The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 15, 1904, SUPPLEMENT TO THE COUNTY RECORD, Image 9

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> "t' WHOLESALE : * GROCERIES ?*~^DESCRI No use to price the for you to call onus ai sell the goods, + We buy in Car Loa< ~ ^ 44 * Bottom and sell at r ZEMOvir, . 2X/?ea,t. c Coffee, Euitte: . c V, 2143 f" Cigars aac STAPLE PI Ball Thread, Pai?er and ! In fact everythin Stori whole; n NAILS, SHELLS A _ HI * \ : ZEEigrlxest Prices . tX3r Frcd-U-C?. < Come and 3., : You Right Ona ways a Custome i I T. II - KINGSTF J |p m I a la 40liday an wo big department! OF EVERY ptioim 11? JL A> <JL W A l F m here all we ask is ad our prices will ^ ,# V ^ d quantities at RociDeeo Rock Bottom > 3-rcits, \ JSSice, S\3.gra,r. r, banned Q-cod-S, -xcL I Clxexoots. A GOODS, Wrapping Twme, Paper Bags, g needed in your e at SALE PRICES. . SHOT, IND P( )W. 3K. .. 3?a,icl fOr Connand We Wi Treat 2 a Customer AT r. HI? ffllinloM 11? 0 "UllUM! ?EE. SO t / NOUNCEMEN1 $ Store rvRF.TATT, DE 11 mm ? m m m 111 1 I 1 i in tins store 3 large corps of cominodating and willing t wants. And you.will find a !a jGKNERALMBB The fact is well known ThE Ir"x;ccx ma* kvkrything IX 1 j S-OQPS i SH |FORMEN.*T7AD REN. ta*r I I i > -- a: a new supply of ^ SHIRTK. SOCK \ COLLARS AM) TIES. - I : GROCERIES for your Christ) | for the coining year - A nice line of TOYS for the " FIRE WORKS of all descripl . A nice variety of FRUITS. Come and see us and we shall prices. - ? ?-% 1 #M lie mm u iUTH CA / / / r x k rs. PARTMENT. X t ome andln= oect Our Fine Line Of IARVARD ' LOTHING roil will find a polite and acclerks anxious o supply your rge and complete line of rCIIANDISE.gssis^ that nnr nrirp* arp Al WAY^ H IU L VU1 ^ I t Ul V i IIU T T I ? VJ and ISTOTIO^TS. OES. iIEN AND CHILD nas dinner and for every dinner t Littls Tots". :ion. jilease you both in goods and It Hit. ROLINA. .H For Sale* Two Jersey bull calves. Ajh ply to W D Rich, 4t; Gourdini S. C; * For Sale. Two high grade New Hota? . * sewing machines at a bargain-. Will sell together or separately-. Machines are new from the fae; tory. The County Recorix Noticei ... , .. ^ uniii lurtm.r nonce tne oil mill ginnery will be run three 1 days a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. R. L. Blackman, . Resident Manager. Notice. . - ? 2 * .j - ' . The members of Kihgstrea Lodge, No 46 A. F. M., are requested to attend the regular meeting to be held crti'Frida^ the 16th inst, as the election of ." officers for the ensuing year will be held. Refreshments served. , t NoticeWe want to employ at Rhems S. C., one competent book keeper; also two overseers for our farms. Must be capable of managing labor and come rec4 . nrntnanrliul ac frftnrl farmprs .* Must be ready to commence work soon after January 1,1905* F. Rhem & Sons. Rhems, S. C. A FRIGHTENED HORSE, Running like mad dowo the street dumping the occupants, or a hun, dred other accidents, are every day occurrences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's ' Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear qnickly.under its soothing effect 25c, at l)r W V Brockinton's Drug Store. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. A meeting of the stockholders of , the Bank of Kingstree will be held on Thursday, the 29th day of December, in the office of the Bank at, Kiagstree, S. C., at 11 o'clock a. m. to consider the following resolntiou, this day adopted bjr the Board of Directors of the Bank of Kingstree: Resolved, that the capital stock of the Bank of Kingstree be increased to the sum of Thirty Thous; and Dollars. Dec 7th, 1904. 4t. John A Kelley,) ' D C Scott. [ Directors. R II Kellehau J 12-8-04. ' Treasurer's Tax Notice. The tax levy for year of 1904 is as follows: For State 5 mills " Ordinary County - 4 mills " For Schools - 3 mills 44 Jail - 1 mill " Roach 1 mill For special school District, Nos. 15, 23 and 24 - - 3 mills No 10 - - 4 mills 44 18 - - - l mill Nos. 19, 20, 21, 22 and 25 - 2 mills A capitation tux of one dollar on all males between the apes of 21 and 60 years uole?s exempted by law. After December 31st 1 per cent penalty for .Tflimnrv- 1 ner i?r?nt. ripnnlf.v fAr P..K. ! ruary 6 per cent for March wlfl be added to all unpaid taxes. Commutation tax of $1.00 for year 1905, collected until March 15, 1905. After March 15,1905 executions wll( be issned. ? I will be at the following places men! tinned below for the collection of >aid i taxes: i Kinpstree 44 October 15 1? j Cedar Swamp " *' 18 ! BhximinKvale " 44 19 Morrisville 44 44 20 , 1 Rome 44 44 21 I Lamberts '* 44 22 / lAllman's 44 44 24 ! Kinjfstree 44 44 2558 Greclyville 44 * 44 27-28 Kinjfstree 44 44 29 Hebron 44 4 81 ! Lake City ' Ifovember 1-2 j Scranton 44 44 3-4 I Cades " 3 ! Ktnjjstree " " 7 | Salter* 44 ' 8 I (fOiinlins ** 44 0 i Taft 44 " 10 ; Trio " 4i jl , Harper* " 44 1*2 I Kinpstree 41 44 14 15 10 Indiantown 44 " 17 Venters 44 44 18 1? j Kennedy's Store 44 2 1 Kin^strcc 44 22 to Dee 81 (Inclusive except Saturdays.) (i. w. JOHNSON, . i 7 County Treasure!4; i , \ 1 i A