The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 09, 1905, Image 5

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I ail WW i DISCOURSES ON BLIND TIGERS AND "BLUE DEVILS.*' Strange and Thrilling Night Adventure of a Young Man with a "Guyascutis." Editor Countv Record: I 1 have been trying to dodge the smallpox and run some land. One man died some time ago down about Long wood, said to be from small pox, and Ephraim Jenkins said it was as thick aronnd Mingo bridge as the hairs on a cow's back; sol left around there and went down near Bloom ingvale where the small-pox exhausted it self a year or two ago. None around there now, so 1 could survey without being frightened. But I took the night at Mr Pipkin's and met Mr War, who told me of a I trouble down there. A young man, riding a mule, leturuing at night fiom, perhaps, his sweetheart's house down next to Big Dam swamp, was startled by a big black tutog, like aj dog or a tiger, which jumped in his j Jap at a commenced mtiug me niuiei until he could hear its teethcruncn ! into the gristie of the mule's! neck, causing the mule to throw him; hut he got 011 the mule anil got out his long knife for defense, when the thing came again and sprang into his lap, biting the mule* again?and the young man cut and slashed it with his kuife until he was frantic, but could not feel the knife hit it. Then he hollowed for htlp and dashed up to Mr War's house, calling for a gun; jumped off the mule and ran into the house, in a fearful rage, for the gun; another young man ran out and was holding the mule, when all at once it lit 011 the 111 tile againwhich tore loose from tlieholder. ' But the thing disappeared when all ran out in the yard to shoot it. The young man, after calming off a little, got 011 his mule again and j nnle off with Ins knife drawn?butj the thii-^r seemed not to follow him any further. The strange part, however, is that ? 1 1 no sign could he found on the' mule where the thing hit it, not could any scratches he found 011 the young man's thighs, although it tore holes in his pants. Hut another mystery is. why did it not bite the man? So it must /have been blind and went by smelling. I had thought, however, all the tigers had gone from this part of the country. The people, however, keep the woods rough so long, no telling what may be hiding around. I have heard of tigers that were blind, but did not know that they would 4 ' jump oit and bite a nowe while you were on it. This one seemed to be a curious one, too: foi the other young man said it seemed to light on the mule; perhaps it had a sort of spiritual nature; for the knif? would r+r\ * !/ *]>f rk?*i*mrn if uifkmif l/wiwt. gv XI^Jll. ... .. ?--V a nee, Strange!? strange! Some say it wan the devil; hut I don't think the devil is blind; and I don't think the devil eats mules. The devil is mid to be black, however, and that agrees with the color. I have heard, too, of "blue devils", and I reckon u blue devil would look in the dark like a black devil, and b? hard to distinguish. But how blue devils and blind tigers get along together, I am not able to say. Mr War says another young man was coming along behind and heard the warfare, but thought it was people fighting, and was afraid to go 011 up to see. But Mr War says he locks his door now when night comes. So % 1 left those diggings before night, fnr thi<f i^a Ion or vimv off and I feel safer now for there aie no blue devils nor blind tigers nor small-pox in Possum Fork. MONEY AS A HACKING it a very useful thing, and it will often stand by you in good stead. But it is poor policy to run your business without a banker. The Kiugstree -> Batik will take care of your funds and give ?eu ell necessary. FINANCIAL FACILITIES in the nature >f checks, drafts, etc., thereby enabling you to do business with speed and satisfaction. Checks are as good as receipts. Be dollarwise by calking on lis for an interview. Supervisoi The following claims were the last two quarters ending, In Whose Favor Xaiuii Wft ltri R C Mr HI veen roa Geo Hughes bri? R S Burrows roe WGCnnilin ??ri< W M 1) McGee bri< W M O'Brien l)?>a \Y W Burrows S P Britton n?:n Weeklv Mail advi W T Wilkin# roa. W Wilkins roat l)r W S Lynch post .) I Graham com W \V Kennedy bri<i * .1 .1 B Montgomery ?coni <1 J Graham lum R II Kr lalian brid R II Kellalian roa< Kiuystree Hardware Co r<?- ??I M W Rogers roa. DrSW Gamble r.?a< Marshall "Weseott & ( <? elm: .Marshal] Wescott & Co roai R I> Guerry brid .1 P V* heeler roa? J P Wheeler r??a? R M Thomas eont s M Bradshaw road G W Johnson jurv J J Ii Montgomeiy audi GG i.ii>t road I)r. \V J Haselden post \V E Allen road J W Chandler road Pauly Jail Co new Chas C Wilson a ret W W Lynch road G J Graham jail r J J Graham eonti S Floyd ? road S Floyd biidj K J Smith bridj \V II Ih'iinis road J M Eaddy road G B & SS Mitchum n?ad: .1 ii Kearuoti urxii ii W Marshall n?:id> B S Sn ith road*. P 1) Pockfleld roads .1 C Nelson britlj Kingsrree Hdw Co chain (I E Miles roads W B King bridp A K Eadd\ road* W M I> Mc-Gce br'ul* II H lluggiur road? Ii F Cox roads l> M Voting & Barron i?ridg B >* Stuckey roads .1 .1 Matthews roads ? J W Timmons roatls J H Evans bridp S W .lernigan road* W \V Burrows road* W K Wilson load8 B P?ston brid| N M Venters road Brown Brothers brid il N Cameron brid .1 II Kaddy road W T Wiikins cliai S 1' Briiion road S 1' Brition brid F W Harper r.?a<l F M 1 l"dge roac A B Windham A li It Johnson r W W Lynch & M E King el a F H Smith brid J?r W s I.\ndi post W C Ogham mat F Khem & Sons mat Ii w Marshall roa< W 1) B\ Mie - bri< J M Martin con? Edwin Harper cha PC Shirer brid J>r W V Brock Ington , cha K () Eiminer mat I>r J W Mole lun M W linger? roa A J Kecisit-r Sl Son roa <r (i Gi>t r<?? S M Lfv ! <?:? J J Graham con Ii C McElveen roa s M Bradshaw toy II S Burrows coi S M Lee roji I) K MoCuteheii bri Third Qi ar A L Cook roa W w Lynch & M E King eh; B N Stueky roa It K McKnight bri W B Mot'ants mag J 1) Cooper con J* I) (hrktii'Id roai W B Ilaseldetl roai I G Nosmiih brii w N Clarkson bru W J K lluggms bri< S ( Gi dwin !?ri< > J Singletary co< Asa B Burrows brii iv M D McGee roa A K Eaddv ion S ]) Manna roa< H R Muggins roar E F l'rosser brifi K M Thomas road r R Thonia> i-oa? W C Hemingway ?!t Co roa G H Gowdv brii \ M Venters roar W W Burrows roar B B Johnson chu ], L& I> C Roger* ma; ( G B Mitchont roa< G E Miles roai .1 C Nelson brie II P Baldwin iua< J W McOutehen eon E B Gaskins roa T E Suiters & A R Mosley tuaf T 1> Gamble bri< A J Register & Son roar 11 1) Blakeley eo c 11 E Blakeley roa< T A Blakeley roar ( B Ogburn, T E Blakeley & li N Moore roa< W C Osjburn roac Win < '<m?i?er supi llnt'us Burges-* doo .1 N Hanimet eler \V W Grayson mag C G Shatter brid .! J Graham <*?> s KB Johnson roac W H Weaver mac (' J Graham lion 11 II Kellahan brie K H Kellahan brid G J Giuliani she; WT Wilkin* cha J W Marl in con W I> Biyan ri?a .1 j Evans brie (Concluded 's Report, audited and allowed during , December .'list, I0H4. :K of CI.AIM AM'? Ai.i.'n iljjes I 'i no il's in no IjryS * * OU onhtr.ble 2 no iK'os <?? (,4 rdriiuali/.ati??n 4 u?> Is s <?(? 12!) IT L'ttisitifT 1<3 :j,; I lil(?\v ss OO Is IT :.l mortem rt?- l" oo Lin<r?*nt - 2.T jrgs ? oJ anient "5 ni?- *> l?> lyes oT I plow ?H? Is 21 !X) is ir, or. Is :>s no in L':inir 'T !,s 1< 12 TO .rt>S r, III! Is 1"' T.-? Is M 00 indent 12 oo I s " "> .")0 it witness ti<-ket* 4.">B s.i t?>r 12 .TO s T2 ."? ) mortem 10 oo s 40 00 s T 0 i jail :?l? :w ii.-w jail >* oo J.T 00 e|H?rt * ? 00 indent 4 ?'} s o5 J.l /fS "> US ,,.s .*) 00 4S 01 s $1 T*? .stable * ds 3u <>o tl.? 42 - "> lifts ill 2>) I?> -is iftes IS 7.j l^es 13 <>o L'oin 22 7?o l?JtS "i ">" ds 29 70 uU ? 00 ils .>? 7-? 14 s,*> l^t?s l r> or, 1> 10 oo 1 plow 1 77, lis 70 10 Ages 0 80 Is 7,8 10 Is 31 or, in using 1 7,0 ^ & con --1 90 ilS 14 4M J> *>M 4o lpcs 17 DO ;istrato 2 > Oil ds 3 50 i and con 12 >'0 20 00 In 4 05 oin 22 50 is 14 :n Is 40 50 i< ? (Mi Is Os 04 t e?i 150 02 r s oo k 50 do [istrnte 37 50 jrpS 5 00 up 175 00 I plow 15 00 I plow s 25 se for jailor 15 00 Itfes 10 04 Iges 2 00 riff's salary 320 o<> in gang 40 08 stable lo 41 ds 10 (Mi iges 2 oo next week). s .ti !I8 jes :>n uo 52 77 ; 14 28 ; -}<> 82 rt-S 25 00 y;m?C 14 75 90 75 ;?-S 2:5 :50 < 72 07 ft'S i8 80 . 50 ?;.? i ."?.*{ 81 jcs ;.o .">( ; 40 80 ; GO 2") 12 00 ;e> 7 20 i 4-1 1)4 , 75 52 37 k'c* 4 - '? s 70 40 ges 20 0 i L'f> 2 50 <>2 Hli n gang & 41 Is 07 92 ges 9 00 I |?l??\v I 50 Is 1 00 oad plow 94 40 in gang 5o oo ges 15 20 oiorteiu > o i J. 229 40 []s 04 77 [i> 24 99 \.jrt>s 10 00 taiile 10 4' iu gang 5 Oo ges 1" 00 in gang 90 fist rate 10 25 a tics 5 00 cU 42 75 (Is 19 93 <|s 22 00 ils 96 39 itingont H 29 (Is 5 00 ids 41 40 ustable for co 2 oo ids 47 07 nlges 25 41 TKR KNDS. ds 0 0 I (in gmg 50 oo ds 50 so <lge? 9 50 and con 17 50 I There Won't Be Any Kick jn the End If You Begin Right. I The new year is ;t good time I to consider that fact. You'll get good, square treatment and find our store a most desirable place to do 1 your shopping all the year | *1*011 till. .Just now we're of- 9 Ifering some unusual bargains I PRINCE ALBERT COATS ] AMI VESTS. I Because we have too nianv on E PRINCE ALBERT COATS | AND VKSTS | that were i'iO, now ?15 To. I PRINCE ALBERT OttATS I AND VESTS ^ that were ?1S, now ?15.To. I Better, call or eeud early and I secure your size. Mail orders receive prompt I I* and careful attention. /t \ BENTSGHNERI Vl? ?j lliwi ?1 Cor. Kin^ and Hasel Sts. CHARLESTON, - I I T l< J ; : \ < : t S Mi ^ ( .-1 I I ll } if If Establishment Smith. G^EO. 8. HACI^I 8 80K, ?JIAM'FACTCKKKS OF? ""ash, Doors, Blinds Moulding and Building Material, Sash JI 'eights ami Curd CHARLESTON, SC. FOR SALEI'yifk in any <|u.-tiiiiiv to suit purchas cr. The lt.-st I try Press Maciiirn-made aBEICKL V Special slup?*? mud** to order, t.'orresolicited bfiorc niacins' vour rders. ^v. R. Kl'NK, W . L, BA55, Attorney at Law LAKE CITY, S C. Dr H. J McCabe Dentist mOSRSE. - 3. Additional Tax Notice. The tax levy !' r year of* 1901 is as follows: For State - - 5 mills j Ordinary County - 4 mills " For Schools - 3 mill" * Jail 1 mill " lh>ad" - . l mill For "ix'cial school I)i-iin N<>s. 15, 23 and 24 - - 5 mills No k. - 4 mills * 18 - l mill N'os. 19. 20. 21. _ 2 mills A capitation tax o, on all males between the age. ml (Jo years unless exempted b After Deeeinlier 31st 1 per cent for January. 1 per cent penalty ri uarv at.d 5 per cent for March w. added to all unpaid taxes. Commutation tax of ^>1.00 lor yea 1905, collected until March 15, PJ05. After March 15, 1905 executions will he issued. I will t)c in Kin^strce (Saturday excepted: front this date until March 5 for the purpose of receiving unpaid taxes. W. JOHNSON*. ( oiintv T.vasun-r "**** 'H ATLANTIC C NEW ORLEANS, LA., Cotton Convention, Ja 1 One First-cla ss Tickets on sale for round i i reach New Orleans befon with final limit returning Tickets will be sold a agencies onlv.^^ For full information call agent, or write, H. M. Emerson* T.2v?. ' WILniNQ' I -? \\e Aro I0 OF ' It { MAI " } TIIE \ GRO r 'W Because: First ?We give a little more than can be o same money. Because: Second?We gi tion to orders the day they Because: Third?We stu< tion is left to us and our pi These sre points to consider Silver Ware. Our name i S-THOMAS 257 KING S Watch Inspectors f<>r Southern and GUNS and AND ALL KINDS 0] FOR THE HUI ! SPECIAL*! Is Called To Our Fine une' | HOLIDAY CARVING SETS, SALAD SE NER SETS, ARE A FEW OF USEFUL ARTICLES WE H/ FOR PRESENTS.; LAKE CITY H. LAKE CI epps'm FANCY GROCERI CANDY an<l FRUITS, ALL GOODS FRI ONE PRICE TO ALL AI ! A Cordial- Invitatio G. OLLI i New Brick Store at Railroad Ore ??:?:?:@::?:?:?:?:@:? ? !? ;? | I? iTDoan/t " j? I ? I ^ver ^1e *ow Pnces ( jgj I sell our goods in pro |w | you are getting.tUgg 1 We always exchangi W I money if you are not ? I you buy from us.J?| vj 5. Marcus, ? ? i?.?:@:?:@ ?;?.'?;?@!@ \ 'tt ;OAST LINE. TO i account the Interstate nuary 24-26th, 1905. Fstre FIvls S5c? trip fortrains scheduled to i noon of Jan. 24tlj, 190?, to Jan. 28, 190?. t regular coupon ticket on your nearest ticket ; TV. J. Craig, ; Gr. IP. ton, n. c. IHK CUSTOMERS WE HAVE f )E IN' WILLIAMSBURG, AND 2 ^NUMBER IS CONSTANTLY > 1 just as much and possibly blained elsewhere for the ive prompt personal attenare received. ily to please when the selec ices are the same to all. in purchasing Jewelry or is the hall-mark of quality. > JR.&BROTREET. CHARLESTON, S. Consolidated Railway. AMMUNITION F SPORTING GOODS nine sew. iTTENTION if GOODS. :TS, ENGLISH CHINA DIN' THE MANY PRETTY AND iVE THAT ARE SUITABLE ARDWARE 00. :ty, s. c H STORE. SHOES, HONS. ES A SPECIALTY. SCHOOL. SUPPLIES SH AND NEW. STD THAT THE LOWEST. n Extended To AH. E EPFS, issinjj, KINGSTREE, S. O $ 8 I $ ? ^ { ? t goods or refund 1 jgj satisfied with what I jgj ^ I ? Kingstree, S. C, I @ ~ I ? ? c?:@:@:@:@@:?:@:?:?? i