The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 08, 1903, Image 1

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BANK OP LAKE CITY, jg H , ?* LAKSQ>TXf ] /AUTH^rTAi> vt |*ri 11 (tltltltl 40 rti^iYrn c 1 WILLIAM*JK Btv Jfc^?r l Jl' JU 1 ^ Ma i.A.SS^'if.-f-mta?t?r. J. C. LYNCH. - - Vice President, ^ ^W ^W ^ We solicit your bosinew. D*r \o>pl | E. W. YATES. - - - * - Cashier. ^ ^ ^ V V V > VOL. XIX. KING ST REE, S. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1903. NO. 3g lf| 1 am Sell THE CELEBRA One Hors K $28 HAVE ABOUT 60 HORS] That arrived he Come early am 2^l. hi iw n ROSEMARY. ^ i BAD NEGRO USES PISTOL WITH DEADLY EFFECT. One Whit? Man Kilted a^d Another t Wounded?Ne?ro Escaped and is Still at Large. Rosemary, October 7:?One man sbot and another Mounded is the work of the nimble pistol in the hands of Rufus Pursy, a negro desperado, at Rosemary, a station on the G & W R R, just beyond Harpers aud only a few miles from the Williamsburg line, on Friday evening, October 2, at 7:30 o'clock. The inau who was killed is Mr George H Almeida, a boiler-maker in the employ of the A. C- Lumber Co., aud the wounded man is Mr J j P Wheeler of this county. The negro escaped and so far "is we Van j learn has not been caught up to this time Mr Wheeler's wound fortunately turns out to be a flesh one and i serious effects are not apprehended.: Following are the particulars of the ! affair as telegraphed to the Columbia i ^ State by its Georgetown correspondent: *" The negro, a man of very bad ! -l x.j j_ u: if < cnaractrr, uikuc ixhu^cil ?ci ? vuvu i sive in the presence of Night* Watch- j man Wheeler, who was on duty, and . who ordered him off the premises. ! The negro cursed the night watch uiau and made threats of violence, but walked away to his cabin. A number of white men were aroused to; anger bv his vile language and fol- ; lowed the negro to his place of re- I treat, headed by Mr Wheeler. Among 1 the party was Almeida, a young man j who was universally liked, and a perfect athlete. Wheeler pushed open the door and walked in followed by the rest, when the negro i opened fire with his pistol, one bnl- , let striking Wheeler in the mouth and passing out at the jaw, inflicting a painful but not dangerous wound. . Almeida received a mortal wound, in the head, from the effects of which i he died in twenty minutes. Great i indignation at the horrible deed of this negro is felt here by those who , have so far heard of it, and if he is ! Ciught, summary punishment should be given him under the law, and a salutary object lesson taught to the lawless element among the blacks in this section, at present fast going | from bad to worse. j You will find it to your interest to call at Thomas & Bradham's before purchasing a buggy or wagon. Nice lot at rock bottom prices. ICE CREAM PARLOR CLOSED. In announcing the closing of my ' ic* cream parlors for tlie season, I wish to thank the public for their i liberal patronage given me during the past year. My parlors have been j a popular resort ail summer and my friends in town and in the country have mv siueerest thanks. When the chilly days of winter are over and the balmy days of spring are | here once more, my parlors will again i be opened and I will be letter preparea than ever to serve my custom-' ers, and I hope to see them all and many'new ones next season. Respectfully, L. J. Stack ley. i k.. ing .TED RUSSELL e Wagon )R j: 1.50 "N HEAD OF ; fi!S and MULES1 re Tuesday i ! J d get your pick, i ST iT ""[iiucisT: VARIOUS HAPP.-NINGS IN TOWN ' AND VICINITY. ! ] People Who are Coming and Going? ] The Vexed Labor j Problem, Lake City, October 7:?Mr and Mrs C 11 Gaudy visited relatives in town recently. Miss Elmer Epps is speudiugsome time at her brother's, Mr II V Epps'. Mr W E Carter and family moved into town last week to make thter home with us. We extend them a hearty welcome and hope they will tind our town so pleasant that their stay will be permanent. Editor C W Wolfe was in town Saturday last a few hours. The splendid brick store of Mr J L C Moore is Hearing completion. The counters and shelving are now i being put in. i Mr "Zcke" Brown is now running I the Planters' restaurant,, having secured the same from Messrs Belk and Uodgers. Mr H Xachmau spent last Wednesday and Thursday in Columbia on business. < LeRoy Lee, Esq., attended Magistrate Baldwin's court Tuesday. He < represented the defendants in the ( case of State Jesse Graham and Zingle Singletary, violation of dispensary law. ' Dr J R Brockinton came up from ' Turkey Creek Saturday and spertl the day in town on business. The ,, Doctor says that the cotton crop of his township (Turkey) is about 60 per cent of a full crop. Dr F W Ham, who is a graduate , of the dental department of the Bal" " * " 111... 1 I tiniore Medical college, win ue uere i from the 15th to the 22nd of Octo- j ber. He will be found over Pr ; Courtney's drug store. The labor question has become a ' serious problem in this section. So far as the town is concerned affairs have reached the point where m ile labor can not be had under any circumstances. It is only occasionally that a negro man can be hired i to even chop an armful of stove j wood. The streets, are tilled with loafers who will not work be it ever so little, except in the tobacco ware-! houses and pack houses. The con - ) ditious in the surrounding country are 110 better, if not positively worse. ' We have heard complaints from all A-..? - A a.v-kitto onnrnurh . (jliurtcrs. U ISO at; mo au|/iv?vu ing. A number of fa riners tell us ! that the time is at hand wheu something must be done. What is that something and how shall it be done? Pr A II Williams, president of the Bank of Lake City, attended the Bankers' Convention in Columbia T uesda y. Mr J J Morris was called to Harpers Tuesday by news of the death of his sister, Mrs E A Powers, who had been sick of typhoid fever for i some days. The funeral services 1 held at. Trio on Wednesday, i Mrs Powers was a widow and - leaves five children?two sous and three daughters?all of whom are grown up. W. L. B. SWIFT RETRIBUTION. A Trio of Youthful Culprits in the Toils of the law. Monday morning when Messrs Lee and StAmand opened their office they found that one of the windows had been forced open, evidently by some one with burglarious intention. They also discovered that the safe was unlocked and that a sum of money?something tover $20? had been stolen. They immediately set to work to try to find out who had committed the high-handed burglary. The affair was reported to the merchants in town who were usked to look out for susDicous characters who were conspiciously flush with coin. On Tuesday Mr Winslow Wright of Scranton, who had heard of the robbery, telegraphed here that two small negro boys had been spending money freely in his store. Mr Wright was advised to hold the boys and, accompanied by Sheriff Graham, Mr Lee went to Scranton on the evening train. The boys proved to be Ben Williams and Sam Kennedy from Kingstree. Both were arrested and Ben confessed the crime, desciibed how it was done on Sunday morning and implicated both Sam Kennedy and Asbury Mouzon, the latter being a negro boy about 18 years old, who was employed to clean up the office. The two boys were, brought back here Tuesday night and yesterday, along with Asbury Mouzon, tney were given a preliminary hearing before J udge T E Salters. A probable case being made out they were all three bound over to the circuit court. Kennedy and Williams are quite >mall and young in years, bnt the former has already figured in one 3r two thieving escapades. Buggies, Wagons and Harness all leading and standard makes at Thomas & Bradham's. W. c. T. U. CONVENTION. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold its annual Convention at Anderson, S. U , October 15ih to 18 h. Delegates wishing to attend will write at nice to Mrs M E Liuon, 214 Whiten S', Anderson, 5\ V. IV^ Iiomm in have a larire attend rince ami a delightful Convention. Mrs Unroll of Oregon, National Organ.z >r. will be with us during the entire Convention. The Convention will he welcomed on Thursday evening, October loth, by Hon J M Sullivan, Mayor, Mr B F Cray ton and Rev M B Kelly, nf the Methodist Church, and Mr? Bleekly of the W 0 T U. Rev VV I Herbert of Columbia, S C, will give an address on Temperance Friday night. Rev \V R Murchison of the Central Ureshyterian church will preach a serin ni before the Convention at eleven A. M , on Sundav. Mrs Uuruh will give an address on Suudav evening. SCOTT'S EMULSION Scott* Emulsion is the means of life and of the enjoyment of life of thousands of men, wot .en and children. To the men Scott's Emulsion gives the flesh and strength so necessary for the cure of consumption and the repairing of body losses from any wasting disease. For women Scott's Emulsion does this and more. It is a most sustaining food and #o # f Antr? f r\y* cr?r?^inl trial*; that LWIliV^ 1UI V&1V* v* im.W women have to bear. To children Scott's Emulsion gives food and strength for growth of flesh and bone and blood. For pale girls, for thin and sickly boys Scott's Emulsion is a great help. ? jnd for free sample. SCOTT & EOWNE, Chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street. NewYork. 50c. and C'l.OO: all druggists* 11181 Kill.' WILLIAMSBURG FARMERS* PROj TECTIVE UNION FORMED ; Permanent Organizatin Effected and i j Officer* Elected?Other Buai- ( nes8 Transacted. The meeting of farmers and those i of other occupations who sympa- i ! thixe with the producers in their effort to combat the oppressive power , j of the trnsts was held in the court; I house Monday. While the crowd was j I %?/? nyv low/va .?a if oKaiiI/1 kuva Koon ' \ I nut ou laigc ao iv ouvum uu * v uwu ; there were present representative men | from all sections and the hall of j meeting was comfortably filled. I Capt W D Fitch was called to the chair and C W Wolfe was requested to act as secretary. Capt Fitch explained the object of the meetiug, which was to receive the reports of committees ap, pointed at the Lake City conven| tion. The roll of townships was i called but only a few of the dele! gates responded and most of the j reports fi om these were not very : j satisfactory; so that finally Mr Cari ter moved that the calling of the 1 ! roll be dispensed with and that the < 1 meeting go into convention to effect ' a permanent organization. This ] motion prevailed and there followed quite a lengthy and spirited discus- ] sion as to the what plan of organiz- j ation should be adopted. It was finally suggested that the North Carolina plan be patterned < ? ?j i/_ t n m?r>? UXU'f UUU J1I O u iutv/unuugu wanted to know what had become of the Jforth Carolina organization, as he had heard that it had gone under. Mr Carter thought that that report was erroneous and that it 1 had been circulated by interested parties from sinister motives. Mr A C Stewart wanted to know j if the intention was to fight all j trusts or only the tobacco trnst. It I j was unanimously agreed that the fight was against all trusts. Mr W W Kennedy then moved to take a vote us to whether or not there should there should be any organization at all. This resulted in a unanimous affirmative vote. Some more speaking followed and a motion looking to a permanent auti- I trust organization was made and ' carried. A motion was made that ; the organization be named "The ; Farmers' Prtt.-ctive Union, and that : the officers, a president, a Nice-president, a secretary and a treasurer, be elected and an executive committee i i\f fivo nrmnintPfl hv thfi ohuir. I The motion was carried and the following officers wei? chosen. J Davis CarterJ piesident; J G McCul lough, vic^president; C W Wolfe, secretary and H H Kinder treasurer. The president announced that the appointment of members of the j executive committee-men would be ; | made later. A committee of five was appointed to draft resolutions and by-laws , and to report at the next meeting. ! On this committee the following' i were appointed: H P Baldwin, P H j i Stall, J G McCul lough, Dr W V Brockinton and W W Kennedy. It was moved that the next meeting be j held on the first Monday in November ! After an earnest appeal in behalf of j the Farmers' Alliance by President A C Stewart and the announcement j that a meeting of the County Alii- j iance would be held heie Friday next j 'a motion for adjournment prevailed., Statement of The Bank of Kings tree j At the close of business Sept. 30, 1003. resoikces. ! Loan* and Discounts, $13,924 96i jJteal Estateai.d Hank Iluildin?* .... 2. P4 811 ! Furniture and Fixtures 890 93; ?tasli ?>n hand and in Banks 60.440 31; i 1 i Total - - $107,431 031 l.I ABILITIES. Capital Stock - - $15,000 00 , Surplus ... . 2,000 00 i Cndivided Profits. Ex paid - 2 876 02 j Deposits - 87.375 01 Total - - / 107,4.">l 03 ! Stare ??f SouthC.?rolina. \ Williamsburg too toy. Personally appealed before ine, E. C. Epps, Cashier of the Hank of Kings tree, who on oath -ays. that the above ! statement is true to the best of his udgment and belief. E. C. EPPS, ( asliier. i Sworn to before me this l*t dty of Oct. 1903. JOHN A. KELLEV, Notary Public. , , ! Correct Attest: " J L.S. [ D. C. Scott, ' ? J. A. Kelley, ? , Subscribe to The Rkcorp. ? LOST POLICY 33332. To whom it may concern: This is to give notice that Policy No. 33332 of the Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, N. Y., has been lost or mislaid from the office and files of said company's former agent, R D Rollins, there being no record whatever of said policy, it haviug never been issued by said agent, Rollins, and said policy is hereby declared Null and Void by said Phenix Insurance Company. Any information that can be given as to the whereabouts of above mentioned policy, or the policy itself returned to the Company at the office of |H C Stockdell, General Agent, Atlanta, Ga., will be appreciated by the Company and by its local representative in Kingstree, S. C., Mr C W Wolfe. Mortuary. . n n i Died, on Tuesday, October, 6/ 1 1903, at 2:30 a. m., at her home in Darlington, S. C., Mrs Metta Epps, wife of Mr John W Epps, formerly of Kingstree. The funeral services were held in Darlington, at 4 o'clock p. m., yesterday. Mrs Epps is survived by her husband and two child reu, comprising her immediate fam- 1 ily. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION To be Held at Pleasant Hill Church October 16-18. 11 o'clock, Friday, Introductory Sermon, VV 11 Riley. 12 o'clock. Organization and Report of School*. 8 o'clock, Brief Survey of Lessonx lor Oclober, J W Powell, 9 o'clock. How can a Bible be Kept op in a Sunday-school! J O Rus*. 10 o'clock, Saturday, Devotional Exercise, J E Williams. (1) What can be Done to Improve Our Sii.uint? W D Miller. (2) What is 0 ir duty as Sunday school Work era nod how (Jan We Advance the Cause of Sunday-schools? J J Powers, .1 G Williams, James Gunier. Brief Survey ol Lessons for November, E M Hicks. 7 o'clock, Brief Survey of Lessons for December, S T Russell. 8 o'clock, Can a Chitrch-nember be Consistent and do Nothing for , ihe School iu Hisi Church? J N ? L-rrimore. BETTER THAN PILLS. The qaestion has been asked?In what way are Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets superior to the ordinary cathartic and liver pills? Oar answer is?They are easier and more pleasant to take and their effect is to gentle ai d so agreeable that one hardly realizes that it is produced bv a medicine. Then they not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and aid the digestion. For sale at 25 cents per bottle by j)r D C Scoti, Kingsiree; Lake City Drug Co., Lake City; Dr W S Lynch, Scranton. If troubled with a weak digestion l tryChamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tulileti. Thpv will do vou good* - ""J ** "" J (J For sale by Dr f) C Scoit, Kmgsti'ee; Lake City Drug Co., Lake City; Dr \V S Lynch, Scranton. The mjyi who targets easiest has the cUarefit conscience. MANY MOTHERS OF A LIKE OPINION. I Mrs Pilmer, of C\ rdova, Iowa, s?ys: ''Cue of my child it* was sub-' ject to croup of a serious type, and the giving of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy promptly, always brought relief. Many mothers in this neighborhood think the same as I do a 'out this remedy and want no other k nd for their children." For sale by If, D C Scott, Kingstree; Lnke City Drug Co., Lake City* Dr W L Lynch, Scranton. Old pipers for sale at this office. \ I I 1 ' --.a U W. T, I Wilkin*, J TWO STORES Jj IHNAl MM Itri MflUUiUkfi I I X AND X am WANT PRODUCE | Seed Cotton 1 CHICKENS, I EGGS, y frioes paid. -1 Best Lot Boom for the 1 Benefit of ie Public, 1 M ?mih hi imhiumi mr) lo nlmf. 'I iUIMi Mi vmttm ?nv w pmrnf l T. UK. J WHEN IN TOWN CALtf ON US. I I I I , I I ^ I ! II I