V LCTT6R FROM LORIS 9- j Hew a Popular Pastor Fares in the , "Independent Republic." Editor County Kecord:? News tit Loris is very scare* just j aow, but I am glad to gay, Mr Ed- j itor, that the series of meetings 11 have just closed have been productive of excellent resultB spiritually. Vt'e began our meetiug at Camp Swamp church on Saturday, October 31, and closed it ou November 6, - - - ? i wi|fr^?%nd results; quite a numoer; were made and the wag materially built up. The Lord net with us in the demon- j stiation ot Hit spirit and mauy souls ttw tared nhto Him. Well we do praise God for what He has done for us daring this year. Thy people's humble servant returned home on 8andav and was agreeably surprised on Monday night with a very liberal pounding, which took place at the pawonage. Of course, Mr. Editor,1 you know how grateful such unexpected favors make a Methodist ' preacher feel. Our people at Loris ^ all participated in the pounding and also our visiting friends at the tot tiacco warehouse were numbered among the crowd with their contributions, There were other "visiting friends who also remembered us, k 1 Your friend, N (Rev.) S. J. McCoknbll, Loris Oircuit, Horry Co., November 11. ARBOR DAY. Third Friday in November Set Apart by the Legislature. "The free public schools of the State shall observe the third Friday ^ of November of each year as arbor day," Such is the substauce of the act of the Legislature passed in 1898, but not generally observed although its terms are mandatory. Hon 0 B Martin, the state superintendent 01 education, is taking a great deal of j* interest in the matter of having the day celebrated properly by the schobls of the State, and is circulating the programme for such occasiou prepared by^Mis?- Marv E. Waterhouse at the fequesj^f the State Fedration of Women's clubs. The programme ' ^Hch she ha3 ^suggested begins CVith responsive reading, the objects of which is to teach children the vahH.of trees. Included in the programme-is a^oem , by Henry Abbey, a very tboguhtful I bit of verse entitled "Plant Trees." | Another poem of interest is "The Palmetto Tree," written for Arbor k day celebration by Miss Julia M. M Baker. r Among the suggestions in the responsive reading are the following questions and answers: ( Why should we observe Arbor day:' Because we should remember that 1 trees are public, benefactors, aud if we cut trees to use, we should plant trees to take their places. What are some of the ways in whick trees benefit us? Trew.give us lumber, fuel, woodpulp for paper, cork, wild fruits, nuts, resin, turpentine, oils and material for medicine. Can you think of any other wjiys f-w-sin which trees aid us? . Yes; they shade us in summer an<| cool the air by throwing out moisture; in winter they break the force of the winds and the fallen leaves make a soft carpet in the woods to prevent the ground from freezing. Can you give some good reasons for planting trees? Yes; to beautify oar streets and pnbhc places; to make homes for our birds; to preserve our landscapes, and where they are planted along the Rdes of streams to prevent the earth om slipping away. In the west ley are planted to break. the force F the wind. i What happens when trees are neg ed or destroyed for no purpose? here are few birds; the rains *3e down the hillsides in floods; the 1 ground becomes parched in summer and frozen in wiuter. Go to Kings tree Bakery for finest n.w Confectionery. Go to Kingstree Bakery for Pickled Pigs' feet. Go to Kingstree Bakery for Pickled Tripe. Subecribe to The Record. j,-v .J Benson Briefs. (Written for lust weekh Bassox, November 13:?Miss Ethel Nvsmlih opened tbo Cedar Swamp Joint School last Monday, the 9id Inst, with a (food attendance. The Cedar Grove school U still without a teacher but it Is hoped that very soon it will hf? onened A comfortable school house wi l soon be completed there, which is very couvenient to all its patrons who have plenty of children to organize a good school. Rev IIF Oliver closed a very inter eating meeting at Cedar Grove church last Wednesday night, th* 4th Insr. Mr T M Kellehan will have his saw mill and grist mill in operation very soon, which will fill a long-felt w&nt it> this Immediate community. The cotton in this secrlun is very rfearlv all gathered. But for the scarcity of labor the planters hereabouts could have, finished picking b?fore now. The lien law is the set-back in this section as to hbor. The repeal of that law would set us ail straight in a short time. This law has been a great detriment to the interest of the farmers and its repeal should be made an issue in the next election. Mr G E Rerabert has gone bn'k te Fairfield.His family will follow as soon as he can arrange for their reeej. .ion. The weather is cold and winter overcoats being m order. W. S. G. Go to Kmgstree Bakery for im ported Swiss Chees?. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DA> Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund th money if itfail< rocure E W Grove's rifnature i* on eac h box. 2.1c. Strawberry Plants, Lady Thompson Strawberry Planti for sale $1-50 per thousand. H II SlSTGLETARY & SoXS. ll-5-3t. Lake City, S. C Go to Kingstree Bakery for new Dutch Herrings. Thomas and Bradbam, the old reliable stable men. have just received a car-load of stock. Call early aud crpfc rniir choice. - J ?^ Go to Kmgstree Bakery for new Cod fish. Go to Kingstree Bakery for new Malaga Grapes. Wanted?Persimmon, Dogwood Hickory, and Holly logs. Freighl paid An car-loads. James Cockshott Charleston, S. C. 7 Fewer gallons; Wears longer. Go to Kingstree Bakerv for new Sapsago Cheese. Go to Kingstree Bakery for new Citron Currauts and Seeded Raisins G> to Kingstree Bakery for new Mackerel. ' Go to Kingstree Bakery for new JSoiir Kraut. Nature allows lonp credil, but _ _ J cnarges compound in?eresr. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY IS PLEASANT TO TAKE. The finest quality of granulated loaf sugar is used in the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and'the roots use to Please, c HIR5CH, je, S. C. \ FIRE INSURANCE. I have secured the Agency for several old line Fire Insurance Companies and am prepared to write insurance on desirable risks in towns or country. My companies are large ; ami nuuicti ami amuiuici > oaic. xi.ui also agent for the United States I . Fidelity uud Guaranty Co. and cun bond you on short notice. C. W. Wolfe, Kingstree, S. C . I The Old Standi Grove's 1 has stood the te over One and a F of merit appeal t Enclosed witA every bottle riHE IN City. vww*" Clock o Silver Spool Plate Spoon: Spectacles an Gold Rings Gold Necklaces MAKE NO MISTAKE 1 (WATCH INS TEC TC WATCHES AND JE Mail O r d 'e r ? I -^_BefVe< i norths ,! Florida A passenger service and comfort,equipped v Dining, Sleeping and 1 f For rates, schedule, r tion, write to \ WA1. J. Gene ????U. WPWWt K1NBSTEE Confectionery i Genera Fruits and Vege ALWAYS ' Country orders sp< CAKES and B1 delicacies of to be h ?? i IIVI H. A. MEYEE MAIN STREET, Final Discharge. Notice i1 hereby given. that on Monday the 7th. day of D'-i-ember, 19 W, I will applv to tin; .Judge <>t Probata for Williamsburg county lor a Final Discharge a* admiiiinllAnr d Eye Glasses and Brooches s and ockets. rms IS THE PLACE ) R SOUTHERN* RAILWAY) WELRY REPAIRED. 'arerullv Attended To. IK(gfSTlJNE JOHFAREoPJ^WEL =n ffre? idSOUTH ?Cuba. unexcelled for luxury vifch the latest Pullman rhorouThfare Cars. ? maps or any informa* CRAIG, rai Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. w EMERY, ind 1 MprolianHisft. IJL. AUVJk VUhWMMkAWVI tables in Season ON HAND. scially solicited for READ,, and all the season found re. r b, nupnciui, - KINOSTREE, S. C MR MM IBS. Am standing my Brown Stallion, Dick (by Dan Harold) at Lake City, S. C. Apply for terms, J. H. Blackwell^ 9-17 tf. Lake City, 8. g. till Tahiti < jim * vniy | ; age annual sales ; Does this record , No Pay. 50c. 3C ROOT UVBR PIAS. hksmmmmmammmmrnJ % A H OT' ? Lake ..wwwwaM^ J. L. Stuckey & Co., ha 'oad each of Buggies anc linA nf Ho-npcc fir onc 1 1 1 1 V~ v/l kkU "WJj WIV/ UliV. their Competitors. These Goods and Prices . J. L. STUC Lake Ci ?GO s. THOMAS 257 KING STREET, IF YOU