The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 16, 1904, Image 1

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h.. - . i . ~ ?=?;?* ? i VOL. XX. KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 16. 1904. ^ I LOCAL ITEMS j OF INTEREST Miss Mag Scott has beeusick for several days. Mr M A Thomas of Lake City visited town Monday. Rev James McDowell of Sumter was in town yesterday. Mrs M R Hemingway is visiting in Manning this week. Mr W D Bryan of Taft was a v visiter in town yesterday. Mr A A Brown of Leo visited our i ' 3&nctum while in town Monday. F L Wilcox, Esq., of the Florence bar, was here Friday ou business. Mr S P Graham of Lake City was noted in town oue day last week. Hon W M Keels of Greelyville in town one dav the first of the week. Mr I J Coward, of the Lake City toection, was in town Friday of last week. ^Tfrvegvet to learn of the critical illness of Mrs J H Brockinton of In di&town. Mr J U Godwin of Lake City was in KilgttreeTuesday and paid us' a pleasant call. Mr Arthur Cottingham of Marion county has been visiting Mr J B Steele's family. Mr J B McCants of Trio was here Tuesday attending the meeting of the executive committee. \ ' Dr D 0 Scott and sons, Hey wa rd \ nud David, went to Manning Satnr; day to visit relatives. , W L Bass, Esq., of Lake City was .in town Friday aud Tuesday on professional business. Mr R B Smith, a prominent candidate for county treasurer, was a . visitor in town lust week. l~k XT I7nna Ano ivf T.uL'O Oif.r'fi ML IJ AU Jjppo, V?IW V*. w %J w leading young business meu, spent r the day here Friday ou business. V \ Mrs M A Haselden and Mrs Dora Parnell of the vicinity of Lake City were in town Friday of last week. Mr Clarence B Steele, who has been in business at Ashpole, N. C., ii spending some time with relatives in town. Mr Wesley Courtney, who has been visiting-the family of Mr W J Singletary at Single, returned home last week. Dr F W Eftson preached Sunday morning and evening. His regular yppointments are the second aud fourth Sundays. Mr C W Stoll was taken sick last week and is still confined to his bed. We hope that he may soon be restored to health. A number of folk from the Lake City section were here Friday as principals and witnesses in a case involving the ownership of a cow. Mr and Mrs N Z Trulock of Quincy, Fla., passed throngh town last Friday going to Indiautown to visit Mr and Mrs J C Bell, who are Mrs Trnlock's parents. Mrs Ida Rollins of Lake City has issued cards of invitation to the marriage of her daughter, Miss Hal he, to Mr Wiiliam Scott Mooie, Wednesday afternoon, June 29, Baptist church, Lake City, S. C. Prof Nabor D Leeeane, who ha3 been superintendent of Allendale Graded school during the past session, is spending bis summer vacatiOu with relatives in this county. He came in last week, accompanied by Kis wife aDd children. ^>ywwvvvyYvyvvvv^ AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR J LOCAL REPORTER AND ^ NOTED ^ Written in Condensed Form ^ and Printed in Like Manner for the Sake of Our Busy ^ Readers ^ Mr Ralph D Epps, formerly of this county, who was a member of the graduating clas3 in law at the South Carolina college this year, has been elected commandant of S C Co-educational Institute, Edgefield, S. C. Mr P P Bethea has been elected ! superintendent of the Graded school, but we have not learned whether or not he has accepted. Mr Bethea comes well recommended, with an experience of twelve years, having been superintendent of the school at Johnston last session. The following college student* from town and county have returned j home for their summer vacation: I Misses Marie and Selma Thorn, j Staunton Female Institute, Staunton, Va.; Misses Dora and Selden Epps, Winthrop College; Messrs J D Gilland, Tom McCutchen and A C Hinds, S. C. College, Mr Sautiders Whitehead, Charleston College. Mr Albert R Moseley, special agent of the census, requests us to say that he has left a few copies of Ceusus Bulletin No. 10, giving figures of total cotton crop of 1903, average weight of bales, etc., which he will be pleased to mail to the cotton ginners of Williamsburg county if they will drop him a postal card of request. Mr Moseley's address is Salters Depot, S. C. In announcing its resident managers for the ensuing year the Independent Oil Co. has assigned Mr C R Sprott as manager of the Manning mill. Mr Sprott is a polished geutleman and the host of frieDds be has gained in Kingstree are loth to see him leave, still we can scarcely bl tme him for preferring to return to Manning, especially as his new position is a substantial promotion. Dr M D Nesmith, who has been attending the Atlanta Dental College for several vears, is now associated with Dr R J McCaboiu his Georgetown office. Dr Nesmith is still a member of the firm of Nesmith Bros., which do?s a flourishing mercantile business at Cides, but, having a liking for dentistry, he withdrew from the active duties of business and has equipped himself to enter his chosen profession. Since his return from college he has had con siderable practice in Williamsburg and Georgetown counties and his work has been highly complimented, his methods being the latest and most approved. His many friends iu this county wish him abu ndant success. DEATH OF A VETERAN. Mr Robert A- Murphy Joins His Comrades in the Great Beyond. Mr Robert A. Murphy passed away yesterday at 1:40 o'clock p. m. About a week ago he was taken sick and his condi-1 tion gradually grew worse, so that during the past few days it was realized that there was but little hope of his recovery. Mr Murphy was about seventy years old, having lived all his j life in Williamsburg county. He j was was a member of the Prefe- j bvterian church and belonged to j the Masonic Order. For several: terms he had been a member of j the county dispensary board of j control, which office he held at the time of his death. As a | Confederate soldier he gave j faithful service to the Lost i Cause. He leaves an aged wife I and no children. The remains will be interred j this morning at 11 o'clock in the , Williamsburg cemetery, 'the funeral services being conducted by Rev James McDowell. ? i j UNDER THE SHADE OF THE TREES. Mrs Rebecca J. Bryan Laid to Rest in Union Church Yard. I After an illness of about one \ month at her home at Taft, Mrs ! Rebecca J. Bryan died last Sat| urday night at 1 o'clock and was i buried on Sunday following at 5 p. m., at Union Presbyterian church, of which she had been a member for twenty years. The funeral services were conducted by Revs. L L Inabinet and J B Weldon, and the large crowd of sorrowing friends that assembled to bid farewell to her mortal remains spoke eloquently of the love and esteem in which she was held in the sincerity of their grief for the departed one. The pall-bearers were, Messrs W S Rodgers, S E McCollough, D C Bryan, N W Cook and J M Brown, who when the words of hope and comfort had been spoken by the ministers, bore the body to the church-yard where it was laid to its quiet repose under the shade of the trees. Mrs Bryan was a daughter of the late Asa Brown of Central. She was married to Mr W D Bryan April 12, 1882, and was about 39 years old at the tinje of her death. From their union eleven children were born, four of whom with the bereaved husband survive her. In saying that she will be missed in her community it is no mere conventional phrase, for all her life she was noted for her kindly deeds of charity and her ready response to the calls of the sick and afflicted. She was a consistent member of the church and a regular attendant upon its services. But it is in her home that her loss is irreparable. The affectionate wife and devoted mother?no words can tell how greatly will be missed her tender ministrations. We extend our profound sympathy to the grief-stricken 1amily, and may He who tempers 1 the wind to the shorn lamb pour balm upon their wounded hearts. Jury List The court of General Sessions and Common Pleas convenes here on Monday, June 27, Judge James Aldrich, of the 2nd circuit, presiding. Following are the petit furors drawn yesterday: W C Wilson, R T Flagler, Jno M Nexsen, R H Graham, W C Carter, L A Moore, Walter G Carter, W R Cooper, James E Brown, J P Epps, J W Gist, C S 1 ArH T? TP. Wilson. TT Tj McOants. J~D Duke, C~ IIGordon, W B Cox, S P Britton, N M Graham, R C McElveen, M H Cantley, J H Burgess, J E Lifrage, J H V Gaskins, J J Epps, Fenwick Poston, A Mc D Burgess, M A Ross, W P McGill, A W Gaskins, WJH Hanna, G B Browder, H L Long, J D Cook, M P Brown, J Marion Barrineau. New Advertisements. Wedding Presents? Stephen Thomas, Jr & Bro., Charleston. Threshers?Gibbes Machinery Co., Columbia, S. C. The Champion Stump Puller? Champion Stump Puller Co., Columbia, S. C. The Welsh Neck High School? Hartsvilie, S. C. Write for catalogue. L Stackley? Shoes, Dress Goods and Millinery. W T Wilkins?Everything to eat and wear?wholesale and retail. New Candidates. The annonncements of four new candidates appear this week in our columns, viz: Dr A H Williams, of this county, and Dr Olin Sawyer, of Georgetown, for Congress in the 6th district; WLBass, Esq., for re-election to the House of Representatives, and Mr L A Moore for county commissioner. DrC J Moffett is a graduate of medicine and has as much right to prescribe for the sick as any physician, and gives to mothers his "TEETHINA" as the best remedy they can use for their teething children. ' TEETHIXA" Aids Digestion, Retrulate* the Bowels. Overcomes and Counteract" the Effects of the Summer's Hejt.and makes teething easy. \ 1 [lis i ii mil I ' MASS MEETING HELD LOOKING TO CIVIC IMPROVEMENT. Better Sanitary Conditions and Fire Protection Wanted?A New School Principal?Cther Matters. Lake City, June 14<?The writer is in receipt of a letter from George W Belmont of Minneapolis, Minn., stating that he 1 is in search of a home and desir- 1 ing information as to our soil, ! climate, price of lands, trans- 1 portation facilities, ?etc. The i letter is interesting and well i written and the writer is evi- ; dently an educated man. We ; mention this inquiry as an evi- < dence of the attention that our J section is attracting and the i trend of the future. Old Will- i iamsburg must be waking up 1 when her fame has spread across ( the Mississippi and men from ] beyond the Great Lakes are seeking homes on her soil. 1 Hon J W Ragsdale, candidate 1 c? - t tt _x It iur me Liower nuusc ui iuc j National Legislature,spent Wed- 1 nesday night of last week here 1 on his way to Smith's Mills to 5 attend a big picnic. J Some of the candidates are "getting the hustle on." J Miss Kate Tray wick is at home T from college. j Dr Paul Tray wick has, we are ^ informed, decided to locate in i Orangeburg for the practice of medicine. s Miss Maud Singletary has .re- i turned home from school. > Mrs S W Gowdy is right ill. r She is at the home of her father, \ Mr Rickenbacker. c Mr Martin Severance left his , desk in the Florence telegraph office to spend Sunday here with his family. The preachers in town will re- c ceive several fees before July 4, 1904. g That genial and always-wel- v come drummer, Mr Walter B c Logan, was in town last week. He is now representing a big New York shoe house. Miss Belle Carter went over in " Florence county Saturday on a 1 visit. S Mr Eddie Rush of Florence is J> rushing down here now at the ^ rate of about four times a month ^ and seems to be doing a "rush- 0 ing" business on Main street. Rev S C Morris of Mt Pleasant spent a few days here last week with relatives. It is only under I very peculiar circumstances that the most direct route trom p Charleston to Lake City is by e the way of Leesville, Lexington s county. I Miss Bertha Morris graduated s from the Leesville college last 1 week and is now at home. 1 The trustees of our town school { have elected Mr T C Covington of McColl, Marlborough county, principal. Mr Covington is highly recommended as a gentle- / man and as a teacher. It is not yet known whether he will accept or not. It is most earnestly and heartily and devoutly p wished and prayed that the trus- c tees will secure a good princi- e pal and good assistants and give t us a decent school, one that will c be a credit to our opportunities J and out of which our children i ( will reap some benefit. We have I had first rate schools in the past I and we ought to have them, 1 again. We don't want a modern graded school. The schools , of that class are humbugs and , worse; but we want a school where children will be taught j obedience, work and individual 1 effort. Mr R E Curran of Cades and; j Miss Doty were married near' ( Concord last Sunday. Mr Cur-1 ran is a North Carolinian who j has come down here to raise to-' bacco. He found our soil and! girls so excellent that he will!, probably remain with us. Dr Rickenbacker of Barnwell1 visited his sister, Mrs S W Gow- i \ dy, last week. A mass meeting was held on the 9th in the Pythian hall at , which the sanitary and fire pro- ( tection conditions of the town i I [Continued on page SJ. ' I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETS And Transacts Business of Importance Relative to Ensuing Campaign. In response to the- call of Chairman A H Williams a meeting of the county executive com mittee was hel'd in the court house at 11 a. m. Tuesday, June 14. A quorum being present the meeting was called to order by the chairman. The first business considered was the matter of arranging for the State campaign to be field here on Saturday, June 25. [t was decided that the court house be used for the meeting md that no stand be erected. A motion prevailed that ?5.00 be appropriated for ice lemonade ind ice-water for the occasion. 3n motion that a committee of Eive be appointed by the chairnan to look after the entertainment of the speakers, the following were named: D C Scott, 3 W Wolfe, William Cooper, J E Davis and J Davis Carter. It was moved and ordered that six campaign meetings be leid in the county, the time and place being as follows: Greeyville, August 16; Trio, August 18; Morrisville,August 19; John.onville August 23; Lake City, \ugust 25; Kingstree August 26. On motion it was decided that tondidates be required to file Pledges and pay assessments lot later than Monday, August [5; at noon, pledges to be filed vith the chairman and assesnents paid to the secretary. A motion prevailed to reconiider the vote at a previous neeting, whereby magistrates ?ere required to run in the prinary, and that their appointnent be left to the legislative lelegation. After the various matters of msiness had been disposed of he meeting was entertained pith a patriotic speech from W V Kennedy a member of the ommittee, in which he stressed he importance of voting in the ;eneral election. His remarks ?ere to the point and well reeived. Mortuary. Died?On Tuesday, June 14, 904, Lucius, the infant son of 4r and Mrs H Eugene Mont* omery, aged about sU months, .''he remains were interred at the Villiamsburg cemetery at 3 'clock Wednesday afternoon. NOTICE. Sditor Count}' Record:? I beg to request through your >aper that all township comaittees of Veterans in possesion of enrollment books will ilease complete their rolls and end them in to me at their earist convenience, so that I can nake a record of tlieui in the Olerk's office. Very respectfully, B. C. Whitehead, Clerk of Court. A Pythian Picnic. There is to bg a big P^thia n >icnicatJay, in Williamsburg :ounty,on Thursday, July 7. Sev:ral prominent Knights have >een invited to make addresses >n this occasion, among them 5ast Grand Chancellor Knight, chancellor Commander Ayer of Harmony lodge and Hon J W Hagsdale. The finest sort of :ime is expected.* J m I VANTED?Copies of the fol-j owing books, for which a lib-1 :ral price will be paid: Gregg's ! History of the Old Cheraws; j Tames' Life of Francis Marion; \ Wallace's History of the Wil-J iamsburg church; Weem's Life >f Marion. C. W. Wolfe, Kingstree, S. C. Card of Thanks. Editor County Record;? Please allow me space in your :>aper to thank the people of this town who have so kindly helped me in my lis tress. 1 am still suffering much but shall leave in a few days for Lumber ton, X. C. May God's rich?st blessings ever abide with you all. j Your friend, Mrs E Dona tij. Kingstree, S. C;, June 13,1901. r = H X 1 ^ 81 M i% | f| ^ S JJ 3 1 ?r w <$m H oL II ol o( ? n @ g| Mt 2f*a M x I p?1 * fij v no a. SE& rsfS 8' go n y | jpto I 1 fflm ? ^ A I ij o- o p 8 ' S3 5" H <| 1? to <1 <1 sst? <3J diajr j? 8 U OX) ^ Q ^ K 73 ^ I co rK A 3 Tip a* . jC&m 1 si; - ? |D &? i I siS I 9 || I || ^ k 3 ? i 4 r m x a - I I . ,