Ik. .. ' Seen at Smiths. Cotton picking, k*tater diin' / and corn breaking ate 1 hin^s o: the past in this section. Judging fro n the amount of seed oat' being bought by our farmers there will be a large crop planted in these part6. Mr Samuel J Smilev has moved back to his old home near Lake City, alter living in tilts neighborhood lor one year, ile and hi* excellent young wile sviil be greatiy inis-ed. Prof W J Smi / has been elec led for llie fourth term to teacli the Sandy Bay public school. Miss Mabel Buzhardt,the excel- i lent anil efficient principal of the Smith school, spent Sunday with i friends at Lake City. Mr Flowers ol Darlington visited relatives here last week. i Get on your gioves and overcoats, boys, for cold weal ler is coining. Mr W M Smith, The Kecokd'i j live correspondent si this place, j is now located at Cades in theem .1 . ... ?? \j.. . ploy oi me wen Known mm m nc- j ^initli Brosin thecapacity of clerk I ail J seel b iver. ' W .VI. S" is a < hustling bov and will succeed I wherever he goes. ft ox. . Fewer gallons; Wears longer. In life our enemies are often our i best friends. A RUNAWAY BICYCLE I Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J B Orner, Franklin Grove 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer ' unyielding to doctors aud remedy for 1 four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica ( Salve cured. It's just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skiu Eruptions and Piles. 25c. at W L Wallace's Drug \ Store. k We know a woman whose boast is that she never spoke an unkind * word about a neighbor. Ba t when ( a neighbor's name is mentioned this woman can shake tier head j and roll her eyes in a way thai , sayg more in a second than l.er , tongue could tell in a week. , i The best eX'Ui?e is a |> ?or excuse. ( DOESN'T RESPECT OLD ACE. It's shameful when youth fails to J Vshdw proper respect for old age, but ' iust the contrary in the case of Dr . King's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and ' irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, i Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this perfect pill. 25c, at Dr W L Wallace's Drug Store. They say it is hard to be pooi; yet most people find it easy enough. It is easier to be a hero than to look like one. Keep on going ahead; lei olhers look lor footprints. 1 WEAKNESS m (421-2 Congress St. , POSTU'.ND, tiAm, Oct. IT, 1902. M I eonsidsr Wine of Cardui oiperior to au? doctor's medicine I sr and I would feel so weak I f could not stand up. 1 naturally felt 1 discouraged for I seemed to be beyond t, the help of physicians, but Wine of F Cardui came as a God-send to me. 1 felt a otaaage for the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment 1 menstruated without suffering the agonies 1 usually did and soon became regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and 1 wish j that all suffering women knew of its good qualities. Treasurer, Portland Eooaemic League j ' . Periodical headaches tell of female weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of I every twenty cases of irregular J menses, bearing down pains or any female weakness. If yon are ; discouraged and doctors have rauea. mac is cne oesi re?on m | jfl the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that Bj Jjjg headaches mean female weakness. 9 Secure a 81.00 bottle of Wine of H n Cardui today. i [WINE*] [CARDUI j I & .A LAKE CITY NEWS. Events of Passing Interest Chronicle by The Record's Correspondent. Lake November 17:?M S M Asking w^nt down to C larle ton Monday.' Mr J II Black well spent Tues day in Florence on business. Mrs L B Johnson visited rela lives in Kingsire* Monday last. Mr J J Morris last week *oh I wo resilience lots on McAliste street, one lot to Mr \V A Webste undone to Mr H P Eups. M Webster has already begun i dwelling. What the oilier mai wants with a residence lot is mat ter of inference as lie has no lam ily whatever. He may have madi the purchase as an investment? and- -he may not. Miss Amanda Cook is now leach mg at Vox. Mr J.J Matthews is assistant to freasurer Johnson. Mr J D Daniel has sold his three icre lot on the corner of church and Dansing streels to Mr \V A Ward. Mr Ward will cut the piece up into lots of suitable size : l U? K.i i 1.1 or resjuenuG. uu **m uuuu uuv dwelling right away and others ater on. Messrs J J Ealdy, J E Buroh ind J A Green, whom Referee 5tol 1 appointed to appraise lite property of Brown & Carter, bank opts, made the appraisement Monday. Miss Stanley was called to her mine in Marion Sunday on aclounl of the serious illness ol hei ather. It is reported that hei at her died before she reached mine. Miss Cora Richey, who has been nailing m Wheeling, W. Va., lince early summer,returned imtuc I'hursday. Miss Eva Matthews has charge it a school uear Mr J S Lvneh's. Rev Jas McDowell of Manning, preached an excellent sermon to i iarge and attentive congregation it the Presbyterian church Sunlav night. Magistrate R c Smith of Florence, was in town Monday niubl Mr J S McClarn spent Friday in Kingstree on bu.-iuess. McClam & Truluck of La^e City liave just returned from the markets with thirty head of high class horsei ind mules. W. L. B. Fewer gallons; Wears longer. Faith in the fealty of others h often founded on vanity LOOK NEAT, The importance of well starched collars will appeal to men who care to look as well as possible. The way we handle them, the clean, smooth finish and the per' fection of the work through' out is our reason for wanting your next bun' die P. S COURTNEY, LAURENS STEAM LAUNDRY. iaNGSTREE SC I -old >1 >>tl omplete > >ib -? * ? -??t outu. . S HIGHER & SON :.a? J *MeadS- r -uam radrtihiiu v-f? i s. Blind3 .i'<11nn >ind Building Material, n*h >Yeight* and Cord (HARLK4T0*, 8. 0. vhunr tmr ai?ka, which we fnei ?no?-rior to eu/ sold 8ootb, eo y m?t< mouej. Window and Fancy Glu< a SpedeHi r~ % -[for the~ n n c r* m< fi~ r I r. VUUI i * I a: ire now opening j | MEN*5 FUR1 !- I Dry Goods, Notions, | Special I BOYS* CL( i ale new and first class goods ij | We also offer a nice line of the r I latest Styles ir, Stationery and I Choice Brands of Cigars and r I Tobacco. r I P. S. COURTNEY & O II _________I BUELL <& F ? CASH DRY CM Now is the time to buy your Hankerchiefs WE HAVE THEM IN GREAT VARIETY. ' I. A DIES' in Fancy Lice and Embroidery ef- a. feet. Kood sheer Lawn from ft to 2ftc. LADIES' H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, all Linen, i 5c. , LADIES' LAWN n. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, ' ' in 1-4, 1-2, and 1-inch herns, at ft cent*. L LADIES' FINE CAMBRIC, 1-in H. S.. 10c or three for 25c. LADIES' ALI.-LINEN, very fine. lftc.. two a: ? for 25c. -v . ??I Also a full line 01 wtiAJnr.u-in>iiur.KB.u , HANDKERCHIEFS for I-udles and Children from 3 to 10c. We also have a nice assortment of Handkerchiefs for Gentlemen. 9 'at from 5 to 25c. Wi have Just received carefully selected line of Gents' Neckties. * in a variety of shades, only 25c. Underwear, This is the place to K'et those for Mon. Ladies and Children. ; * jC^*.Miiil Orders Receive Careful AIL 373 anil 375 King Strep, ?wwwwwvwwwwwwy^ 11 PROTECT | vni if? ; ^ By Insuring Yo , % Mutual Benefit > A HOME COMPANY UNDER ^ LeROY LEE, ? ^ W. L. BASS, - - ! i ^ COUNTY A ^ J. J. MORRIS, ^ PERCY D. SNOWDEN, ^kkikUUkikkUkkkkUkiUU wnrv~v~vnrv~\nnnnrvmmiitm?? irf Money < -?"x is Money i mini you i S. ??r ??you Millie Money Berou: full li - ^ AO I 1 |_ Boys' andUents uioirim; Shoes, Dry Goods, N< X WE HANDLE THE - *%* Our flillinery Goods j 1 S, 2^?^J2 MAIN STREET, - . STOP! WAIT! R: I am prepared to save you moi | Buggies, Wagons, F * n 1_ TVT.a? ury oooas, i^tuuuiia * ware, Hardware, ] ; ^ Fruits and Etc,, S. 3 I also carrry a fine Coffins. Give me a 5 vinced of my cheap pi elsewhere. 9 Yours 1 S.T. T-A." Greeleyville, As a maid she bends Ihe man; as a wife she keeps him straight, r* 4 A machine is doing its best work r, when it makes the least noise. IX TRADE ney & Co. L LA ROE STOCK OF * V1SHINQ5, Hats, Shoes and a line of DTH1NG, AT PRIL'EM THAT WILL PLEASE. Schleaeuger's Candies and Fine Confectionery Kept Constantly on hand. Call to see us, 0., Kingstree, S, C. Roberts7" )0DS STOBE. Ladies' Skirts. We have these up to date having had then sade to order. Flannel Waists, All Wool, in Black, Blue, Gray Game nd Old Rose. Ladies' Jackets. Come and see us. We can give them to you a v>m $1.50 to $5 in Oxford Gray, Blue anc lack. Hosiery. We have a line line of these for Men. Ladies nd Children. Furniture Department, SPOT CASH PRICES. . I0-piece Imitation Walnut Suits. $14. 10-piece Solid Oak Suit*, $19 to $75. lO-piece Solid Walnut Suits, $75. $85 tc 1*25. A full line of wardrobes. $10 to 28.50. Solid Oak Extension Tables, $5. Centre Tables from 50c to $4. Baby Carriage*. 90, 92.05 up to $1U. Go-Cart*. $3.50 to 113. Children's Chairs, Rockers and High Chain, sleet stock of Beds, $3.50 to $13. Ijounges, Couches and Single Lounges. Willow Rockers, $1.75. Wood Seat, High Arm Rocken, $1.5?. White Iron Beds, $3.00, $4.25, $5, $5.50, J. $7. and $S. sntlon. t, CHARLESTON, S. C. /vwwwwwwvwwwvyyg FAMILIES 1 ur Life in the 3 Association TC 2 HOME MANAGEMENT, ^ President, ^ Secretary and Treasurer, 3 .GENTS: 3 Lake City, 2 Church, i M*MWMAAWMWMA(? Saved iTiauC) 3UY FROM -?? =3CTTS? se You 8ove Mou^y. NE OF jand FurnishingGoods, )tions, etc on hand. nr JC. D rADCCTC If YV U U vv/l\uu I are Sure to Please. E3CUTS, - KINGSTREE, S. C BAD! ley. Call and examine my Stock of larness, Furniture, j Groceries Tin^ ' Family Medicines hoes a Specialty, and cheap line of t call and be conrices before buying ?to please, "STX-OZ2, s. c, r ToG I Take Laxative Bro 1 Seven MOBon bootee soM b poet 13 ' L * ' V/ ????^ftgsesssjjfis MILLIl\ XT KXXXXXXXXX X YOU WILL A Si ^ ? 6 CA.NJL OSTACKLEY'S C/ DRESS( HORSES1" >' Carload Direct from 'W THOMAS & 61 Call and Inspe First Class Stock for Farr M/UUi* D rnt?:s w mini ?\ Complete Line of Buggies, V Tl^orr^as <3z Bra* J B STEELE, Manager. HARDWARE! HARDW | Hi * Williamsburg County has an conducted by gentlemen of years ? sale and retail Hardware busines I they know the wants of the purcl I When in town call and see us. you and have you to look at our Cattery, Gnat. Ammunition, Agricaltnrnl Iraplenenla, Haba, flpokea, Bimm PalnUv Oils, BrnvheH, M.ovcf and Fixtures. We are Agents tor Mc? i * Corralck Mower*, j Haaliem Doora nad Bllnda. f ' T.AKTi! f!TTY TTA1 UAAXAXJ VA* * LAKE CIT\ | D. C. SCOTT, President. | THE BANK OF Transacts a General I COLLECTIONS CAREFULi,Y PROMPTLY R |! DEPOSITS FROM 11.00 UJ \ DIREtTI i HENRY P. WILLI aMS, ^ a T7t?T 1 rv Zt /V. AUliUiJ i , * r. h. kell ?V*~ " vw?v*wvwww?v* wuv ; McCLAfl and FEEO and I jhmlake cm i HEADQUARTERS FOR?= 1 Horses, [ I t OUR LEADER IS f THE ( J We Invite Your McCLAM & 1 LAKE Cm Subscribe to G ore a Cold in One >mo Quinine TaWets. ^ i BKwtht. This signature, ^ \ . ?,y x ' J, V ?.* ?-r-r 7BRY, X ' V LSO FIND X ^ j> . O ^ 0 *g| UBS " g 8j \SH STORE.J? 300DS. i MIES, 'estem Markets at , RADHAM'S. * t ict Them. >... *' ,4> 29 n Work or Driving jgl each of All. Wagons, Harness, &c. at 4 aiiara's-A-gta - - - KINGSTREE 8. C. " 1 . V' fcg* * /ARE! U~a ARDWARE! up-to-date Hardware Store ol experience in the whole4 of this section, who thiak hasinjr public in their line. 0 We will be glad to meet line of - - - ? Qm ALto ogeati for Ike jS OB1GI5AL PERITIA3I GUANO. Thanklnf jom far patroaafe recflred aad tuklag for m cantlaaaace Wo ire, Yaar friends, . RDWARE Co. ' \ s. c. lWB EDWIN 0. EPP8, Cashior. -! ! KINGS TREE. | Banking Business LOOKED AFTER AND {I . EMITTED. *\ 3WARD RECEIVED. * R. D. ROLLINS, D, C. SCOTT. EH AN. > ^v\wwwvvwwwwvw%^J TRULUCK, ?sn & ** f, S. C.HMk M IIIac Rn / onevwy I ysyg^m/T.*ok?.35c. J ' , J