^? .1 "DANGERS y . Intense Cotd lireeds CatarrtJ. 3UWJll,l Jffiw 1 * 1 wmTtR 1 < IN THE NOFTtt February is a month of severe storms nd intense cold. I&en in t"he South where the prevail ing temperature is much above wintry latitudes. February brings sudden change? of temperature. Mercury sometimes drops 20 degrees in a single night. Therefore, the following health hints h ^-are- applicable to the whole of North ^ America: Ventilation. The sloping rooms should bo well ventilated, tut so as to avoid direct current? of air. Dmthino. Those m vigorous health should take a co!atli every morning before breakfast, fbose in feeble henltli ahoul'j take a brisk dry-towel-rub -every morning. Btet. The diet should be a generous one. "including meat, and oe asionully fresh vegetables. X.' Sunshine. The nights being long and the davs hort. a* much sunshine as possible should be let into the house during the day. Ci+ittein q. The head should.- !>c kept cool at nil times. The feet should be kept, ivarin and dry. day and night. " ? He-w?- nn. When unavoidably exj>osed to eo3d or wet, a few doses of Pot una will avert "bad consciences. Cerf htl M ,* a! 1 r* . 1 1 rouo J U U. nuvt wt uc AUl'n DIHRIHEpHHBBSSD your -Is t era 11 |^a In each 'package of LJO? I pound of Pure Coffee Ins .1 (Lion head on every package.) fSaTi1 Vh? I-iocttJwiidfc *1 wind on*fce e.omsch. Moated bowels, I palaaafter eateng, liver trouble, sallow akin i H^v E regitilsjy yon are sic*. Constipation kilts m 1 starts chronic attmgj>t*and lone years of sof I CASCARWI "wRy for you will never jrt i right Take on* advice, start with Cascare money refunded. The genuine tablet stami booklet free. Addre?e Sterling Remedy Cop Colifow'a ^IwW ijcUiOVA ?ag Oato vl out-of tbe oentefy. VpR elded If OWo 187 In Mich. f. Mo. E6. end In X. I* tovit Til per a?m beai. t&at record In Zflfc, I'.N ^ ^^H^H^dfliisnotlc* U Iote?f tens ee?4 *9 bif catalog. UlU W/^k oat wonder and f/t^k eeeda. Mla^k ^MH|H|seed co-J'tm HH^H||^|HB,^^Hr CURED iw 9 8 ief. , IN FEBRBAEfTj 4 Sodden Changes Breed CatarrtL VXaL f|J As much sleep ft* possible should be obtained in the forepart of the night. Catarrh of Head. Mr. Frank Cobb, 173 Summit Street, : Deering. Me., writes: "1 was troubled with catarrh in mv i head. 1 wrote to I)r. Hartuian for advice J and he prescribed Perutia. "I took it and am happy to say it helped ! me at once. 1 feel better tiiau I have tor \ years." llronchial Trouble. ' Mr. J. Ed. O'Brien, Pro*. American Pilot Ass'n. Pensaeola, Fla.. writes: "I heartily give my endorsement to Per una as an effective cure for catarrh and bronchial trouble." Throat?nd Lungs. Frank Battle, dr.. Ill N. Market St., ; Nashville, Tenu., writes: * "Peruna has cured me m chronic bronchitis. "It is the grandest discovery of the ago ! for the throat and lungs.*' l'ucumonia. Mi. A. (_'. Danforth, St. Joseph. Mich., writes: "1 contracted a severe cold, which settled on n>v lungs. 1 wtis threatened with pneuj mouia. "Peruna gave me relief "within a couple of days. Three bottles saved me n largfr doctor bill and a great deal of suffering." Th rntsa nd s of Test I i??n iHis. We have on file thousands of 'testimonials like the above. We can give our readers oniv a slight glimpse of the vast j array of unsolicited endorsements Dr. I Hart man is constantly receiving. Address Dr. S. B. Hartnian. President of ! The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. Strike Home 1 ?if he cares to do so?enn tell B ie about the bulk -coffee lie 1 /where it originally came from, it AVtta blended?or With What ] when roasted? If you buy your e loose by the pound, bow can rrjKict purity and uniform quality? N COFFEE, the LEADED-OF I PACKAGE COFFEES, is of ' ssity uniform in quality, Aglb and flavor. For OVQ A fER OF A CENTURY, UON COFFEE "been the standard coilee in >ons of homes. N "COFFEE t? wtttltj' packed sr (factories, and ualll opened la home, has no chance of being adul Ed, or oLcom Ing In contact with dint. B germs, or unclean hamli. SI I iCOFEEE you get one 3 ist upon getting ?l*e genuine. H For -valuable premiums.) R RS EVERYWHERE | ?OOLSON -BPICE CO., Toiedo, CWio. | tTHE BOWELS ^ oute. Ik CANDY y CATJUfLTIQ teeTnppetidiclti*. "WliousnEgs, bad breath, had J . term moutn, headache, indigestion, ptmpiea, and dirilneei. When your bowels don'i mown ore people then ?Q other diseases together. It fiering. No matterwhat ails you, start talcing well and at*/ well until you get your bowels ts today under absolute guarantee to core or ped CC C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and lpany. Chic igo or Ke-w York. 50a I * \ ! IWET WEATHER. WISDOM'1 \ THE ORIGINAL j2J f/SH BRK^ SLICKER \T \ 6LACK OR YELLOW rv : 4 Will KEEP YOU DKY MypiwmELSEWiiL 1 TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE I \\ CATALOGUES fACC Mowinc r?u u?z or 6?*nt*Ti and ??at?, A. J. TOWER CO., AOATON, MASS.. U.S.A. j | TSWCB CAWAOIAW CO.. LTD.. TOSOWTO. CASAOA^J i iBBEHBniHHiriSl M ClltJ *lltH Ml tUlMllJ, Q| ! ka Beat Cough Syrup, l a*tea .rood. lae Ff Tj-3 la time. Sold hy drjggnta. psf r83 TIE SUNDAY SCHMT"" P< | INTERNATIONAL LESSON COMMENTS Si FOR FEBRUARY >9. ? 0] Subject: Jesus at the Fool of Itethesda, John v., 1-15?Golden Test, John vl? 2?Memory Verses, 8, 9?Commentary . on the Dhj'h Lesson. I, Jesu3 at the feast (vs. 1-4). 1. "After this." "After these things." R. V. ? Some think that when John is telling some event which follows immediately after the ' last thing narrated, he uses the expression "after this thing" (chap. 2:12), but that ^ [ when there has been an interval ot time i ~ he uses the expression "after these thine*." j ?c j "A feast." There has been much differ- ? once of opinion as to what feast this was, 13 but it is the opinion now of the best writ- . h ers that it was the Passover. 2. "By the I c< sheep gate" (R. V.) We know from Xeh. i u 3:1. 32; 12:39 that there was a sheep gate; so called probably from sheep for sacrifice being sold there. It was near the temple. "The Hebrew tongue." Hebrew here n means Aramaic, the language spoken at s< the time, not the old Hebrew of the Scrip- S tures. "Bethesda." This name does not occur elsewhere. It means "house of mercy." The site is not identified with cortainty. The traditional spot is near Castle Antonia. But Dr. Robinson thinks "the V fountain of the Virgin," an intermittent spring in the southeast of the city, near the pool of Silaom, was Bethesda. "Five porches." These porches were probably p covered arcades, colonades or verandas, open at one side to the air. but protected ? against the sun or rain overhead. In a hot country like I'alestino such buildings are very necessary. 3. "Multitude." The sick congregated here in great numbers. II. Jesus heals an impotent man 'vs. V 5-9). 5. "An infirmity." The original im- tl lilies rather a loss of power than a positive ! a disease: probably it was a nervous disease tt of paralytic type. "Thirty and eight 1' years." The duration of the iilness is mentioned, either to show how inveterate and difficult it was to heal. ov rather, according to vcr*e 0. to explain the dcen compassion with which Jesus was affected ? i?i._vi:? 11.. V-?.? j ?71 Ul*;iU?UlII^ III** Ulllinyi/; jxift I. a .VMI ; | verse 14 we may infer that his disease was ( the resn't of tiie sins of his youth. 1 ai (i. "Knew." The word "knew" in the b< original indicates one of those instantan- t< eous nerceptions by which the truth he- | erme known to Jesus according as the task of the moment demanded. Verse 14 will | show that the whole life of the sufferer is ! present to the eye of Jesus, as that of the I Samaritan woman was in chapter 4. "Saith | unto him." Usually Christ waited until ( Tie was asked before Tie relieved the suf- I ferine, hut in this and a few other cases is He healed without being asked. He read' Vi the man's past life and nresent condition of mird, and saw that he was in a state to receive spiritual good from the healuig. R "Wilt thou?" Why does He ask a ques- j w tion to whieh the answer was so obvious? I Probably in order to rouse the sick man J out of his letharjjy and despondency. I q 7. "No man." He was friendless as well j as siek. "Is troubled." This spring, probably the fountain of the Virgin, is intermittent to this day. and various travelers have seen it suddenly rise from five inches to a foot in five minutes. Whedon thinks j p] that the moving of the waters arose from j an underground connection of the nooi 1 j with the city water works. The occasional j i< i and intermittent disturbance of the water | p] is not to be understood as a regular oceii^ I rence. bnt as something sudden and quick- ' 3y nasing away. TIence tiie man's waiting tl and complaint: "Put me into the pool." Literally, "in order to throw" me into the pool; perhaps imp'rving that the gush of water did not last long, and there was ro m time to bje lost in quiet earryinc. "While *i< I am coming." Thus picturing the extreme ^ haste and rapidity with whieh the favorable opportunity was seized. There was a rush and scramble for the one chance. 3< 8. "Rise." etc. Commands like these pj would test the man's faith and obedience. A a in V.cmeiM* nP Va** 9*Q* ^ C'nriit made ro eno.uiry as to the man's ?h faith. Christ knew that he had faith, and 5I the man's attemptme to rise and carry his j,. bed ajtcr thirty-eight years of impotence was an open confession of faith. "Ben." tir Prohab'v onh- a mat or rug. still common Rj in the East. ft. "And walked." With the command was given the power of obedience. So the sinner who is bidden to commit himself to .Christ need not wait for anv eoninulsion. As he makes the ef- tt fort he will find divine power within him- fc self. "Sabbath." The seventh day of the . week, the Jewish Sabbath. III. Persecution of the Jews (vs. 10-13). 10. "Not lawful." Jciemiah had eorn- r.( manded, "Take heed to yourselves, and bear no bnrden cm the Sabbath day" (16: 21). and the Jews interpreted this as forbidding the carrying of the lightest weight. But Jeremiah's meaning is made clear by ai Xeh. 13:15: "Treading wine presses on the Sabbath, and bringing in sheaves, and lading asses." etc- "To forbid this man from, r? l..-1 pti i iciH Y;ii? JIIT* uai ?a.i imc IUI uiuuiu^, *\ mwu- v.. ern man to move a camo stool or a chair." th 11. "He?said." Vnquestionabh* the pe words seem to say that one who could do such a wonder as healing me must certain]v have the right to tell me what to do. He had been authorised by onte endorsed *T as sent from GoL And this was indeed the very ground whi'b Christ Himself took. 12. **"\Vho is the man" (R. V.) jj( They ignore the miracle, and attach the . command. Thev ask not. "Who cured thee, and therefore must have div'me an- m thority?" but. "Who told thee to break w .the Sabbath, and therefore could not have k* it?" 13. "Knew not" fR V.) .Tesus bad . been in Jerusalem but little, and the man who was healed bad probably never seen Him. "Conveyed himself away." Better, qi withdrew. Literally, "slipned aside." became suddenlv lost to sight. "A multi- tude." etc. This may be understood as explaining either whv he withdrew?to he avoid the crowd, or the manner in which w he withdrew?by disappearing in the ^ crowd. Either explanation makes good sense. IV. Jesus gives advice and warning (v. tis 14). 14. "Afterward." Probably soon af- \v terward; fin a day or so. "Findeth him." er I Jesus had His eye on the man; His work . with him was not yet finished: this meeting was not accidental. "In the temple." h< A good place for the man to be. "Sin no hi more." God asks fhis of every sinner. And yet there are those who insist that it . is impossible to live without sin in this s life, but if such is the case then Jesus h( asked this man to do the impossible. "A th worse tiling." A paralysis from which no pool can restore and no Saviour will deliver; the most terrible catastrophe of the soul's eternal history. fl* V. The man bears testimony (v. 15). Rt 15. "Told the Jews," etc. In reply to the ^ inouiry they had made of him a short time before, partly in obedience to the authori- " ties and partly to coranlete his apology for ln himself. He expected, probably, in the R simplicity of his heart, that the name of jn Him whom eo many counted as a prophet, if not as the Messiah Himself, would have been sufficient to stop the mouths of gain* in layers. ei w American Flag High in Air. 0I The coast artillery station at Fort Hunt, Va., on the Potomac, opposite Cl Fort Washington, is to have a flag- st pole from the top of which the garri- p, son flag can be seen for many miles. The new pole is about 125 feet long, hj It is in Ave sections, and is built up m of piping held together by steel bands, The pole will stand on a high emi- th nence at the fort, and the flag at its re top will wave to the breeze abcut 300 at feet above the level of the river. j?( f >** * :" "V ' " r*. . " . Dogs are slaughtered for culinary pur* wes '.a Munich. Itch cured in 30 minutes. by Woolford's mitary Lotion. [Never fails. Sold by all ruegists, $1. Mail orders promptly tilled f Dr. E. Detchon Crawfordsville, Ind. The rice paper tree is one of the most iteresiing of the flora of China. 10 SLEEP FOR MOTHER aby Covered With Sores and Scales? Could Not Tell What She Looked LikeMarvelous Cure by Cutlcura. "-At four months old my baby'? face and ody were so covered with sores and large :ales you could not tell what she looked ke. No child ever had a worse case. !er face was being eaten away, and even er finger nails fell off. It itched so she >uld not sleep, and for many weary nights e could get no rest. At last we got Cucura Soap and Ointment. The sores bein to heal at once, and she could sleep at ight, and in one month she had not one >re on her face or body. ? Mrs. Mary anders, 709 Spring St., Camden, N. J." The Azure. ris only in the depths of blue Man hnds^ his deal est dreams fulfilled, r Ilti l LUICIU1 nun vns iiuiu ? , And every heart-cry's hushed and stilled. 0 would I wing my Joyous flight To axure realms where rapture Ilea, ;ut not to yonder mystic height? I And my heaven in your eyes! -Ralph E. Fassett in New Orleans Tlmes-D?r* re-rat. Earliest Green Onions. The John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, ."is., always have something nev/, someling valuable. This year they offer mong their new money making vegeibles, an Earliest Green EatingOnicn. t is a winner, Mr. Farmer and (ajrdener! JUST SEN!) THIS NOTICE AND 16c. nd they will send you their big plant and led catalog, together with enough seed j grow 1.000 fine, solid Cabbages, 2.000 rich, juicy Turnips, 2.000 blanching, nutty Celery, 2.000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1,000 splendid Onions, 1,000 rare, 'uscious Radishes, 1.000 gloriously brilliant Flowers. In all over 10.000 plants?this great offer 1 made to get you to test their warranted egetable seeds and all for but 1GC postage, roriding you will return this notice, and you will send thein 26c in postage, they ill add to the above a big package of alzer's Fourth of July Sweet Corn?the irliest on earth?10 days earlier than ory, Peep o' Day, First of All, etc. [A.C.L.] Women Physicians for Lunatics. One of the most famous of German hysicians for the tr2atment of mental fseases, Prof. Ludwig, Is earnestly Ivocating the employment of women hysicians iu lunatic asylums. After 2ars of investigation he has come to te conclusion that the insane are petliarly susceptible to a woman's prestce and influence, not only the woen, but the men as well. He says i has been instrumental in obtaining le admission of one woman phj?ian to an asylum for women in South crmany, and the results are simply lenomenal. The women are more actable. Ludwig is certain that in a lort time no men physicians will be nployed in female lunatic asylums. Is opinion is supported in large rnease by another eminent authority, Dr. rapelin.?New York World. Raising Geese by Thousands. On a goose farm in the'middle west lere is an incubator with a capacity >r 10.000 eggs. These eggs are not, nwnver nlncpJ in fhn incnhnfnr at ne time, but are so arranged that one setion will hatch each day, being relied as soon as the goslings are taken it. The geese are raised on this trm for their feathers alone, which re used in the upholstering business. Some people think the road to Heavi is a switch-back where they need e descent into sin to give the im:tus for the rise into glory. READS THE BOOK, he Ro?il to WetUiUo" Polntod the Wuy Down at Hot Springs, Ark., the visjrs have all sorts of complaints, but is a subject of remark that the great ajority of tlieni have some trouble ith stomach and bowels. This may ? partly attributed to the heavy medinos. Naturally, under the conditions, the lestion of food is very prominent. A young man states that he had snfred for nine years from stomach and wel trouble, had two operations hlch did not cure, and was at last reatened with appendicitis. He went to Hot Springs for rlieuma*m and his stomach trouble got orse. One day at breakfast the wait, knowing his condition, suggested t try Grape-Nuts and cream, which ? did, and found the food agreed with m perfectly. After the second day he bf'gnn to cop peacefully at night, different than > had for years. The perfect digesmi of the food quieted his nervous stein and made sleep possible. He says: "The next morning I was (tonished to find ray condition of conipation had disappeared. I could not ilieve it true after suffering for so any years: then I took more interest the food, read the little book 'The oad to Wellville.' and started followg the simple directions. "I have met with such results that tne last nve weess i uave "umvu i ght pounds in splti^ of b u?" tl| hich take away the flesh f "v. 1 | ie. "A friend of mine has been 1 ired of a bad ease of indigestfjomach trouble by using Graj * ood and cream alone for brea! "There Is one thing in partic^ ive noticed a great change t entnl condition. Formerly I irdly remember anything, and^^^ e mind seems unusually acute tentive. I cai? memorize practical... lything I desire." Name given by Htum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. all tbrpiTnMW^^^HP0^B^^ll^^H 25<\, 50c. and f 1.00 per "bottle. Runaway horses are unknown in Ruaaia. False teeth have been used by the peopie who lived in 1000 B. C. ^ FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervousness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great ' NerveRestorer,f2trlal bottleand treatise free 1 Dr.R.H, KLiXK.Ltd., 931 Arch8t.,Phila.,P itscurativo powers that they offer One Hun- wc dredDollarsforauy case that it fails to cure. I a (Send for dst of testimonials. Address str F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. fu Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation ac rh Just before he left the Pension Office, ti< Commissioner Ware "was asked for a th recommendation by a watchman. This ne is what Ware wrote: "Dear Jackson? Pr If you are not in Heaven when I get ?e there, I'll fix it to have you trans- ] ferred." To Care * Cold In One Day Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. All /. druggists refund money if it fails to cure. v> l' vu l'rn,v. i. nry >*/? I V* vxav/vv m 9(guahut? ta uu uv*? wv Great souls can neither be starved by ^ poverty nor choked bv riches. ^ ACHE0 IfJ EVERY BONE. " Chicago Society Woman, Who WaaSo Sick She Could Not Sleep or KaL, Cured by ^ Poau's Kidney Pills. Marion Knight, of 33 N. Ashland Ave., Cdicngo, Orator of the West Sid*. .Wednesday Club, sa/a: "This winter ? when I started iIntense pains in the Uldueys and pelvic organs. Theurin? I was thick and ' cloudy, and 1 cat enough to live. I feit a ! Q elia.ige for the I J VATtTOK KNIGHT. better within a ' Ui week. The second week I begau eat- i ing heartily. I began to i'nprove generally, and before seven weeks had | } passed I was well. I had spent So hundreds of dollars for medicine that j did not help me. lull: $<> worth of CCJ Doan's Kidney Tills restored uie to I / perfect health." j ' A TRIAL FREE?Address 'Foster- I Milburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y. For sale , by all dealers. Price, ol) cts. j y A Grimly Suggestive Group. The minister and the doctor were riding down town in a Lexington aveenue car, and had arrived at Madison sauare when their friend the undertaken joined them. After ridins with him twe blocks i . the minister and doctor put the under- IAS taker off the car, saying their appearance in trio looked too suggestive and would cause talk among their friends. ^^fiiras! F?r Specific Ophthal- w mpBijySyi mia, Moon Blindness WJ \ Bar /and ether SOKE EYES, \JZS BARRY C0.,,?i?Vu HAVE A SURE CURE. m( |Potash as Necessary as Rain"1 f I The quality and quantity of the 9 crops depend on a sufficiency of Co Potash ? I in the soil. .Fertilizers which ire I low in Potash will never produce satisfactory results. ? Every farmer should be familiar rrith the proper proportions of ingredient* that go to Ifvl nake the best fertilizers for every kind of "T>. We have published a series of books, ' lininj: the latest researches on this all ant, subject, which we will send free Write now while you think of H*" " i I V KALI WOHE8 IT] 'I *' -us Street, er *4 Sonth Broed Street. Sill I Helps Women to Win and (en's Admiration, Respect and Love Woman's greatest gift s the power to spire admiration, respect, and lore, sere is a beauty in health which is >re attractive to men than mere regurity of feature. ro be a successful wife, to retain the re and admiration of her husband, ould be a woman's constant study, r the first indication of ill-health, inful or irregular menstruation, adache or backache, secure Lydia E. nlrViftm's Vecretable ComDOund and gin its use. Mrs. Chas. F. Brown. Vice-President jthers' Club, 21 Cedar Terrace, Hot rings, Ark., writes: ar Mrs. Pinkham ' For nine years I dragged through a miserle existence, suffering with inflammation d falling of the womb, and worn out with In and weariness. I one day noticed a statent by a woman suffering as I was. but who :1 been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegible Compound, and I determined totty it. , the end of three months I was a different iman. Every one remarked about it, and \ t husband fell in love with me all over ain. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comund built up my entire system, cured the imb trouble, and I felt like a new woman. ,m sure it will mako every suffering woman v ong, well and happy, as it has me." ] Women who are troubled with pain- J 1 or Irregular menstruation, backhe. bloating (or flatulence), Jeucorcea, failing, inflammation or ulcera>n of the uterus, ovarian troubles, at " bearing-down" feeling, dizziss. faintness, indigestion, or nervous ostration may be restored to perfect alth and strength by taking Lydia , Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I IS AOA BANK DEPOSIT ~ Railroad Faro Paid. 500 7 FRES Courses Offered. nassmsa Bn.-d At cost, write Quick, OBGW-AUBAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE, tUcoo.Ga. r\ v\ a n ??,. IKAfi JRGHARD | WATER IS A CERTAIN CURE FOR Dyspepsia Sick Headache 3 Constipation... Trimnlates the Liver, cures Biliousness, ur StomaoS, irregularities of the Bowels. NATUHAL product, prepared by conitratija; a genuine natural water. jab Orchard Water Co., Louisville, Ky. ou Want the Best COTTON GIN MACHINERY ;k Ant Erparienced Ginner Abaut _ PRATT MUNGER * EAGLE WINSHIP SMITH We would like to show you 4 bat Thousands of Life Long Customers Say. Write for catalogue and testirnial booklet. ontinental Gin Co. Charlotte, N. C., Atlanta, Ga., . Birmingham, Ala., Momphis, Tenn., Dallas, Texas. "SAIH SaaH& ountry merchant* and farmers can save 10 6 per cent by writing the Nashville Produce , Nashville. Tenn.. for special cash price*. i only itrlctiy caeh field seed house in the th. Write today tSHVILLE PRODUCE CO.* J. J. OD1L, Manager. 80, 7. i