41 11 II ^ ^ , JX ^ BANK OF LAKE CITY, & v"fflT ffl BANK or LAKE ^u c^ vS^Ug^ n rtltttlH l< ^irtrM r S3sr1 53*+^ i If K M|}/ fa, jy jE 3 i I 111 B 1 W\ a' /I /III II J. & McCLASf, C. M. KKlXMl I *' A. H. WILLIAMS. - President J I jf BL / |j.B jEj^,?L, Jf & J^L/ JB J? jjffUr j^^JP iL/ J. A. ORKEN, W. /. SINGLE? Altt 9 J. C. LYNCH. - - Vice President. ^ ^ 'V ' T ^ We aoHeit you# business. ]*/ I VOL. XIX. KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1903. NO. 40* I I am Sell THE CELEBRA One Hors M , $28 HAVE ABOUT 601 H0RS1 : That arrived he Come earlv an< Obituary. ? Dear little Elbert is dead! After several weeks of patient suffering on Wednesday, October 7, 1903, at J 3:15 p. m., his little soul winged its i flight to the beautiful realms of rest He was seven years old and the only son of Mrs M E Pipkin, of Benson, S. C. The funeral services were held at Bloomingvale church and the rental us were laid to rest beside his father and little sister. 1 - ? ^ ?n/1 A^onrfnl i JSlDerc was ever a ?iuu ?uu child. During the last few hours of his illness he sang, the last hymn being, "Bring Them In." Then he said his prayers aloud, asking God to bless "ma and little sister, grand-iha, grandpa and everybody, for Jesus' sake. Amen." Only three short years ago the an- j gel of deuth robbed a loving young! wife of a devoted husband and three1 children of a father's tender love, j Just two months after the father, died little Florence, the oldest ^ daughter, was called. Now these; \ loving hearts are again bowed in sadness bv the death of this little one. Too rich in promise to blossom here this flower needed for its sweetest bloom the sunlight shed in God's own presence. No one who ever saw little Elbert can forget the face o'er ti-hmh smiles Dlaved like sunbeams j on lilies and brightened all around, j It seems only yesterday that we saw the loving mother caressing her darling boy as she planued for him a future crowned with joy and love. Bat now we behold these bright hopes blighted, for a little monnd tells ns that Elbert is gone to live with the angels. Weep not, sad hearts. Only think of it! No weary wanderings for the little feet; no weary tasks for the little hands; no sad heartaches; no bitter tears for little Elbert; but only rest, sweet rest forever. One Who Loved Him. Benson, S. C., October 13. The man who lorgets easiest has the clearest conscience, MANY MOTHERS OF A LIKE: OPINION. Mrs Pilmer, of Cordova, Iowa, says: ''One of my children was sub-: ject to croup of a serious type, and the giviug of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy promptly, always brought relief. Many mo; hers in this ueigh-i borhood think the same as I do; fthnut this ivnif?dv and want no other kind for tbrir children." For sale by 4)r D C Scott, Kingstree; Luke City | Drug Co., Lake City; Dr W L Lynch, Scrauton. " i Honestly now, did you evea have a really good liaie at a "church social?" ???????The international kite flying contest near Wortbmgton, Eng land, owing to few entries and unfortunate weather conditions, will be classed with the failures. . ... ... ing. TED RUSSELL e Wagon IR ^50 HEAD OF SS and MULES re Tuesday d get your pick, mi ifiiT JURY RENDERS VERDICT AT 10:30 THIS MORNING. Returns Verdict After Eeing Out All Night?Tillman Goes Home To-day Lexington", S. C., October 15?. Special: Tillman acquitted. Verdict, "not guilty." Jury returned verdict at 10:30 this morning after being out since 1:45 yesterday afternoon. Tillman goes home to-day. FIRE INSURANCE. I have secured the Agency for several old line Fire Insurance Companies and am prepared to write insurance on desirable risks in towns or country. My companies are large and liberal and absolutely safe.^ Am also ageut tor tne unitea irrares Fidelity aud Guaranty Co. and can bond vou on short uotiee. C. W. Wolfe, Kingstree, S. ?. j FOR SALE. A building lot adjoining Br W G Gamble's residence, for sale. Inquire at Mr. Louis Jacobs' or M Weiugarten, 128 Main St., Ansonia Conn. 4t. Yon will find i?. to your interest to call at Thomas & Bradham's before purchasing a buggy or ? ? ? j ?i. i wagon, ivice joi at roca wiwiu prices. LIVER 1H0VBUS "I find Thedford's Black-Drsnght a food medicine for II'er disease. ? It cured my on efter he bad ep- nt a B SIQO with doctors. Itisalltheroed- B ioine I take."?MRS. CAROLINE I MARTIN, Parkertburj, W. Va. H i If 7oar liver does not act reg- jg I olarly go to your driigpift and 5 I secure a package of Thedford's I | Black-Draught and take a dose I I tonight. This great family 9 X medicine frees the oonstipahd 3 g bowels, stirs up the torpid liver g 8 and causes a healthy secretion B Thedford's Black - Draught B I will cleanse the bowels of lm- g I purities and strengthen the kidis neve. A torpid liver invites | | colds, biliousness, chills and | fever and all manner of sickg ness and contagion. Weak kid| neys result in Bright's disease | which claims as many victims I as consumption. A 25-cent | package of Thedford's Black9 Draught should always b? kept I in the house. | "I used Thedford's Black | Draught foMirer sod kidney core DlftlUM ftU'J IUUUU UUl U1UK V4J V ft"?WILLIAM COPFMAN, Mar blehMul, 111. A THEDFORD'3 black" prauchtJ REUNION OF VETERANS, : Survivors of Co. G., 15th S. U. Regiment Meet at Indiantown Church. ! The annual reunion of Co. G. 15 S. C. Regiment, was held at Indiantown church last Tuesday. When | the veterans were formed in line by : Mr J J Brown, Sr., twelve respcn\ ded to the roll-call, as follows: W S I Kaddy, H H ftinder, u A uasKins, ! Robt. Nesmith, Benjamin Lambert, Tom Tanner, W L Graham, S B Thompson, John Thompson, Tim Carter, Henry Spivey, and J J Brown, Sr. There were also present four from other companies: L L Rodgers, Co H, Orr's Rifles; W C Snowden and I W Thompson, Co I, 4th Regt, Cavalry, and George J Graham, Co K, 6th Regt, Infantry. After the revision of the roll Mr Hugh McCutchen delivered the address of welcome, which was responded to by H H Kinder on behalf of the veterans. This was followed by interesting war reminiscences contributed by Veterans J J Brown, Sr., C A G ask ins and W S Eaddy. An excellent dinner was served to the veterans, consisting of barbecue and rice and other substantial and delicacies. The entire roll of Co. G numbers 127, of which there are now only 27 survivor^ By an enthusiastic vote it wMfliiw^taed to hold another reunion at the same place on the 2nd Tuesday in October, 1904. CHAMBERLAIN'SCOUGH REMEDY. No one who is acquainted with its good qualities can be surprised at the great popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It not only cures colds and grip effectually and permanently, but prevents these disj eases from resulting in pneumonia. It is also a certain cure for croup. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this rentedv is fiver. It con " "VV ** j .* " o" tains noj opium or other harmful . substancejand may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. It' is a ho pleasant to take. When alt ! of these facts are taken iuto cousid- ; eration it is not surprising that peo-1 pie in foreign lands, as well as at j I home, esteem this remedy very j highly and very few are willing to j take any other after having once [used it. For sale by Dr D (J Scott Kingstree; Lake City Drug Co. Lake City; I)r \V S Lynch, Scrantou Death of Mrs J, W. Caok After an illness of about two weeks 1 Mrs J W Cook died at her home at ! Morrisville, S. C., on Monday, October 5, and was buried at Union church on Tuesday following her death, the funeral services being conducted by Rev A W Jackson. Mrs Cook, whose maiden name was Mc-j Connell, was only about 35 years old; f her sun went down while it was yet j day and left darkness and gloom in | ; the hearts of her loved ones. She j was a woman of culture and attainments and her daily walks of life | were adorned with domestic virtues i and christian kindliness. She was a member of the Methodist church, , having been for a number of years a J | connected with Jackson's chapel, the ' j church nearest to her home. Mrs Cook is survived by her hus-' ' I band and two children, one sister and two brothers, one of her brothers being Mr J Z McCouuell of King-1 stree. SAVES 1 WO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter hud an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs W K Havi|land, of Armonk, X. Y., "but, when |all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr King's New Discovery. Otir niece, who had consumption in an ad van ceil stage, also ; used this wonderful medicine and | today she is perfectly well." Des ! perate throat and lung diseases yield I to Dr King's New Discovery as to i no other medicine ou earth. Infalj lible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and .$1.00 bottles guaranted by W L Wallace. Trial bottles free. Subscribe to The Recori?. ! iiyncip. ' HORRIBLE FATE OF A YOUNG NEGRO BOY. Was Sleeping in Hay Loft When Barn and Stables Burned. Last Friday night the barn and i fitAhl** of Frank Fulton, a thriftv and well-to-do negro living abotit i 2i miles south of town, were destroyed by fire and a negro boy, Wesley Fulton, aged about ten years, perished in the flames. Three mules were burned to death and Fulton's entire crop of this year's corn was destroyed; also about 2000 pounds of fodder, a cart, a mower and a lot of farming implements that were kept under cover of the barn. Coroner H M Burrows went to the scene on Saturday morning, but as it seemed clear that the child's death was due to accidental causes, he /ii/i nnt if nw?McarT fn hnlrl *T? inquest. As well us can be gathered the circumstances of the burning are these: Three negro boys, Snow. Ladson and Wesley Fulton, nephews of Frank Fulton and aged respectively 14, 12 and 10 years, were in the habit of sleeping in the hay-loft of the barn, the entrances to which were a door at the front and a "chicken" hole at the side. On the night of the fire the two older boys, Snow and Ladson, were out visiting, leaving the younger one, Wesley, asleep in the loft They came home about nine o'clock and went through the front door to their sleeping-place . I./- i_ in Uie ioiu ill a very euuiu nine the fire blazed np near the door. Being near the chicken-hole the older boys ran toward it dragging the sleeping Wesley with them, so they say; but at the point of exit he in some way became fastened and they had lo leave him to save their own lives. The negro boys who escaped were thoroughly frightened and it is difficult to get anything out of them. At first they denied having had any tire in the loft, but later on Snow admitted that he truck a match near the door. There is little room fnr dnnht that the bovs when thev - ? J ^ entered dropped a burning match or a cigarette stump among the highly combustible contents of the loft and that the disastrous fire resulted from their carelessness. The loss falls heavy on Frank Fulton, who suffered a similar disaster last year. Hymeneal Married:?On Wednesday, October 14, 1903, at the residence of Mrs H B Giiuiball, Charleston, S. C.,* Miss Kate Ethel Habenicht to Mr Charles H Lesesne of Graeleyville. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fail* to cure. E W Grove's s'gnature i> on each box. 2."?c. Buggies, Wagons and Harness all leading and standard makes at Thomas & hradham s. i Manchester has celebrated the j centenary of John Dalton's atomic ! theory, ilis table of ultimate at- j oms, with the atom hydrogen as; its unit, was formulated in Sep- j tember, 1303, and while his atomic j combining weights remain the < 1 ' iltimale atom" has been explo l| ed | The pressure of sap rising from a grape vine root has heen found (eq aal to sustaining a column of mercury 3 1-2 feet high. r* The Kiforma Medica states that i with sixtyrnine pulse beats to the minute the blood fb.vs a distance I of T miles an hour. / ; J W BODIFORD PARDONED. His Petition Contained the Names ot about 600 Citizens of Williamburg. J W Bodiford, a white prisoner in the State penitentiary, was pardoned yesterday by Gov Heyward. The facts in this case are peculiar and at the same time very pathetic. "Rndifnrrl was a resident of Williams burg county at the time that he committed the crime for which he has been paying the penalty. One morning he became engaged in a colloquy with a man named Goins and hot words passed between the two. Bodiford returned with a gun intending to kill Goins and fired at him, but in some way the bullet went wild and the son of the would-be murderer was killed instead of Goins. The father was almost frantic in his grief and it was evident to all that he had never intended to fire at his son. But the law must needs take its course and in April of this year he was brought ' to trial before Judge Gage. He was tried and convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to five years at such labor as he was able to perform. For Bodiford was not a man of hale I and hearty years and in addition was V an invalid. His application for pardon was most heartily endorsed by Solicitor J S Wilson, who prosecuted. The solicitor remarked in his letter that the case was a sad one. Dr Harmon attached a certificate to the application stating that Bodiford was a sufferer from heart disease and that his malady was incurable. The application asking Bodiford's pardon was signed bv all the county officers of Williamsburg and many prominent citizens. It contained about 500 names.?The State Oct 9. Hymeneal. Married?On Sunday afternoon, 4 o'clock, at the home of bride's father, Mr John Barrineau, at Benson, S. C., Miss Susan Jane Barrineau to Mr William Louis Disher. The ceremony was performed by C E StAmand, Esq. c TAFCHER WANTED. ^ Wanted At Once?Male Teacher for Scranton Schcx>l for ensuing term of eight months. Must be capable and well recommended. Apply to W. S. Lynch, M. D., ] 3t Scranton, S. C. JUST RECEIVED A complete line of Clock* direct from the factory by R A | Watts, Jr., the, jeweler. If you I want a goodc lock cheap see him. Highest prices paid for chickeni and eggs at tne xw#u?mauu , B W Coward, Proprietor. lmo. j BONE FOOD;' Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease] rickets if you want to. The) growing child must eat the1, right food for growth. Bones I must have bone food, blood must have blood food and so on through the list. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment for so'ft bones in ' children. Littieaosesevciyuay give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. Bow legs become straighter, loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads. Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food will cure it? I In thousands of c^ses Scott's I Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones inchildhood. Sei>d for free sample. 8CQTT & BOWNE. Chemist#, 409-415 Pearl Street, New YortS, joc. a art > Joo; all druggieU. . . W. T. I Wilkin*. 1 T * ?7 TWO STORES * WHOLESALE X AND X RETAIL WANT COUNTRY I . " P10DKE Seed Cotton, CHICKENS, EGGS, j RCiffhMt Market Prices FaUL lest Lot Room for fe Benefit of the PuhE fours for Insists: ui it jlut I. T. Hft v WHEN IN TOWN CAtJL ON VS. HI 1 I ' . . r?i ' >v ; ' 'J I \