DEATH OF A 0OOD MAN. Mr. Alexander Hamilton Godwin Passes Away at $lack Mingo- ' r Pock, December 13:?Black Uinjo mourns the death of a ?ood man. Alexander Hamilton Godwin passed away Sunday, December 11th, after an illness of several weeks and was buried at Union Methodist church the following day. Mr Godwin was in his 57th year. A gentleman of scholarly a ttainments, quiet, unassuming, high-toned and kind-hearted. In his demise this section feels a distinct loss. He chose business pr.suits as an avocation and for many years has served'as accountant for the business men of our section. He never inarried; his nearest sur, riving relatives are a brother 3 -a if? T A k : ? duu silkier, air jd.m?s i>i uuuwm and Mrs J C Josey. R. J. N. FIGHT WILL BE BITTER. Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continual recommendation of Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T R Beall of Beall, Miss, has to say: Last fall my wife had every symptom of consumption. She took Dr King's New Discovery after everything else failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her." Guaranteed by Dr W V Brwckinton, Druggist Price 60c and |1.00. Trial bottles free. Acid Iron Mineral cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion. If the food yon eat gives von pain and does not digest readily, a dose taken after each meal will give immediate relief and if used regularly will permanently cure you. Trade A-I-M mark on every bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Acid Iron Mineral Co.. Colombia, S. C. Notice. Hereafter the price of meals at the Coleman House will be 35c instead of 25c, as formerly. Mrs. C. M. Chandler/ 12-15-tf. Proprietress. For Sale. One good milch cow with young calf. Edwin Epps, It. Kingstree, S. C. , Sick. Rlnnrl JltftfUi Feed pale girls on Scott's | Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does. Scotc's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste. Young women in their 14 teens " are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in paleness, weakness and nervousness, by ^regular treatment with Scott'bEmulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women f__ suffer. L We wi!! be glad to send A. a sample to any sufferer. Re ?>ire that thi* picture ?t Kg the form ot a libel is oil th? W i wimht of every bottle ?: X Emulsion you buy. gZ SCOTT & BOWNE. Civimlsti. ot-> T ew Yorifc i i ; V ' v " x&' . . t y Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. A meeting of the stockholder? of the Bank of Kingstree will be held on Thursday. tbe29tb day of December, iD the "office of the Bank at King9tree, S. C\, at 11 o'clock a. m., to consider the following resolution, j this day adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Kingstree: Resolved, that the capital stock of the Bank of Kingstrtfc be ini 1a t lia ini IU tif TiiAUa* J VI VHMV4 fcV fU% V* AMIt | und Dollars. Dec 7tb, lfOi. 4t. John A Kelley,) I) C Scott, \ Directors, R II Kellehan ) 12-8-04. For Sale. Two high grade New Home sewing machines at a bargain. ! Will sell together or separately. Machines are new from the factory. The County Record. Notice. Until further notice the oil mill ginnery will be run three days a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I The office of the Supervisors of Registration will >>e opened on the first Monday in every month for the purpose of the registering of any person who is qualified as lollows: Who shall have been a resident 09 the btate for two years, and of the county or.e year, and of the polling precinct In which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of election, ?nd shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due and payable, aud who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 181*6 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the present year, property in this state assessed at three hundred dollars 01 more. J.J. KADDY. Clerk of Buard If it is really worth saying- it is not always necessary to shout it. f AND FEVER 1 I CUREDJ VtO STAY CUBED i 1^. by IwintBrsnwth'sI I ?H ?? I I 99 JTMM. 99 'gifctn ?T I I 9rn Ufa# * jhMMW ?tf I 1 I ? R. L. Blackman, Resident Manager. The quick results of Acid# Iron Mineral in the cure of Dyspepsia, ; Indigestion and bowel trouble have struck thousands with wonder. Heals cute, burns, old sores and all skin diseases rapidly. Trade A-I-M mark on every bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Notice to Trustees. Before ordering paid the laRt month's pay claim Clerks of Boards of a < uiusk icvjuiic uir v a? uuiv v till out annual report#, which the clerks must sign and have teachers bring or send them to me before I eau approve the said Claims. Wm COOPER. 12?15? 2t. Co. Supt. of Education. Citation NoticeSTATE UF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY or WILLI AM8BURO. By W ? Hanna Esquire, Probate Judge Whereas. 8 C Whitehead, Clerk of Court, made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administrate of the Estate of and effects of Wilson McCowa. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of th- said Vrilson McCown, deceased, that they be and appear before me, intheCourt of Probate to be held at Kingstree, S. C., on the nineteenth (19th) day of December next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand, this 31st day 1 of November, Anno Domini. 1904. I Published on the 24tb day of Notrem- ' ber 19J4. in the County Record. 1 41. W I HANNA, | Probate Judge. aa????????????i Registration Notice. ?i mn mmmmmmtmmmrnmm DON'T \ ABOUT TfiE TKOUBLZ Tend closely to yonr ow yon want to make a too iere. We have a full line of a Toys, wpd Fire Work* i we ai^wl|| to eell at tbi WE ALIO HAVE f Ladies and Gents dree All other goods too nun Don't forget that our pi during the Holidays, an< THE OELEBRAT Clothing. Known as th( I i U pH. D. R< KINGSTREE, ?:@:?:@:?:@:?:?:@:?:?:i s The App ? OfChri 1.1. nrt Jfj I & s fa u" T iKA ' e*r**+- v? ? ? Remind ft j?j I That you coulc ? | a new suit 01 ft | coat very nicel ft | remind you th; ? J is the place to ?. V I We Can 1 ? jj; With either ,i suit or a c ? % tailor wouldn't be asham ? | fact it will be as well fit gj ft as it you paid twice as r ^ ft made-to-order tailor. Q ^ | you thSn1, I ? ^oe^Ti jgj Kingsfee @@:?>@:@:?:@:@:?:?:@:? ? n t-tl t" STUOKEY Have Just got in anol Horses AND All good stock and will be t Our friends are cordially Im them. 9 Biag-glee, ness al-wa3rS Stuckey and Lake City, VORRY S OF THE Rial. n affairs, and when d iuTMtmtnt con* 11 kindi of Xmas tnd Fruit*. whinh t WJ Uwest pricM. ULL LINE OF 0 goods and shoes, rerous to mention. rices are the lowest 1 Remember we sell ED HIQH ART 8 best in the world. m I ;ddick, - s. c. ?:?:?:?'?:?::?:?:@:< roach j i.ctrrm&. I j we 0m^ utT lf3iy s You 2* ^ (f i stand $ (j r over- | j y. We | g it here | k get it. i jj j| Pit You ] i^> ctr^ VSj oat that the best | ed to have made. In ? .? ting and well mad: | J nuch for it to the ft ? juite a saving, don't | ? * 7? ****** j! iVeev-^ | , S. C. jg :?:?:@:?:@:?@ ?:?:'ns and 3HEaxi On iiand.. lowers. S. 0 \ -V p ? V: ,.r I II ? . Co 2 S 5;j w 2 ? 5! a ? ? ET ^ 3 h $ ? So 9 % J ""tV' 7~,~W>v>>?a?a'>*w*^ W aJ J 3 Ml -i? ;-Mf 9 ? n * il ??e,"?fnS | 3 P l^lr?|Sl| fiv * - S. S Q 0fc : J - it S 5 :s |?r I StlfliisUf II 8* 3ssfHi n 1 -t sSs-.!!5 ** ?^ I |?l i[ ! '} J " P O.Boi 76) Coluiob ????? I -THE CHAMPION? STUMP PULLER I THE -TRONUKS THE SIMPLEST AKD MOST ECONOMICAL OP AM. TUMP PULLERS Try Ir bemrc y3,uuv ? Beard ju Cost Write OtUk. S&OtfiA-AUUMA BUtimtf CWIM1 JUc?.U, >