The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 10, 1903, Image 7

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r -yw^v^viv^^vywyyvwyy^ : | L0CAUJ1EMS I OF INTEREST I vAAMAAAAAMAAAAAAMAAMj? by -==^S==^=========:: E L Hlrwh. Esq., went to Charleston Suml^y. i H 1 1 Mr C G Carsteu was noted in . 4<VM?* f M'? ?> 1 OdfirK? * **/ ? II A UCCVJB) uvui vauw. \ J P McNeil, Esq.. oi the Florence ! ? bafr wMltt town Tuesday. i* I ^ * Attention is called to auditor's i n notke and other legal ads. ; Mr B ? Clarkson of Greeiy ville j paid us a brief visit Monday. Mr J H Hntson of Harpers spent f < k,: Monday in town on business. ? Mr F tV Fairey spent several:, days in Charleston thie week. | f Mr F M?!oq Brltton called to't ^ tee *t Tuesday while in town. . , Mt $ L McCtam of Lake Ciry was j t a oc-inty wat-Tlsitor Saturday. , ? | Alt W W Burrows was a pleasant p p. Ttikcr *t t>uraa&tftua Xoaday. !c k ?$ $ C Godwin of Lake City was | fttbohg the visitors in town Monday.' i Mr and Sirs O L Porter of Charles-11 ton visited relatives In town Suu- 1 day. J SftSD Bryant of Piueland was aicaogthe county seat visitors Mon day. * Hr 8 A Graham of Gourdins at- ' tended the K of P meeting last * 'evening. Mr J 8 McCultough of Benson Jr!f' mis here a few hours Thursday of j | last week. ( f "PttaittHA \f/anf rtf 1 t K JU J^U ^UUV ''VVUV^VU*VJvT "* 1 I Geefgetown visited his parents in < town Sunday. * Rev H F Oliver of Florence paid The Record office a visit while in s town Monday. , Miss Edith Nelson is convales- I cent from a long and serious illness i of typhoid fever. I The spirit of speculation (?) has caught the town and raffles are oi daily occurrence. 1 Mr John E Godwin of Scran ton ' called Mondav and added his name to oar mailing: list. 'The Klngstree Social Club will j five a dance at the Coleman House to-morrow evening. The expenses of the last term of f court for jury and witness fees j amounted to 1416 98. , Mr H P Howard of Morrisvillc j ?- i T> was a welcome visitor ai the xve- , cord office Tuesday. Mr Ike Schultz of Kinston, N. C. ( has been visiting the family of his , father, Mr N Schultz. Messrs B P Cooper, 8 P Cooper i and A J Parsons were in town Monday from Buttons. I We were pleased to receive a visit ' last Monday from our good friend, Mr F M Kesmith of Dock. Mr E W Boatright of Harpers paid The Record office a pleasant call while in town Monday, < Messrs John Helnemann and E P Pipkin of Berkeley county were | noted on our streets Tuesday. I Messrs T R Wilson and ?' m Player called one dAy last week ] N < and renewed their subscription. Mr W W Kennedy of Hebron was i among those who called Monday t and renewed their subscription. 1 Messrs J T Oglesby and J T * Lyles are here this week represent- ( ing the New York Lifn Insurance Co. Mrs E H Sauls and daughter, 1 311SS uiauys, 01 visors vj?jicu vujji,. | O P Nelson's family Friday of last ' week. * Messrs W R Jones and R L Mims | of Rome and Single respectively, rj favored us with a call while in town t Monday. N Mr and Mrs T J Phillips of Cedar Swamp passed through town Tuesday on the way to Sumler to visit 5 relatives. c t Mr 8 H Cooper, known to literary ^ fame by the norn do plume of v "Whippoorwill," was a visitor in v towft Saturday. g MraudMrsT B Whitehead of ^ 1 Waycrosa, Ga^ are visiting the fam- 8 My of the the former's uncle, B C M Whitehead, Esq. Oapt and Mrs D R Smith were in town Friday night, returning to their home at Smith's Mills from a is l^vteUtoNewYork ^ , w wwMvmwmix i AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR ^ j LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED ^ vyritten in Condensed Torm ana Printed in Like Manner j for the Sake of Our Busy *C i Readers aaaaaawmaawaaaaaa/ ; Mr J J Morris of Lake City, the j ndefatigible agent of the Mutual, ienevolent A*s.iciation, was in, Singstree Monday. Mr J Marion Bnrrineau of Epps vhile in town Thursday ol last j veek, advanced his subscription to j rrtr Record a year. Mr Luther Riser, who Is employed n the railway mail service, visited he family cf LeRoy Lee, Esq., the arly part of the week. Capt G P Xelson's many friends tre glad to leftrn that he is graduilly recovering the use of his arm hat was fractured some time ago. ' Uncle 'George Mitchum was in own Monday enjoying his usual "jcellent health and spirits. Uncle >eorg? ?eeai9 to enjoy tbo blessing >f perennial youth Nearly all of our advertisers s?-nt n a change this week. With nine jew ads to set no one but a jrinter can appreciate the difficulty abored under in-getting out this is me. Mr Louis Jacobs is attending the neeting of the Grand Lodge A. F. i tf. in Charleston this week. This s the fifteenth time Mr Jacobs has epresented his lodge as delegate to he Grand Lodge. Mr J W Register and his son, Mr Leonard Register, were here Motility from Trio. The elder Mr Regiser expressed surprise at the growth >f the town since he resided here too in two years ago. * Mr Willie Hemingway of Rome spent Tuesday night in town. He eturned home Wednesday accom)*nied by his sister, Miss Lucie **hf? has been visiling the family of ier aunt, Mrs M R Hemingway, )n Railroad avenue. Miss Margie Sullivan, the attractive and accomplished teacher of Lanes academy, stopped ove: in town 8alu~day a few hour*- on the nnj lu Aiiuiuiiiun u u; > i.^j i iin L'ousin. Miss Pearl Sullivan, who is teaching in that vicinity. Mr W M Wilson has resign eel as roreman of the Weekly Mail office und Mr \V H Edwards is again filling that position. We understand that Mr Wilson contemplates going into the watch repairing and jewelry business here in the near future C E StAmand, EsqJ, who has been engaged in the practice pf law her* as a member of the firm of Lee A StAmand, has severed his connection with the firm and will leave for New York City to-morrow, where be has decided to make his future borne. At the last meeting of the county board of control Mr P A Parker was recommended as dispenser at Scranton. As soon as Mr Parker's zomraission is issued the dispensary it Scranton will be opened. The Lake City dispensary question will ?e passed upon later by the county ioard. > At a meeti#! of Kingstree Lodge K of P Messrs W P McGill and Otis Arrowsmith were initiated into the nysteries of the first degree. There ire several more applications on iand. promising nne entertainment for the old members in the efforts >f the neophytes to ride the festive Py thian goat. On the way from the station, ifter the arrival of the south bound ;rain last Friday evening, the horse ittached to the Central Hotel hack >ecatne frightened at the train and '?n mriiv. hr^Hkinir two u hpplsRnrl )therwi>e damaging the vehicle. I fhero were several passerigers In j he hack, but fortunately no one j vas hurt. Tuesday morning about 3 o'clock i it Zion M. E. church, colored,! aught fire and was soon burned to | he ground. The cause of the fire j 5 not definitely known. This church j . as situated on West Main street and J /as perhaps the most valuable ne- | ro church property in the county, 'he loss is about $1500 with no inurance. A new church organ also 'as destroyed by the fire. There is only one rule to observe you want to live long, and that to the Attention Atten ii 1. n til ii n r\ DC At H. D. RE and that is h Christmas G lowe^ price ^ikikssar S. 3D. Mr I : I CLOT] ^ ;AN 3COENTS' FUI Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Ui Cuffs, Socks, Neck Wear?In I tleman Wants or Needs in the i to Wear ro Tailor Made, Guar; I nu; PriVe We have Enfrap j Class Tailor whose business it i are properly Fitted. If it's th Come to our Store Our Goods are Bought Dir | fere we Meet all Competition o N. B.?We Carry no Secor ' in Our Stock. join rrnzm UUill MIL I IIIUUIIIL And have your Clothes k< paying only a sm; We bespeak your Patron of our I zzt eiTc KINDER & Kingstret ' I Notice of Sale- j Under and by virtue of an order of the Judg? of Probate of Williamsburg * County. I will sell to the highest hid- < der for cash on the -3rd <lay of Decern- I ber. 1903, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, a at the residence of the lite Joseph K c Brockintor. deceased, all the personal ii property belonging to the estate 01 the t said Joseph E Brockinton, deceased. J Including horses, mules, wagon, buguy, a farming impl-inenrs. ano household 1 and kitchen furniture, etc. ti MARTHA A BRO< KIXTOX. a Qualified Executrix. >' Estate of Joseph E Brock nton. h Dec. 7th. 2t. v - ti Governor Heyward has ordered '' an election to be held at Cowards on the 29th inst to decide the question of the addition of the proposed territory to Florence county. The territory involved is the strip of n land in and around Cowards given to Williamsburg as the result of the joint survey to settle the disputed boundary line. w w Deaf-mute wives mus: be worth their weight in gold?if silence is golden. F IwPI i . 't'S One? j tion All! ____________________ i i i iaiBiiiiil DDICK'S IN all his glory, eadqua-ters for all kind of oods and Fruits at the very JF-yj XDXDXCXC. M, HIERS? D: w ?NISHERS.*? ider clothing*, Shirts, Collars, Fact Everything that a Genway of Clothing. Suits Ready inteed as to High Quality and ed the Services of a First :s to see that our Customers e Correct thing you Want """ * ect from the Factory, Theren Factory-Made Goods, id-hand or Shelf-Worn Ooods file en in nrnnpr Shonp hv .yv ... ill sum monthly are with the assurance :-ts to Please. HIRSCH, i, S.0. For Sale. Three hundred (300) acre* or land r'-thin two or three miles of the town f Harpers on the G & W Railroad, between seven "y-flve and one hundred icres of this traVt will, when cleared nake excellent farming land; the rest > tiDe pasture land for stock The imber on this land has b-en sold to the Atlantic roast Lumber Corporation nd will lie removed this winter, 'his land is within a hah mileot the lapway puhlir road b-a.'ing fr->iu King lice t<? Georgetown and there are good chpols and churches in the neijjl bor wtiid./ The entire tract of 300 acres ill-be sola for |20o Parties wishing t>seethe land with a view to purchasag will address or call on C W Wolfe. K'ngsrree. S. C, Go to Kingstree Bakery for finest rw Confectionery. He wJio wishes lo iis? in Hie ( orld should veil lus ambition ilh the forms of humility. j Go to Kingstree Bakery for Block rnit Cake. HORSES AS HORSES kl T. Hi. STi: Successor to J. L. Lake Cit Wishes to call your attention t turned from the West, where h ? A CHOIC They are nice and a well select o .te them. A call J'lom yoo will I hp nlpxcpd A lull Miu? of B-vigrgries, "Wag ness alway JUST A Have you selecte present yet? If nc to a choice.-*"*??? There is nolhii??r in better taste nr i appreciated by the recipient ir Christinas or Wedding Pn in Jewelry or Silver \ supnlv these need all fancies t\ s. THOMAS 257 KING .M lib El. t ^I^Mai' orders receive prompt at: Why Not Take a 1 This Winter throi FLORID/ "I ll's !> h'ii i ti' St:ii?? :i ili i a*V f - i?'fi ! i }?<r? '! A ! L \ N i |r <o.\ ;o 'I < ' *0 : > A'in' S i '?' : ! ; 'tl* : i : I' M'lii'ilu (-?. . in 4]M I toll 'V I'l' < t(?, J. General Wil "What fo Sav in S}?Mii-h and Hi any address upon rw^ipt of a two c nvufi nikn n Gea?ra Fruits and Vege ALWAYS < . .? *' v' . Country orderi' sp* CAKE5 and Bf delicacies of to be hei H. A. MEYER MAIN STREET, Whiskey I .Morphine I Clff hnbll. | habit, ; lii Cured by KEEL" Y ? 1329 LatySr.(or P.O.Box 75) Colurubi \.S.C L ir^e lo.vl wi" <t?r * sum I I rrain mini! ?in- ' <> n?*' | I ontenl willi Iii * 1-* iinln-) < - - Go to Kmgstrec Bakeiy for imported Swiss Chees . I t * s Old papers for sale at this office. 9 .... i. [D MULES. fD MULES. Stuckey & Co , y, S. 0 _ xL - /_ .x iL-i. 1 1 : X ine iaci inai ne nab jum re* e purchased B BOAD. ? ed bunch." No trouble to show or )e appreciated. You are sure to rons arm. Har 3 Or*) >> a y? WORD id that Christmas >t we can help you more hiehly i the way of a -sent than something ?V are Ii is our bu sines to s and we have all kinds to suit lake no mistake This is the place. JR. A BRO. JHAiiLESTON, S. U., id careful attention. rrip Igh I CUBA i ril T~I>in?! been brought witb. ^ l.b mli'l through 'rain service ot >T LINK, 'be great thoroughfare r Touris's' Pickets are now on iM i iti'I t?> Havana. For ra'e-v ; 'in: car and steamship acrommoW. CRAIG, \ jj Passenger Agent, f mington, N. C. > ,v; Io Siiv it'* sent to ; :enl stamp. Hp j-t E BAKERY, md 1 Merchandise. fkhlpc in ?^^^"soHcited for and all the reason i IS found >e' ' | ,, Proprietor, - KINQSTREE, S. C I nrelte I All Dragr* and Tobacco ibil, I babits * ISTITUTE of S. C . Confidential correspondence solicited . iiniiila. _ :} ' ' ' ^ Am standing mv Brown Stallion, )ick (by Dan Harold) at Lake City, >. C. Apply for terms, " J. H. Blackwell, -37 if. Lake City, S. C,