~ ; v M ^ ^ It ? ? . . . x .... i . >ni VOL. A'X. KINftSTRBE, S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1904. NO 16/ - _! 11 j LOCAL ITEMS I OF INTEREST XMWAWAWMWMAM> Mr R II Pittmau of Gourilins was: in t"wn y s enJay. N Mr S J T?y or of GreelyviHe spent |' yest? rday in town. Hon J Davis farter was here Monday attending court. 1 Dr W L McCu'chen of Sntnter | was in town Monday. Mr J C Lynch of Lynch was here ? vest- rdav on business. Mr J P Gamble of Heinemann was j noted in town this week. Mr S Oliver O'Brvan of Gourd ins J was ou on r streets Monday. i Mr W E Pipkin of St Stephens 1 vssited Dr Wallace's family Sunday. ^ Mr Herbert A Graham of Florence visited friends in town vester- 6 day. 1 Mr W H McElveen of Spring ( Bank paid us a pleasant call yesterday. e Dr J K Brockinton of Indiautown ? was antoug the visitors in court Monday. , Mr Hu.li McOutchen is gradually c recovering from his long and tedious illness. Judge George \V Gage is reported I to be critically ill at his home i.? i Chester. 1 Mr W A Webster of Lake City 8 honored our sauctum with a visit Monday. J Mr K C Flower" of Trio came in J Monday a?-d added his name to our mailing list. Mr U II Footman of GreelyvilleJg paid n< a pleasiut call Monday while in town. M r IVrcv I) Snowden of Church, [ f w .ile i'i town this week, called pleas- 5 aotly to see us. o .,4 Dr I N B?yd, whose friends in 1 town are many, wasiu town Monday 1 attending ;ourt. Messrs W S Giltand and W 11 c Seo't attended a ball in l)arliug:on y last Fridav ni-ht. a Mes-r? P II StoP, Er est Wiggins, t A G Fewell and K .J Kiik&peut Sat- ^ urday in Charleston. t Mr Walter C Wilso , of the Cades seeiion, was among tii ?se who attended court Monday , Mr W H McKnightof Scrantou r. called Monday and renewed his sttb- t scriptiou to The Record. i Mr J Marion Barrineau, of tin* 1 Cedar Swamp section, favored us ' with a pleasant call Tuesday. Messrs P A Wilcox of Florence 1 and J E Coggeshall of Darlingtou ' are here today attending court. ( Mr W J Marshall of Morrisville, ( who is doiug jury duty this week, j gave us a pleasant call this morning. ( Mrs W I1 vVilkius and children went to Charleston this week tospeud i some days wi.h relatives in the city, i Mr Earl C Page, the travelling |' representative of the Columbia State, j' was in town yesterday and paid us a 1 call. 1 I Mr J H Iludsou, one of Harpers' j substantial business men, was here ; t this week as a member of the grand juiy. Mr Eugene Ilirsch, of he firm of Kinder & Ilirsch, made a business trip to Charleston and Savaunah this week. Miss Nettie Epps returned to Savvannah, Ga., Monday night after aj, visit of some days to her home folk ; iu towu. ii \FFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER AND ^ NOTED J vritten in Condensed Form ^ and Printed in Like Manner tor the Sake of Our Busv Readers . . ^ A- d still they come! Mr R H Kelhhan is preparing to build three note brick stores on his lots on \cad my street. Miss Eva Bell of Indian town wus n town yesterday, Misa Bell has re:ently returned home from the xreenville Female College. W II Fitzsimmons, Esq., of harleston, general counsel for the Ulanfic Coast Line railroad, was in iiugstree one day last week. As we go to press we learn tbat diss Rebecca Johnson, who has been II for a long time, dieu last night. She vill be buried this morning in the Villiamsbttrg cemetery. Every man who is eligible to vote ihould be present at the re-organizaion of the Democratic clubs on Satirday next. Kingstree clnb will neet at 12 m. in the courthouse. Messrs J H Black well, J LStuck>y, J S McC'lam, V E Strong,? Truluck, L L Caldwell, SM Aakins, tud W F Kennedy of Lake Ci y vere in town this week attending !onrt. Mr P G Gout din is breaking [round for erecting a three-story irick mercantile building on his lot >n Main street. Who says that iingstree will not soon b* in the ? iKy-scni|*T case: The quarterly .statement of the iaiik of l^akeCity appears elsewhere 11 this paper. Although this iustiution has Wen in existence less than i year its uffairs are in excellent conlitiou and it has already earned a food divi :en?i. Mr E M Smith's card apj>ears in his issue announcing his candidacy or ; he office of probate judge. Mr >mi h has alrea ly held this o^ce ?ne term and will no doubt m.tke hings lively for bis competitors in he ensuing campaign. iieUiyillg IU i lie imcii 'g?ivi j >nr correspondent "Whi|>pt*>r ill" iS to the "dog law" and ihe taking ?f dog retu'* -s. Auditor Montgomery mr horizes us to say that these reurns are b? ing taken without any mow ledge of or authority from Ins ffi.-e. Mr B H Myers, who is now conluctiug a hotel at Latta, came over Monday and spent the day in town. The ''Chief" says that Latta is a fine own and rhat he is getting or. nicely virh his hotel, which of course is rery gratifying to his friends in liiugstree. Among the visiting atto-ueys atendiug court here this week were p.oted the following: Messrs \\ F Clayton, J W Kagslale, J PMcNeill and F L Wilcox ){ Floreuce; W C Durant and Harry Lesesne of Manning, and W L Bass )f Lake City. Gen Wiley Jones, the chairman of he State Democratic executive committee, has secured reduced rates over the railroads cn account of the Democratic State Convention, which meets in Columbia on May 18. The rate allowed will be one and one-third first cb'iss fare plus 25 cents for round trip tickets, with final limit to May 21. Judge R 0 Puidy, who came here at this court as presiding judge for the first time, impressed every one with his dignity, firmness and strict impar iality in rendering his decisions. His charge to the grand jury was clear-cut, forceful and practical. Judge Pnrdy's many friends here are proud of the record he is making on the bench. We learn with regret that on last ! Monday night Mr Ben Jim Ohan! ler of Rome lost his barn and stables. ! i a buggy and a lot of provisions by i :.i? .i?i?1.1: . lire. *>rituer iiii* uunuxugn uui men ! contents were covered by insurance. ! j We understand that there is no clue .' as to the origin of 'he fire. Mr Chandler is a sou of former Super| visor B B Chandler. j At the regular meeting of Kings' tree Lodge Knights of Pythias Wednesday night, April 13, Messrs Timmons and Allen of Greelyville were made Pages and Mr Ed Brockinton advanced to rank of Esquire. Messrs LeRoy Lee and W V Brockinton were elected delegates to the Grand Lodge. E U Epps was made Deputy Grand Chancellor. Installation Services. Services will be held at Indiantown Presbyterian church on Saturday and Sunday, at which time Rev TH Darnell will be installed as pastor of the church. The installation will take place on Saturday and communion services will be held on Sunday. The installation services will be conducted by Revs Porter of Sumter and Hollidav of Manning. A Magnificent Work. We received yesterday a copy of the News and Courier's Centenial Edition. This means that our Charleston contemporary has breasted the trouble d waters of journalism for lo these 100 years. This is a record to be proud of truly, and it is befitting that it should be properly celebrated as has been done in this issue, of which any great newspaper might be justly proud. The Centennial Edition begins with a high class attractive cover desiirn in three colors i and the contents include 107 pages fairly teeming with historical, general and special information prepared by the most eminent writers of the State. Tlife illustrations are superb and j the mechanical work is with- | out a flaw. We have heard ma-1 ny admiring comments upon j this great work and surely it is : worthy of them all. Letter to William Cooper. Dear Sir:?You ask how many square feet a gallon will cover. ' Depends on condition of building. There is a great deal of lying on this point. The stock claim ; of lying paints is 300 square feet, j two coats. It's a lie as a rule, j Devoe covers 300 to 500, our j 4-4- 4-Vi 1 Wa fliinlr Q/Vl frvr* I U-^CIILS linutv. lit luiua uvu lvjv low and 500 too high; though doubtless they both occur. How much the other paints cover is equally doubtful; we guess 100 to 400. The truth is found in comparison. Devoe is all paint, true paint, strong paint, and full measure; the others in general are, at the best, diluted, adulterated and short-measure. They cover according to body and measure. You can't paint with clay, lime, chalk, sand, barytes, water or air?no body in them. Go by Devoe. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co, 50 New York. For Sale by Dr. D. C. Scott, Kingstree, S. C. ! MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP. ' There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves you . ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnica j Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Bruises, j Cuts . Boils, Ulcers Skin Eruptions aMd PiJi'S. It's only 25c, and guaran1 tee p to give satisfaction by Dr W L Wa'Jace, Druggist. THE SPRING TERM Of the Court of General Sessions In* 1 eludes Few Cases of Interest. The spring- term of the court of general sessions convened; C Monday with Judge R 0 Purdy j o presiding and Solicitor John S ; a Wilson and Stenographer Rob- i 1; ert Lathan in their places. The f grand jury was formed with W, t R Bryan as foreman and Judgeiv Purdy delivered a very clear t and strong charge. There were v only a few cases on docket no1 c interesting" ones were given to s the jury. The only cases of in- G terest were those in which the c defendants plead guilty. s! The following cases were dis- C posed of: p State vs Walter Montgomery, a larceny of live-stock. This case a was nol prossed by the solicitor i? on account of the death of the tl principal witness for the State o since the last term of court. li State vs Harry McDonald, larceny of live-stock. The court ordered verdict of not guilty in this case. LeRoy Lee Esq., ap- c peared for the defense. State vs Karo Williams, murder. The defendant had no atc torney and the court appointed ^ Messrs LeRoy Lee and R J ^ Kirk to defend him. The defen- ^ dant's witnesses were not all jpresent and counsel were unwilling to go into the case at this court and a motion for a ^ continuance was granted. State vs David Colclough, carrvingr concealed weapons and . assault and battery with intent " to kill. Consent verdict of as- ^ sault of a high and aggravated ^ nature. Sentence ?75 fine or n three months on cliaingang. State vs June Jenkins, larce- ^ ny of a bicycle. Guilty and sentenced to 1 year on chaingang and ?1 fine. State vs Alva Smith, carrying on business of emigrant v agent without license. Smith t plead guilty and was sentenced b to pay a fine of $500. s State vs Tom Davis and Hen- n ry Davis, murder, continued. t The court of common pleas c was opened Wednesday, but no d cases of importance have been c heard up to this time. s r Mnrttjarv. Died?At his home near Lenud, e S. C., on Sunday afternoon, v April 16, Rev N 13 Garner. Mr * Garner's death was very sudden T and unexpected. He was about *55 years old and was highly es- 1 teemed in the community where 0 he lived. He leaves a wife and r three children, t Mr D W Avant of Harpers, v who has been attending court as 'v a member of the petit jury, was u called home Tuesday morning v by a telegram announcing the g death of his little grandson, ^ aged 1? years. The little one t was a son of Mr John Avant of t Harpers. p Masonic Lecture. t c Rev F W Eason, D. D., of t Charleston and preaching- in (] King-stree Baptist church, and ( a Mason of very high standing, \ has consented to deliver a lec- t ture before Kingstree Lodge No. ] 46, A. F. M., at its next regular t communication to be held on Friday, April 29. A rare treat may be expected. Members and visiting brethren are invited. Refreshments 2 will be on hand. 2t. r I t WAITED, local agent for the c Laurens Steam Laundry. Apply to j 1 this office. tf. 1a A SERIOUS ACCIDENT. 'wd Boys Out Hunting and One Shoots the Other. Last Saturday afternoon j Jharlie and George Collins, sons i >f Section Master Collins and i ged about 18 and 14 respective-1 y, were out hunting near their! ather's house two miles from1 own up the railroad. They J nrillrmif ilnnrr r\rta ! 'CIC wainiil^ aiwi!^ uuv Wiuuw j he other with George in front i rhen Charlie's gun went off acidently and both loads of mall shot took effect in leorge's legs. The boys were lose together and some of "the hot went clear through. Dr D ! Scott was called in as soon as ossible after the occurrence, nd the boy's wound given ttention. While the wound ? a serious one it is thought hat the boy will recover withut permanent injury to his imbs. THE NEW JAIL ontract Awarded to the Panly Jail Co?Building to Cost 8,400. The supervisor and board of ounty commissioners met Monay and awarded the contract or building a new jail to the >auly Jail Building Co., of St. jouis, Mo. for $8,000. Tne supervising architect is C C Wilon of Columbia. The work of tuilding is to be commenced at nee and is guaranteed to be ompleted by September 1. By he terms of the contract the ounty is to retain all the maerial taken from the old jail milding. The entire cost of the ew building including the arhitect's commission, will be 8,400. Death of Mr J. E. Reardon. The death angel has again isited our town and taken from he bosom of his family a hus>and and a father, leaving the tricken ones bowed down beleath the burden of their afflicjtti_: rv 0 + ortion of his life in Williams>urg county and twenty-five 'ears in Georgia in the service if the Atlantic Coast Line raiload, with whom he held a portion up to March 1 when he >ecame too feeble for active irork and came back to his home n Kingstree, where he remained intil his death. He leaves a rife and seven children?four iris and three boys?to mourn lis loss. He was a member of he Methodist church and when he end came his spirit was at >eace. The remains were interred in he Williamsburg cemetery on lunday morning, at 10 o'clock, he funeral services being conlucted by Rev Henry Cauthen. Yin- crm l-?51 'fVlt' (TAPS Ollt to the OJ. , t,~? ? . >ereaved ones and may He who empers the wind to the shorn amb be their stay and protecor. Hymeneal. Chandler-Wilder?Married, it 5 p. m., April 7, 1904, at the esidence of the bride's father, dr J M N Wilder, Sumter, S. C., >y Rev J D Hug-gins, Miss Adlie Wilder and Mr J EWChander of Lake City.?Sumter Herild, April 15. ^ I '' ' nt ? ^ I tA <; 51 ^ |i 2 ? p o 3 , m $ a ^ 73 y m ^7 , J 11 f1 Si 71 S# f3 M < c ? /S si ^ r to i 5 s ? 2 Z -5. ^ ft P ' ; ' 3 ' 4 f-K J1 ,lp V ** "wrnllB