lake drrr hotes' New Telephone Exchangee-Fire Narrowly Averted?Bethleheffi Union ' Meeting Lake City, January- 30f:?Mr Mason Brunson, of the'.-News & Courier, v is in town a few hours Saturday in the interest of his paper. Dr Wh j?head bas removed fri$? Ilonea Path to Luke City, where he will devote himself to the practice of medicine. -We extend a hearty welcome to the doctor and h? family and hope they will find life among lis pleasant and peaceful and full of all tout the world can give. Our readers will please pardon the length, or rather lack of length, of the Lake City column this week. News is scarce, very scarce. It was really tooce.J last week for things to happen. Matters will move lively with the spring thaw. Until ( then we pray forbearance. The large brick building for the Smith-Williams Csmpany is now goiug up. Barring delays, freezes included, the house will be in a fair i way for occupaucy by the middle i * ? ^ of March. I Agent. Atkinson has secured the s . new Ward residence on Dansing street. Another bachelor with a big dwelling house on his hauds. Well, ^ we suppose he knows how he will ft fill it. ^ ' Mr A P Katcheire new residence on Charles street is going right up. This is to be a neat cottace of about . t ' w seven rex me. c; I . 9 # Mr B L Siugletarv will, we are in-, 1 ' # * formed, break up a school at an earlv date. IShake, "Bub," we knew von would come out all right in the end. Mr D H Oliver & Co., who have seenred the f*anchsse to build and operate an exchange in town, art going ahead with the work. They > ' will put in an up-to-date and com{ plete system?one that will . give thorough and'satisfactory work, and will have everything in operation in . a few months. . r The Farmers'and Merchants'Bank Bfc: ' ' ? f will occuppt the McClaia store house "' next to Mr ? E Severance's resir? denee, until ii can secure more suitk f able quarters. We understand that < Mr B Wallace Jones, Jr., who w*6 " elected cashier, is now away studying the practical and routine features of banking, and that business will be regularly com naenced at an early date. We wish the new enterprise much success. The Bethlehem Baptist Union ' piet with the Baptist church here Friday and remained in session until w Sunday. The meeting was well at'tended and wivs enjoyed by all. 'We came within an inch of having a serious the Friday. The kitchen of Mrs Hester Benton's residence op Main stree: took fire and when v discovered had made considerable t?..,1..?'I'V... Viinl-uf liihoitdM husii Iicau v aj . x u *'? w ? lj assembled and with their accustomed precision and determination went to work and soon drowned ont the effort of the demon to burn this and other prc|*rty. Had this house burned there is no telling where the conflagration would have ended, for it is gunounded by wooden bouses easy to catch and easy to bur*. But we were once again with i luck. W. L. B. GREATLY IN DEMAND f ' * \ Nothing; is more in demand than a medicine which meets modern requirements for a blood and sys tem cleanser, such as Dr King's - New Life Pills. They.are just what you need to cure stomacn ana liver trou 1)1 v?. Try them. At Dr \Y V Broekingfcon's drug store, 2oc, guaranteed. A GRIM TRAGEDY is daily enacted, in thousands of homes, as Death claims, ih each one, another victim of Consump, tion of Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are properly treated, the tragedy is averted. F G Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind. ^ writes: "My wife had theconsump * tion, and three doctors gave her up. Finally she took I)r King's Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which cured her, and to-day she is well and strong " It kills the epnis of all diseases. One doserelieyes. Guaranteed. AtoO c and $1.00 by Dr W V Broekington, drug gist Trial bottles free. " . ' v.~** ? *?< -.i" . ..T' 3- i 3?r' A K Eaddv ? road W B Haseiden T P McMillan '. brid W W .Lynch & M E King chai A'B Windham road J .J'Matthews roai W H McCauts & J I) Cooper ma; G E Miles roa S -J Singletary co c Jeff Matthews brid .1 W McCutchen com B'N Stuckey roa< G B Mitchum T E Salters mat H P Baldwin L L & D C Rogers & < R B McClary brid John M Nexsen roai Wm Cooper supt ? " *' coi R D Blukeley co re II R Hoggins hrid A J Register & Son road < " ? brid Locklair & Rowel 1 rout W 0 Camliu brid J M Martin com J X Ham mett co c \V W Grayson ma( ? a fl li ? J W Gamble .. con (CONTINUED NE.\: J. J. Graham, Co Supervisor. Trespass Notice. '! i All persons are hereby warned i agfdust allowing stock to trespass on j my lands it; Sumter township, known as the Burgess place. Persons disregard- ing this notice will be dealt with as the j law directs. Mrs Nancy A Gaskins. 1?19?3t. - , _ I Notice to Creditors. All persons laving claims atminst j I the Estate of Dr RoT>t. Henry, deceased ; will uresent the same, duly attested. to> the undersigned. and : II persons in- j |8 UeNed to the said Estate will make' k payment to A. M. GORDON, A pent. \ Mrs M. A. HENRY, p 1?2C-r-4t. Executrix ! ftj Registration Notice, j I The office of the Supervisors of Rep- ! tistration will be opened on the first I Monday in every month for the pur jg pose of the registering of any person la who is qualified as lollows: Who shall have l>een a resident oo I the Mate tor two years, and of the g county ??r.e year, and of the polling pre- jg cincl in which the elector offers to I vote four months Before the day of b election, shall have paid, six I mouths l?;fore, any poll rax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who I [can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the g present year, property in this State 1 assessed at three hundred dollars or ' more. . J.J. EADDY, Clferk of B?t satis- ' factory azd profile'.!/ crops to grow, boih for home market and shipping. Weed's Lightning Esoelsior Woad's Podips Eidia Early are the eefVeet and most productive ahtdain cultivation, and are in greatt favor vrirh truakera wherever they are pla ited. Special prices c'/ouni in ctrandiy. Write for priiaw %r>d Wood'i/ [ Quarter Coiturg Seed Book, telling ali a bom ti e best Garden 1 and Farm Seeds. >'niHtd free. T.W.WdtilsSsns. Seedsmen, MCHiSCttV VIRGINIA.. ?i WOOD'S ?>?EDS j -?Awcra??I GRiSO PRIZE ST. L0UIS, 1904. OOID KECtl - Pitts, 1900. ft M| a very useful thing, and it will ofn stand hy yon in good stead. But is poor policy to run your business ithout a banker. The Kingstreo ank will take care of your funds id give tou all necessary. FINANCIAL FACILITIES i the natnre if checks, drafts, etc., lereby tnahjing you to do business ith speed and satisfaction. Checks e at good as receipts. lie dollarise by calling on nt for an inttr lew. 'he Bank of King's tree I | There Won't Be f ( I Any Kick jn the End I If You Begin Bight, j The new year is a good tim* U to consider llut fact. You'll get good, square treat- I nient and lind our store a I most desirable place to do I ^ your shopping all the year 'ronnu. J list now we're offering some unusual bargains in PRINCE ALBERT COATS AND VESTS. Boca use we have too many on hand. PRINCE ALBERT COATS 1 ANi) VESTS * g that were $20, now $15 75. 1 PRINCE ALBERT COATS | AND VESTS that were $18, now $13.75. I' Bettvr call or send early and I secure yem: size. I Mail orde receive prompt I and careful attention. A fj \?. I HIT "iMWrWrvi jM ! nw?u-> ^ BENISGHNER & flUNKt,! Cor. Kingand Hascl tj. | EHUlESTt fij WANTED *EAL ESTATE FROM ACRE _ LOTS TO TRACTS OF 10000 ACRES-' /^onF i; t hive you nnv real estate property you vill sell! Think a moment ami decide f you need all your land. We only :ha.-jre5% to sell it and nothing if w ail. Try us. We ax * anxious to list a large number of Williamsburg farms. so matter how | nnall or how lrrge or where situated, we will sell it 1'or you. IFYOV WANT TO BUY LAND Call on us. We have a number of ( farms and town lots for sale. ] STOLL BROTHERS, i Ileal Estate Biokers ] KINGSTREtt; . - S. C. . ? ? The Largest and Most Complete Establishment South. ? GEO. S. HACKER I SON. ?MANUFACTURERS OF? Sash, Doors, Blinds, , Moulding and HuildinIew Brick Store at Railroad Crossir @?:?:?:@::?:?:@:@:?:?:@ ? ?: I I ZDoz^'t' ? I gj I Over the low prices of C gj I sell our goods in propor jgj | you are getting. x 1 We always exchange \ fl money if you are not sat ~ * you buy from us.#??3?3> jgj S. Marcus, - Ki 1 ~ j @ ?.?:@:?:@?. ??:?@:@.? \ , ; J " . m*f ' ?* II AST LINE. ount the Interstate ry 24.26th, 1905. areFluig 25o? { fortrains scheduled to ;n of Jan. 24th, 1905, an. 28, 1905. , ' V ular coupon ticket TV your nearest ticket rW. J, Craig, <1, N. C. >nr) CUSTOMERS WE HAVE \ r wri rn ucnirDA tvn 1 * "AJiii i-vvj i' l/, r NIGER IS CONSTANTLY > as much and possibly ed elsewhere for therompt personal atten- " r. eceived. please when the selecare the same to all. urchasing Jewelry or . .. ' hall-mark of quality. JR.&BBO. ET. CHARLESTON, 8. 0. uiidated Railway. MMUNITION # SPORTING GOODS . e SEASON. Stion iOODS. , ENGLISH CHINA DINiE MANY PRETTY AND : THAT ARE SUITABLE ... 1 .V. RDWARE CO. r, s. c _ STttl ^ % aes, m\m. A SPECIALTY. . SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND NEW. THAT THE LOWEST. Extended To AH. ] EPFS, ?, KINGSTREE, S. C :?:@;@::?:@:@:?:?:@ 1 ___ j?; vrcaxy-l. | lotton. We will I ?=?pJ @ :?:@:?:@?:?:?:?:??