Salters Sittings. Saltero Depot, August S:? "Wednesday night the store of S D McKay was broken open and robbed ?f a boot twenty-live dollars in goods * and money by a negro named Willie Gardner, a noted sneak thief. He entered bv the front door, w hich is made in two parts, held by a bar in the middle. This is the second time he has entered this store in the same way. Mr Ale Kay carried the negro to Kiugstree Friday morning and had him committed to jail by Magistrate Grayson. Willie Gardner has been on the chain gang several times before for breaking into stores. E T Hamer is taking in the St. Louis Exposition this week. Judge T E Salters and wife are spending a month at Mineral Hill, Tenn. Mr C W Boswell went to Mineral Hill, Tenn., where he was called by ? fplt'irrani from his wife, who is quite sick. He took her up there about three weeks ago for her health" Mies Florie Stubbs, who has beeu visiting her parents in Marlboro, has returned to Salters. She was accompauied by Miss Bessie Easou. Miss Edith Whitfield has returned home after a month's pleasaut stay with lrieuds in Marlboro. Miss May Moseley of Charleston is visiting her grand parents, Mr and Mrs R Moseley. She is accompanied by Miss Mary Nicholas, also of , Charleston. Corn is made and in the next ten: days there will be nothing but fod- i der nulling. The crop is very good | this year. Cotton has a large weed but is growing too fast and shedding in some places by continued rains. We are having rain every day aud it is impossible to work late crops. Jack. County Campaign Meetings. The following places, at dates Darned, have been designated by the executive committee for holding county campaign meetings: Greelyville, Tuesday, August 16. Trio, Thursday, August 18. Aiorrrisville, Friday, August 19. Johnsonville, Tuesday, August 23. Lake City, Thursday, August 25. Kingstree, Friday, August 26. First piimary election, Tuesday, August 30,1904. SUICIDE PREVENTED. The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide had been discovered will interest many. A run down system, or des|?ondency Invariably piecede suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self destruction taKc Electric Bitters. It being u great tonic and nervine wiil strengthen the nerves and build up th? system. It's also a great Htomaeh, Liver and Kidney regulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Dr W V Brocklnton, Druggist You'll r*ver run up the hill of progress by running down vonr neighbors. ^.Have Yon any Pictares to Frame? y ' J bavc just received a complete [ stock of choice moulding and picture frame supplies and am in position to mrke any size frame on short notice and at reasonable prices. Whet an?werinjr this "ad," please mention 'THE COUNTY "RECORD''. Yours trnlv, ELITE ART CO., Abthub L. Jones, Mgr., Lake City, S. C. A. _ A Farmers' PicnicTo the Farmers of Williamsburg and Surrounding Country: You are cordially invited to join us iu a- picnic to be given'on the 26th of August, 1904, at or near Lake City. Come with well filled baskets. We have secured some speakers from a distance who will present some new ?^ ? TUnrn will Kn lueits lur JUJUI gUVU. x mi v nut vn. no political speaking nor politics in the meeting?simply a farmers' pic*nic. Come one and all and let's have a good time. Lake City, Aug. 8, H H sjngletary J M Kennedy A C Stewart. John Morris S E FloydSICK HEADACHE. ^For several years my wife was troubled with what physicians called sick headache of a very se* verecharacter. She doctored with several eminent physicians and at a great expense, only to grow worse until she was unable to do any kind of work. About a year ago fhe began takiDg ChamberJain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and today weighs more thaiy she ver did before and is real well," says Mr Geo. E Wright of New London, New York. For sale by Dr DC Scott, Kingstree; Lake City Drug Co., Lake Cily; Dr W S Lynch%Scrauton. Final Discharge. Notiqe-ls hereby given tliatoii Monday, August l-~?t h. 19u4. 1 will apply to the Prolate Judge of Williamsburg County, for a final discharge as administrator oif the Estate of J J M Graham Sr., deceased. J J M GKAIIAM Jr. 4t Administrator. Orangeburg Collegiate Institute* ORANGEBURG* S. C. A high grade coeducational institution. The only school in'middle South Carolina doing collegiate work. Three large buildings Two of brick and one of wood. Accommodations for i;">o students. Rooms are being rapidly taken. Equipment ample. Faculty strong. Rates very reasonable. Fare first class and nicely served. Full business course, vocal and instrumental music, elocution, art. and physical culture. Curriculum high as corresponding female colleges in the state. Write for illustrated catalogue. J. R. MACK, ) Associate PyesiW. S .PETEKSON. f dents. Next session begins Wednesday. September 21. 1904. *8-4-0t. Notice. Presidents of the various Democratic elubs are requested to forward at once to County Chairman Williams a list of managers of their respective club-in order that the list may l>e published without delay. All candidates must conform to trie pledge prescribed by the Democratic party adopted at the last State Convention, and timtlie same with the County Chairman. Assessments will be paid to the secretary and treasurer of executive committee. Pledges may betiied and assessments paid up to 12 nr., August IS. C W WOLFE, A H WILLIAMS, Secretary. Chairman. 8-4-2t Summons for Belief. __ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OK WILLIAMSBURG. Court of Common Plea*. Mellie E Mouzon, Plaintiff against Charles M Mouzon, Rachel K Mouzon, DeWaldon Mouzon. Prince A Mouzon. Chris'ina H Mouzon and R H Kellehan, Defendants. To the Defendants: Charles M Mouzon, Rachel K Mouzon. De*?'aidon Mouzon, Prince A Mouzon, Christina II Mouzon and R H Kellehan. you are hereby summoned and required to' answer the complaint, in this action of which a eopy is herewith served Upon you. and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office in Kingstrce, Sooth Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint Dated?July 18th, A. D. 19U4. LEROY LEE, Plaintiff's Attorney. 4 To the Defendants, C. harles M Mouzon, Rad el E Mouzon, DeWaldon Mouzon, Prince A Mouzon, and Christina H Mouzon. Take Notice: That the complaint in this action was filed in the Office of the Clerk of the f'ourl of t Vim in. in Pleas, in K hurst ree. Conn ty of Williamsburg. State of South Carolina, onvthe 18tii day of July. 1904. July 18th. 1904. LEROY LEE. Plaintiffs Attorney. 7-21-6t. W ANTED?SEVER AL INDUStrious persou* in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profitable line. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of $24 and all tfaveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experience not issentlal. Mention "-eference and enclose self-add re-sed envelope. Manufacturers and Wholesalers. Dept. .8, third floor, 834 Dearborn St.. Chicago. I?THE ^CHAMPION? STUMP PULLER I THE STRONGEST g THE SIMPLEST I j AND MOST ECONOMICAL OF ALL H STUMP PULLERS I Try it betore you pay for it. I Guaranteed to pull your stumps I j or no Dav asked. B I Write for free l?x>klet Riving term* and prices! THE CMAflPION STUHP PULLER CO., | BUY IlLa W if B >*#?-> 6 L SEWING MACHINE Do not be dc.-<-iv<->] I>v those who advertise a $'>0.00 hewing Machine for $20.00. Thiskind <,* a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers) from ?15.00 to iilS.OO. WE MAKE A VARIETY THE NEW K02IE IS THE BEST. The Food determines the strength or weakness of bowing Machines. The Double Feed combined wiih other strong |K>in:s makes the New Home the best (Sowing Machine to buy. WriMRMSSSx we UtanuuicSuroaad prices ticioio purchasing THE m HOME SE'VING MACHINE 60. CRANGC MASS 28 Union Pq. N. V., CJiicsigo, III., Atlanta, Oa^ fit. Louiu,Ma., Da"a?,T?x.,8au KraucUco.Cfci Window H'rlffht, Jicraitm S.C. FOR SALE BY DB. W. V. BR' ^vww\vw\v%v\v*vvwv*w i I). C. SCOTT, President. t THE BANK Of * Transacts a Gencr I COLLECTIONS CAREFU1 > PROMPT!/ J DEPOSITS FROM *1.0 t IMRI J HENRY P. WILLIAMS, > JOHN A. KELLEY, ^ ......... XAAAU 4AJ fv?" - nmumwwy STUCKEY^ (Successors to J. Announce to their cu just got in a frej Horses To Suit all C They are now in our , ? 5ele Bvigrgries, "Wa ness sul"wa; ?- ? ^ \ / SI ai Lake C TEN REASONS FO welsh Neck 1 Healthful location?p 2 Well equipped properl 3 Thoro courses of stud; 4 Separate dormitories 1 5 Teachers live in dormi (j Teachers with student 7 Table supplied with a food. 8 Large and growing pa last year. 9 Surrounded by refined 10 Expenses very moder; Next session opens Sept Parties desiriug to patro and engage rooms. Cat WELSH NECK Hartsv ?AUGU EXCUES _r KIN3ST / OLD POINT, VIRGINIA BEAC1 OCEAN VIEW, CAROLINA BEAC WRIGHTSVILLE MYRTLE BEACH THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEI DIRECT TO NORFOLK, ARR 'AUGUST 18 TICKETS LIMITED TO UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1st ATLANTIC FOR RESERVATIONS OR D. J. Brock, Agent, KINGSTREE, S. C. Best Pri Hones Courteous attention, THE STAR WAREHOUf And they are the Di i i n/ I ?. I ne leading w arenou^c 11 O. T The Bull of the market in1 He works for the grower of the mannfacturer. The people of this < they are going THB ST \ LAKE CITY, 0. T. HALL, And. the ram EASE the world's best baby^^ '-is a prompt, safe, sure and harm'for all ports of stomach and bowel ?gk babies and children. Keep it alnd rou can rely upon it. yy 1 good dra^ stores, 2Jc. V ?d by BABY EASE CO., Macon, Ga. DCKINTON. KINQSTWEC, 8. C. * EDWIN O. EPFS, Cashier, j 7 ZCINGSTREE. | al Banking Business i [/i,Y LOOKED AFTER AND \ Y REMITTED. < 0 UPWARD RECEIVED. J XTORM: \ R. H. KELT,EH AN. * D. C. SCOTT. ? vvwwwwwvv^vww\www$ ND FLOWERS L. STUCKEY & Co..) istomers that they have sh Carload of Stock *nd flules HBSHnBHB lasses of Buyers. Stables Ready for your ction. ,gforis azid ZEHEar57-S On id FLOWERS, , ity, S. O R PATRONIZING THE HIGH SCHOOL. hysical and moral, ty worth $60,000.00. ffor boys and g-irls. itories with students. :s in study hall at night, n abundance of properly cooked .tronage. 198 boarding students and cultured people, ate. :. 14, 1904. nize us would do well to write us alogue, etc., furnished on request. : HIGH SCHOOL, tile, S. C. 1ST 17th? ION LUTES RonREE, S. C. -TOVA. ) K, J- $7.50 ;H, N. C. ) BEACH, 44 V $5.50 , 44 ) PING CARS ON TRAIN NO. 32 IVING AT NORFOLK 6:00 A. M., RETURN ON ANY TRAIN ,1904. COAST LINE ANT INFORMATION WRITE W. J. Craig, G. P. Agent. WILMINGTON, N. C. ces. f t Dealing, \ND? Are the Best Drummers of T r in LAKE CITY, S. C. "ummers that have made : STAP ? l thisCountry and have made . HALL the Tobacco Business, the tobacco and r.ot for :ountry know this and therefore to sell this Season's crop at VAHBHOUSB, S. CProprietor who does things.. Ladles and Gentlemen REMEMBER now is the time to go where you can buy SHOES that give entire satisfaction as to price, tit, fiinish and comfort. WE carry in our line of Shoes for gentlemen the well known Reynold's Shoe which has no equal. LADIES when shopping call and inspect our line of DRESS GOODS AND nr nil I INPDV X A 1MI\ a m w Respectfully yours, Z>. Stackley, WEDDING PF ?YES, THj Our Stock Includes a Large Line thzt cannot Fail to Please Gifts in Latest Designs at Mo< Out of Town Customers That Has Built up Our Just Send Us the Amount Get the Benefit ol WATCHES and JEWELRY Repaii S- THOMAS 257 KING Watch Inspectors for Southern and Cor jooooooooooooc: 8 HORSES ai X COME AND INSPECT TH 0 THOMAS BRADHAM X -ALSO* Come and inspect onr complete X WHITE STAR BUGQIES. V NESS, WAGONS. AC Q THOMASAN0 BIADHAM. i X J B STEELE, Mgr, Kingst Southeastern Lim CHARLES! Building Material of a Roofing 44Rl Write f of pF" I Watch tl I -F0 \ NEW AD. 1> J IF YOU WISH ?COMPLETI t FALL GOODS i marcus has e A TXTO TXT XTt?T*7 VP I Jinu in IICITT i w YOURS FOR : SAM M. KINGSTR] P | 8 _ ATTENTION 0 - D ? ?? You can save money jby seei farming plows, castings, sh ' v back bands, Plow lines?ii need in farm implements. P Distributor, sold undei pecting a shipment of G< ? ' fc in about 10 days. Let u I t aim ni/mtr tt lliiAIi Ull l a ' LAKE-CI Whiskey I Morphine ; I C hubit, I linoit, \ I Cured bfKjEELEY ,1.329 Ladr St.'fm- P <^Iiox75)C^iuablA.S r k " a For style and service always chooa*^ A pair of Brown's $2.50 shoes. Dollar for Dollar you'll receive By always purchasing a pair of theafc. PA Never pinnil chtt^** H M | stylish, dor- ./js able and elegant a Ladies' 4.4.4. Sh?e. -.| RESENTS? 1 IT'S OCR SPECIALTYand Carefully Selected Beautiful and Ueful derate Prices, Receive the Careful attention Large Mail order Business. You wish to Pay and Yoii . <9| F our Experience in Selection* .1 |> tc( 'M red by EXPERT WORKMEN, JR. & BRO. STREET. CHARLESTON, ?, isoiidated Railway. idMULEsHj I EM AT A V R1 KXXXXXXXd I 5. O REMEMBER * I Q WE HANDLE X Igfo Q THE X "b10' [J OSBORNE X ree, S.C. X MOWERS. X* " 1,1 e & Cement Co roN, s. c. II kinds. Higfe Grade UBER01D" prices. - " " *+ "i] ??n i * Lis Space I , | ,r_ i ; (EXT WEEK | TO SEE OUK t 4. ? LINE OF- t / '* WHICH MRS. x*. J 1EEN SELECT- X S RK. v BARGAINS, ' t A.RCUS, I EE, S. C. . . ' f - v ) > /V' * FARMERS. ng us before you buy your apes, tract, hames, collars, i fact anything yoJu' flfay We are agents for tfw. K r ^guarantee. Werafe-ex^ jnuine Peruvian Guano *, * s have your order ncvoe. Yours for bargains; ARDWAREGo, XV Q. C wry w ir? i ?????? T : ' Mr iparette I AllDrug* *ndTob?e?*? habit. ( habits INStlTUTE of S C. .C. Coafldeatiifltcorrresp^^a^ence - * \