The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 08, 1903, Image 8

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Money Money I f^g^W^WHEN YOU Swmammmmmmmmm Yon Moke Money Becoi FULL L Boys' and Gents' Glothir Shoes, Dry Goods, X WE HANDLE THE" ? i nt. . > m , . ,i ? IH Mil Millinery Opening Mon tober 12 and 13. Feath< Our flillinerv Goods S.2v?-?i.: MAIN STREET, - If ' : \ L0CAL ITEMS \l OF INTEREST j|. . Cotton Is quoted today at 8 8-4 for Middling. p v Mr W D Bryan was in town yesterday from Taft. . i Rev J E Dunlop of Georgetown was in town Monday. I 3* F L Wilcox, Esq., was here yesattend a reference case. E L Hirsh, Esq. visited Columbia tnis week on professional business. I . W L Bass Esq, is spending sever al days in town this week on busi% Mr 8 Marcus has something to pay to our readers in this issue. ' Bead hit ad and save money. mgr *' Captain W?BrFunk has returned [ from Glenn Springs. We are glad to learn , that his health is much i ?improved. v Mr J L Barrow,;who has the conjj^tract for repairing the fruit gabl? ofthe court house, has the work v Dearly completed. Owing to a rush of conxmunicatioas coming in at the eleventh hour we had to cut short the local col|| limn thi* week. Mr M F Heller has returned fhjro 8L Louis, where he went la?t week to purchase a lot of stock. Miss Annie Dyer of Charleston, passed through town yesterday going to Indiantown to visit the family of Mr W 8 Brockinton. At the meeting of the board of oounty commissioners Monday Mr y WW Lynch was eiecrea superintendent of the chain-gang, vice J 8 Branson resigned. The following county pension board was elected Monday: D E Gordon, H H Kinder, G J Graham, H O Britton and Dr W L Wallace, medical adviser. fe. In Its quarterly statement published this week the Bank of Kingstree makes a remarkably fine showing, better than ever before in . its history. The contract for building the r fence (wooden, not iron) around the court house square was let at public outcry Monday to Mr P A Alsbrook for $72, his being the lowest bid. s* We are requested to remind all interested or concerned that the Reunion of Co. G., 15th S. C. Regiment, will be held at Indiantown church on next Tuesday, the 13th October, 1903. On account of the illness of one I of the jurymen the Tillman trial was at a .standstill Monday and: Tuesday. A full account of last week's proceedings will be found in The Record this week. i Mr Charles 0 Burgess, who has ; been clerking in DrDC Scott's drug store for several years past, left Tuesday to attend Massey's busi-, uess college at Columbus, 6a. Mr ' Burgess has about as many friends Many young man In town, and while his depaiture is sincerely regretted he has their kindest wishes for his success in whatever avocation he elects to pursue. a Saved 71/1 iuauc, BUY FROM ^? E3CTTS, use Tm Save Money. ,INE OF ig and FurnishingGoods, Motions, etc on hand. W & B CORSETS. X day and Tuesday, Ocsrs Curled free of charge, are Sure to Please. E3CTTS, - KINQSTREE, S. C. AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR J LOCAL REPORTER AND ^ NOTED ^ Written in Condensed Form and Printed in Like Manner ^ for the Sake of Our Busy ^ Readers ^ Mr J W Meacher has opened a watch repair business in Dr W L Wallace's store. Mr Meacher comes from Charleston and has had many years of experience, having worked in some of the largest jewelry establishment is in the Cit. Williamsburg is to have a new county jail. The county commissioners met yesterday and so decided. This is a wise decision and oue that ought to meet the approvi al of every tax-payer in the county, Pending the construction ot the new jail the old building will be fitted with modem steel cells so as to make it more secure temporarily at least. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths* There Is a disease prevailing: In this I country most dangerous because so decep' III II f'J VA Many sudden ft plUji Irh jjP? deaths are caused by it ? heart disease, SQhe/ P^umonia. heart II \y^J nj\ ^k^L4 failure or apoplexy .1 mi rare often the result of kidney disease. If "AiyTnil ( 4 ? kidney trouble is al|L\ nj lowed to advance the [u git kidney-poisoned blood wiU attack th? vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangemen- of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times aunng me nignt. ine mna ana me extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of gj this wonderful new discovery and a book that tells all about it, both Homa ofBwaap-Boot. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle ! Better a dinner of herbs and contentment than a punctured wheel in a far country. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. No one who is acclaimed with its good qualities can tr s.:. prised at . I a. * *... ? a ? V _ me gre ,i popularity v'x ^namoerlain's Cough Kenedy. It not oulv cure.? colds aud grip effectually and permanently, but prevents these diseases fn ni resulting i i pneumonii. It is aleo a certain cure f >r croup. Whooping ongh is not dangerous when this r niedy is given. It contains no opii m or other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to uu adult. It is also pleasant to take. When alt of these facts are tikea into consideration it is not surprising that people in foreign lands, as well as at home, esteem this remedy very highly and very few are willing to take any other after having once used it. For sale by Dr I) 0 Scott Kingstree; Lake City Drug Co. Lake City; Dr W S Lynch, Scranton* ft 1TE'n77 izn. EHiz HOW IS TH All you have to I do is to call at ^jjg nam H and see the -1 large Stock of- ^|B| Goods he has, | ; and you will tej say he has a fej great portion of it at least. EZ- P. TZ Someth F KING* !: GENTS' FURN j KINDER PROPR | __e^=OUR STOC1 Clothing, Shirts, ( Wear?Ii ? tleman ^ Clothing. Tailor JV! Quality a We have Engaged the Se First Class Tailor whose bus see that ou Customers 2 Fitted. If it's the Correc Want Come to our Store. IIH I OBI And have vour Clothes paying only a s We bespeak your Patr of our best e KINDER t Kingstr /WWVWWVW\%WWWWV\* > D. C. SCOTT, President. i THE BANK | Transacts a Gener 5 COLLECTIONS CABEFUI t PHOMPTI/! > DF.POS1TS FROM #MK J IHKi: HENRY P WILLI ,MS, J JOHN A. KELLKY, * K. H. K1 Notice to Creditors. Whereas letters of administration of j the eoods, rijrhts and credit* of it D | Kollin*. decca?ed. were dulv granted unto the undersigned on October 5th 1903. I All creditors of the estate of the *al<" R D Rollins, deceased, are hereby noti fled to render an account of their de mauds, duly attested, to the under signed. IDA ROLLINS. Qualified Administratrix Lake City, S. C.f October 6th, 1003. St. TTOESK a-g'staree, rymmrnrnm. . AT POSSIBLE? I invite atten Jtion to my large Stock of CLOTHING SHOES. OUR PRICES RIGHT, <Mr$ exjidicie^. ing New An UKL sTREE nHDHBBIHBfllk IISHING STORE I : k HIRSCH, I !IET0RS. j K INCLUDES__J^?__ | Hats, Shoes, Under clothing, dollars, Cuffs, Socks, Neck i Fact Everything that a Gen^ants or Needs in the way of Suits Ready to Wear or lade, Guaranteed as to High nd Low Price, rvices of a iness it is to ? ire properly t thing you *3 E PBI MS kept in proper Shape by mall sum monthly onage with the assurance fforts to Please, S: HIRSCH, ee, S. C. ' EDWIN 0. EPPS, Cashier, j 7 KINGSTREE. | at Banking Business ? looked after and i { remitted. * ) upward received. 5 it'toit*: j It. D. ROLLINS, 5 D. 0. SCOTT. $ 3llehax. > ^.\a^v^w\wwvv\ w v\ ww w $ " I f The Old Standc I Grove's 1 -1 has stood the te< I over One and a H . I of merit appeal t>< A HOT T Lake < waaMt VN J. L. Stuckey & Co., have load each of Buggies and-W line of Harness, etc and ar their Competitors. These Goods are and Prices wa J. L. STUCK Lake City, ?00 TOS THOMAS i 257 KING STREET, CH IF YOU W Clock or V Silver Spoons i Plate Spoons a Qnprfjirl<?? sinH F L/p?VW?.?.. ?? Gold Rings am Gold Necklaces j MAKE NO MISTAKE THI (WATCH INSPECTOR WATCHES AND JEW! Mail Orders Car*? State Fair, Col VIA ATLANTIC CO, T ckels on sale October 24'h l(? 2! scheduled to arrive in Columbia prior limit of all tickets will be Novetnb Kings tree to Columbia and return lor including one admission into the Fair I Confederate Vete i Augusta, LOW RATES BY ATLAI Tickets on sale November 9 and 10. gia and South Carolina bevoud a radu Augusta, and November 10'It and lllh o?ie hundred miles of Augusta, and lor Augusta heto'e noon ot November 13. tree to^Augnsta and return I'm litis not H. M. EMKR^ON, Trafic Manager KiWeSTREE Confectionery ar General Fruits and Vegeta ALWAYS ON Country orders speci; CAKES and BRE delicacies of tl to be foi here. H. A. MEYER, MAIN STREET, -. - NgSF ^^yli^TKTHlHO fOW *5fI If^Sfe Costs Or]j 25 cents at SakA<?? mail Si eeata to C. J. M " Omci or D. H. Hakot, 8 I bar* fotmd Dr. Moffttt'* TEETHINA a apleadid remedy w boy wai a teething child, erery aucceedlng day warned us tha T&STHIXA.and oegaa atonoe administering it to him, and hi: that day on ha reeaperatad. I hare constantly kept it and us pleasure in sounding lis praiaea to all another* of young child] mood vaa passed. ird "asteless Chi st? 25 years. Averai alf Million bottles. D 3 you ? No Cure, P ? ? ? - Dl A rv s a Ten Cent Package 01 wws. a n<nvn IHR IN City. ft\\V\\Vw???? just received a car agons also a complete e making it Hot for all Tiptop y down, EY & CO,, ' s. o JR.&BRO.. A K LESION, S.O., 'ANT A Vatch md Forks rid Forks , * ;ye Glasses d Brooches and Lockets. IS IS THE PLACE SOUTHERN* RAILWAY) ELRY REPAIRED. ullv Attended To. ' umbia, S. C, j 7 AST LNE, ' )th, inclusive, and for Ir.iin* l(? noon of October 30th. Final er 2nd. 1003. Th? rale from this rccasion will be $4.10, liiounds. sran Reunion* Ga., STIC COAST LINE, 1003, from all points in Geor iim of one hand red* miles of i from points within radius of trains scheduled to arrive in 190'). The rate Irom King? :a>ion will be $4.35. W. J. CKAIG, General Passenger Agenf. BlKEEYj * * + 34saaBBHHBLk id Merchandise. 4 bles in Season HAND. ally solicited for AD, and all le season und Proprietor,. KINGSTREE, S. C rs-JWICiret Ctofen-lflfaftu, MH.B DiarrhoeaJ)y?ent*ry,and rWi the Bowel froubles of OJi i Children of Any Ago. M lAJdi Digestion, Regulate DIRS) I the Bowels, Strengthens Drtf (rmctc the Child and Makes wOgglSt^ TEETHING EAST, OFFETT. M. D? ST. LOUIS, MO. ecreurr of State, Acarnr, Tex., Nor. 21, MOO. ' ad eld for my toothing children. Whea my oldeet t we would Inevitably loeo him. I happened upon i Improvement wee marked in 31 how*, and from e l italace with my children, and have takes great ea. 1 tonad tt larainablo err a after the teething mm. d. a. babdy. _ ^ 11 Tonic | je annual sales! oes this record I Jo Pay. 50c. I HOOT LIVER. BCLS. J .>.? ?-&&! >., ~kj,-L'.