yiztotd WK> KYXRY THURSDAY AT HHr WOSTIUCX. 8. c. FV ii K<* rT B C. W. WOLFE. Bditob and Psoprzxtor. ijpwl'l B TERMS. rr Jaecopt^ one year, - - - $1.00. Kp* OtfTT, fix month*. - - - .60. KvAm Mpj. $1 M montha, - - .26. K 4kAearlptlon8 payable in advance. I Om Inch, lret Insertion. 11.00; each Kfeftneqaent insertion, 60 oenta. Obltu mmi and Tributes of Respect over 10 J KiVMi charged for as tegular advertise Mta liberal redaction on advertlt frnTTT"1' for three, she sad twelve Deaths' contracts. K CtmTmmleaUenu mu?t be accompanied Why dee real name and addreet of the BNwHw.1? order to raoelveattention. No HhMMBllbetiMi of a persona] nature ygP%t|abiltli?i exatpt at an adveriiMwa all lettarsand make all drafta i aw. Wolfs, B Kin puree. 8.O. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER B. i?U5J. S Cone Porwifd B And settle with ui forn^jS B joor subscription. We hare ptMly on m?nj W who art is arrears and now J| that the crop* art being marketed St b only jut that wo should have What is dot as. To mall each da?"" ! ??? mWriW a bill would II oeartrtmiMo expense in the of postage and stationery. So toall and aettle without for* otball teaaas in the Sonth are og fist hall this season. The at* State has one of the tory PH gpapetitois for the Souththattefemship in the gritty ? of fjnaaon, while S. C. Colli way >hote her usual strength. mm, ' H^'A JMokl train loaded with the 11* hell tfeam,>a&d tootew of PurEta UpirereitT ww wrecked last fcrayto tackle Indiana. Fifteen jfcfliad, fom wounded?that about mm Bttdtte OQt far tbe season. +3E3BiBSEEES&S^S^ Ef^S* pick-pocket* kepi their hands K veil at the Fair. There were reBill ti many jobberies, notwithstanding the warning and the vigBfifrw of the police force. The H'imtand tbe moet foolish alike Riikt the Tkits of the flick-fingered Iflbii thoee few who were canght yi|M< to hate the littit of the te*4j E INbieiwood and the etrotif folks Em 4 tih last weekj^jGth Aide claims jfcMg dealing. The ciroes Jdidn't fltte to per the town license, and ecQoamped outside the town-limits. Greenwood did not care to have a free parade after that and arrested So many when the bands struck town that the parade was without I. Gen Edward McCrady, whose sudKfrp death occurred Sunday night, removes from the stage one of CaroHftse's most gifted characters.'He did mil many things during hie life, being Kitted to the point of brilliancy, well Kdicated to the point of high scholarHhipe, and literary to the point of Kwodncing himself some books whose Hnerit will be recognized for time im^ eeasorial. Though he was a lawyer By profession, he if known equally as HnU "i? ft writer. His "History of ^ ooth Carolina" alone is a monu|Basnt to hisjname,?so well written Hkftt it will bear bis name farther in > the blinds of future generations the finest of marble shafts over b grave oan do. He was a man flvbose life brought honor and fame Wmpt only to himself bat even to the ^Kat State whose history he wrote so ^BsU* Kis life was not. confined to Hfe field. Lawyer, statesman, sol^Ber, cifcisen, neighbor?he lived well d honorably in every one of these Malicious Mischief. * Last Saturday night some mali- 1 cious and Irresponsible persons, contaminated with the idea that to commit depredations is but to make the so-called fun spicy, went about over the town under the same cover of c darkness that conceals the move- 1 ments of the worst criminal, tearing ' down signs of all kinds, removing gates and blockading streets with debris of any and every description. Legitimate fun in its right place causes us all to laugh, bat when the acts merge into plain, malicious mischief, we think it i6 time for as all to express our open and unequivocal disapproval. These young men, doubtless with their misconceived idea of fun-making, thought that the whole town would look upon such depredations with a smirk of approval but none will tto this unless it is wiaj)ed to enoourage more outrageous conduct in the future. Nothing is fun which causes one's neighbors to lose financially, 8nd which endangers the walking of the sidewalks or the use of the streets at night. To ?prevent a repetition of this thing, we think an indictment or two would re call some of these maranders to their 1 senses and prevent a worse thing of * the kind in the fntnre. Such socalled fun-making is mean, cowardly { and malicious, and those who partici- j pated in its making, show their kind ] by resorting to the protection of * night. Tillman Juror's Ideas. Few things have been printed J more grimly grotesque than the 1 letter from one of the Tillman jn- 1 rors to a South Carolina newspaper < which we reprodnoe elsewhere says i the Bichmond News Leader. It is * a cnrious and dteeply interesting * Tlia inmr ia mrAlv hMrd i OWUUJ* JL J*? jMAVt ? ?.... ? from by the public. This juror ia 1 heard from and we cannot recall 1 another instanoe where the hopeless mental confusion of an ignorant man 1 grappling with a seriom subject is so vividly illustrated. 1 This juror evidently lost sight en- t tirely of the question with which he I was chosen and sworn to deal? 1 whether the killing of Gonzales by < Tillman was murder. It will be observed that he does not consider whether or not the killing was done 1 in self-defence. Evidently he had a tShn notion that the dead man was on ) trial before him and that his fnnc- 1 ton was to decide whether the vie- 1 m deserved death on general prin- i ciplee. ; He lays down as one of his guiding J principles that all the "annals of < TT* .1 ? * a AAnon nf q man XXIBbUrj UVU0V vi a mubv vt < ?mu being hanged for killing an editor. ; Some notion that an editor is some- ] how different from other human beings and subject to pnoishment like a noxious wild animal when he becomes troublesome or offensive is floating abont in the chaotic mind of this good and true man of Lexington County. This view, which probably is widely prevalent in his class, makes a comfortable outlook for South Carolina journalism. The belief that the "state could make an appeal if dissatisfied with the verdict, that the purpose ai.d dnty of the jury was to limit and define the "liberties of your press," the suggestion that 6ome more blood be shed by editors going over the Georgia line to fight Jim Tillman are all worthy of the distorted ana charned-ap ideas of a savage catching his first glenm of civilization. They are horribly fascinating when we find them in a white man serv- j ing as a juror and representing the guardianship of the Jstafce's dignity and peace in a land of old civilization in the year 1903. A RUNAWAY BICYCLE Terminated with an ugly cut on ' the leg of J B Oruer, Franklin Grove 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedy for four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica ' Salve cured. It's just as good for i Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and ] Files. 25c. at W L Wallace's Drug < Store. j 1 I wNOWS WHEREOF HE SPEAKS .etter from One^Who Has Edited A ^ Countpy^uewspaper. As illustrative of the too prevalent ? dea entertained by a number of peo- " >le that the payment or non-payment C ?f a newspaper account is a matter ? ?f small consequence we take the iberty of publishing the following T etter received in reply to a statement e ecently sent out from this office. 8 jest anyone should misunderstand u re will say at the outset that the jj rriter is a good friend of The Re- c JORD and his letter is written in at ipirit of pleasantry as a satire upon c he relations between publisher and j mtrone: ^ , Oct 24, 1903. Editor County Record:? I am in receipt of your request 1 hat I pay over the sum of $12.75 d :or subscription and advertising. [ am surprised at your persistency in ittempting to make me pay this account. For three years I edited and r nanaged a country paper and my d mbscribers were of the opinion (and \ io acted) that in subscribing for my 1 japer an honor was conferred which t nore than equalized any expense ] .hat I underwent in supplying them, ind I began to take this uew of the , natter myself, but before doing so I \ lad to sell out the paper. c Of course a man must pay for his 1 louse rent, groceries, etc. Should i le fail in this respect real estate i vould decline in value and comnerce be crippled. This of course ihould be avoided, but when the ? jnblic is being educated and sup- a died with the news of the day this iboald De a matter 01 missionary fork on the part of the printer and ,he editor and should under no cirinmataucee be charged for. This * fas the view of my subscribers when [ ran a paper, and it is with pride j ;hat 1 can say that my subscribers s vere the peers of any in intelligence * ind morality, most of them belong- ' ng to the Methodist and Baptist j churches, whose orthodoxy cannot be f wsailed with impunityby those seek- 1 ng political honors or preferment; * lence it is not surprising that I as- ! iumed from the preponderance of the ( testimony that they must be right- ( ind I wrong. t Acting upon that assumption I save heretofore treated your sdpplicaaon with the oontumely Jdeserved, 1 5nt your importunities hare of late ' l>ecome very tonoyiug and as a conlequeuce I enclose check for your bill?Al that I think you are en- ( titled|p(^. for when yon entered ] Km knainoas lrrtn (Kmilfl ( uuc liutt i/upiuvvo j v? ^ bave known if yon did not (and ig- 1 aorance is no excuse of law) that you ' were expected to do a gratuitous , Dusiness and that the honor of hav- ] ;ng your fellow-citizens' name* upon < pour list was more than ample com- | pensatiqn for t?nv oat lay of capital rod energy that yon might make. 1 Bnt to avoid the annoyance of pour plebeian idea of compensation, I pay you up. ' Yours truly, 1 Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. fThe kidneys are your blood purifiers, they filter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, aches and rheumatism come from excess of uric acid in the blopd, due to neglected kianey trouDie. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart Is over-working In pumping thick, kidneypoisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their beginning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The jnild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by ail druggists in fiftycent and one-dollar riz- yjyffiai es. You may have a sample bottle by mail Hom# of B**mp-itoot. Jree. also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilroetf St Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but reuember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the adiress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every >ottle. 1 J . FROM SOUTH AFRICA fFW WAY OF USING CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. Mr Arthur Chapman writing from hirbau, Natal, South Africa save: Aa a proof that Chamberlain's lough Remedy is a cure suitable for Id and yoaug, I pen you thefollowQg: A neighbor of mine had a child ust over two months old. It had a ery bad cough and the parents did iot) now what to give it. I sugested that if they would get a bottle f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and >ut some upon the dummy teat the taby was sucking it would no doubt ure the child. This they did and irought about a quick relief and ured the baby." This remedy is ? U n r\ M n O Uaap^ XT innrOtFOA' ur Btiic uy lsl \j \j gwuij niugowvvj ^ake City Drag Co., Lake City; Dr V S Lyucb, Scran toa. When the world owes a man a iving it invariably settles the lebt on the installment plan. DISASTROUS WRECKS. Carelessness is responsible for nany a railway wreck and the same lauses are making human wrecks of ufferers from Throat and Lung tron)les. Bnt since the advent of Dr ling's New Discovery forConsumplon, (Coughs and Colds, even the vorst cases can be cured, and hopeees resignation is no longer necesary. Mrs Lois Cragg of Dorcheser, Mass., is one of many whose life vas saved by Dr King's New Disiovery. This g-eat remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung disaees by W L Wallace, Druggist. ?rice 50 c^nts and $1.00. Tiial >ottle free. Let the man who would reform he world begin on his neighbors ind he will soon see his finish. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY IS PLEASANT TO TAKE. The finest quality of granulated oaf sngar is nsed in the manufacture f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, md the roots nsed in its preparation jive it a flavor similar to maple lyrnp, makiog it quite pleasant to ake. Mr W L Roderick, of PoolesrJllo Md in flnMlrinp of this rem dy, eave: "I have used Chamberrtiu's Cough Remedy with my chilIren for several years and can trnth!al!j say it is the best preparation of he kind I know of. The childreu ike to take it and it has no injnroas after effect. For sale by Dr D j Scott, Kiugstree; Lake City Drag Do., Lake City; Dr Vif S Lynch Scranon. ' / I The average man loves work so nuch thai it makes him weary tc tee other men idle. 1 HE BEST LINIMENT. "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is conlidered the best liniment on the narket," write Pust & Bliss, of Georgia, Vt. No other liniment will heal i cnt or brnise so promptly. Nc >ther affords such quick relief from rbenmatic pains. No other is sc ralnable for deep Seated pains like ? ?" Maino sn i /iKnaf BU1C uatt aili.. poiUB IU IUB V1M-IK jive this liniment a trial and you trill never wish to be without it Sold by Dr D C Scott, Kingstree Lake City Drug Co., Lake City; Di who is qualified as lollows: Who shall have been a resident of NT?r?> fnr iwn years. and of the county one year, andf of the polling preclncl in which the elector oilers to vote four months before the day of election, and shall hare paid, sis V mouths before, any poll rax then due i: and payable, aud who can both read and write any section of the constitu- f tion of 1895 submitted to him by the ]i Supervisor of Registration, or who r can show that he owns, and has paid 1 all taxes collectable on, duiing the \ present year, property in this State t ' assessed at three hundred dollars or ^ > more. J.J. BADDY. F Clerk of Board. f Tax Kotice. ? TREASCRXR'S OPT>CK* WlLLUMSBURQ CoO.NTY. KlNOSTRfci, 8. v., Oct 5th, 1908 The tax levy fox the fiscal year 1903 is as follows: For State - 5 mills For School - - ? 8 mills For OrdinaryCounty - - 4 mills For Roads 1 mill 30 mills on value of all stock in Anderson. Suttona and part of Penn Towni ships. . | 8 mills on value of alt property in School Districts Nos. 15, 16, *23 and 24. 2 mills on value of all property In School Districts Nos., 19, 20, 31 and 22. 1 mill on all property in No., 18. A capitation tax of one dollar on all . males between the ages of 21 and 60 yesrs unless constitutionally exempted. a commutation tax of two dollars t may be paid l?y those liable to road ? dutv. , I will be at the following places on the day? mentioned below for the col> lection of the aid tax: Kingstree, uctober IS to 24 inclusive Cade9 October 26 I Lake City ' 44 2 7 and 28 Scranton ' 29 ' Prospect 44 30 * Venter- " 31 " Lnmberts November 2 Rome 4* 3 Moirlsvllle 44 4 Kingstree 44 5, 6, 7. aDd 9 ' Lanea 44 10 : Trio 44 11 Greeley ville 44 12 and 13 Kingstree 44 14 Indiantown 44 16 Kingstree 17 ^ ?)ec 81 Inclusive. G W JOHNSON. County Treasurer. REAL ESTATE WANTED. My facilities for buying, selling, exchanging and rent _ 1 1_ 1 ? ing rceai CMaic, uuiiuc^ yiuyerties, manufacturing properties, Machinery & etc., are excelled by no one in the State. 1 have reliable connections with Western and Eastern Real Estate. Each property listed with me is thoroughly advertised at no cost to owner. If you have any prop-, erty you wish to sell, or if you wish to purchase a business or farm, write me, it will only cost you a stamp. JULIUS T. DUDLEY. Bennettsville, S, C. ? 3 mo. The worst fault of some people is telling other people theirs. If a man is iuclined to be fool- fl ish a silk hat won't save him. (j .. \ j . *' .v"- ? \ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. | DrEJ McCabe Dentist INGST.IEE, - - S.C. ????? E???????? t Rnh#?rt .1 KIRK I I W ^ W I ? W !? . Attorney-at-Law Kinostrbe, S. C. W. L. BASS, attorney at Law LAKE CITY. S O. ho# M. GlUand. Loala W. GlUand. GILLAND & GILLAND. Attorneys-at-Law' ilNGSTREE, - - S. 0 \ ^ FOB SALE. N rick In any quantity to suit purchas r. The Beat Dry Press Machine-made peclal shapes made to order. Correjondence solicited bctore placing your ,ih\ * rders. W. R. FUNK. " ^ T>?_ 1 /VJ VtnMtHA Si P. r. VJ DUl I VO EVIL!go VIVVf Mi V? \ttention Every body! Having removed from my ild stand across the Railroad nto the Grocery Store formlly occupied by J. H. Briles. I shall be glad to serve ny Friends and Customers vith HIGH CLASS FAMILY 3ROCERIES at the lowest 'rices. Thanking the public or past favors, and hoping to leserve a continuance of the ame, I remain, At your service. I. H. V. GASKINS, Lake City, S. C. TINT JU01 as soon as m lyh in Til About Fall Clothes, it's time to think of us. Few Decole nowadays are r r satisfied with''any kind" of clothes. What you want are well-tailored, pertect-fitting Clothes, of reliable material. That's what we promise to give yon, and that's what you'll find whenever you care to see the many choice things we've provided for Fall and Winter wear. Plenty of good durable Suits and extra Pants for the school Beys. Hats to please everyone. All at prices to please the economical. maIl orders Have our careful attention. IEHTSCH 5 BU ffl ill ft,' CORNER IIA9ELL HT. urn - - s. c. * \