? "ill li j II I " j gg ' j !! Ij_l I The Remits liccofri j Published every Thursday at kinqstree, s. c. *? C. W. WOLFE, Editor and proprietor. TERMS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, one year. - - - .$1.00. On-- eof y. si\ months. - - - .so. Tme couv. tillee months, - - .2*>. Subscriptions payable in advance. ADVERTISING RATES: One inch, fir At insertion. 81.00; each y , auiMequent insertion. SO cents. ObiuiV Aries and Tributes of U<* llit.ll lO UUli till [:\ kiuds of fiactions, yet without paper Or slate he worked those examples, fnrniug dow n first one after another |< of those competitors to the perfect astonishment of the crowd present. He never was turned down. lie afterwards went to Wofford College, fc--. There he won every honor, both in ft college and society. Was first presi' dedt of his society from his class, py Elected on annual debate, Chief Marshal for the college.and for six monthst one of nine presidentsof Calhoun Literary Society. He won every medal given by the college or jf society for which he could compete. | ; In the archives of the Calhoun Literary society will be found speeches and essays of his that the m members of the society thought worthy of a place in the archives to be read by boys that were yet to come to Woflord. He graduated from college in 1887, taking for the subject of his graduating speech "A Plea for Farming." In that speech lie advocated mixing brains with fertilizers, claiming there were many things this State could produce w hich would pay betler than cotton; and that no one knew the possibilities of an acre of Carolina soil: He made in that speech this significant assertion: ^ "Hanging on tlji; walls of our schoolhouses and colleges are the picture^ 5 or men wno nave, von distinction m many ways, but nbt one do we see of a man who has won distinction paret ly as a farmer. Thi#causes farthers' ft sons to be educated away from*, the farm. I stand, here to plead for the coming of the day when the people of this State shall honor the man who wisely and successful)- farms as much as the one who has won' distinction in any other calling." He has stuck to that idea ever since. Mr Elierbe began farming and merchandising in 1887. Two tiros destroyed from six to eight thousand dollars worth of proprety for him, with 110 insurance. The hard years came on and his hooks show frofli twenty o> thirty thousand^dollars owing liim by thy people of Marion ecuuty. His friends begged and pleaded with him to let^his creditors take whit he had and start again as he could never pay his debts. Hut he refused firmly to do so, saying he owed honest debts and could never rest easy until he paid them. He closed up hi* store,-took the the plow handles and has paid his debts. He refers with pride to every banker and merchant in Marion county as to his standing. Mr VII orho :c Allo nf fUo Knot I vi luc kwrt idi in* era Marion county has ever produced, . *nd while he has read some law books for his own improvement, yet farmi ing is his life-work and he glories in it. Everything which tends to help his community tlnds iu Mr Ellerbe a friend. He is a trustee of Pine Hill academy, chairman of board of trustees of School District No. 28, and an . enthusiastic believer in education. 1 BB* t I9< l* TO. UYFMFXDS A.X fi BACCO OBOII i 7A W e are very ^ patronage in the ] j} v have a short crop UP territory, we pro forts in accomoda all in our power t< outsiue price tor \ jL will voucb for the * our force. Our fo v) follows: fv W. S. MOORE, Prop. FLEET McELVEEN, Auct (A w- 1 Come to Planters and \M ' Respectfu fl w. s. r $ Lake Cil Ilis chinch and Sunday school lind ; in hitu a wuani friend. He is chair i man of the board of stewards of Latta circuit and district steward from his circuit. He is, and has been for nearly twenty years superintendent of a Sunday school; is chairman of the Interdenominational Sunday School association of Marion county, and hv.s been for! eight years a member of the State! Executive Committee of South Caro- i lina Interdenominational Sunday i School Association. Mr Ellerhc has had experience in j Iftivi.'liituui kofimv K/ion it* I lui ! ICglOiailVllf ll(?* III^ l-fcru )U IUV M?MW ; Legislature, and also a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1895. ; While in the Legislature he was a I trust*** of South Carolina College! and also of Cedar Springs Seliool. Mr Ellerbe's modesty prevents his j telling these things, but we think i the people should know it. He is no I quitter, but once convinced his; course is right, nothing can stop him ; until he cets what he wants. That] is the man Marion coun'y is offering to the Sixth Congressional District at this time. We believe he is going to be elected and there is NOT A MAN in the district who will tight harder and get more for his people than he will. Watch Ellerbe! Citizen. . A DRAINAGE I AW. Mr. Jno. A. Kelly, of Williamsburg, Here in Interest of One. Mr Jno A Kelley, of Williamsburg, a leading attorney and land owner of w) Hiatus burg connrv, is 111 the city in tht interest of a drainage law, which he proposes to 'have passed at the next session of the General Assembly and which will, it is thought, materially improve that land in the lower counties. It is proposed to have the same laws as are now in force in some of the Western sfaf'OS and provide for a state drainage commission and a local tax on all land owners who are willing to stand the tax and thuj drain off any swamp lani^ they might have. Mr Kelley will meet some of the members from the coast counties soon and press the merits of h:s bill, and the matter will also be taken up in Commissioner Watson's anunal report.? Colombia Record, Aug 10. Mr Ragsdale, in his campaign speech here last Wednesday, spoke of an important matter when he urged white-men to register for the general election. They should by all means do so; and not only reg-' ister, but vote on the general election day. Very much <>f vital concern to our South-land depends upon the exerci.se of tlie ballot in general elections, w hether the J)em- j ocratic i.r/minees h.lve opposition or | not ? Marion Star. ? TAKEX WITH CHAMPS. Wni Kiniise, :i member of flu* bridge gang working nr:ir Kittle- : port was taken .-uddonly ill day nifflit with cramps and :t kind of cholera. Hh ease was so sever" ; that ho hail to have the nxember; 1 of t ho crew wait upon him and Mr! Glfford w?> .-ailed and consulted. Ho told them lie had a medicine in j the form of Chamberlain's Coli -, | Cholora and Itiarrkoni Kemedv! that ho thought would help him out and accordingly sovor.il do?es wore administered with the result that) the fellow wrs able to be around | next Jay. The incident speaks j quite highly of .Mr Giffotil's medicines.? Klkader, Town, Argus. A niau never realizes* how near; death's door lie is until he reads thej contents of a patent medicine I almanac. 04 jjj i) r.mto.Ys.ixi) '? SOrrjr CJROLI.XA: (l\ grateful for the >ast, and, while we gj\ in acreage in this jl mise our best ef- v^r j tion, and will do > ?"et you the very (A our tobacco. We best efforts of . 7a rce for 1904 is as A. K. MOORE, Clerk, f) ioncer. 4jh \ FIRESHEETS, Solicitor. you will be pleased. _ lly yours, (0 100RE, W :y, S. C. ^ THE GREAT ST- LOUIS FAIR. A Marvel of Scope and VarietyLocal News of Scranton. Scranton, August 15:?To give a description of tin- great St l/>uis fair would require more than a few days there, and a life of travel and study. Two eyes are not enough to see what they look at, one mind insufficient to comprehend nil point to 1-e brought out in the exhibits. The ground*, covering two square .miles. is a grand masterpiece of the gardener's, sculptor's and architect'? skill. A sublime pi ?ture where every thought of the soul for ages past funis expression. lireat a we thought our West Indian Exposition ? V*. ri?.< I fnHiW-ru?4* * ? sin ea>ily.coiit:iin all the exhibits fromC'harle-ton cxjmsitinn. So immense are the buildings one's chief tnuihle is keeping the cardinal points in miu udvl?uble to take a compass with with you when you joa little later; give time for the dozens of incomplete concessions and buildings to be finished. But even now and at the beginning there i? more than enough to satisfy a xn-at, thirsty soul iti the soundest body given man. Trails]Mirtution building shows you vi? J hides of every sort from un ox-cart to queen Adelaide's silk-liiier Thomas MeKlvcen and family of North, S. C.: Miss Lena Richardson of Georgetown: Miss Jimtnio I/tP of Tallahassee. Flu.: Miss Nell Hardin of Florence; Miss Sue Carter of Lake City and Mr George J Lee of Georgetown. I Maj J. W. Gaines and Capt Kennedy of Hartsville were here Monday in the interest of the Vtbb Keck High Ssboot Miss,Minna Gasque has returned from a visit to friends in the Piedmont section of this State. s Morrisville Matters. -Mokkisvi llc, August 15:?There win preaching in the Baptist church Sunday night by the pastor. Rev H 11 Jones. Hon J S Graham has returned from a few weeks trip to Glenn Springs. | Mr Mood Graham, now of Boggy Swamp, | visited his home folk Sunday of last week. The A. M. K |wrso4?age in this vicinity will soon be completed. The jiaptist Sunday-school here will celebrate Children'z day on the 1st Sunday in Septemberj w fit a pirnie and appropriate exercise*. Rev J W Powell of Georgetown and Maj. J \V I Gaines of XV N High School are exiiected. Supt. Tallevitot and his co-helpers are doing their licst j to make the occasion what it should lie. Mr"and Mrs McCullough of Beitson sjient a few days here lust week. Mrs li B Jones and sister, _\ijo num. M (His I El Lake City, S.C., Invite'22SHBS YOUR ATTENTION TO THEIR STOCK OF Groceries, Harcl wet re AND^? QIN^PR W 1 1 V < | uniFM? | ;xxxxx: f) (A About the hot weather, w) | jl Come or send us your !*) mail o der for some of yj (J) the many cool garments w) \jl we've provided for $) Summer wear. gi Serge Suits $8.50 to fv $20. Outing Suits f\ jfl^ (Coat and Pants) \k jVf $5.50 to $16. Single fl (? Coats, Serge Trous- m B\ a?*i? Cirilion OrtH A 1. la v / unu ni y ^ pacaCoatsand Vests W (A SummerUnderwear Jh Negligee Shirts, 61 -K Leather Belts, St raw J I (k Hats, $ w) To please yon in (0 ^ price,styleandqualSt _J /uistti?!wiu.$ ^5 CORNER KING AND ?) ^ HA3ELL STREETS, ^ g CHARLESTON. - S C- 2 f) s CSSSSSSSCSSS^ v *? - ** g ?THE CHAMPION? E I? STUMP PULLPR t: THE STRONGEST THE SIMPLEST and most economical of all ! STUMP PULLERS Try it beiore you pay i?>r it. Guaranteed to puli your stumps or no pay asked. Write for free lx-H>klet piviue terms and prices THE ChAHPION StU.lP PULLER CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. EgsmnfagggHMMMaBM Courtship carries.more passengers haii any other ship. r Candidates Cards FOll RAILROAD COMMISSIONER W HOVI) EVAN'S. His Platform: To see that no city or town is discriminated against. FOR CO NT, II ESS. Wo arc ant homed to aunt un *o t lie candidacy01 .J AMES NORTON for 1 ( ongivs> in tlte Sixth Congressional I District, subject to tic rules of the j Democratic primary election. I hereby announce myself a candidate for' 'oppress in the Sixt It District, subj'cr to the titles of tlte Democratic primary election. W K DAItGAN'. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Congress from Sixth Congressional District, .-object to Democratic primary. .1 E KLLElibE.' I re-pecltnlly announce myself a candidate (or < otigress front the Sixth Congtcssionnl District, subject 10 ' Uieruies of tlie Democrat*!" primary. J W HAGS DALE FOR HOUSE OK REPRESENTATIVES. We oreauthorized to announce Mr .) DAVIS* A HTER for the I.egislatuie, to the rules of the Democratic party. I hereby aotnunce myself a candi dat for rite House of Representrtives subject to the I)en ocratic primnrv. PHIL!P STOLL. We are authorized to announce as a candidate for the 'louse of Representatives JOHN s GRAHAM, -object to the rules of the Democratic primary election. FRIENDS. Teelinc a deep andsinjnty friendfor tt e tiatteiinjr interest they have manifested in my entering the present campaign. I herelty announce my candidacy fur re-election t elieve J that public otfl.-e is a public trus: and pledge myself, if elected, to stand faithj fully by tlie interests of the people. W. S. CAM 1.1 N, JR. j l ull CLERK OF COURT. We are authorize*! to annouriee B C WlIITEHEADas a candidate for reclection to the office of Clerk of Court, subject to the action of the Demui*r:uic primary election. FOR SHERIFF. \ Thanking my friends for their Joyai -upnort in tlie past I hereby announce my eandhlncy for re-election to the office ot Mh*i iff of Williamsburg county, subject to the decision of the voters in the ensuing priniarv election. GEORGE J. GRAHAM. FOR AUDITOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate j for re-appointment as Coun'y Auditor subject to the rules of The Democratic ; partv. J J B MONTGOMERY. | FOR TREASURER. "Cast thy bread upon the waters, for th<>u shall find it afier many days.'" Hence $il.00 and these few words an ] nouncing myself a candidate for the | Treasurer's office of Williamsburg I coufitv, subject to its pi imarv election ! laws. H K SCOTT. riease announce me a candidate for re-appointmeni to office of County Treasurer, subject to the rules of i lie Democratic primary. (J W JOHNSON. We are authorized t<> announce flic candidacy t importat t that we are called upon to fill and it is incumbent upon the people to select I man ot energy and business tact and 'acumen. .No better man could be found than the one we name and we :e-eut him. pledging him to abide tiie result of f.hel'cmnciatic primary. FRIENDS. i FOR SOLICITOR. * 1 I hereby announce m> candidacy i r. ... * - i i?#i icnci uvii iw uiu "i o'iim ilui i of the Third Judicial Circuit., subject i to the 1 ules of the Democratic part v. , JOHN s WILSON. . "FOHTSUVT. OF EDUCATION. I respectfully announce myself a . candidate for the office of < ounty Superintendent of Education, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary election T OLIN EPPS. We are autliorized to announce WILLIAM COOPER as a candidate for re-election to tile ottiee of Superntemlenrof Education, subitct to the ! rules of the Democratic primary I election. FOR PROBATE JUDGE. We are authorized to announce ?S I McB SCOTT an a candidate for c.eeI tion to the office of Jndgeof Probate of Williamsburg County, subject to the action of the Democrat'** primary election. v' At the solicitation of many friends I 1 herebv announce thy.-elf a candidate lor Probate Judge of Williamsburg county, subject to the Democratic primary election. Having previously held this office for four years tnd being familiar with its duties I feel confident, if elected, that I can till it to the satisfaction of the public. E. M.SMITH. FOR COUNTY -COMMISSIONER.. I hereby announce myself a candi! date for Comity Commissioner. subject i to'tlie rules of the Democratic party. T 1) GAMBLE. I hereby annouece myself a candidate for County Commissioner in the enstf ii ?r primary election, subject to the rules of the1 Democra ic partv. W. WMOORE. We are an'horized to announce the candidacy ?>f It I) BRAKELEY for re-election to the ofHce of County Com missioner. subject to the rules of the Democratic primary election. FRIES DS. I hereby announce my-eit a candidate for Ounty Commissioner, subject to tiie rules of the Democratic party. ' W M SMITH. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary election, K H FITCH. I hereby announce myself :? c andidate for County Commissioner, subject to the rules of the Demwratie primaiy election. ANDREW R EADDY. The many friends of T, A MOORE herebv announce him a candidate for the office < f County Commissioner of Williamsburg county pledging him to abide the result of the Demo-r crane prnnaij election, FRIENDS FOR SUPERVISOR 'REGISTRATION Mr Editor. diil you know that I am a candidate lor Supervisor of Registration? well I am. I believe the people want me and I am certain I want the office a- we will close the contract on election day, 1 have tried to do my duty and 1 shall be so glad when the voters endorses uie at ttie poles the old boys a nd the young ones too tell me that I need not canvass the country. Subject to the rules of the Democratic piimary. GEO. K. MITCIIUM. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Supervisor of Registration, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. W ISAIAH TISDAKE. We are authorized to announce Mr V McLURE RROCKINTON as a candidate f and being familiar with its duties I feel that I can fill it to the satisfac [ tion of the public. 1 II M BR R ROWS,