The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 14, 1904, Image 8

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fv^yy?TVf^>wvT>w?w K LOCAL ITEMS 1 OF INTEREST - 'IUe second week Jurors win lc Irawn to-inorrow. K ' ' 'There is little doing in, the way of oc&l new%this week. . Mr ifo.A 053 has be*n jaek for j ereral days this week. W L Bhss, Esq., y*s ij town yesarday from Lake City. MissM&hultz left Tuesday to ?btiveiat iinstou and Gastonia, J Jennings of Pinewood is j Anting her sister, Mrs J J B Montgomery fk * j Georgp Qalletley, Esq., of the iarw bar, was noted in town j , waited, ocal agent for .the Kanr*na RtPwrn Tjtnndrv. Antllv to Ithis office. tf. I'. Mr and Mrs H G Askins and child m Lake City spent Sunday ia town ^h friends. 4 | t ?, Mr J C Jtosev, MelchereA Co's |joj>alar.reJ*weutatiTc, was noted in fmv]fssterdaV. K' %*r Hugh MCCntchen is reported e somewhat bettex, although he ill seriously ill. .? ..Miss Sue itoll of Chester is visiting her brothers, Messrs C W and P ^ Stoll at Mrs Barr's. 3cMiss Aj^oie Chandler of Benson was town Sunday the guest of her mat, Mrs L J Barr. |t 11 K Wallace, Esq., now-of Brownsfcville, Marlborough county, is in M?fi for a few days. Ipf A young nuin in Oil Citv calls his nweetheart Revenge because she ia L*wee\ says the Oil City Derrick. ig Miss Ethel Nesmith, who is teach| ing at Benson, visited the family of I Mr P A Alsbrook last Saturday and t^.^he Governor has recently issued [votary public commissions to S G g^citaiald of Lines and L ? Burkett [itfTaft I, A commission for a charter. has Ejpga issued tothe Lake City Mercantile Co., Lake City, S. C., capitalized [ at $25,000. Mrs N C Stack and four childreu Ihrrived in town Saturday from Piner>-ood. With Mr Stack they are warding at Mr M S Montgomery's. Br We ere proud of our corps of corjjkjajpondsnts tbronghout the county. With tl^ir aid "if it happens in i Williamsburg county you will find it |a The Record." ft The friends in the city of Frank IP Cooper, ofthe News and Courier, will be gl^d to know he is getting ktter after several days of illness.? i Florence Times, April 12. work of building up Kings[wee goes merrily on. Within the l?eit few months, we understand, four or fire Viek mercantile buildings |ud sereral new dwelling will be constructed. Again we say, watch icings tree! h The Kings*ree Hardware Co. have opened their doors to the public and *re ready for business. They already a large stock of every kind of! kanl vifo unit ftfo roAAiuinnr now orArvIo ! ??w> " v j ^ v ? v w11 uvd ^VA/Vio #y< Look oat for their ad in The j jSxcoRD and give them a call when ^anything id needed in their line. < ^ On Tuesday night of last week Mr ' EL Hirsoh, who was returning home rfrom Columbia, got off the train and [was walking along the platform where be stntnbled against a bulletin ^ board and fell, spraining his hip and | !nising his knee so that he has been mpelled to walk on cratches ever j ' ice. The tryn arrived here late I : night and there were no lights on e platform. Wheu the railroad $ been made to pay damages once j ' twice for its negligence it will perps be more careful in looking after 5 safety of its passengers. * * (Y*V?VV>WyWV>VV?VWry I AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER AND ^ NOTED ^ Written in Condensed Form and Printed in Like Manner ^ tor the Sake of Our Busy Readers . . MMAMWAAMWAWW Mr W A Blizzard, of the Dillon ' i s Hardware Co., is in town for a few daye this week with his brother, Mr ~ ? %.% ./ it. J F 15Iizzard, tne manager 01 iuk Kiugstree Hardware Co. Mr Blizzard is one of Dillon's leading business men and his establishment now ranks among the most promineut hardware concerns in the State. Through the courtesy of Mr Frank P Cooper, of the News and Courier, The Record will be furnished with press despatches giving the latest war news and also*~other eveuts of national interest frtm time to time as they occur. This places us on a footing with the daily newspapers and we feel ?ure our readers will appreciate the service, as wa do. . The following bulletin from this county appears in the report issued by the Department of Agriculture: ??)ox: Crops have made slow progress this week; the frost and ice Thursday Dight destroyed nearly all beans and othergarden truck; week's rainfall was fairly heavy; cabbage crop doing well; oats are improving rapidly; corn still being planted.? Miss M E Cox. . Messrs Bentschner ?fc Visanka, the well known Charleston clothiers, are offering our readers special inducements this week in the way of Spring clothing. They are fashionable cutfitters in everything pertaining t?*( man's apparel and mail order customers are given as ninth care and attention as those who deal with them in person. If you need a Spring suit give them an order and to insure extra good treatment mention The Record. Letter to Joel t. crunsoa. Dear Sir:?Mr N Avery, Delhi, NY, had two houses exactly alike, and painted them: one Devoe lead-and-zinc; the other barytes-and-zinc. He paid same price for both paints. He used six gallons of leadand-zinc, 12 gallons barytes-and zinc. , ... He paid $18 for painting leadand-and-zinc, $36 for painting barytes-and-zinc. Tlie total cost of the lead-andzinc job was $27; the total cost of the barytes-and-zinc job was *54. v He didn't know he was buying barytes;, the dealer told him that paint was as good as Devoe. A fair example of how it generally comes-out, when you buy "something just as good." Betf or irn Kw the n n mo fVio m mo WVi ^ V MJ WliV VUV and the name is Devoe. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co, 50 . :\, New York. For Sale \>j Dr, D; C. Scott, KiDgstree, S. C. Consumption The Only kind of consumption to fear is " neglected consumption." People are learning that consumption is a curable disease. It .is neglected consumption that is so often incurable. At the taintest suspicion ot consumption get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and begin regular doses. . The use of Scott's Emulsion it once, has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in [avor of health. Neglected consumption does not exist where Scott's Emulsion is. Prompt use of Scott's Emulbion checks the disease while it can be checked. Send (or free temple. SCOTT & BOWME, Cbcmtet pt-os P?rlKM T '11 Sill 1 HOW IS YOUR WARDROI Better take st fixed. Here's of bargains th re-fit a FIT AND Applys to many things, but in t ular instance we refer to Clothi week's sale eclipses all our form There is not such not another of correct and well made up-to-d ing in this country. No one c at anything like the prices, statement this sale will stand > ^ Ho E ?:@:?:@:?:?:?:?:?:@:?; | A Fittin ? < i x Oppo FOR EVERY 00 jg) ? In Williamsburg County to i riTJtBE'ii r !?! At no greater cost than the ,?. at our grand < I SPRING AND g A CLOTI ^ We are Showing the largi brics in gentlemei .?? displayed ^ consisting of over 200SUI @ Clothing, 2 and 3 piece... ? celebrated I Crown , @ B ALL ST jgj Including Oxfords ii ? and V | HATS a I PANTS 4I; @ ? We also represent the g 8 M HIM y OF BUFFALO, w And our expert cutter will 1 x a first class tailor-made si .? ? @ We carry always the Iatesl @ nishings. -Everything a i @ dressed. Call and see our ? KINDER & j?) Kingstret @?:@:?:@:@:?:?:?:?:?:<5 The mind is. kept pure only by j sunning its coiners. E Purchased applause has a hollow _ sound. ? H SERIOUS STOMACH TROUBLE; CURED. I was troubled with a distress in Cl my stomach, sour stomach and vomiting spells, and can truthfully say that Chamberlain'* Stomach j and Liver Tablets cured me.? Mrs ( T. V. Williams, Laingahurg, Mich, j 01 These tablets are guaranteed to cure every case of stomach trouble of this character. For sale by Dr D (5 Scott, Kingstree; Dr W S , Lynch, Scran ton: Lake City Drug Co., Lake City. ce J ... t Dor Ms, i i Ciiitri" 3E? ock and find out how you're a new link in a double chain tat will give you a chance to t very moderate cost. ! MISFIT his particng. This er eTorts. Collection late Cloth:an match On this or fall. Do REDDICEo ? ^ jr a. rtunity | iOD DRESSER fj get perfect Satisfaction ? :i fashion! ? @ o dinary kind is offered ^ l opening of ?| SUMMER | ^INCi X ? I III Wll est array of smart fa- -?j i's apparel ever 8 here, .? ITS of Men's and Boy's .? j Suits. Als'j a select @| line of ? Shoes, I YLES 3 @ i Patent leather, @ ici. @ I the latest styles in @ r and Felt for men and jgj boys, @ io the latest styles in w spring and Summer Q Pants, ? reat tailoring hcuse, Q\ K Mil tl, 1 NEW YORK. y take your measure for w lit guaranteed to flit. ^ t things in Gents Fur- @ man needs to be well @ Stock, @ HIRSCH, | 5, s. C. @ Dr R J McCabe Dentist JNGST^EE, - - S. C. Great Results are the children of iustle aud Hope. ' If rime is money, trauips.ought to ? robing in wealth. I Proud of his work is always sure j : his place. I The boy does better when his ther's example is equal to bis pre** ' '' * ^ -*- l/M/r-X/ a % o I uv>r\c t (Successors to J. L. S' Announce to their custor just got in a fresh C Horses ^ To Suit all Classe They are now in our Stal Selectio BuLgTgfies, TTsTa,gfc ness always STUCKEY and Lake City, EINGSTREI Confectionery ai General Fuits and Vegetab' ALWAYS OI> Country orders speci CAKES and BRE delicacies of t to be fc < here, H. A. MEYER, MAIN STREET, - In the Spi The Ladies' Fanq Light and Suitable for the Wai P. S. COURTNEY & CO >8 line of I unsurpassed by any to be had here or el Laces and Embroideries and Insert have just got In a large an I eh ace hsoi dcrvests, all qualities and prices. We have Ribbons of every shade ai finest. All warranted fast colors. We have a line of Gents' Fumishin; eludes everything a man needs or wanl All the latest patterns in Fine Hosi u specialty of Fine Hosiery. We have the exclusive agency for 1 Lyon Brand Shirt; As always we are headquarters for Tobacco. Cigars am Schlessinger's Candies received fresh e1 Yours to S< R. S. COURT KINGSTREE, ? ? ? ? ? BUELL A R CASH DRY G0< Now is the time to buy your Hankerchiefs I ran WE HAVE THEM IN GREAT VARIETY. A LADIK8' in Fancy Lace and Embroidery ef- anc feet, good sheer Lawn from 5 to 25c. LADIES' H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, all Linen, ? 5c. LADIES' LAWN H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, g in 1-4. 1-2, and 1-inch hems, at 5 cents. ? iniTf l-IVV ClMRRin l.ili H. S.. 10c i or three for 25o. [ v LADIES' A LL-LINEN, very fine. 15c.. two i and for 25o Also a full line of COLORED-BORDERED I HANDKERCHIEFS for Ladies and Children | from :j to 10c. i t< We also have a nice assortment of Handkerchiefs for Gentlemen. at from 5 to 25c. ft Wt have just recefved carefully selected line ? of ^ J Gents' Neckties. in a variety of shades, only 25c. L Underwear, v This is the place to get these for Men. Ladles V and Children. fG. ?j^TMuii Ordc* Receive Careful Allei 573 and 575 King Street, Whiskey I Morphine I Cijrnr habit. habit, I hub Cured by KEELEY IN! 133? Ladr St.(or P O.Bol To) Co;umW?.S.C. ( / j , - * S*? 1 il l I If ' T jlluTi 1B1VI i i ij jj. "Jgg| FLOWERS RJCKEY & Co..) ?. ners that they have arload of Stock ? flules s of Buyers. l)les Ready for your n. >r3.s and. Ha,r> On lian&. FLOWERS, , s. c IBAKERY, id Morplianrlisp J.VJL VI UJLLtVUUlMVi * i es in Season I HAND. t ally solicited for :AD, and all he season ?und Proprietor, - KINGSTREE, S. C /" * y ing f Turns to Airy Fabrics m Weather. )ry Goods and Dress Goods is sewhere in the county. ;ions for su nnier Linjforie. AV> rtine it; also Lalies' G.iuze Uuid texture from medium to the *s and Notions that literally ins to wear. ery at living prices. We make he famous 3 and Collars. ^ 1 i Fine Candiesyery week, erve, NH V & CO. ? ? ? ? ? ? S.c. IOBERTS' 01)8 STORE. Ladies' Skirts. ' e have these up to date haviug had then* Je to order. , Flannel Waists. 11 Wool, in Black, Blue, Gray Garnet I Old Rose. * ?' I * i Ladies jacKets, ome aud see us. We can give them to you at n $1.50 to $5 in Oxford Gray, Blue aud ck. Hosiery, 'e have a fine line of these for Men, Ladies i Children. Furniture Department, SPOT CASH PRICES. 1-piece Imitation Walnut Suits, $14. It-piece Solid Oak Suits, $19 to $75. it-piece Solid Walnut Suits, $75, $85 to full line of wardrobes, $10 to 28.50. olid Oak Kxtension^Tabkes. $5. entre Tables from 50c to $4.' abv Carriages. $6, $2.55 up to $12. o-Cartu, $3. .50 to $13 hildren's Chairs, Rogers and High Chairs, Kit stock of Beds. 4B.'50 to $13. punaes. Couches and Single Lounges. _< rillow Rocker*. $1.75.' W rood Seat, High Arm Bockem, $1.50. fhitc Iron Beds, $3.50, M.25, $5, $5.60, $7. and $8. illon. , CHARLESTON, S. G. ette I All Drug* and Tobac il. I habits sflTUTE of S. C. .^ntiftentlalcerrrcspcodcuce solicit 1 t