?? TIb Clountg fietnrd % * * . . ? MWLItHCD EVERY THURSDAY AT KINGSTREE, S. C. . ' O. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. fy' TERMS. ?.* ; V EWBEOEUmON RATES: One copy*, one year. - - - $1.00. Olio ccpy. six inrRtli?. . - - - .SO. i- ; * Uu? copy, thiee months - - .2o. ?'" 9nbdcTiptlons payable in advance. * 'GDTERT'fSING rates: One inch, insertion. l.W; ea< h lub**quent ircerMon, 50 cents. Obituaries aml'I rihur?'S of Respect over 10) words charred for as tcgnlnr ad\vrrin* mit*t he accompanied i?jr the real name ami addre** of the writer In order to reeeive attention. No communication of a personal nature Will be publish*! except a? an adverf. tlBCment. Address all letter* and make all drafts oavab.e to ' C. W Wolfe, Kin^stree. S.O. gv. . THURSDAY OCT. 13, 1904. The fortunes of war are variable. |.' Smarting under repeated reverses j. inflicted by the Japs the Russians t;i- have-toroed theui bout and admiuistered a drubbing to the slant-eyed heathen. When the "Bear" gets his wily eueiuy within his deadly emi > brace watch how quick the little animal wi! 1 squeal to the powers to fry jtrinrtim off. !The inconsistency of human Da re is traly incomprehensible! The ne people that whoop up "white premacy" and profess a willing88 if need be to die to maintain t proud j.restigfe of the Caucasian De, we find on every hand gleefully bi}ant when the Japanese gain a story over the Russians. Chrisn and Caucasian against ifougon and pagan?which do you stand r? When Sonthern white people re long-range sympathy to the [low Oriental the attitude of our t&hern friends with regard to the i problem in the South is scarceto be wondered at. Edgefield county has again come o unpleasant notoriety. A negro nng been sentenced to thirty days the chaingang died twenty-four ire after commencing to serve his fence. There being some susion of foul play the matter was ?orted to the solicitor who interwed the county snpervisor. The Kb- latter, it is said, investigated the ?' matter and stated that the negro f died from natural causes. The body C?{ was exhumed and found to be terribly beaten, one eye gone, and a hole in the back of the head. This may bathe Edgefield idea of ''natural fik anuses." Rj." - I J ???? j" Those who have kept up with the Hoyt Hayes case in Oconee county are [ awaiting with interest the action of jgp V Governor Hey ward with respect to the | 5, petitions for and against the pardon i ?f the alleged wife murderer. Haye6 was to have been hanged October 14, Bp but the gcvernor being unwell has I ' " not had time' to properly consider pi' the case.. Meantime he has granted i?' * it renrieve of two weeks to Haves. & ?-' / . We understand that two petitions have been, presented, one containing over a thousand signatures asking that Hayes be pardoued, and the other numbering about five hundred r names asks that the law be allowed r to take rs course. Without knowing thy people who subscribed to Ev'"' * * them it is impossible to estimate the r relative weight of these petitions. As p' a rule, however, people are much j more ready to ask for a man's pardon thau to petition for him to be hanged. w . *Acid Iron Mineral cures all skin ? diseases. * Has cured Eczema, of 40 years ^staadiwg and is king of gerini cidos. Sold by druggists. H gk.\ . * LAKE CITY LOCALS. | Tobacco Sales at the Planters'?Items of Local and Personal Interest. j Lake City, October 10:?Mr \Y ' ? L Steele came down from Rockinhitin, N. C., a few days ago to look after the interests of his com pain here. Rev T E Moms of Marion will j J preach at the Methodist church next j Sunday morning. \ Mr S L Courtney has purchased; the lot next to Mr J 11 Black\\ ell's j | residence. i The Sturgeon Hotel is being rejpainted, which will add much to the; I ; j appearance. < Mr Flovd Rodders is now in * ? i : Charleston with the street railway ' as coudactor. Ilis mother, Mrs KC 1 \ Rudgors, went down hist week and is ; with him. Mr 11 E Morris, who was ill quite a while, lias recovered and is again at his post in the bank. Mr H Nachman went to Charleston Sunday night for a day. LeRoy Lee, Esq., ran up from Kingstree ah hour or two Thursday. Mis3 Helen Moore of South Boston, Ya., came down a few days ago and is visiting at her brother's Mr W S Moore'8. Miss Maria Croft went away Friday night to Alcot, S. C., to teach at . that place. We are informed by Mr Olin John son that Dr L B Johuson has decided to return to Lake City and that he will be bock within about thirty days. The climate has not agreed with the doctor's family, which is exactly the opposite of what was expected. Hence his d etermination to return. This is just the way. He who leaves South Carolina in search of a better country is sure t) meet disappointment. We shall be glad to have Dr Johnson with us again. Mr N L Overstreet, who recently gave up his position as agent of the Coast Line here, has gone to Atlanta where he will take a course in dentistry. He is succeeded by Mr Atkinson. Mr 0 C Woodward, route agent of the Southern Express Co., was in town Saturday on business. Mr F E Johnson of Dock has made a success of tobacco this year. One day last week he sold a load of I 900 pounds at the Planters Warehouse at an average of very nearly 23 cts. per pound. How is that? Mr Johnson has jealized from his three acres ot tobaao tfye sum of $502.00 net. He used 600 pounds of low grade fertilizer to the acre. Comment seems entirely unnecessary. Such figures speak volumes for Mr Johnson as a farmer, for tobacco as a crop and for Williamsburg, as the place to live and grow rich farming. Miss Pansy Jones is teaching in ( Bej keley county. Mond ay afternoon late Dr Wil- , liams' horse, which was left in the yard hitched to the busgy but not fastened, took a notion from some unknown cause to go off on a little jaunt He went away on the run and wis found about two hours afterwards near Mr J S Lynch's place, atxmt four miles from town. The brick work of the new bank ' [buildiug is completed, all except a M part of the vault. Everything will probably be finished within thirty days. Messrs Chas A Smith and W P Henry of Timm~nsville,1 were in , town Monday last looking after the J affairs of the Smith-Williams Mer- ( car.tile Co, which is being organized. Mrs P E Severance, who had been j to Florence to visit her daughter,Mrs | Erwin Brothers, retur led home Monday night. i Our postmaster has put in several t real nice lock boxes. These were f welcomed by our business houses. Sunday morning about 6 o'clock t Notary II G Askius united a difckv * couple in the bonds of matrimony. 1 Quite a fashionable hour for a mar- ' riage! We hope high society will j make a note of this and act accord- c ingly. t Miss Ella Ford, of Sumter, spent r Tuesday in town. While here she|( 'called upon her friend, Miss Travis t Stanley. a , Editor Wolfe was here Saturday. W. L. P.! ? FOR SALE BY DR. W. V. BRO jWWWWWWWWV^VVVVVW j 1). C. SC?)TT, PresiJ'-ut. THE BANK OF Transacts a Gener< COLLECTIONS CA11EFUL PROMPTLY DEPOSITS FROM *1.00 oa se : HENRY P. WILLIAMS, JOHN A. KELLEY, >w - wwv^wwwww -wr -r-i i/M/r-V a O I UOIXC I * (Successors to J. 1 Announce to their cu< just got in a fres Horses To Suit all Cl They are now in our f ___^^@__Sele( Bvugrgles, "Wa; ness al^ra^ STUCKEY ar Lake Ci ~World.'s : Parties wishing to take hear in mind that the c preaching Low rates, cellent service can he : self of the / Season tickets, Sixty I tickets and Coach Exeu of three routes is off schedules, etc., call on t dress the undersigned. Tuesday and Thurs lay toher. No trouble toai quiries promptly respon H.H. EHERSON, Traffic Manager. WILMINC Best Pri< Hones ?A Courteous attention, THE 5TAR WAREHOUSI And they are the Dri ?THE V" v; ? The leading Warehouse in i O. T. The Bull of the market in th He works for the grow:r of tf the mannfacturer. The people of this c( they are going ti THB STAR \\ LAKE CITY, 3. T. HALL, And the man v Notice to Trustees. Trustees from the various school ?Iisricts are requested to meet in the oflee of the County Superintendent o Education, on Saturday, October 29, !>W, for the purpose of holding a free onference, looking to the up building ind developtnentofthe schools through nit the county and for the promotion f the cause of education generally t rustees are also reminded of the fact hat the time for availing themselves f State'aid forseliool libraries uuder lie Anil act expins Docember il, 1004. Phis and otlicr matters \viJ come up or discussion at the meeting referred o. which all the trustees are urged to ittend. if they can possibly do so. "William Cooper, >-',*9-31 CountyfSupt. of Education :eath(vi.:rinp? dangert->babies. wttleof Baby Ka?e?the world's j by medicine ? on hand, it is , pure, harmless remedy for all bowel and stomach troubles. c-cs-os, Ij cents. ragry/ \BY EASE CO.. M.\rov, Ga. CKINTON, KINGSTREE. S. C. % WVV\V\.VfcV*V%V*.WWW'VV?\ J EDWIN (;. EFPS, Cashier. 2 ' X IN GST REE * il Banking Business * LY LOOKED AFTEIt AN1) I REMITTED. > UPWARD RECEIVED. > ITOBK: J JE II. KKEEEHAX. ? P, C. SCOTT. t \UU V^V\U\UU UUVVUU ' nd f=lo\a/ers L. STUCKEY & Co..) ;tomers that they have h Carload of Stock riules Baaampg ?a asses of Buyers. ^tables Ready for your ;tion. grons and. X=Ca,r7"S On liancL. id FLOWERS, ity. S. 0 in this great Fair should losing date is rapidly ap quick schedules and exsecured l?y availing your^OSLSt Xjij?-Q )ay tickets, Fifteen Day tsion tickets. The choice ercd. For rates, routes, he Ticket Agent or adCoach Excursions every during the month of Ocl.swer questions. All inided to. W. J. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent. jTON, N. C. :es, t Dealing, ND? Are the Best Drummers of E ^ LAKE CITY, S C. immers that have made ST A R this Country and have made HALL ' a * 1 r* r* s\ D UCM^DCC ic i UL'aui-u le tobacco and not for )untry know this and therefor 3 sell this Season's crop ae WAREHOUSE, s. cProprietor /ho does thi ngs. MACHINERY ' COMPLETE EQUIPMENTS A SPECIALTY. CATA" ctTI' tOOUCS MATES ?j cation \\\_ fi ^ A-'/ ^ ? ENGINES, BOILERS. GINNING MACHIN- I F CRY, SAW MILL AMD WOODWORKING g S MACHINERY. SHINGLE AflO LATH 2? MACHINERY, CORN MILLS, '*> RRICK MAKING MACHINES ERY, KINDRED LINES I GIBCfS machin:RV COMPANY. I ? Cotoaita. s. f. i ' fWMilltlfliiWiWiiiilU ^ O. W. CUNNINGHAM. | CUNNING HA > > Chihiers, Haiters anc j*" ? DARLING J*- * 11 ^ We respectfully solicit' C ^^Williauisburir C ^ WE ARE HEADaiJi > *T" -Tllff Ti^nra lavaran I CLOT > Inn \sy g ^ Heits, Shirts i RPMTQ' PI ir > I IJU?U1 i?I A LJ 1 And wapp I -^1 ORDERS ? ^ We guarantee perfect satis: > MONEY REFUNDED. A trial order will CONYIN do the right tiling" I ^ We give mail orders oui and any goods not proving ^ as represented, may be retu ^ We prepav charges on dll c ^ SEND US YOl > YOURS 1 | CUNNINGHA1 MAWAAMWAWA I9< (? ^ V-. ft ?->* - -? JR T MYFJ11EXDSAX* | $ BAG CO 0BOWEllS OF 7A "We are very j patronage in the p; JI liave a short crop i yQ territory, we pron w) forts in accomodat (l? all in our power to 8 outside price for y< will vouch for the our force. Our for follows: W. S. MOORE, Prop. FLEET McELVEEN, Aucti (4 W. T, Come to Planters and ; (# Respectful fl ' w. s. n f) Lake Cit SSS3gSS3S3?3S3 ! /aWWVYVYWWl |/VWVWWVWM 8 News for ! /N Special Sale at the KI' j X STOIIE October 15th to 22 j? $10,000: X bought at Sacrifice She Q at Bargain Prices. ^ Calicoes 2cts and up, Bleac Homespun-lets and tip, X Ladies' Suits, worth $15 ai IX Ladies Skirts, worth S3 to 5 X Special Sale,, ! V Commencin g Sat ui V continuing every da 6 Kingstree Ba X |?"Next door to HAI Ixxxxxxxxxxxx kxxxxxxxxxxxx:: X A CARLOAD OF FINE It X WE ALSO HAVE A X BUGGIES, WAGONS 2 x BORNE HOWERS and V NESS, &c. X COME TO SEE US. W X GIVE EASY TERHS. | THOMAS ^>ooooooooo^< \ wmwmmwwi \] L. C. DOVE. \ Ma DOVE, % 1 ' Gents' Furnishers, ^ -M the patronage of our ^ J1 IRTEM^S^s^l J HiNQ, 1 | and all 5 kinds of ^ ?NI5HINE5 % M > red ate s .1 \ny and All 5 iENT US..|* | | faction on all floods or ^ CE youthatwe mean to ^ by onr Customers. ^ .m PERSONAL attention ^ 1 qj| entirely satisfactory or ^ irned at OUR expense. ^ >rders of $5.00 or over. ^ JR ORDERS, S DOVE. J* I ' I n p i ti?n \*v // vr> t/9- ^ ^ SOUTH CAROLINA: J grateful for the 7A ist, and, while we - ? n acreage in this . WL nise our best efion, and will do ml , J get you the very (m Dur tobacco. We a\ best' efforts of /A ce for 1004 is as * ' 5 j A.'K. MOORE, Clerk, fl oneer. . FIRESHEETS, Solicitor. (A 3*ou will be pleased. ly yours, UP OORE, W OOOOOQCXXXXX? @ Kingstree! jj XGSTREE BARGAIN ^ STOCK ? :ritTs Sale. All Goods ^ dies 3cts and up, Chock X Worsted Dots and up,. ' rS id ?18, $5 and up. ? ?>, at $1.5U. Q 'day, October 1> and V y while com I lasts. w rgain Store, x iDWARE STORE. * ( X xxxxxxxxxxxx? XXXXXXXXXXXX7J pIVED! I ORSES AND MULES. X i FULL LINE OF V ind HARNESS, OS- V RAKES, DISC HAR- V V E SELL CHEAP AND X iradham, 8 ;E, S. C. O ' '