner & Visanska, Cor. King and Hasell Sis. At; [ ciuiusiii - - s. t jt ?. The Hece Loo Beam SAW MILL WITH . Qf Heaoock-Kinq feed works Kvqdoh and Boilsbs. Woodwobxwb Machinist. Cotton Ginning, Bsuax1cakin0 and 8hinolb and lu.tr Machinist. Conn Mill*, Era. Etc. Ml , | OIBBU flAbOinam 'inC I Colombia, S* C. * lue- I tni Qibbis Shingle Machine e of ussmmmmmmmmBSmrn??? ions ad BUY THE -NKilE SEWING MACHINE '^an*| Do not be deceived by those who admny vertise a $<>0.w) lowing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. we make a variety. the new home is the best. ', The Feed dot' rniines the strength or weakness of bv? i;c; Machines. The Itonble Fwd combined with other *ue strong ]K>ints makes the New Homf) the best Sewing Machine to buy, ies H, WritoforCIRCULARS I ^0 pianutactqrequ,! piic* lH.fu? opai-chawlng the! the hewiwnraiTwoiw to. tper) WeO 98 Union Sq. S. V., l'|ijiw;u, III., Atlanta, Oa? PLbf4i?rMo.. t FOR SALE by wladowwrlfb lw Hi rnnton.N, I hers f!"*t-slt,"'yf?^--i^wwwfwlwrgsb Come to The County Record to have your job work done tllp with despatch, neatness and HC*1> cheapness. ^ the! Notice of Partnership. tach The undersigned, under the tinu ' name ot Lee & Askins. have formed a partnership beginning March 1st. 1905, for the practice of law in all tht Courts of Sonth Carolina with theii oflfce at Kingstree, S. C LeKoy Lee, fj ' . H G Askins. 18. | February 20th, 191^ 0 Sal? 0 CaTsTsage Flants . We have been in the truck business to since 1871 and are again prepared tc ^ Hi! any and all orders for Early and Ba Late varieties of CABBAGE PLANTS. I hey are best known J to experienced Truckers, are grown in open air near salt water and will stand y SEVERE COLD without inIf jury jq. Price $1.50 per 1000 F. O. B. here, ue We make special prices on arger lots en and solicit correspondence. in] All plants packed in light baskets and | shipped C. O. D. when money d??es |?g/ not accompany orders. We guarantee fljf satisfaction. Addrrss all orders to n\ D. H. TOWLES & SON, MEGGET8, S. C. n 0R ' TOWLES d. ARNETT, ?5?12t. GREEN POND. S. C. When ready to select a good newsy paper for the year of 1905, remember THE COUNTY RECORD. \ i i AGENTS WANTED FOR? High Grade Toile! Soap. Seven cakes to box, worth $1.00, sel 1 for 40c and AGENTS DOUBLE THEIR MONEY. A money coiner Don't fail to/write for full particulars at once. ?:? ?:? JHorsh Milling Company. :>:ts h. l.'ikr si. Chicago. 1.?10?<;iu *2in ft The I:?n/f the United States. I will refund purchase price to OUR COTTON SEED. Lint of our Long staple vt Charleston on Dec. 2. at 32c. per pound. SeedI $L. *.. v?r?mrkt fiHirkinpnt. True V arieties plant business for thirty-live years. WmCGERATY, Whiskey I Morphine I Cl| habit, | habit, I J Cured by KEELEY I 20 Lady St.(or P O.Box 7.i)CoiurubK.S.C. Women never believe a bachlor when he says he isn't lonesome, and the married men never believe him when he says he is. Bring us your JOB WORK- j 1 10 HI?\ ynnf I OAST LINK J $2.00 to Havana, Cuba and + M ., $41.40, includes meals and.. . jjfl sts will be sold March 29th, rt Tampa, Fla., the night $ P. & 0. S. S. Go's, steamer will be good returning on ;J until April 13th inclusive, nation April 16th. < . >4 over will be allowed at any south of Jacksonville, with* . ? pportunity to visit '"Kie sonable cost, which will atf. J , ivestigate the business situ- ^ o make yonr reservations f* pamphlets or any other in- i ?t ticket agent, or write, / F ~l. Craif. | a-.i8. 'ON, N. C. ^ 't ^V^V^V#VlVlV'lV!lV'!V,V{t4V HE CUSTOMERS WE HAYB V'V E IN WILLIAMSBURG, AND & < NUMBER IS CONSTANTLY WAVING: # J1 just as much and pofwiUy; ' " Gained elsewhere for the ? ,4 Vve prompt personal atten- -\ \re received. ly to please when the selee* ices are the same to all. * in purchasing Jewelry or : y s the hall-mark of quality ' > JR. ^ BRO* I iliEET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. " Consolidated Railway, F aPOETne aooi# nnte stuw. | SIntioh h if . GOODS. , fi its, Englishjgmjm jan THE MANY FKJCTrY AWW1 lVE THAT ARE ftUlTAjpiS ARDWAHR 00. TY, 8. C N -.flop 4 '^7"or?3r I i )f Cotton. Wc wiH- f 2 portion to the prices ? j M y i goods or refund | S i satisfied with what I 2 .aCTg . ^ I:lud Ccittu ery. 'Early Jersey Wakefield' and ' 'CWMtt viieties and head In rotation aa nawsd Klat Dutch." the 3 best flat-Mead rrflatte MT 1, $l.SO; 0000 and over |L 06 per 1000? MJML ; or, plants sent C. O. D. purchaser pawif MHr m South Carolina Sea Coast, and we uomnM? will s and severe cold wfthdot injury. jHK ; have special low rates lor prompt tauiMraW ou can buy cheaper than mtne. I sell toodPiaMi l. I guarantee those that I ship to be ft tog wlfci iased from two of the most reliable sMfifcoqem 1? any dissatisfied cusffmer at end of sewna. triety of 8EA ISLAND COTTON eotd WSHaiJa 15 per bu.; lots of IObu. and ortr, 91 ptSMfMMr ^ and Satisfied Customei*. I have becn ln tflw # v rofflce. Young's Island, S. CL y *** prette | ill Dr.gydTsi** IUUII, | mmmntw NStlTUTE of S. CT Confidential corrrespondenee MtKoTT&ao ^OOwliO?**? 2 >MMt Om^Zffkml jfl