The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 31, 1904, Image 5

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?C? i;'iv> ' 4.'N*A? SHOTS. r f V-'j Jnea of the World 0:ganijea - Other va*;cn:.. Scit.wroN. March r2;>:?The \vr7} ft 1 equinox ];::i L\vn aeonJinan! .* ! a- v.iih ve!\" he:iv\ a.t 1 c vri s. * 1 stom;s: now ?he cold \.iiu' . reached us. On tiie neutral jround of springtime hv>th scions-, r a.: i wiuter uu-et, and i: i- this pt-riod? 1 through which we :;iv i?<-w passing. &o;ue planting I}.;- l-.rn d ?ne i round , here, butt he farmers generally are1 taking tilings ensv. The A (' I- trestle A roe has been stationed on this section of tiie road ! for the year. Mrs II II M< Call and children are} spending some timeat the Lee Ilotel. J M rs V V Carter was here on a j visit to her niece, Miss A Hie MeCoilough, who is very ill of continued fever. Mr I. A Me White of Bos'.iuk and Mr Anderson Daniels of Hannah spent Sunday atternoon nt-reen route , to Florence, where they will attend this week's court. Messrs Montague atol Bairelt of j Charleston and Georgetown, res pee- j tivelv. are in town in the interest of a lumber tirni. j . i The young folk are practicing for: x the Easer song service. The "Woman's Missionary Society , is observing a week of prayer and | Self-denial for the purpose of raising! funds for home minion.-;. Mrs Z C Lynch and Miss Annie; Truluck of Cowards were in town; Saturday. Mr and Mr? 1) P Spell visred ; fiiends at Cowards Sunday after- j v noon. Mr Eugene Johnson visited his i parents here Sunday. Mr E S Johnson has again taken ' up his work on this section of tinroad. The A C L n-alized that he was j too worthy an employee to lose. Few men have been more attentive and futhful in the discharge of duty in 'oua linu /if u/?vL* fur c.? Mpnii* VP.'LlV. VUV IIl-v VI "VI i v? yv ....... . . Mr L I liil! covered himself in J glory at the organization of the W t 0 \V Lodge hist. Tuesday night, i. There were seventeen charter mem- i hers. Miss Annie Venters, one of (he .4* Welsh Neck" girls of liurtsviil<\ \ stopped a while in town on her way j home, where she will spend, a few days before her return to s hool.) Miss Venters is :i lovely specimen of, "the earnest junior". Mr Charlie Graham is home for a few days recreation after his exami- j nation in M'elsh Neck hiirh school rof Hartsville. Mrs Thomas Powell has returned j from a visit to her son, Mr Mciviu Powell, of Harpers. XXX ; A heart full of hope makes a! face full of light. 1 NFL A M ?1 A TO KY 11 i IKU M A - j TISM < URKD. William Shaffer, a brakeiuan oj Denuison, Ohio, was confined to Iti j he 1 for several w eeks with infiam-; inatory rheumatism. "I used many ; rem. dies," he says. "Finally I sent ; to WeCaw's Drug store for a bottle, of Chamberlain's I'.iin 3alm, at whih tino [ was unable to use I hand or too , and in one week'* i time was able t?> go to work as . hap,?y as a clam." For sale by Drj I) CSeott, Kingstree; Lake city;; Drug Co,. l.ake? iiy;Dr iVS LynHi Seranton. It. takes sum.-tiiing more than giving to clean oirty hands. , , ? | r? -r " DO YOUR BUYING IN A CITY. ! t I have established an up- t ^ - 1 - K_ ... ?. ; lo-uuic jmi Liiasiuji a^cuv \ for ladies, and am pre ? pared tO\doall kinds of * buying in the way of dress ^ood.s, white goods, hats. [ I coats, suits, underwear, t or anything' you may wish. By patronizing me you will I get the benetit of a larger I I and better selection than at home. Whenever possible sam - - pies will be furnished. t Wedding1 Outfits a * j Specialty. MISS C. P. LANG LEV, 13 East Bay Street, CHARLESTON, - - S4 C. w .'Bin.'*-* -rift- mr-.o+m?. mnm 1 bHEFSLVy*) IF GLEANING!?. Various I. ;\va 1mj.ii:, of a~d ?:r-, 10.iu; L: crest. (' icek'.yviij.k. M.Teh 28:?l-V.rm-1 ,:,i thir section are !?nsv planiinu ( -i':\ and tMhni; r atly for Mother: . ?:? kj i:;0 .Ictv\ staple, :?lld jiulainj t)'.'iu tii .".mi ?:jsir ?>* f. ruli/.ers !) me i aiiii i from here tii y an* preparing ' for a 1-iy crop.. The very hiyii price \ paid for cut! :i duriit;; the la-i few . months will, i uni afiaid, lead some .%f /.nv fmviHTs to overdo the thiny w t this voar. Our town was visited hy a very heavy thunder storm Saturday and \ again Saturday night. No damage) was done, on'y the ground is too wet to plow todav. * The Mallard Lumber Company j has t< skidder in operation in Black } Kiwi* swamp. i am told that it is a success. Con ti act or J M Me Roy of Fores- i ton has undertaken a piece of work here which a great many think is an impossibility. Tt is to move the; dwelling house owned by Mrs Vurner J th oldest house in the place and j situated at the head of Vurner ave- I hue. The town coaneil wants it romow-d so that the street can be ia u , out and built up artber out. I will ! report later what success the the con- j tractor has With tin- undertaking. Mr and .Mrs T.J liogau ami Mr I Edward Span n went to Sum'er yes-! terday to attend the funeral of Mrj Hogun's lienhew. They returned lu>t night. Miss Xita M, i;ov of Fore? ton! -pent Several *lays last wwk with her sister, .Mrs B E Clarksou. Mr Henry Johnson, one of our most popular young men, returned, on Thursday night of last week with Miss'Mittie Boyle, one of Magnolia's ' faire-t daughters, as his hride. Mrs j Johnson made many warm friends j while on a visit t> Greelvville last summer, who gladly welcome her here again. We wish for our young friends a long, hapnv and prosperous nf, I aiu sorry to report the il!ue:s of j Mr IJ A Boyle. It is hoped that he j may soon recover. Mr and Mrs BE Clarkson spent, i Sunday wi.h Mrs CIurksou's parents; in Foreston. * 1 - T I ,nn? .,,,,1 I I m ,1, r ! '-ma d.uil nu^tiii auu viuuim Browner also visited Foreston yes- j tcrday. .Mr 1> Vv" Hutched of Gourdins; was noted in town today. Quite a number of drummers have j been in town lately and fheyal! seem i to be in the le>t of spirits. Some-1 body must be buying a lot of goods, j The new Baptist preacher was to! arrive here yesterday, but did not come. I understand he will at rive titis week. l)r Epps is sick at this time but we hope he will soon be all right again. VlDI. MORE RIOTS. Disturbances of strikers arc not nearly as as an individual (U- >rdcr of the system. Overwork, j io-s of sleet*, nervous tension will i ? <? 11? .. ....I... ..! 1K5 IoIHHYIM lIV 1111i'i rill iii ji-i-, uii.r. n i a reliable remedy is immediately j employed. There's nothing so efficient t<? cure disorder* of the Liver < r Kidneys us Lleclric Litters. It's a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine an I the greatest all around medicine tor run down sy-twus. It 1 ?'li"?pels Nervousness, llheuinuti-nn and N'euratiria i n i ex pel s .Malaria i jjernis. Only ode, and satisfaction guaranteed by Dr \V L Wallace, ! truggis*. "A Most Welcome Visitor." The following is from a subscriber in Georgia. It is the kind of letter we receive with a!most every re: 1 ewa 1 of subscription. ** J'iiB Bite ?i:t> is a most welcome ! visitor. I look forward to its cmains: with in tie ij anxiety and am so disappointed when 1 miss a copy.. I love t<> hear from "Williamsburg, my home county. With best wishes for your success, I am, * * * ! l|M The offices of til-* National are J now permanently located at 944 ! I Dorchester avenue, Boston, but its ! machinery is not vet installed. Ileuce [the making of th? April number j I had to he scattered all over Boston i i | ?almost. I -+ f . "K I * JO-a-'C V **f- T $ '? I . * T ' 4 ' f *, 'i/** ": U iT t)?? jr lv\ rtJ A_? ? H Ji V -' * .?FULL LINE OF NEW WHITE GOODS Our Display ot white ;;c laces perfect completer!; wan led style in white s main is here am! O Cii'r iivitirisliv :ow price - ? . -.11 -I ~ i _ _ CI .! . ;u:>u -:;u uic iulcm jcy i=: terns 10 cents each. ?vy????*a * tv5 o jfi K rine i iihsnerv A ? We Still Can*y the Ce: W. B. Corset. '? ' acyg:-?isssp?<g S, Marcu flAIiN STREET, - - Kin] 8?? i)EALE /* r* + s~*v Coifins, oa U #0 Fresh arrivals A.^i vff? consign i. yyy n sEr;vu; (g EDWIN HARPER. @?9S9S9CS63SS:? ^ VtV> fit 4 '41 WV%UV\ ? D. C. S('?>TT, President. J THE BANK OF 5 ? jt Transacts a General > r COMoKCTIOX.S CAKKI-'l'l... J PJiOMI'TDY ? DEPOSITS FiiOM ,-i.' j? IIK.NUY P. A ll MAMS, ' JOiiN \. KIvLIjKY, \ Bear in A rerercyreywreary. OLCTTi3?^aC35iv?3 ? WHEN YOU VV Jewelry, Silver V, Pres< ? The Old Relia S- THOMAS Hnr ni Tmrn Customers recei\ that has made thisestablishmei WATCHES and JEWELRY Repait STEPHEN THOf ,?- - ir i 4 * J.M g&F" ?V;.io!i If)^i>e?*'i\?: Su'jtiiern 1HS iCUv IhiZl't iv^r Mi ' ,*?d V l?j|| THE NBj mm vt ^ 'j''; ^ ^ ^ *s,~ Or 5 531^ IMfioeii-M <M? Go: i Successors to Sulzbacher & Son, i FLORENCE, S. C. j Extend New Years greetings to their patrons and beg to re mind them that their Jewelry establishment is better equipped than ever with a large and complete line of fashionable Jewelry that will compare with any in the State as to quality and price. Repair work they guarantee and mail orders receive the same attention as a personal call. i Sulzbacher-Peck Jewelry Co. FLORENCE, S. C. . Dr H J McCahe i Dentist KK33T1EE. - - S.C. \ \ -I. lam?mUSMmMatm fcMUMMMliff NEW YORK!' /?\ L-\CES. .ids and ;>5 every ;. ;o-)j3. Do- /' - "\- j 2a rs cur / making j I s 01 Pat- i \ ' ( Iv V > / ?- \ !;3'; / pecfalty. rWj j ' v V " *, I j > \\ -A ' i ebrated / >>|l ? ' ' J;A <5 -'/ V \ v/ \ c r 7 ^stree, 5. C. escs^scsss^?! BHTSIttM KlJ , ;?\ ?* ) yr ;?.M aon-rz '*iV r-j \&i :R 1:\ -*=3QZ3g?=^ gyv iskets and Jfj )UTF!TS, (i; ?a??? ? Hf j \ Prices to suit any v)' J anu everybody. ($1 i;. DAY Ml MO:it. " dh I - - East ivir.gstree. ($ ?>w<2> Jb Si.3 v2? : EDWIN 0. EPPS, Cashier. 5 I ZZING5TREE. || Banking Business ?! v ionivr-'!) arrFu aNI> i ? \ r: Mir "rV:V?. i linVAIL!) 11KCE1VKI). $ ??** 5i H. H. KKM.EHAN. l\ D.C.SCOTT. 51 lind?? ANT TO BUY ? /are or Wedding: snts ble House of @ JR. d BROe the same careful attention it a Synof.ym for fair dealing. cd by EXPERT WORKMEN. \ AS Jr., and Bro SI iiEKI. CHARLESTON, S. C.| Km l way. _ . >. *\> & f* 11 v.. ' " >. V . r '?? V' u> i ' ;.> > \ ^ * v ; |ft"?yr OTIJffC *- tuu* tFffii " VJ" : r /?' J ?> A"" A' Jr*,i' i kiilD ur Cikw 'nM Crjn'ir-u r.M?WFP5 'v,'C^ wiibi ibitw j AR TO MAKE E^-STAKES I EST COMFETITiVE GRAND ? CHfiAf'PS TOBACCO. -y :w?", ~ a?, .Trrr?.?.-r<wB^v ff CAN WE INTEREST YOU^ jlf h''- !m? i . "* J i S i ! ?: 11 p H?L. I vijri jVt J LO'u>CLSM n ! SAW MILL?) I 9 W!*H S HCAfcCCK-K r.'". V?r?'ftfLE frEO WORKS.;} I r tu Br.i?T. Jjj F Wri?:' "Ti:-- ? .*?? !?im-v P. for r ricesn g VV. H. GI15BJL5 O, CO. 9 colu.vsja, s. c B ENGINES, BCHf RS, COTTON GINS. I T"r 0'mr? RO?T?mr SVINX' E M'CINC M i W, L. BASS, | Attorney at Law LAKE CITY. 8 (J. t 4 mtM m MM iir? (New ^ Spring Gooc IJ ust Receive [ ~^AT|r*~ I Stackley's Cat I Store. lome and see our lat( Millinery Btyles. JfffZrvr. Ii :3TSee our new- Grad$ ? Corsets. ? Carload Direct froa THOMAS & Call and lr First Class Stock for Prices Withii Complete Line of Buggi< Tliomaa <3s j=3: J B STEELE, MANAGER. ATTENTION n? ?< You can save money by se< farming plov/fe, castings, s back bands, Plow lines?i need in farm implements P Distributor, sold und< peeling a shipment of C in about 10 days. Let \ LAKE CITY H. LAKE CI Why Not Take a This Winter thro FLORID; This beautiful Sfn1e in ea>v leach bv iIh ilie A I LAX Fit- ('(J ! o I he t topics.' Wir S tie '(> all points in sehciii.i.-s. maps, sie daiions write to, "v. i v Genera W: *"\\ h;ir ro tfav 111 Spsiriish and I a.iV address upon receipt of a two BUELL& CASH DRY l Now is the time to buy your Hankerchlefs WE HAVE, THEM IN GKEA'i VARIETY. LADIES' -n Fancy Lace ana Embroidery el feet. irood sheer Lawn from 5 to 25c. LADIES' II. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, all Lhien 5c. ? - LADIES' LAAVN H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS in J-I. 1-2, and 1-inch herns, at 5ceuts. LADIES' FINE CAMBRIL 1-In H. S.. UN or three.for 2V. LADIES' ALL-LINEN', very line. 15c.. tw< for 25c. A No a full line of COLORED-BORDERKI HANDKERCHIEFS for Ladies and Ccildret from :j to loe.. We also have a nice &*-ortmont of Handkerchiefs for Gentlemen at from 5 to 25c. * W\ have just received carefully selected lim of Gents' Neckties, in a variety of shades, only 25c. Underwear. This is the place to got these for Men, l.adic and Children. Orders Receive t'nrefnl 573 a!id 575 King Sti Southeastern Lir CHARLE! Building Material of Roofing " 1 Write f """ AFRICAN BEAUT^^LE 47? # ^ IUiami2J0 Corset Co. Suk" y&iiei* H ' MULES. M i Western Markets at BRADHAM'S, -J ispect Them. Farm or k or Driving; i Reach of All. is, Wagons* Harness, &c. at rad-l^am's ^-grt? J - - - - KINGSTREE S. U | [ FARMERS ~-?l eing us before you buy your ^ hapes, trace, hames, collars* ? ??Al> m Otf V,39W ill I?IV;L uuyiumg juu i. We are agents for the K :r a guarantee. We are ex~ Genuine Peruvian Guano is have your order now;. v-\r3J Yours for bargains, ARDWARE Co. ! \ty9 s. c. "Wl*! Trip M ugh \aCUBA aii'i Island ii:?s been brought witii -jilendid through train service a<t the great thoroughfare: i iter Tourists' Tickets are no* on ' Florida and to Havana. For r$le? ~ epinn car and steamship acrotnm* c JjM r. W. CKAIG, l1 Passenger Agents </^| ilmington, N. C *1 low to S;.'' it" sent 10 . fW i cent si am p. ? ?* * ROBERTS* I 300IS STOKE. I 1 -S ! Ladies' Skirts. | We have these up to date baring bad ttatt j j made to order. A Flannel Waists. All Wool, in Black, Blue, Gray Gained '! -; and Old Rose. Ladies' Jackets. Come and see us. We can give them to you at from Sl.oOto $5 la Oxford Gray, Bfae and ' | Black. J .Hosiery, We have a fine line of these for Men, Lad lea - \ > j and Children. V Furniture Department, atolfl >J SPOT CASH PRICES. 10-piece imitation wainuiouin, u? 10-piece Stolid Oak Suite, $19 to IT'S. 'i^HS lO-piece"Solid Walnut Suits, $75. A full line onwardroWw. $10 to 28.50. "" Solid Ouk Extension Tables. $5, ,,' Centre Tables from 60c to $1. Baby .Carriage*. $0, $2.65 up to $i2. j Gd-fcartc, $3.5ft to $13. I Children's Chain, Rockers tod tfigh Chalnfc j select Btock of Bed*. $3.50 to $13. Lounges, Couches and Single Lounges. >1 ! Wfllbw Rockers. $1.75. i Wood Seat. High Arm Rookerx, 91.60. s! White Iron Bed^, $.3.50, $1.25, $6, t&.Vfi i Hi. $7: and $8. Attention. rent CHARLESTON, S. 0. i r ' ne & Cement Co.' 5T0N, S. C. all kinds. High Gradrf RUBEROID" *' or prices. 2..r_L jbf'