The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 10, 1903, Image 4

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mm jr.. 1 " The ?outtlg flccnrri PURU8UKD RYKRY THURSDAY AT e Oir&STREX. 8. c. m^mgmSggSgggp c. w. w&lfe. ( * Editor and Proprietor. TERMS. j ?T*B?oarpTi?N* KATES : ' One v*> rear. - - - fl.oo.' r One cofy,?ir month*. - - - ..V). One coot, fhiee mon'h*. - - ,.V>. f Subscriptions payable in advance. ( ADVERTISING KATES: I One inch, first insertion, $1.00; ??acb nWquent insertion, ?V> oenu. Obitu* ? arles and Tributes of Respect orer 10) ' words chanted for as ie<rular advertise- , menu. Liberal reduction on advertis- " . lag made for three. nix and twelve s months' contracts. . C?mmuMlattionj mntt be accompanied t?r the real name and add res* of the j ? writer in erder to receive attention. No communication of a personal nature * #411 be pnbltshsd except as an advertisement. Add reft* all letters and maK# an nraiw> parab.e to U C. W. WOLfX, Klngstr^e, S.O. i THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1903. i Brief Records. I * Safe crackers thrive on unsafe , safes. , Some.people are penny houest and j ^ pound reguee. An ounoeof perfom&nce is worth f a pound of promise. In handling other peoples' money ' money speculation is often followed ' by peculation. |j ? 1 (\^ A striking illustration of the ntil- ' I ffr'an u* l'ne R?e is found j in the propoied selling of the old ( t, Presbyterian ohurch property in the t town of Florence and the require- ( meet that all bodies buried in the churchyard be disinterred. The f order for removing the dead bodies ( I was resisted and the matter is now 1 hi litigation. The church is nearly | ( mmgm half a century old and the lot wad , ^ aed for burial purposes up to 1899. | 11 1 1 * T "" 1 ' By a vote of 18 to 7 the trustees ( of Trinity College, Durham, N. C., , a recent meeting of the board, ( ? decided to retain Dr John S Bassett j U . | as professor of history in that insti- ! < tution. Bassett is the man who in a 1 mgazine article made the statement 1 'that Booker T Washington was the ' greatest man, save Lee, born in the ( ' South in a hundred years. The { t trustees defend their course on the j ^ ground of "academic liberty", yet ? the press despatches state that the i student body, heartily in sympathy s with Bassett, in their celebration of * his tictory burned in effigy the ^ editor of the Raleigh News and ( ^^Obserrer, who had been particularly , severe in ins criticism 01 me uigger- ? loving professor. How does this { act tally with the trustees' idea of [ ? liberty of thought and freedom of c - epeech? Incidentally it may be re- c marked that this action of Trinity * i ^t/oilege is enough to cause all self- ( respecting parents in the South to ( withdraw their sons from a college j so erratic iu its ideas of "academic t , liberty". ' ===== i - REAL ESTATE WANTED. 1 i?* r My facilities for buying, I selling, exchanging and rent- * nnr Poil Pc+otp himnpss nrnn- 8 lli? awai wmivi f >r j, , erties, manufacturing proper- v ' ties, Machinery & etc., are ex,/ celled by no one in the State. { I have reliable connections i *'with Western and Eastern f [ Real Estate. Each property r listed with me is thoroughly v : advertised at no cost to * owner. If you have any prop- f erty you wish to sell, or if you t f wish to purchase a business or farm, write me, it will j fe only cost you a stamp. K JULIUS T. DUDLEY. s Bennetisville, S, C. a MPmo. Ik % ' ' ' i ' ' - O ^ T^ "?urn wit SOME PERTINENT REFLECTIONS ON A VERY LIVE SUBJECT. )ur Correspondent Believes That a Crisis is at Hand?The Evil and the Remedy. ?ditor County U?co.d:? Please allow ine space in your japer lo say a word to rny brother nerehanls, I shall be as brief as possible. Brother merchants, do vou ever hiiik for 5i moment or realize the :real injustice we are doing ourreives, our loved ones, our credi or?, and (greatest of all) the iniusiice to our farming interest, by mtr verv careless manner of doing business, and advancing to svery little one horse or ox fellow who can rent a ten to twenty acre patch? Slop lor a moment and think how many our recklesmanner of doing business have almost driven from their house." and homes, and how many would be homeless were it not for the zuardian protection of the law, which allows the setting aside ol a homestead. Think how we lave allowed our evil to grow unit today many of our best farm?rs are almost forced to give up heir farms, on which they have worked almost day and night I'm nany years, improving theii places in the hope of reaping ibnndant harvests, and vet are ilmost compelled to give them up >n account of conditions which >ur reckless bunness methods have )roughl about. * Think for a inouent how many have been driven o the wall just in this way. I ;ould name many. Now, brothers, let us come together and join hands and remedy this great evil. Let us say ind stand by it that we will nol ake any more such chances. Let is sav that we will not advance o negroes on rent (L h nds utiles: Ihey have proved theinselvet worthy of credit, and stand by >ur resolution regardless of consequences. There are many ol >ur best negroes who can farm *nd are worthy of our aid and should be helped, but then there ire hundreds who are no more fit o manage a farm than I am ic Duild a warship to sal' on the >cean. Now, brother merchants, hese are facts and we as inietlijent men know them to be true, md if the poor farmers can not see and will not come together and ise up and condemn it, let us ihow them that we have the farm ?rs' interest at heart. The crisis has come and somehing must be done or our grand >id county i? gone. We have in south Carolina as fine laud for igricullural purposes as God ever )lessed a people with, ami ii )roperly m inaged by the best ilassof citizens, the crops proluced would be beautiful to the ?ye and a blessed reward to those vho labor. Our poor farmers lave suffered this year and manv >f iis with them, arid it has been mpres>ed upon them that it wattle tobacco trust. Now, broi hers, let us own the Yrotli and tell hem that we merchanis are to )lame to a great extent. I adnit that the trust forced the >rices of low grade tobacco down rery low, much lower than it hould have been; yet when the ew good farmers were forced vith the many sorry ones to gather lothing but inferior tobacco, with his overstocking tliemarket with ow grade tobacco we could ex>ect nothing but low prices. Now, coining is the plain facts, ve merchants ought to be blamed lmost for the whole trouble, 'be farms can not be run successullv without labor, and as maters now stand the negro is our olo dependence. We are allowng them to come to us in the pring, make nice promises and ;et our goods, and then come 11 j n the fall and pay tn in excuses. V MAvAU^- " ' ~7" - -" * I In this way we are reining labn. and robbing ourselves* and tin* farmers of thousand ol dollars yearly. Now, as 1 have said, ie1 jus lake no more chances wilh them, but let them go ?o the in telligenf white and black farmers and work under their instructions, and in this wav make a living iurl l?a luitU'fit trk niir I'ttnttl t'V i instead of a curse, a- inn-y of j them are today. Now, some merchant may i thiuk by adopting litis plan, business will be decreased, bm ' brother, a thousand dollar business dc.ic on a safe basis is worth inorc to y ?u and vour creditor. than a ten thousand dollar business done on our pre.-ent plan. Think of the past twenty years 1 and you will have proof of this. Adopt the j.lan suggested and in less than two years instead ol seeing Irowns of depletions on ; sonte of our Merchants and all ot ' our farmers you will see smiles ol ; prosperity. I would he glad to hear front some other brother merchant, and i you, Mr Editor, on this matter. 1 Merchant. niches come better after poverty than poverty al'er riches. ' i ? ? ii I Fire! Fire! Fire! When that thrilling cry goes forth to heaven it's too late to ask the question, am 1 insured? You want to insure io the best and strongest companies or Done at all. That's the kiud I represent?their combiued capital amounting to over $5,000,000. Farm property a special ty. \ 1so insure against lightning without extra charge. N?-w is the time to look after this matter, as the beginning of the vear approaches. C. W. Wolfe, Kingstree, S. C. mmammmmmmmmmmmm Some men are like pins, they ' have their good point*, yet they are apt to stick vou. i : Go to Kingstree Bakery for Pickled Pigs' feet. ) Don't take chances of proposing to a girl on Friday; she might not relnse vou. WEEPS < Consumption is a human \rpprl flnnrishincr host in weak , iungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes impossible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest The time to treat consumption is when you begin trying to hide' it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. I Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consumption you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treatment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. I1- We will send you a little of * the EmulBe sure that this picture to the form of a label n on tbe wrapper of every bottle of Emuision you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St.,N. Y. try. an4 fr: all dnigsjists. 1 HEAD ABOUT TO BURST FliOil SEVERE BILIOUS ATTACK. "1 had n severe bilious attack and felt like niv I e>d was about to borst when I got bold of a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I o? ?k a dose of them after supper and the next dav f-lt like a new man and have been feeling happv -- ff \4 - v tit cm:?u ever pi net*, aays .ur j ?? mmm Vi Juliff, Texas. For biliousness, etoumch troubles ami constipation thepe Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. For sale by l)r L) C Scott, Kingstree; T.ako Ci'y Drug Co., Lake City; Dr W S Lynch Scranton. Money makes the mare go ami the automobile makes the money go. Go to Kingstree Bakery for Pickled Tripe. REVOLUTION IMMINENT. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious t-ouble in your system is nervousness, sleeplessness or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone tin* stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50c, and that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction Guaranteed by Dr W L Wallace, Druggist. ^ T7"I ? T3.?L'..i?tr ^AI? nott' u j iu ivul^sllfc jjancij wi rn^n Mackerel. Women are seldom up-todate in the matter of birthdays. When in need of buggies call on S J Taylor Greeleyville, $. RECTO!! OF ST. LUKE'S. Abhrurxham, Ontario, Testifies to the good qualities of t'hamberlain's Cough Remedies. Asiiburnham. Out. April 18,1903, ?I^tliitik it is only right that 1 should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has produced. The Hay before Easter I was so distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties the next day, as my voice was almost, choked by the cough. The same day 1 received an order from you for a bottl* of your C'ough Remedy. i at onus prosnrcd a sample lx>!tle. and took about three doses of the medicine. To my great -elief the cough and cold had completely disappeared and I was able to preach three times on Easter Day. I know that this r.^pid and effective cure was due to youi Cough Remedy. I make this testimonial without solicitation, being thankful to have fount such a Codsent remedy. Resj>eoifully yours, E A Lan'gfeldt, M. A., Rector of 5?t Luke's Church, To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This Remedy is for sale by Dr D I C 8oott, Kingstree; Lake City Drug ! Co, Lake City; Dr W S Lynch, Scranton. Nowheie can you get more for your Tobacco than at the Kinj Warehouse, Lake City, S. C., They will close Saturday, Dec 19t.h, for I the holidays. I k- ELECTRIC CARS FROM DEPOTS ^ Vi V PASS THE DOOR, jjj *1 I./ HOTEL IROQUOIS, j ijl NO. 362 KING STREET, t ft CHARLESTON, S. C. ij $?j^~Centr?l]y Located. 1 ^ Newly and Elegantly Equipped. | ill RATES SLOO and LSO F-Z7 DAY. j.] j\lC0F Special Rates to Perr.-^r.ents y The Handling of Shirts, Collars and Cuffs And all other work in our laundry, is done with the ex' press purpose of giving our patrons the most complete satisfaction. That's why we have so many "steadies" and thats's why you should send your bundle with J? P S. COURTNEY, LAURENS STEAM ACENT' LAUNDRY. KINGSTREE, S. C - ^ . \ -&&?f&4&4S?4S?4E?45?&? f, LEGAL NOTICES. I 53*??2&5>75&#&-?5>t5y&-7?a>75> ' I r ! u Tresoass Notice- t All p?T<?)ns an* forbidden roetiteron L lands <?f Harmon and I'crrv. IIARMON Jb PERRY. 1 Nov. 20. isun :tr. J VoAMWMMM 1T?i< AA J. ICS Mass WUUUCAll nersons arc hereby warned against j hunting. cutting wood tr<nror in any i ?;iv en cringon or trespassing on my f land. t JOHN S. GRAHAM. , Nov. 26. 1903. 3t, i Trespass Notice. All parties nrr hereby warned against utnting. fishing or in any way tie<pnssitur upon the litnds of the under- i sinned in Sumter township, Person* 1 disregarding Mil* notiee will be dealt ' with as the law direct*. > N. T. FLOYD. < J. D. FL:>YD. Lake City, S. C.. Nov. 10. 3t. Trespass Notice. i All nartie* are hereby warned against i bunting, fishing, trapping, cutting < wood or trespassing in any manner whatever on the lands of the under- | signed, situates I in I.awe's township. : P..rcie* disregarding this notice will be dealt with as the law direct*. i I )K W S HOY I). Pr IN BOYD. i Da J C BOYD. T B GOURD1N. PGGOPRDIW M us I p MOUZON. Miss MRS A S RoYD. Mrs C I GOURD1N. Mrs S R COLCLOUGH. ESTATE W B GOURDIN. Registration Notice. I ne nmce 01 me supervisors 01 registration will be openud on the first Monday in every month for the pur pose of the registering of auy person who is qualified as lollows: Who *hH)l have l>een a resident of the .state for two years, and of the county <>ne year, ana of the polling pre1 cinrt in which the elector offers V) vote four months before the day of lection, and shall have paid, six mo nth a before, any pull rax then dHe aud payable, aud who cau both read and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by the Supervisor of Registration, or who can show that he owns, aud has paid all taxes collectable on, duting the present year, property In this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J.J. EADDY. Clerk of 13 "ard. I Notice to Creditors. [ STAT E OF SOUTH OA ROUS X. COUNTY OK WILLIAMSBI ICG. 1 By W K Hanna Esquire, Probate Judge. Whereas 13 C Whitehead made suit to , ine. tn grant hi.n Letters of Admlnis nation with will annexed of the Kstat of ami effects of R R Stutts. th?se are, therefore to cite and admonish all and [ singular t.h* kindred a id en ilttr? of I the sai.l R R Stutts d censed. that ' tliev be and appeai bffore me. in the 1 Court of Probate, in he held at KingI srr-e Williamsburg County, S C on the 21-t day of De emlw.r next after publication thereof, at llo'eiockin the forenoon, to show cause, If any they have. ' why th" said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand t'L 9th day of November Anno Domini, 190.1. "Published on the 12rh day of November 1903 in the C??unt\ Re?<-rd. 6t iVEI.vm. Judge Probate, i W. C. Tax Notice. Treasurer's Officjs' Williamsburg Coot y . Ktnostrke, S. Oct 5th, 1903 * Tin- tax levy I'm the Ito-al vear 1903 - is as follows; . For State - - - 5 mills For School - 3 mills Kor OrdinaryC'?urity - - 4 millFor Roads - I mill 30 mills on value of all stork in Anderson. Sutton* and part of Prim Townships. 3 mills on value of all propertv in School Districts Nos. to, 10, 23 and 34 2 mills on value of nil property In School Districts N'os . 19, 30, *31 and 22. 1 mill on all prnperv in No., 18 A capitation tax of one dollar on all male.- between the ages of 21 and 6<> years unless constitutionally exempted. A commutation tax of two dollars may be paid by those liable to road dutv. I will be at the following places on the days mention d below for the collection of the said tax: Kingstree, October 1"? to 24 inclusive fades Octobei 28 - ' * o* 1 .to > Lake L liy *" aiiu ;o Scran ton ' 29 Prospect " 30 Venters 31 Lambert* November 3 Rome ' 3 Moirisvjlle " 1 Kingstree " 5.6, 7. and 9 Lanes " 10 Trio " 11 Greeleyville " 12 and 13 Kingctree " 14 Indianrown " 16 Klnjrsiree " 17 Lo Dec 31 inclusive. G W JOHNSON. County Treasurer. <WWmt h?t?? TO QUALIFY FOR GOOD POSITIONS GUARANTEED IN WRITING. 500 FREE """"SySL? *? | GA.-ALA. BUS COLLEGE. MACON, GA < v ^ V . . - ... ... i; ? Notice to Creditors. All persons having elaitus agslnst he estate of A J Smith, deceased. *111 resent the name, duly aite-ted, t' 'he indersigned, and all person* indebted > n the said estate will make payment **Ty o Mrs Pau ink Smith, (ot. 10 .id inUiratrli. Partnership Dissolution. Tlie partnership heretofore existing imong the undersigned under the tirni ame of J L Stuckry Jfc Co., Is this day iiss<>1 vrd l>y mutual oonsent. A'l paries indebted to said firm will make pay xier?t to A II Williams & Co. and with n thirty days. \o\emberW, 1003.J L STUCKEY. A FT WILLIAMS. JOHN A GREEN. J L STUCKEY & Co. > I will continue the bu*in?*s of J L stuckey <fc C<> under my own name. [ thank my friend* for the patronage riven the old firm :iud I ask a ?-ontlnuince of the same to me. :t. J L RTUOKEY. Auditor's Notice. Notice i< hereby given that I will he it the following places on the date* herein mentioned lor the purpose of taking tax returns for the fiscal year commencing January 1st 1904. All parties are requested to ho prompt in making returns in order to avoid the |>enalty as required hy law. All sales and purchases of real estate since last returns must be reported by selle- and buyer. This will avert confusion. Kingstree January 1, 2. and 4 Suiters " o and 6 Lanes " 7 Greelyville *' U Harpers " 11 Trio " 12 fv Suttons " 14 Taft " 15 Greelyville 44 iG Kingsiree 44 18 Cowards " J9 Scran ton " 20 Lake City " 21 and 22 Kingstree 1 23 uud 2* Mouzons 41 28 Howdy'* Store " 27 and 28 Cades 4 29 Kingstree 44 30 Kingstree February 1 cedar Swamp 4>. 2 BlnomingvaJe ? 3 Morrisville *' 4 Rhems 44 . o Kennedys store ,4 6 Kingstree 4- 8 l.'tiurcii f u. " ? Mingo " 10 I ambert* ' 11 ? Ards X Roads 13 .lolinoot.villu ** 13 Prospect 44 IS Altiuaos ' 16 Concord 4* 17 Ivinirsrree " 18 to 20 inclusive. J.J. D. MONTGOMERY. Cou ity Auditoi. Not, io. ? tt. ImW ; J . .' W -CLOTHES- . Ill Will ' ? 'is / ? i. * # Are here at satisfactory price?. . ? Suits tor dress or business wear that will exceed your expectations in fit and durability, See our special values in Black Thibet Suits at $10, $12, $15. OVERCOATS In all desirable weights and lengths, $7 50 lo $25. We Gt the hard in Gt. Call or .send us your order by mail. MAIL ORDERS Have our careful attentioa. BENTSCHNER?HI 252 ig SI., CORNER IIASELL JST Mm - - 11. x * ' ' * i _ . ,-y