MM / Doings at Dock. ^^ ^OCK, August 3:?Children's HHTy "was celebrated at Jackson's fl^hapel Sunda>. A large crowd present and a well prepared ^ rbgramme was nicely carried ^ Misses Gerie, ^Bssie Gamble and Essie Mc^Hants, three of Indiantown's j ^Scanning girls, spent Sunday at ^BMrs B B Steele and children SummerviHe are spending ^Home time with Mrs Steele's ^Htother, Mrs L J Nesmith, of J B"Last Wednesday night your ^Vscribe", along' with several |K>itbers, attended a moon-light ^Biicnic at the pleasant and com^Bfortable home of Hon. John S. Hteraham of Morrisville. An en^ Joyable even:ng was spent by IV Mrs GB Nesmith is visiting] Biter daughter, Mrs W F McHCants, of Indiantown. V'- Mrs A D Hemingway is quite sick, but I hop for tier a speedy Brecovery fro n tier illness. B! It is rumored that we are goB ing to have another church at Vpock, in the near future, this will be of the Presbvterian faith. BWe have heard from reliable j source that one of of our highly B respected old men has already koffered to give one hundred dol iars and an acre of land to the I church, and a popular young gobusiaess man has promised to *grve one hundred dojlars more,] |tad ne of our fair maidens has | f given twenty five. Therefore 'the total up the present time is $225. It seems that this is a : good start for a country church f and ff rightly pushed, we cam soofi have the church. ? We have also heard some talk j ?, of a graded school, but no par-; v ticulars as yet. However it is [ , a good thing and I say "let the l the good work go on". Whippoorwill. END OF BITTER FIGHT. Two physicians had a long and stubborn fight with an abcess on my right lung" writes J F Hughes of DuPont, Ca. "and gave me up. rP- JSvefbody thought my time had enme. As a last resort I tried i)r 1 st. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The benefit I received fwas striking and I was on my feet In a few days. Now I've entirely regained my health." It conquers all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Long troubles. Guaranteed by Dr W V Baockinton, Druggist. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. The King Warehouse Lake City is the best arranged house in the State for handling your tobacco to advantage. Try them with a big load and you [ will be convinced. \ Courtship carries more passengers than any other ship. INDIGESTION: i i I M 4,I WM troubled with rtom gj aeh trouble. Thedford'e Black- B H Draught did me more good S3 a in O 16 week than all the doc- H M tor'K medicine I took in a K |3 year' ? MR8. SARAH B. RS K| 8H1RFIELD. Ellettarilla, led. g ^ Thedford's Black Draught R uivigwaica tut? ac- np tion of the stomach and 9E| curt-seven chronic caaes of B ind gestion. If you -will B take a small doec of Thed- K4 ford*s Black Draught occa- H sionally you will keep 'your K stomach and liver in per- cS feci condition. pi THEDFORDJ 1 I LACK-DRAUGHT | More sickness is caused by t^i cov stipation than by any rf other disease. Thedford's Black-Draught not only re- 5; , lieves constipation butcures L" di arrhoea and dysentery and keepa the bowels regular. |9 All druggists Mil 25-cent packages. E; "Thedford's Black- jpj Draught is the best medicine to regulate the bowels I have ever used."? MRS. P* A. M.^GRANT, Sneada consTiPATion ? Notice. Having- purchased the interest of E M ftirsch in the business heretofore existing under the lirm name of Kinder and Hirsch, I have this day assumed all liabilities of the said linn. All persons indebted to said linn will make payment to the undersigned who will continue to conduct said business. L. P. Kinder. August '2, 1M04. King & Graham Lake City, have orders for tobacco which must he filled. Go to see them and get top) market prices. % j A man never realizes how near [death's door he is until he reads the contents of a patent medicine almanac. Congressional Campaign. Candidates for Congress will i speak in Williamsburg Count}'! on the following dates, viz: Greelyville, August 3rd; Lakej City, x\ugust 6th. THE DEATH PENALTY. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignificant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Bucklen's Arnica Salve ever handy, it's the best Salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores, \Jlcers and - XV-I-- o- _ ..A t\_ W i'lies inreaien. vmy ul ul >\ V Brockin ton's Drug Store. There is always room at the top, but it is better to be at the bottom iu case of fire. CHOLERA INFAXTUM. This disease has lost its terrors since Chamberlain's Colic, cholera and Diarrluea Remedy came into general use. The uniform -ueccss which attends the use of this remedy in all cases of bowel complaints in children has made it a favorite wherever its value has become knowu. For sale by I)r D C Scott, Kings tree; Lake City Drug Co., Lake City; Dr \V S Lynch, Scranton. Legal Blanks Just received. Pull line of legal blanks at the Recohd Office. A cynical man is one who has had ond ? evuinjil woman is V A 1 IV. II V Vj U>i\% v% vj * ? -?? one who hasn't. FOR SALE. Brick in any quantity to suit purehas er. The Best Dry Press Machine-made! A Special shapes made to order. Correpoml ence solicited hetore nlaeing vour rders. W. R.FUXK, /' Po. O Pox 103.s Kingstree S. C ? PUTS AN END TO IT ALL. A grievous wail oftimes comes as a result of unbearable pain from overtaxed organs, Dizziness, Packache, Liver complaint and Constipation. But thanks t<> I)r King's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. They are gentle but thorough. Try them. Only 25c, GuarI anteed bv l)r VV V Brockmton. j A minister says a good mbbage and a bad sinner both have hard hearts. He doesn't say what kind of hearts good sinners have. Kisses and rumors go from mouth to mouth. A man never attempts to convince another that he is perfectly sober unless he is partially drunk. fWinwrsmith'sl I 05iir@e I Viuaranteed/ BBk. ^co cure^r | CHILLS I | DENGUE, AGUE, I I LAGRIPPE, I g Bilious fever and all other g H Malarial Ills, |j I 4sM Dnrtol- tor leUimoaliiS tM D b3 #eop/p who hrvo beem can*. H Tii"!" y*n"'fiiritfi - -V- .-v - ?*.i ["0URCOMPET 1 WHY WE There's no secret nose on your fac for cash, we sell We sell plenty ol one price, and th Why then should are now selling hats shoes at cost to make i Come and see fo H. D. R] MAIN STREET, ?:@:?:@:?:?:?:?:?:@ j v^oe?j ^ ; the | CLDTHIf ^ Are now carrying a full w line of Custom made Clothing, Including (g) SERGES, ? CRASH, .? FLANNELS 8 and ? @ WOVE SUITS jgj From $6 to >9 per Suit. ? Extra Coats and Pants ? 52 50 to 55.00 ? gj WE ARE SOLE AO @ THE CELEE & AN( ? gj VEY LEAF COl w ilUINUU* :??>:?:@:?:?:?:?:@:??.? Dr R J McCabe Dentist KIMiST3.EE, - - S. C.J ______________________________ I W , L. BASS, Attorney at Law ! LAKE CITY, S. C. ! y / v GUARA*. J - eeS ! 51 & ej Aftfi baM deposit \J\J Railrcad Fare Paid. SOD 1 IS FREE Courses Offered. , j RftyMyA"ftr> J Beard at Cost. WrfteQuick I GKOKGIA-ALASAM ; EUSi.'f ESS COLLEGE,Macon,Ga. j atnmmmmimmmmw? | ATTEIN ? ? IS CALLI | OUR REI j?E llMii " """ Th ? 2 LARGE BRK ? NEXT TO W. ' f- Where we will be pleased i 5^ have more Commodious ^ largely increased our Sto ply your wants in p JP ? HNWAE, CHINAS A! ? OILS, &C p Everything- to be had in a SZ. Store. Come and see us in our nev Cr and jelly tumblers, very c I King's tree Ha KINGSTEEJ Confectionery a Genera] Fuits and Vegetal ALWAYS 0 Country orders spec CAKES and BR delicacies of to be f hen H. A. MEYER, MAIN STREET, Stiir hint ? ma NOW is the time to buy as we are closing out all 1 margin above cost. All straw hats offered a line of shoes at greatly re room for fall stock. FOR BARGAIN p. s. cnur KINGSTREE, - - BUELL&F CASH DRY GC Now is the time to buy your Hankerchiefs WE HAVE THEM IN GREAT VARIETY. LADIES' in Fancy Lace and Embroidery cf- an feet, good sheer I.awn from 5 to 25c. LADIES' H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, all Linen, ( 5o. fa LADIES' LAWN H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, in 1-1. 1-2, and 1-inch hems, at r> cents. LADIES' FINE CAMBRIC, 1-in H. S.. loop or throe for 25c. LADIES' ALL-LINEN, very fine. 15c., two an (a* Also a full line of COLORED-BORDERED HANDKERCHIEFS for ladies and Children trom :i to HV. We also have a nice assortraen of Handkerchiefs for Gentlemen, n at from .?to "25c. i Wi have just received carefully selected line ' of j Gents'Neckties, M| in a variety of "hades, only 25c. Underwear, This is the [..ace toget these, for Men, Indies and Children. $G Mtril Orders Receive t'nrefnl Alle 573 and 575 King Street Subscribe to Tf JTION | ed to ? @ 1 10VAL | :k stores I r. WILKIN'S. 3 to serve you. "We now Quarters and have ^3 :k and can better sup- zZZ RD?A?E, STOYES, 3 3. J31J. ?i..M ? f? r?o f r* 1 n c c T-T*i rrl n'n r*t* ^ 1-1 1 O w V1UOO 11U1 U t) U1 V, ^ v quarters Fruit jars ^ heap. Yours truly, irdwareCo. | ] BAKERY, nd Merchandise. >les in eason N HAND. :ially solicited for EAD, and all the season nunH , Proprietor, - KINGSTREE, S. C#. tSdt ~ goods at low prices, lines at just a small i t actual cost. E:tire :duced prices to make. S CALL AT, STNEY'S. - - - - s.c. IO BERTS' IQDS STORE. Ladies' Skirts. we have these up tc date having had them ade to order. Flannel Waists. All wool, in Black, Blue, Omy Garnet id Old Rose. Ladies' Jackets. Come and see us. we can give them to you at mi $1.50 to $5 in Oxford Gray, Blue and ack. Hosiery. we have a fine line of these or Men, Ladiea d Children. Furniture Department, SPOT CASH PRICES. O-pioce Imitation walnut Suits, $11. KWpieve Solid Oak Suits, $19 to $75. 10-piecc Solid Walnut Suits, $75, $85 tc 25. 1 full line of wardrobes. $10 to 28.50. ?olid Oak Extension Tables. $5. ,'ontre Tables from 50c to $4. Baby Carriages, $0. $2.55 up to $12. jo-t'arjs, $8.50to$13. Children's Chairs, Rockers and High Chairs eet stock of Beds, $3.5o to $13. Lounges, Couches and Single I/Hinges. IVillnuf RAPkpn 11.75. Cod S??nt, Hifrh Arm Rockers. $1.50. .hite Iron Bed.*, $:i.50, $5, $5.50 $7. and $?. nllon. , mm, s. c. IE RECORD.