The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 14, 1904, Image 3

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> ??i 11 "* News of the Day, B. L. Duke, a very wealthy member of the widely-known family of that name, who lives at Durham, N. C., and who is a brother of J. B. Duke, of New York, the president of the American Tobacco Company, has obtained a divorce from his wife upon the ground of abandonment. Mrs. Duke received $100,000 from her husband. It was reported that ill feeling existed between Viceroy Alexieff and General Kuropatkin over the conduct of the war in the Orient. Modi in n Ssnif. The newly-anpointcd postmaster at Keokea, Hawaii, is Mr. David Kapohokolioakimokeweonah. Wo resret that wo \tnnot srivo any ?rni?l?* to tn? pronunciation.?Civil Service Masazinc. c*tnrr!i Cwnt tip Our-I With t?c\t. applioitihns us then* eantiV rer."h .hescatof th" ?l*-i<ararriiisa bloc i <-,r constitutional dis-:s.e. aa I ir? ordeto ire it you must iak" inter i t! rem Hal"- t'ltta-rh Cure i> taken internally, ami ?e!s dire tlyoath?*.1 ai:.l j?i?:. >u-.siri'a * Hal!'.* ratirr"> (hi?':. n >: qua '? me Is.-in . It was i?r.?j.*ri,t? I I>v one oT the Iphysicians In this <* > ri ry f >" y t-<. an I it a regular i.r?< Tir>tim. ! is env?>?I of tiio besri iai 's kii >wn. e.imbiv I with th>? !> ?blot i i. fi'l-rs, it tin : ?l?r.? -tly on the mucous s,irhi "?s. t;?.? ? > nhin dion >' the; v i in : < is wirit :>r >du su *? won i-r.'it1 i>, curia ctt ;rru. Sea I lor " * m >nials. *> t Ckknkt .% Co.. Pr vs., To'.e 1 >, <). So' I bv tlr;i'??ist.s. prion, 7:,-. Take Hall's Family I'itK for constipation. "What v.t'.s it your !ni?bntnl wanted to sco ni" aboutV" inquired Mrs. Nowliwoti's paoa. "I think lie wanted lo borrow ;i couple of hundred dollars from you" she said. "He's sy anxious to ? : out of debt."?Philadelphia Ledger. FITSriermauently cured. No fitsornervousness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's ttreat Nerve Re?torer.3s2trialhott!eaud treatisefre" Dr. U. H. Kline. I.t l.. 931 Areh St.. Phila . Pa It sometimes happens that people without vicc? aggravate other people into having more than their share. Alll Vour IJenler Kor Atl?n'< I'n-i'.Fii. A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Coras. Bunions. Swollen. Sore.Hot. Cal lous,Aching Sweatirg Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allea's Foot-Ease makes new or tiirht shoes easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores. 25 cents. A<-. eeot no substitute. Sample mailed Free, Address. Allen S. Olmsted. Leltoy. N. V. With the advent of universal peace there will be nothing left for the military man but marriage. The Wonderful Cream Sejrarator. Does its work in thirty minutes and leave? less thin 1 per cent, butter fat. The price, is ridiculously low, according to size. $2.75 to $o.O') each, and when you have one you would net part therewith for fifty times its cost. Jl'ST SEND TIT1S NOTICE with 5c. stamps lor postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co.. La Crosse. Wis., and (ret their nig catalogue. tUiiy cescnomg mis remarkable Cream Separator, and hundreds of other tools and farm seeds used ky the farmer. [A.C.L.] The English Co-aperativc Wholesale Society has 1,392.399 members, and does an annual business of $89,500,000. Carpets can be colored on the floor with Putnam Fadeless Dyes. If a man is satistied with one mea! a day he can afford to write poe:r> Irif-.yr B i '!? I Mrs. L. C. Glover, Vice-Pres-' ident Milwaukee, Wis., Business Woman's Association, is another one tbe million women w ho have been restored to health by using Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound. " Deas Mrs. Pineqam : ? I-was married for several years and no children blessed my home. The doctor said I had a complication of female -troubles and I could not have any children unless I could be cured. He tried to cure me, but after experimenting' for several months, my husband became disgusted, and one night when we noticed the testimonial of a woman who had been cured of similar trouble through the use erf Lydia E. PinkhamN IfAMrvintvlA r*/vmiaAlin/l lift Vftnt nnt TCgCUIVtC VVI1I|>UUUU| ..V ...? ? and bought a bottle for me. I used your medicine for three and one-half months, improving steadily in health, and in twenty two months a child came. I casnot fullj' express the joy sind thankfulness thai is in my heart. Our homo is a different place now. as ave have something to live for, and all the credit is d-ae to Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Yoars very sincerely, Mint Ij-C. Glover. 614 Grove St.. Milwaukee, Wis<." Vice President, Milwaukee, Business Woman's Association. ? $5000 ; forfeit if orig'nai ot above letter proving genuine oat oannot be produced. 1G. Q*ven Awayg jP V V Wrlto n? or ask aa ft AU&aitin* dealer for a| |R parties!ars sod free sac; pic card of * ' I I 5; Tbo Sanitary Wall Coating m <rj D??tn>7?d.KS?efcnn?cod vtnali.. n'ctcS 2* tab* oracAies Voa can apply it?mix .tUj a.' ao^d water. Eauutlful erect# ta white cod S3 deUcate lint#. Jfotadieemc breeding, out, g* efdeta hot j#!oo preparation. Pay Jj| B Alabaatice Id l IP. package*, properly 1?- E belled, of paint, hardware and drug dealers. S "Hfntacn Decorating.'* and our k rt tits'B ideas freg. AUjiitfjWCP . 6f??< tV'5? gi:L, gy W??!crR,lLtv Amend the Road Law. The decision of the Grand Jurors to recommend that the Legislature change the present road laws, insomuch as they af.'eet Fulton County, appears to us to he a stop in the right direction. Under the present law all males over the age of xsiteen years in the State of Georgia, who dc not live within the boundaries of an incorporated town or village, must pay the sum of $2.50 annual road tax. or accept the alternative of working the roads for a period of live days. This is an antiquated system. and one which does not work out well. The Koad and Fridges Committee of the Grand Jury, which recently made an inspection of the thoroughfares of the county, found many of the highways ami bridges to lie in a very poor condition. With the view of linding some method by which they may he improved the Grand Jury called all the County Commissioners together, ami the result of the meeting was the decision that the present laws should be changed. Under the plan proposed the Board of County Commissioners would have direct supervision of the entire road system of the county. All persons of a legal ag~> would be compelled to pay r.n annual tax of $2 for the improvement of the roads, and the portion of the act now in force which allows the alternative of working live days on the roads would be repealed. The tax of i?2 paid would be applied directly by f'yimmwiinnnK In flip road IU'." VUUUIJ ?-? .... improvement. Under the present system a 'arse inn. jority of males over sixteen years o( age prefer to {jive five days' labor tc the roads instead of the money. The labor on the roads is therefore eon ducted in a most haphazard mannet without centralized direction, and the results are bound to be inferior. It there was no alternative of road labor those from whom the tuxes are due eouid be required by law to pay their S2 each year, with the alternative ol punishment in the case of failure. The money thus collected could he used by the county board in an intelligent man. tier. Such a system would bring or ganizntion into the matter of highway Improvements, and the results would be made manifest in a very short time. With the money collected improved road machinery could be collected?a thing which is impossible under the present haphazard system. In this day and age of the world the ohl system ol labor for a few days of the year, which originated somewhere about the times of King Alfred the Great of England is very much of an anachronism. One irood machine can do the work of a great many people; do it much bettei and save time and money. It is reported that a good roads convention is planned to be held in tliif city in the near future, at which the plan of the 'Grand Jury will be indorsed. Resolutions should be drafted then for presentation to the State Leg islature, and everybody in the county should get behind the movement and help push. The plan is distinctly a step for the better, and should receive the indorsement of and assistance of all tlie public spirited.?Atlanta JouruaL Co-vprnoT Otlell on (Sood Road*. The annual message of Governor Odell. of New York, had the following to f?ay on State supervision over State roads:: "Four hundred anil eighty-four miles of road have been improved by State aid since the enactment of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 181>S. The counties have already contributed their half of ^ - * -;ii? *txf. trie expeiise ior uunuuig <n./ iuuv.-. which plans are now ready. Petitions have been presented for the construction of 3230 miles. "The total mileage of roads in the State is 74.097. In order to form a perfect system of highways through the State, it is estimated that the improvement of not mure than ten per cent, of the total mileage will be necessary. In other words, in order to secure a system of good road* throughout the State, the total ultimate mileage would be about 7300 miles. The counties have provided for their half of the expense for 3103 miles of improved roads, while the State has contributed its proportion for only 484 miles. It is estimated that $2,801,000 will be required from the State to complete this 1103 iriles. "While it ha* taken a number of womo 4K?o cvetam nf mml illinVAVP ^ ra I 1U1 4UIP C1J d\ lAA V? kvwu meut to prow into popular favor, it will be seen that probably within the next six or eight years all necessary roads will be under cootruction or will have been completed, provided funds are available, which will give a perfect system throughout all portions of the State. This, with the State's contributions for the repair of roads in aunties v-Jiich have adopted the money system, ought to give to New York a magniin/'iit system of highways. "Some changes are necessary in the good road* laws in order to protect and repair these highways. These necessities can be met by amendment of the existing statute. While it is not contemplated that the repairs to these roads shall be the State's duty, except in *o far as provided under the so called I'lanK law. yet mere snouiu oe supervision by the State in order to inure the maintenance of these imp.oved roads. With this end in view it might be proper to provide for State supervision over State roads by giving to the State Engineer and Surveyor such jurisdiction as will always secure uniform plans for repair? in all counties Ju the State" DEAD MAN STEERS A SHIP. . Deserted In Midocean, His Hand Still Grasped the Wheel. | A sealing schooner, the Arietis, re! cently sighted a mastless derelict about 100 miles southwest of Queen Charlotte islands. Although at first it was thought there was no one on board, a figure j was at luugin uiituu uui tiuuv:nub ??. v. i kneeling position at the wheel. The | captain of the Arietis accordingly j hailed them when within distance and proffered assistance. Receiving no answer, however, and noticing that the steersman never shifted his position, he lowered a boat, and with some of his crew bTiarded the derelict. He found that the man was quite dead and had apparently been so for some time., but his rigid hands still grasped the wheel and guided the vessel on its course. He had evidently been deserted by his crew in a storm, and as a last forlorn hope had lathed himself to the wheel. Some food was found close to him and also two or three bottles of medicine, showing apparently that he ill when his long watch began. Tuo name of the schooner was the Gen Siglin. bound from San Francisco to Alaska. She had on board the complement of six sailors and five passengers. The body of Capt. Saunders was duly buried according to the rites observed at sea.?Exchange. Cocoanut Clocks. In the Malay peninsula the natives keep a record of time in the following way: Floating in a bucket filled with [ water they place a cocoanut shell, having a small perforation, through which by slow degrees, the water finds its way inside. This opening is so proportioned that it takes just one hour | for the shell to fill and sink. Then a watchman calls out. the shell is emp1 tied, and they begin again. Such trifles as minutes and seconds are rarely heeded on the peninsula. Fancy any one asking the time in Ma lay. and being told that the cocoanut shell was half full! Noah's Salt Mines. In Trans-Caucasia, in the Upper , Aras Valley, lies one of the most won! derful mines of rock salt in the world ?Mount Kulpi. The deposits of salt in this spot are said to be in some . places more than 20b feet thick. They I have been almost continuously worked since pre-historic days (the stag horn I picks of the palaeolithic men are still picked up now and again in the work| ings). but they show as yet so signs of exhaustion. The Armenian traditions . hold that Noah drew from Mount Kulpi the supply of salt necessaray to proserve the provisions of the Ark. Mrs. Winslow'sSoothintrSyrupforcMldreii L t-eething, soften the gums, reduces inlininma| tion allays paio.euresxvind colic. SSo.abottto The meaning of an epigram is concealed , by the brilliant effect it produces. ' Fiso's Cure cannot lie too highly spoken o! : ?# a cough cure.?j. \Y. O'Brien, 822 Third . Avenue, N.. .Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. ti. 1900. ^ While The dance goes on an awkward snaii gets there with both feet. t Odds and Ends. 1 The strike of the bricklayers in New ' York has brought 80 per cent, of all construction work on Manhattan Island to a standstill. A warm heart has something in it beside spice. DANGEROUS NECLECT. It"? the neglect of backache, sideache, prin in the hips or loins that finalIv nrostrates the strongest body. The kidney wnru'ngs are v jy serious ? they tell you that they are uuable to [f A tilter the body's waste im AC. \ and poison from the blood M jr^J ?the sewers are clogged II and' impurities are running wild to impregnate f 7 nerves, heart, brain and , I / every organ of the body I J\ with disease elements. I ^3 Uoan's Kidney Pills are \nh quick to soothe and \ strengtlien sick kidneys, r-4 and help them free the system troui poison. Read how valuable they are, even in cases of long standing. L. ('. Lorell. of -llo North First St., Spokane. Wash., sttys: "I have had trouble from my kidneys for the past ten yearn It was caused by a strain to which 1 paid little attention. But as I neglected the trouble it became I n-Avca ?nH wnrcn until nnv strnln or n slight'cold was sure to be followed by severe paiu across my back. Then the action of the kidney secretions became deranged and I was caused much annoyance, besides loss of sleep. Dunn's Kidney Fills were brought to my notice, and after taking them a short time their good effect was apparent. AH the pain was removed from my back and the kidney secretions became normal. Doan's Kidney Pills do all that is claimed for them." A FItEE TltlAL of this great remedy which cured .Mr. Lovell will be mailed on application to any part of the i'nited States. Address Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price .">0 cents per box. In connection with the naval conflicts now proceeding hi the Far East it is interesting to recall that certain Islands off the Japanese coast are traditionally haunted by the ghosts oi Japanese slain in naval battles. Even today the Chousen peasant fancies he sees ghastly armies baling out the sea with bottomless dippers, condemned thus to cleanse the ocean of the slain of centuries ago. Cossacks were reported at Unson. Korea. "PE-MA TONES UP IF TAK1 SAYS THIS BEALJT1 j MISS MARJORY HAM1 ( + | I M is Marjory Hampton, 2616 1 hire! i J "Peruna is a /tne medicine In I j J fit the spring it tones up the system ! me more thnn a vacation. In the J j cures colds a nd cata rrh a nd also Jl bouels regular, acting as a gentle t consider it a whole medicine chest. ! # < PURE BLOOD. Blood Impurities of Springtime ?Cause, Prevention and Cure. Dr. Hartman's medical lectures are eagerly scanned by many thousand readers, i One of the most timely and interesting lectures he ever delivered was his recent lecture on the blood impurities of spring. The doctor said in substance that every spring the blood is loaded with the effete j accumulations of winter, deranging the di| gestion, producing sluggishness of the liver, overtaxing the kidneys, interfering with the action of the bowels and the proper circulation of the blood. This condition of tilings produces what is popularly known as spring fever, spring malaria, nervous exhaustion, that tired feeling, blood thickening and many other names. Sometimes the victim is billions, dyspep IS is c u v # y - t LIMITED MEANS OR EDI ALL OUR 6,000 GRACUA' R, It. FAEK PAID. BOA1CI) AT US ?<(>. f,A ,A| A F 5U0 Kre?? Coiir**-*. VJ-n. rtUfl. L cbranic Mood alJ Con Ufin'iOM. Trratl-p and Srniytnto blank ami frt. J?aj?ioiane Horn* Cure, 1818 direr* it*.. ruil***., P? A Vegetable Porcupine. The best hated cactus in America is the cholla. The Mexicans saythat if you ko near a cholla joint it will jump at you. Certainly if you touch one it will stick, an.l when you try to free yourself it will nierce your other hand as well. Each pen dent joint stems to reach out for the passerby, and the ground beneath the broad cholla tree is strewn with fallen fragments, many of which take root and grow. After one has felt the sharp spines through heavy boots and seen their needle points, it is a source of continual wonder to see the wild cattle I of Arizona quietly browsing on ehollas. The phrase "cactus fed." as applied to Arizona, is not a figure of speech. During the years of drought thousands of cattle carry themselves over until the next grass by eating chollas. With their leathery tongues and lips they strip the spiny joints from the trunk and leave the widespreading cactus a bare and wopdy skeleton. It is only the range cattle, whoso mouths have been hardened on the thorny mesquite and ironwood browse, who will undertake to eat cactus, and cattlemen therefore often burn the thorns from ciio!!as and nopals in order to tempt .h"ir more fastidious animals to eat.? Country Life in America. There arc 109 slate. S-l marble and 1 205 clay quarries in this country, and j the value of their combined products tannonnn in yiWtWvi?-'v? Colombia lias hart seven constitutions and the title of the republic h3s been changed three times. A New Story. Col. "Diek" Bright, who was serReant-at-arms in the Senate when Democrats controlled that body, has I been on a visit to Virginia, where he i picked up a new story. A revivalist uho was holding meetings there met a man and aaked him to attend service that evening". The man refused to promise and the preacher said: "My brother, don't you ever pray?" "Naw." answered the villager. "I carry a rabbit 'r foot." the system ; en in the spring," , j [FUL YOUNG GIRL. i ?1 ^ON, OF NEW YORK. I Avenue, Sew York City, writes: * | akr any season of the year. Taken J i a ml acts as a tonic, strengthening all and winter I have found that It J nd that It is Invaluable to keep the til mutant on the system. In fact, I * "?Miss Marjory Hampton. J ? i tic and constipated; sometimes he is weak, nervous and depressed, unit again he may | have eruptions, swellings and other blood | humors. Whichever it is, the cause is the j same?effete accumulations in the blood. Nothing is more certain within tne whole range of medical science than that a course ' of l'eriina in early springtime wilt perfectly and effectually prevent or cure this almost ! universal affection. Kverybody feels it in some degree. A great majority are disturbed consider- j ! ably, white a large per cent, of the human j family are made very miserable by this ; I condition even spring. I 1'eruna will prevent it if taken in time, > lVruna will cure it il taken as directed, j IVruna is the ideal spring medicine of j : the medical profession. If you do not derive prompt and satistac- ! tory results tiom the use ot 1'eruna. write at once to Dr. Hart re an, giving a full state- I ment of your case and he will ce pleased to ; give you his valuable advice strati* Address Dr. Ilart: mi. I'resideo' of The Uartiuan Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. I i 1 ADIES! DO YOU SUFFER * * " it- l? u. a i o iin Fiunini/ iicauo?(ics< &Ke CAPUDINE for them, j1 he prompt relief is magical j A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. ! BY A $5,000 JCATION NO HINDRANCE. PES AT WORK. WRITE TODAY TO ?US. COLLEGE, Macon Oa. jHf_ ^ -l, ?JSHL I Hn CURES WHERE All USE FAILS., Pj M Best Coutfli syrup. Tastua G<rA. Lao B"t Eel In time. Sold by dri:girl<t?. "' ?" mwm ' 01UD aOTHINC ^Em*? i M'.de n black or /tllow for all kinds IY/L y/1 j of wet work. On ?Je evewwhtre J//\\ ] \ [/J Look for the 3tfn of the rijh.wW rk\/\^A.] tl* nune TOWtR on the buttow. /hrj 1 r^i ? JTtKH H.W1TW KMIKU I / ]/\JVZS 1 remit ?*>???? nttHf.tAm y/?y J j~*U '_ i>o. 16. .. V! k "5ji GUARAN1LED CURS for all towel trouble !bi-od. wind on the stomach. bloated oowets. fi pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow <tkin nr. regu.arly you are sick. Constipation kills nor utnrte chronic ailments t.r.;l long years of suffer CA3CARET3 today, for you will r ?v-r pet vr j right Take our advice, start with Caacarets j money refunded. The genuine tablet stampe 8 booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Cornpi C HICKENS .in i require dollars learning by experience, so you We offer this to you for only 25 cents, even if youmoreiy keep them as >i divi you must know something nn>ut them. Torre ! experience of a praeiical poultry raiser for (<1 j by a man who put all bis mind, and time, nail j Jng?Dot as a pastime, but as a business?and i work, yo'i can save many Chicks annually. nn< I point is. that you must be able to detect troubj i and fcuow bow to remedy ir. This book will t? j disease; to feed for eggs and also for Kittening ; and everything, indeed, you should know ou t 1 paid for tvrenty-flve cents in stamp#. BOOK rrSMSBlKfi 1 ' I W. L. DOUGLAS B4.0O, $3.50,83.00, $2.50 tM8i SHOES thI'&Ko. Wr.L. Douglas shoes s* ire worn by more ig v nen than any other nake. The reason WMHKfe M Is, they hold theii |?|f fiv shape,titbetter,wear i|?jgg?% // * ^ longer, and have Jj 5 l'C il isr^ jiili 11; * I.ook for iiNmr and price on bottom. Dottglaa HMD Corona Coltftkin, which Id svery where conceded tobet he finest Patent Cent her yet prod need. Fast Co 'or Eyriots used. SUoei ;>r mull,2.' cents extra. Write for Catalog. W. L DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mail. - ? ? ? ?? ? S pnmmnmmawnwt'in <nwj nanmm1. nm Small Potatoes result from a lack of Potash I; in the soil. Potash pro; duces size and quality. i i w have : o explain GERMAN KALI WORKS, \ Ji New York?l>3 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Ua.-8?jj So. BnU St. ?fi _ i *. FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in*struct! ons absolutely Free and Port* paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtineToiiet Antiseptic ?KUUDe is in |wsiw form to dissolve la water ? non-poisonous and far superior to liquid antiseptics coo tain ins alcohol which irritates Inflamed surfaces, and have no cleansing properties. The content* of every box make* more Antiseptic Solution ? lasts longer*? goes further?has mora uses in the family and does more good than any antiseptic preparation The formula of a noted Boston physician, ar.d used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, forLeucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treat meet of female ills IV.xtinels invaluable. Used as a Vaginal wa challenge the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. Itisarevelationin cleansiuc and healing power; it kills all germs whica cause inflammation and discharges. All leui'.ingiiruggists keep P&xticc; price,30c. a box; if yours does not, send to us for it. Oon'k take a substitute ? there Is nothing like Paxtiaa. Write for the Free Box of Paxtine to-day. O Birwxm 1 P?nn TV. A a IW/in Vw. vv., , - I. . an ???? ? . ; jlSAWMILLSSsI 83 -.Tltii Here's t'ill re real Ia>k Beamij.Reotllln Hur, StruiltaiieousSet Worksand the He*- H nook-Kin^' Variable Feed Works are aoex Soelle^ far acci c \cr, simtlicitv. di/basii.- w mittani) tx*t. oKorts.\T:i>x. Write for full Br descriptive circulars. Manufactured by tlieH 4 .iflT.ll. STOCK. 93U.OOO.OO. Htiatnean-- >* 1?"!I rou think of gu|n? off In school;. > writ- for i'oIIi-k- Journal and Special ffer or the eaillns Bit-l"?-iw ami Shorihnud -chooU. AiMrssa KINO'S RJSINESS COIJ.EOE. Ralelik, Ai. t'.. ur< brrlolltiX. C. f tVe also teach Buok? kreptne shorthand. Etc., by i..alll , 4r? $aw imn> The OcLoach Patent Variable Friction FeedSaw Mill with 4 h. p. cuts 2.000 fret per day. All si/es and prices to suit. Dehonch Shingle Mil)* Hdgers. Trimmers, Tlacers: Corn and Ruhr Mills. Water Wheels, hath Mills. Wood Saws. Our handsome new Catalog wilt interest vou. DcLoact* Mill Mfg. Co. Box Ru. Atloota.'Ce. Ot Dropsy! * S Removes all swelling in 8 to a?/ days; eilects a permanent cure jgsMfr' /V in joto 6oday?. Trialtreatroeef 'J*??.given free. Nothingcan be faire*" write Dr. H. H. ftrean's Sons, , SsaiJalitts. Box n Atlsita. (Ml John W. Atkinson <Bb Co., RICHM OMD V A. Taints, Oils, Varnlslies, Are. Tr* Title "Standard" lieail) Mixed lleuae Taints. THE BOWELS ^ ^4? - Ju CANDY L CATHARTIC .j?r ** s. appendicitis. biliousness, tad breath, bad aul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, d dirziness. When your bowels don't mcv* e people than all other diseases tog-ther. It ing. No matter what ails you, start talcing !! ar.d stay well until yen pet your bowela today under absolute guaranle- to cure or dCCC. Never sold In bulk. Sample and any, Chicago or New York. 5?a IV MftNFY If yoa giro thesn help. To* 11 t.auoot do this unless yo? and them and know how to eater to their incuts, ami you cannot spent! years and iuu*t buy the knowledge acquired by others. You want them to pay their ovrn svay iTslou. Iu order to handle Fowls judiciously, et this want we are sailing a book giving tba illy twenty-Ave years. Itwaswritte* money to making a suecoss of Chiokan ra!sf vii will t-rofli by his twenty-five years* 1 make your Fowls earn dollars for you. Tb? u i i tliH Poultry i'aril as soon as it appears, ach von. It tells hotv to detect and cum ; which fowU to rav; for breediug purposesj his subject to mako it profitable. Sent pustt: HOl'fiX. IU4 Leaaard Sl? V. T. City. _