The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 28, 1904, Image 8

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I TrI LOCAL ITEMS 1 OFJNTEREST . Not* chanse in Kinder ftnd Hirech's ad. , 1 Mr E II SaoU was in town Monday from Cade*. Mr W E Nesinith was in town yes' terdayt rom Cades. Rev J C \Veldon of baiters Depot was in town yesterday. Capt J F Scott of Central was ' noted in town yesterday. \t?T J Ptillllmi nf Puitur Ka'umn ?*? m w * UMU^D ? ^vv?wi ?- " ' whs on onr streets Tuesday. - Mr H W Wilson was in town .yesterday from Indian town. Klngstree Lodge K of P held its regular meeting last evening. Mr W A J Moore of Lake City paid us a pleasant visit Tuesday. '>Mr DZ Martin, of the Trio section, was in town Tuesday on business. Mr J E McAllister of Rome called to see us Saturday while in town. Mr D E McCutchen was on our streets Tuesday from Indlantown. Mr P 8 Courtney is able to be out again after an illness of some days. Mr and Mrs H Foxworth and little son Frank of Cades spent Tuesday 5ti town. Miss Minuie Paget of Manning is Hapa nn a visit to her sister. Mrs 8 Marcus. Mr Allen Jones Df Mfc Olive, N. C. was noted on our streets one day l*9tweek. ' MrM F Heller ha* gone to the Wwt for another supply of horses and mules. Mr A D Spivey of Baiters was among those who visited the'eoun ty seat Monday. K: ' Mr T M Cooper of Fowlers wa9 in town Tuesday and dropped in pleas a?tly to see us. Mr and Mrs GY Jones will leave in a few days for Mt Olive, N.C., to visit relatives. Mr A Lewis of Lambert called Tuesday and shoved up his date of expiration a year. Messrs O M Ervin and A D Wilson of Church paid us a pleasant visit Monday while in town. Mr 8 Y Tisdale ot Central was iti town Monday and renewed his subscription to The Record. Mr S-B W Courtney, who has been spending some time at Single, f. , returned home this week. Messrs G G McGee and W M D McGee of Scranton favored us with ? ptoaeant visit Saturday. There wiji be preaching in the Baptist church on next Sunday by Bev A T Rodgers at 11 a. m. Mr Dillon Gaskins of Lake City ? has opened a grocery store on the first floor of the Stutts building. Mr T C Poeton of Morrisville came iq to see us Tuesday and extended his subscription to Thk Record. Mr J M Williamson of Vox was in Kingstree Saturday and added his name to The Record's mailing * list. Rev J A White, pastor of Cades circuit, was in town last week and enrolled as asnbscriber to The Record. Mr J G McCullough, who is postmaster at Benson and a successful farmer as well, was noted in town Monday. Mr P C Buffkin, formerly of Cades returned to 8avannah, Ga., Tuesday after a visit to relatives at his ' old home. Mr Geo A McElveen, one of Timmonsville's wide-awake young businoM man tnant. tha Hav in I nil/ n t yesterday." v Mr D Moultrie Epps, a well ^ * known and succesful young busi< ,ness man of Lake City, was in town _ several hours yesterday. Mr and Mrs A B Grayson, who f have been spending some time with ^ !, the tatter's parents at Benson, left yesterday for Savannah, Ga. 'Many of us never expected to see ^cotton bring fifteen cents a pound V -JL tjigain. But the unexpected has L happened and the only trouble is I \ we; haven't got the cotton. I Hfrr 81ras Wiggins of Holly Hill I }*<c?i6iting his brother, Prof Ernest Wiggins. Mr Wiggins is a student of Sewanee University, Tenn , and is^t home for the winter vacation, j \ AFFAIRS CAUGHT 8Y OUR 5 LOCAL REPORTER AND 2* NOTED ^ nrritten in Condensed Form ^ and Printed in Like Manner for the Sake of Our Bus* ^ Readers ^ Alfred Rich, a negro living on Capt Kenned}'* place at Indlantown had his cornhouse and stable destroyed by fire Tuesday night. Be i .t U ? ,% S1U5S losing1 ills provisiuus lie unu n horse burned to death. Mr P E Severance of Lake City paid us a pleasant call Saturday, while in town. Mr Severance said he had not been to Kingstree for teu years a expressed himself as being surprised at the growth of the town. Mr L C Dove, form erly the A C L station agent here, is in town visiting friends. Next month Mr Dove will open up a clothing and gents' furnishing business in DarlingtonMr Dove is an ever-welcome visitor in Kingstree. The quarterly statement of the Bank of Lake City, which is published in another column, shows hat institut on to be in a flourishing condition. - Williamsburg county has good reason to be proud of her two banks. Mr Mason C Brunson, traveling a gent of the Neus and Courier spent Friday of last week in Kingstree in the interest of his paper. Mr Brunson was formerly on the staff of the Florence >aily Times, and is well and favorably known as a newspaperman. MrOlin Johnson was in town yesterday. Mr Johnson is now "on M eorteowunfintr t Hi ?* Vif. HIC IV(tU) I V^IVOVIIUM^ ?>*V v mm ginia Pharmacy Co. of Richmond, Va. Mr Johnson is a stirring young business man and the tirm he repsen ts is one of tho best known drug houses in the South. Mr RE McKnight,one of Scranton's substantial citizens, called to see us Monday while in town. Mr McKnight has recently recovered from a serious illness, his malady being typhoid pneumonia. His friends here were pleased to see him looking as well as he does. Mr L L Caldwell, who is representing the new Southern magazine "Life and Letters" called to see us one day this week. This magazine is published at Knoxville, Tens, and the first number is a very creditable one. The subscription price is $1.00 a year, but we are enabled to i ffer it in club with The Record at 50 cents. The host of friends of Prof N D Lescsne will be interested in the following news Rem taken from the Allendale correspondence of the Columbia State: The Graded school is in excellent condition. Prof N D Lesesneis in charge as principal for the prsent year. He came here from Williamsburg and he and Mrs Lesesne have made many friend* since their coming. When a voting woman begins declaring that she will never marry her friends may confidently expect the early receipt ot w?dding invitations. MPS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Entro Nona Clnb. 176 Warren Avenue, i Cuicago, III., Oct. 22,1902. For nearly four years I suffered I from ovarian troubles. The doc- I tor insisted on an operation as the only way to pet wen. I, however, I stronply objected to an operation. I My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a*disconsolate place at | best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a Dottle of Wine of ' Cardui for me to by, and he did so. , I began to improve in a few davs and my recovery was very rapid. With- 1 in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every I woman how a home is saddened by fl female weaknes and how completely B Wine of Cardni cures that sick- B ness and brines health and happi- fl ness again. Do not go on suffer- fl inn. Go to your druggist today B and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine I of Cardai. 9 wwggBroil . - '. <i I 1 q I I SELLING OUT TO MAKE BOOM H. DR E D Cleanice To Close Out Oui and Make Roo plete Line o offering ( < Mil's Si ll AT JU5T A SMALL M mm jiarWE ARE EXCLUSIVE AirJ Crown Shoes a $ Just Re& A Nice Line of Medium W Suitable fo Remember We are Reducii TAILOR iVL Our tailor will take made-to-measure sui a fit. Call and Se sample and we'll doi KINDER d Kingstre f)" T -a -p?5 (A 1 IUi W -L.JL.L. ft P" DEAL1 8 Coffins, Cf (1 BURIAL i w) Fresh arrivals M (m constant. yYl ?) ?JP"PR()MFr SE'iVK IA EDWIN HARPER, ?CSCSCSCSCSCS: Southeastern Lim CHARLES' Building Material of a Roofing "Ri Write f of i i. I $ $ I I # AT REDUCED RATES FOR SPRING GOODS. M| 1 ( I I I 0 \ ! D I C K- | J Safest r Stock of Winter Clothing m for our Large and Comf Spring Goods. Wo are jenuine Bargains.?p=f|^3^ l'Q< ARG1N \30VG CQ5T. BN rs FOR nd May Pants. eived vv eight Trousers, r Winter or Spring Wear. Mnr> n air>Ar< ??& l>* Oir all Winter Goods. VDE SUITS. your measure for a it and we guarantee lect Pattern from the rest. i ! : HIR5CH, *?, S. C. 3=3Ia-x-oer, u ER IN m f: iskets and U >uit r% r ^ Price t* suit any (f V and everybody, (t ;e. day <>r njght. #) - - East Kingstree. I, ie 3t >- men? Oo roN. s c ?>> <(? i 11 kinds. High Grade UBEROID" prices. % ""MmAND HORSES AMD j.'E. STTTC Successor to J. L. Stu Lake City, Wishes to call your attention to the turned from the West, where he pu: ? ACHOICB. They iic ni?*H him1 ;i w*lI selected mi 1 ri v?? iht-m A <>:* 11 ln-m/iMi a i' I b lie pleaded. A full line ol Bvigrglss, "TXTa-gror ness alTxra'yS C Tust a \ BSHZSKS3HBBHHE1BHBB0HHE3 939 Have you selected t present yet? If not v\ to a choice , 4MB?? i i'liere is nolhiiiu in belter 'asle nr in?>re nnpreeiuied bv the renipieiil in I lie i 'hri-'iphs nr W-'iMinir in J 'rtc'n >r Si v are -ur?:?i\ i h? se ne? il? ?im1 hI Inncn " \1 ?k S. THOMAS J 0*7 K"fN.T(i sTRKKT ('MA ?</ I XX * i.' VJ ? XWX4 &X A.' &X & a g^,v|:ii ??r?lecs receive prompt and car KINfiSTHEE Confectionery am General I ruits and Vegetab ALWAV5 ON t Country orders special CAKES and BREA delicacies of the to be four here. H. A. MEYER, ] HHIN STREET, - - iVIilskejr I Morphine I Cijcnrelte nuhn, I Imhil, ' J habit, Cured by KEEl Y IN >H ..'{2J?Lji(ly St.(or I'.O Box 75) Columbia.>.< .C<>n ? Why Use Many Words t Jj The Be t FERTILE % On Ear f ARE MADE BY }[ The Virginia-' ft Chemical ft 1t ft Xhrjr hive the Best Facilities, use the and maintain the highest i #> evenness and ^ * ft H G6e Virginia-Carolina J CHARLESTON, %*????????????? Bring us your JOl mSB^B MULES.^I JSZETZ"." ickey & Co, S. 0 . ? fact that he has just rerchased load. ? / im- . No irouh'e to -how o r d Y M tr? Slife to ^ is aaa ?Zai> Del lis.nd.. ' VOjkb hat Christmas te can help you ? ' ' ' ?$j liiirhh D^jjM wjiv n' h ^ ihaii <oinethinff J- i? .iir limine* to we h ?ve ill kinds to suit 10 mistake This is the pta e R. SlBRO.LESION. S. r. etill attention. BtiKERY, i Merchandise. les in Season i 1 / 1AND. I at eAliritp/i fnr I J VI VI D, and all : season id Proprietor, KINGSTREE, S: C afo.v ^Jj I All l>riie? und Tobacco habits ru i i of 6. c. tidcntiui correspondence solicited o Tell You That * st. };. . ZERS i th i * Carolina * Co. * f * i Best Materials, j# eptitation for the ? s 0*1 T" V Hoe ot uiar rerumcrs. ?Chemical Co. ^ s. c. 4 1 ?????????? 1 B WORK. ' J \ ' \ ; >i