The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 28, 1904, Image 4

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THB "taunt g ^cccrri PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT KING6TREE. S. C. 'iiJUW v o. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ?W% * ________ TERMS. fef t?n?0?IPTIOS rates: p One copy, one year. - - - $1.00. ft"-' Onv oof y. S"\ mnnius, _ - On* eonv. tinee months, - - .2-x . Subscriptions payable in advance. I.' ADVERTISING rates: One inch, fust insertion. each nbwquent insertion, V> cents. ObituI'. aries and Tributes of Respect over 10 > word? charged for as tegular advertisement*. Liberal reduction on advertising made for three, six and twelve : months' contracts. Cfimmnnirxitioii* must he accompanied it *v the real name and address of the ^ writer in order to receive attention. No ? communication of a personal nature p will be published except a? an adver^ Haeraent. Addres* all letters and make all drafts S. payab.e to HL C. W. Wolfe, !Kinjjsnve, S.O. THURSDAY APRIL 28. 1904. Brief Records. The World'6 F air begius at St 'Xonis April 30 and closes December Thongbtfuluess is the well-spring cut of which proceeds every act of . benevolence. The man who keeps his gaze fixed store rvfttimofl trends under B5? ft- foot earth's choicest jewels. Bfr '. It is hard for human intelligence K to realize that something for nothing Kg it in conflict with the inexorable f laws of nature. ' If some folk would apply to their own affairs one half the close and B critical attention they bestow ou m- other people's business the world Wk would be much pleasanter to live in. B Already two candidates have for v?ily announced themselves for the Bp office of railroad commissioner, B Messrs W Boyd Evens of Columbia * * ww w* w e n _*n _ {DHL n JLarie or ureenvme. will doubtless be others. rough the kindness of the and Courier The Recobd reand posted a bulletin announhe death of Judge Simon ton londay five hours after it hap* These favors on the part of tlued contemporary are g^patireciated and we feel sure that aders will join us in teudering Qcereand appreciative thanks i service. Memorial Day. the last few years Memorial u passed unobserved in Kings,te by a few devoted women membered to place flowers 011 ^Hbe graves of oar soldier dead whose ^^ bquiem is ever sung by the rippling ^^Braters of tie Wee Nee. We are H^Brfad to see that Camp Presslev has the matter in hand this yeui Ind arranged a programme for the ^Mi* Bk In the South it shonld be a pecu^Hp&r privilege to honor our soldier ^^Bead. We believe the cause they ^^Booght for to be a just one and we H^Bhouldshow our faith by our woiks. IBB Had they succeeded in the strug|He forced upon them it would have B^Bco a reproach for us to let them H^ oblivion, but having failed HiHwr such a fight as they made I^^Kgjnet overwhelming odds we jB^Hould never cease to show to the |^HorJd that we honor our heroes who ^^Hpled only where "'twas not in morI Ha to command success". The pr inHBR^es they fought for are not dead, Hjnp>r witkthey die so long as the F* South can Boa^t of the loyalty of her I daughters and the"" hivalry of her 1 What his competitors and their friends sneered at as '"sickly senti mentality" in young Mr Croft's ambition to succeed his father, the late Congressman George W Croft, for his unexpired term seems not to be so regarded by the voters of the second district, as Mr Cmft only lacked a few hundred voUutf winning out in the lirnt primary over all three of his competitors. As it now stands he will go into the second primary with S G Mnyfield with a lead of over two thousand votes. The ''sickly sentimentality" has developed into a pretty healthy sfDtiment in Mr Croft's favor. =========== Mr Cooper Replies to "Voter." | Editor County Record:? 1 dislike newspaper contro versy since I have reached maturer years, but as the official head of the public educatioual interest of my county and feeling that under ''Voter's" charges I owe a courteous official i explanation to the fair minded people of the county and a respectful consideration for the opinion of "Voter", who has charged me with dereliction of duty in the school 1 book matter, I most sincerely and respectfully beg to say that I have used my best efforts at all times to supply the demand for books, but have not at times had all of the books just when called for, on account of the lapid sale of some copies, yet I plead not guilty to the charge of intentional dereliction. ; And just here if '*\ oter'' will get a 'copy of the school law which I shall be glad to give him, as I c 11 not say that I especially admire this way of throwing bricks and hiding your hand but prefer an open pjlit| leal antagonist to a pretendec^/riend) and if he will read the whole of Sec. 1239 I think he will find that I am not required to supply unusual de-mands with the meaus allowed but the law requires me to keep office open each day of the week prior to the time appointed for schools to open, and one week immediately thereafter, and (and the time for ODeuinsr and closing schools is fixed I by the county board of education; j see Sec. 1228 page 20> for at least I one day in each week during the ! remainder of the school term for the convenience of those wishiug to purchase books. But I have done more. I have had Mr II 0 Brittou, who ' lives in Kingstree, to furnish books every day of the week save Sunday, J for which help I had to pay Iniu, "Voter" says he has applied three different times for some of the books, which I regret; but if "Voter" will j allow me I beg to inform him that ! the line of text books have to be j purchased from several different ! book houses located in Richmond, Ya., Chicago, New York, Boston and Philadelphia and it takes from live to seventeen days for books to reach here, if not side tiactod. And just here I beg to say that if the State j board of education had to have re' quired the numerous book houses to ! establish two or three geueral depos; itories in the State, say one in Charleston, one in Columbia, and one in Greenville, where the entire ! line could be secured, then this un; necessary delav in transit would have been overcome and I would have been spared this communication. If "Voter's" attack upon my 1 unfuithfulluess of duty in the book 1 matter was prompted *by political ! significance either f'?r himself ori j some one that he prefers to see su: perintendent of education rather than myself, why I am perfectly willing that the justice-loving people of the county whom I have honestly serv ! ed decide, and rest assured if they select some one else, I will with all the grace of a gentleman submit and not prove ungrateful for past i confidence bestowed in lue. I conI sider that '4 Voter" has done me an | injustice in resorting to a newspaper j attack upon me, before giving mej j an cppoituuity to satisfy him in this 1 matter, but I am a public servant 'and my public work is their propjerty and it is open and. ready for j inspection and I am proud of it. In conclusion I beg to say that it ! is thev opinion of Assistant Attorney 'generalTownsend the dog tax will j be collected the coming year, and . after July 1st I can estimate on the | dog tax for the benefit of the school j children, eh? William Cooper. j Kingstree, S. C., April 25, 1904. , ' ~mw APPROPRIATE SERVICES TO BE | HELD BY CAMP PRESSLEY. | All Veterans Urged to be Present and the Public Invited to Participate ? Interesting Programme Arranged. ) A meeting of Camp Presslev has | been calletl for Tuesday, May 10, j to participate in the Memorial seri vices of that dav. As business of | importance will be discussed it is I essentially necessary that every member be present. Come forward, I old comrades, your co-operation is ueeded. Let us revive Camp Pressley. Old soldiers not members of any camp an* invited to come and enroll their names. All are requested j to assemble in the court house at ; 10 o'clock a. in. j Sons of Veterans tif organized) I will conform to the above order. G. J. Gkaham, H. II. Kinder. Adjutant. Commandant, i The following programme has j been ai ranged for the day: 11 o'clock, a. m., speeches by patriotic orators. To bear these the I audience will please be on hand promptly. Patriotic songs and other entertaining features by the school children. At the close of the meeting the j meeting the old "Vets" will form in j front of the court house and prepare to march to the different cemeteries where soldiers are buried in the town. The ladies are requested to atten d iq full force, as they constitute the grand committee on decoration. THE NEWS AT BENSON. Death of a Child?A School Picnic? i Agricultural and Meteorological. Bexsox, April 25:?On Thursday night, April 14, Mr J E Brown lost one of his children about two years old. I have not been able to ascertain the nature of the illness of which the child died. Miss Ethel Nesniitil's school at this place will close next Wednesday, the 27th inst., and on Thursday following a picnic will be given to the children, in which of course grownups will partictpate. Can't you make it convenient to be with us on th.'.t occasion, Mr Editor? Miss Mayme Grayson's school at j Bethera, Berkeley conuty, hits closed | and she returned home Saturday evening. The drought is becoming quite serious in this section. * Early'planted com is well up to a fairstaud except where the* birds and insects have despoiled the fields, in which case replanting has been necessary. Late planted corn is slow in coming tip. It is thought that cotton already planted will not germinate until there is a good rain. For the past week the weather has been wintrv and several frosts were noted, albeit the damage is apparently slight. The oast day or two has been more spriug-like, but we predict ii--iL UJIll Hie CI1U 19 uui >ci auu im irmat be a killing frost about the foil of the moon. W. S. G. W E Jenkinson carries a full j stock of dress goods, staple dry goods, i millinery, shoes, clothing, gents' ! furnishings, furniture and sewing I machines. Send him an order. A Hint from the Editor. j There is a little matter to which i (The RECOKD)beg$ to call the attention of $)me of it'S $ub$criber$. \Ye really hate to $peak of it, but $ome have $eemingly allowed it to $lip I rttiri/3$ T/\ 11$ if li n rAl'V im 1 tucil uuiiu'H. xv liy aw iy 1? .v r .... portant i$$ue, in fact, it'$ nece$$ary in our bu$ine$$. We won't $peak further on the Subject. Perhap$ you have already gue$$ed the drift of our remark^. A THOUGHTFUL MAN. M M Austin of Winchester, Ind knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only c, at Wallace's Drug Store. SCIATIC RHEUMATISM CURED "I have been subject to sciatic rheumatism for years," my? K II Waldmn, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. 'My joints were stiff ana pave me much pain and discomfort. M> joints would crack when I straightened up. I u-ed Chamberlain's Pain Raim and have been thorough ly cured. Have not had a pain or ache from the old trouble for many months. It is cectai ily a most wonderful liniment." For sale by l)r I) C Scott, Kinirstree; Dr W S Lynch Scranton; Lake City Drug Co., Lake City. W E Jenkirson of Manning, S C. novionc fa / ]/? ltiuidpjj W th the I I JO (lil AlVUO IV HV /U9MIVVW .? "V- , Kings tree and Williamsburg people, | read his ad. in this issue. NOTHING EQUAL TO CHAMBERLA IN'S OLIO, CHOLERA I AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY FOR BOWEL COMPLAINTS IN CHILDREN. ' \Yh have used Chambe-lain's Colic, cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy in our family for years," says Mrs J BCoote, )f Gederlanns, Texas. "We have giv? n it to all of our children. We have used other medicines for the same purpose, but never found anything to equal Chamberlain's. If you will use it as directed it will always cure." For sale by Dr DC>cott, Kir.gstree; Dr W 8 Lynch, ^cranton; Lake City Drug Co , Lake City, W E Jenkinson of Manning, S. ('. is specially prepared to till orders for Commencement dresses, also a full line of seasonable dry goods, shoes, clothing and urjlinegy. Seud him an order. BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. When you huy a cough medicine for small children you want one in which you can place implicit confidence. You want one that no*, only relieves but cures. You Wan one that is unquestionably harmles You want one that is pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all 01 these conditions. There is nothing so good for the c ughs ai.d colds incident to childhood. It is also a certain preventive and cure tor croup, and there is no danger whatever from whooping cough when it is given. It lias been used in many epidemics of tiiat disease with perfect success; For sale by Dr D C Scott, Kingstree; Dr *W S Lynch, Scran ton, Lake City Drug Co , Lake City. ' W E Jenkinson of Manning, S. C. iunsoneof the largest department dry goods stores in eastern S. C. Send linn an order and his first class goods and low prices will surprise YOU. A GREAT SENSATION. There was a big sensation in Leesville, Ind. when W. H. Brown if that place, who wa? expected to die, had his life sav"d by Dr Kind's New Discovery for Consumption He writes: "I endured insufferable agonies from Asthma but your New Discovery gave imui ?diate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure" Simi'ar cures of Consumption. Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's tiie peerless renfedy for all throat I and lung troubles. Price 50c, and I $1.00 Guaranteed by Dr W L \Val ace, Cruggist Trial bottles iree. No Gloss Carriage Faint Maie. will wear as long as Devoe's. No others are as heavy bodied, because Devoe's weigh 3 to 8 ounces more to the pint, feold by Dr D (D Scott. SERIOUS STOMACH TROUBLE CURED. I was troubled with a distress in my stomach, sour stomach and vomiting spells, and can truthfully say that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me.? vlus T. V. Williams, Lairgsourg, M cb. These tablets are guaranteed to cure every case of stomach trouble of this character. For sale by Dr D c Scott, Kingsiree; Dr v\ > Lynch. Scranton; Lake City Drug Co., Lake < ity. NOTICE. ^ ? tv i i _-.*n Dr K J McUaoe, uennst, win ue at Rheras, S. <J. about the 3rd or 4th of May. Will remain one week at Mr G B Eaddy's. NOTICE. Parents are requested not. to allow children to visit the Williamsburg Presbyterian cemetery unless grown persons accompany them. The flowers and shrubbery are being broken, and after the expense and trouble that have been incurred it is unreasonable. FOR SALE. Brick in any quantity to suit purchas er. The B^st Dry Press Machine-made .vBEICK. xr Special shape* made to order. < orrespondenee solicited before placing vour i orders. W, R. FUNK, 1 P. 0 Box 103. Kingstree, S. C i . 8' DRESSES, I \/ Our line of materials and C O trimmings for getting up ? I commencement suits is com- c plete iii every detail white, ? i ream, pink and blue. Jap V silks 27 inches wide at \ 50cts per yd. V White cream and lilie blue C silk inula at Joe a yd, French ? lawns 50 inches wide at 50c ? Large lot of fine Persian S lawns at 20, 25, 35, 50 and C 75c yd, alsu a lull line of all C kinds of staple and fancy r dry goods on hand all the DRESS MAKING / We conduct a first class v Dress Making department r This department is in charge / of a very competent dress- J nicker and designer, assisted 1 by five competent helpers. N Our prices are reasonable, ( make dresses from ?3.50 to f ?7.50 each, according to the ) work put on the dress. We 3 guarantee all work from our 1 work rooms. . ^ X/Viillinery Department} O We conduct one of the most C X up-to-date millinery depart- ^ X inents in the State. Ladies^ give us an idea of what kind ; V uf hat vou wish and the price S O you wish to pay and we will ( O send it to you and if it is not ( X what you waut, return it to 4 X us at.our expense. We are a * anxious to do business with ^ V the Williamsburg people and ' O will pay they express charges ( ^ on all bills amounting to $5 ( X and over. Samples sent on 4 X request. Our various lines a V are fine dress goods and silks, . V staple and fancy dry goods, " O ?a full line of shoes of all i X kinds,?millinery, furniture ( X and sewi ng machines Send ( X us your order for what vou a need and we will please you i IS/ in both price and quality. ^ X W. E. IE" KINSON, J O Manning, S. C. I if) j fl THE SAFEST PLACE j (I) TO BUY CLOTHES | 0} Is at a store where a j full line of RELI- J ABLE goods can al- j i t/ wavs he found, at, f) moderate prices; and where . everything (6 sold is fully warranfl ted. We tell you if f) anything bought here is not satisfactory, we will thank 7A you to report it to us t ^ for satisfactory ad- j justment. ( ^ THE NEWEST ANI \ / V BEST of Spring I 71.Suits, Hats, and j 9) Furnishings can be ( f) fou??d here at pleas- ( ing prices. Your Jk mail order sent to us f) will prove a valu(n able shopper for you. S 6ENISCI1ER & VISAi.Kl {m CORNER KING AND 9) HASELL STREETS, 8 CHARLESTON. - - S C69696369696s? ?; _ ',y"" [ Candidates Cards ) FOR FRO HA IE .1UDGE. At the solicitation of many friends I ) hcrebv announce niyndf a candidate ^! ???r i'rohiitc .lodge of Williumshur: ? county, subject to the Democratic ) primary election. Having previously ^ . t held thi- office for four years ind being r faiuiuar with it- duties I fe?*l cuntideut, I if elected that I can fhl it to the .-att isfaction of the public, f E. M.SMITH. t FOR SUPERVISOR. \ I hereby announce my candidacy for f re-ele- ii??n to ilie office of county super* J visor of Williamsburg county, subject 1 to the rules of the democratic primary C election, bv which I pledge myself to / abide. ' J.J.GRAHAM. C The friends of Hon. B B. Chandler / hereby announce liirn a candidate for i 'lu* office of t onnfy Supervisor. This \ office is one of the mod iinportai t that f we are called upon to fil audit is iny cniiilieut upon the people to .-elect a C man o energy arid business ta? t and / acumen No better man could be J found than the one we name and we y p.esent hin.. pledging him to abide the ? re-ult of the i -em?ciatir primarv. 1 FRIENDS. \ I UG4L NOTICES, j < Registration Notice. ^ The office of the Supervisors of Reg's juration will he opened on the first |r Monday in every month for the pur ^ pose of the registering of any person \ \\ i?o is qualitied as loiiows: Who ?hail have been a resident of ^ the Mate for two years, and of the / \ county one yeat. and of the polling prek cinct in whieb the elector offers to vote foti- nonths before the day of \ election, -d shall have paid, six months Utore, any poll rax then due 3 and payable, and who can both read \ and w rite buy section of the constitute tion of tt?tto submitted to him "by the 3 Supervises c?f Registration, or who ^ can show that he owns, and has paid * all taxes collectable on, during the J present year, property in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or k more. J.J. EADDY, 3 Clerk of B >ard. 5 Summons for Relief. D STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. * ^ COCNlY OP WTl.LIAMSBlRQ. ^ Court ?>f Common Pleas. 3 James W Bennett, Plaintiff, against Elizabeth Me Bride, Jessie McBride, S/ Mar'ha Henry, Agnes Lawience, [l Ka'ie v?'Warns, George McBride, fV .Mary tv imams nnu Aon owiwon, * Defendants. rj To the defendants: Elizabeth McfX Bride, Jessie McBriue. Martha Henry* * Agnes Laurenc-, Katie Williams, ^ George Me Bride, Mary Williams and fx Ann Sainton, you ar>* hereby sumU tnoned and required to answer the ^ complaint in this action whieh h 9 ? b en filetl in the office of the Clerk of it e Court ot Common Plea-1, for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said com] taint on the subscribers at their office in Kingstree, S. within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive ?*f the day of such service: and if you fail to an swerthe complaint within the time aforesa-d, the plaintiff" io this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. To fhe defendants: <?corge McBride and Mary Williams, take notice, that the coin plant in : his action was filed in the < nice of .C erk of Court of Common P'eas for Williamsburg County on February 26th, 19<4. GlLI.ANIi & GILT.AND, ;<-24-04. PlaintitTs Attorneys. WANTED?FAITHFUL PEP-^ON p.. t r*i vul f.ip u-oll ost.sihl sIipH house in a 1L j few counties. vailing on retail men-hM ants and agvnts. Local te?ritoy. SalPl arv $2a 00 per wevk with expenses ad7a ditional. all p jable in cash each week Mon-v for expenses ad va need. Posit h n Pi if rnuiienr. Hnsiness suc^ssful and r? rushing Manufacturers ami WholeJr saiers. Dept. 2, third floor. 334 DearPi born st. Chicago M BLANCHARD STRAIN *1 Single Comb White Leghorns. W\ Good layers and handsome L chicks, easy to raise. Eggs for W\ hatching 65cts for 13. Carefully fl packed and shipped anywhere. Q C. H. Baker, fl 3-2-0l-3m. Rome, S. C. fj Legal Blanks L Just received. Pull line of k legal blanks at the Record Ofa fice. ^ BUY ^ : | SEWIRG JUACHIHE M Do not be deceived by those who advertise a Sewing Machine for '/ $20.00. Tliiskimlo: a machine can g be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to jiS.OO. A VVL mnr\c. fi vnnibi i R THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. I The Feed determines the strength or M weakness of Hewing Machines. The 1} Double Feed cuinhiiitd with other "/ strong ]?oints makes t!:e Xew Home Qj the best Hewing Machine to buy. 2 WritsforCIRCULARS EES,di' ^ wo manufacture au.l prices before purchasing L THE NEW HOME SS'.YING MACHINE 60. ORANCC MASS V] 28UnionSq. X. Y.t Chicago, III., Atlanta, Ga., A BU Louis,Mo., I>r.las,Tex., San Francisco, Cat K FOR SALE BY 7 IVInAIOW Wright, ^ ate ran toil* S.C.