The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 24, 1903, Image 7

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% . v *% f * 's *} *; 1 !? _;-L-J ii-L-1-.'. ?' A PLAN SUGGESTED Aft a Solution of the Much Mooted C Court House Fence Question. Editor County Record:? Ail good citizens are ir.torvs'ed I: .in our dear old county, in its pro- ? gress, its pride, its beauty and a reputation; nnd as an interested it citizen I beg that you permit me, ti through your valuable columns, p ^<r make a few kindly aoggestioos u I the rauoh mooted question 1 y*iit ibe beautifying of the eouii- U y court hoaae yard. b . J Without taking issue directly (J |rith either of the gentlemen who Ifcave so thoughtfully cohered w ? ^past issues of your papef the Question from their view-point. I a i Would suggest, e * First, that there be placed fcrrmnd th?* r-nnntv rniirt house square a handsome iron fence. f. Second, that the grounds be j be made as beautitul as possible r, bv the liberal sowing of a tough, j luxuriant lawn grass. Third, that it be incumbent upOH the county supervisor to keep h these grounds, to beautify them j ,*nd to make them as comfortable anil pleasant as possible. Fonrth, that a portion of the uooccupied ground belonging to the eoontv jail lot be set apart for ;v Ike biichtng of horses, being provided frith racks, shade trees and other adjuncts tor public accom- h . modal ion. t< Filth, that the county of Wil- |'< lialfesburg and the town of Kings- v ' tree Ibare equally the expense of b fencing and beautifying the court ti house yard* and that the expense r for keeping up same be on the q county. c With the execution of these h suggestions, Mr Editor, I see little F or no room for complaint. The b tired, weary citizen from the re- h molest part of the county will not r, be deprived of a single privilege, p but will feel a pardonable pride |j when be strolls around through d the green, soft, velvet-like lawn- n grass and admires one of the * handsomest court houses to be a i... I iL. .L.l. * * I jwuiju in me *? noic country, aiiu ( Kingstree will be proud too. It will w be i park for her citizens to while \ away a few moments of an idle 0 hoar; and who will be the poorer? j| The county won't miss the money, ]] and Kir.gstree will not feel the w lots. But the court house yard, t< that will be a Miring of beauty |j and a joy forever!" a 'Now, Mr Editor, let us all get ti together and work for the pro- o grew, beauty and reputation of k our county, which is symbolized T in the "beautifying of our coun- h ty court house yard," f( Then will come the monument b to commemorate the patriotism, d ? the loyalty and the bravery of our noble and beloved Confederate o dead. M. D. N. d Cades, S. C., Sept 21, '03. ci w A BOY'S WILD RIDE FOR LIFE cj With family around expecting c< him to die, ana a son riding for life, IB miles, to get Ur mng s JNew ins- ' Coiery for Consumption, Coughs and 1' Colds, W H Brown, of Leosville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; n hot 'this wonderfol medicine gave , instant relief and soon cured hirn. He writes: '"I now sleep soundly a' even night" Like marvelous cures \t Of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bron- , j ibitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove Ramatchlms merit for all Throat a| Ihd Lucg troubles. Guaranteed a bottlsf 60o~and $L00. Trial bottles o tree at W L Wallace's drug store. Time is worse than wasted in moo>ui?A over wasted opportunities. ' ' 'Ibe Master died to save sinner* E bnt tht sinner mu|t want to be c( is* ' > % / CJ$ / BENSON BRIEFS. >hampion Rattle Snake Slayer?Fif:/Iwo Destroyed in Four Weeks. September 21.?Rev i t U.ivrr, pastor ot Cedar Grove laptist church, filled his regular ppointment last Sunday mornig at 11 o'clock, ilis congregaIon was large and atteuiive. A - *11 roiraciea meecng win comlence next Sunday morning at 1 o'clock to run through the fol)wwg week, to be conducted bv y the pas'or, assisted by Rev H ! Haddock. By request Rev H C Haddock lied ttt -regular appointment at 'edar Swamp church last Sunday t 4 o'clock p m and delivered an xcellent sermon. 31 r H E Ttsdale of this section an be put down as the champion at:le snake killer. Just a lew ays ago he killed a monster artier five Jeet long and having 7 rattles. 'This snake was acorn pantec) bjt a family of 27 iUi i lauaiv i?ajo uv as killed ?2 rattle-snakes in the ist four weeks. The weather is fine and hunting ? the order of J he day. ,'i , W. S. <i. I I. i t Death of Mrs. H. P. .Tallevast. The angel of death entered the onie of Mr H P Tallevast and jok therefrom a loving and af?ctionate wife and kind and deoted mother. Mrs Tallevast had een in failing health for some ime, but was confined to her oom only a few weeks. All that ledical skill and willing hands on Id do was done to stay the and of deain but to no avail, 'or on Monday evening, Sepiem er 14, Rfter the Goddess ol niglit ad drawn her sable cuitains, the esigned sufferer drew the draery of her couch around her and ly down, as it were, to pleasant reams in the sleep that knows 0 awakening; and her gentle pirit winged its flight from the hanging scenes of earth acros3 he silent river ot death to be rith the God who gave it being. Irs Tallevast was about 59 years f age and was born and reared 1 Darlington county, where she ived until about fifteen years ago, rhensheand her family noved ? ? i a?L... I> W HiiJimsour^. in ey u;i?c ved in different communities, nd for four years made Dock hieir home; so it was tin* pleasure f I he writer to know her, and to uow her was to love her.* Mrs allevast was a member of the laptist church at;d a devoted )llower of her Lord; therefore, e it said, "Blessed are they that te in the Lord." The funeral jrvices were eondacted from the Id Lei in Baptist church on Sunay atlernoon, Rev Mr Way ofli iating, after which the remains ere laid to rest in this 'done ity of the dead." A large conjurse of friends was present to ay the last tribute of respect to le deceased. Mrs Tallevast leaves a devoted tisband, six boys nnd three girls, esides a host of friends and reltives to lament her death. We ?nder our heart-felt sympathy to le bereaved family ^especially, the zed husband who is deprived of loving companion of 38 year? f happy married life, "Light be the turf cl thy tomb. May its verdure likeirnieralds be: There should not be a shadow of gloom In augut that reminds us of thee". W HtPPOOIVWlLL. ock, S. C., Sept. 21. (Darlington Messenger please >py-) j PROFESSIONAL CARD3. j Dr H J~ McCabe Dentist ? KIN3ST5EE, - - S.C j Robert d. KiRK ! Attorney-at-Law .Kr^GSTRrr, S. (V i i > > | W, L, BASS, | Attorney at Law I LAKE CITY. S- 0. I Thos M. Gillancl. LnuU W. Gllluuc G1LLAND& G1LLAND. Attorneys-at-Law | Kixgstree, ... S. ( W. F. CLAYTON. I Attorney - at - Law. FLORENCE, S. U Practices in all the United State Courts, and in tl e Courts of Florcoo and Williamsburg Counties. FOR SALE. t iiriok iu any quantity to suit purcha: r. The Best Dry Press Machine-mad X BEl C2Z. V Social shapes made to order, Com mondenife solicited before placing you orders. W. R. FUNK. P. O Box 103. Kiugstree, S. C. (Jiving is the best means ol get ling. Mistakes are good investment when we profit by them. We enjoy our own rights bes when we respec: the rights o others most. What the universities mos need is the endowment of chair of cheerupathy. I FEMALE WEAKNESS &tj l-S Coscnu St. PoBTIUMD, MaIWR. Oct.. 17, JSC?. I consider Wmo of CArdui wipsrtor to an/ doctor's medicine i ?v:r used and 1 kuow whsreof 1 speak. I suffered for nin? months wilh suppressed menstruation which completely prostrated me. 1'aiiw would shoot through ur/ back and sides and 1 would hare blinding headaches. Mv limbs would swell up and 1 wonid feci so weak I Could not stand up. I naturally felt discouraged for I seamed to be beyond the help of physician*, bnt Wine of Cardui cams as "a God-send to me. I felt a change for the better within a week. After nineteen days troatraent I menstruated without suffering the agonies I usually did and soou became regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish tnat all suffering women knew of its good qualities. ht<^?xesis? I Treasurer, Portland Economic League I Peri6dical headaches tell of fe- I male weakness. Wine of Cardui | cures permanently nineteen out of H every twenty cases of irregular I menses, bearing down pains or I any female weakness. If you are I discouraged and doctors have I failed, that is the best reason in B the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that | pi headaches mean female weakness. g Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of I ItVINE* { V ? ^ I fmiwmtMMMb If PROTECT. ; I Yni iP ' ? By Insuring Vou % XMutual Benefit ? A HOME COMPANY UNDER i m I ^ LeROY LEE, ?j:> w.L.BASS, - - S' I J COUNTY AG < >. J. J. MORRIS. >. PERCY D. SNOWDEN, ?AAMAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAW Thomas ABradham's m " STABLES A FRESH W SHIPMENT OF : t t^SI I HORSES an( Call and. take a L ?:?:?WE CARRY A Ft Buggies, Wagons ; SEE THE CELEBRATED WHITE STAR Built by I he Atlanta Bu^sry (if I] a ran teed by Ti2.orca.a,s cSc Bra: J B STEELE, Manager. - a g D. c. scott, President. * i THE BANK OF " i Transacts a General 1 I COLLECTIONS CAREFULwY > PROMPTLY R] s > DEPOSITS FliOM *1.00 UI e j DIRIXK J HENRY P WILLI .MS, i JOHN A. KELLEY, J r. h. kell ! " w ww wvwvvww v< WW r . BUELL & R ? - ? ?? rH A ( - UASti JJitI wt Now is the time to buy your f Eankerchiefs ma' WE HAVE THEM IN GREAT VARIETY. A ( LADIES' ill Fancy Lace und Embroidery ef- am! . feet, good sheer Lawn from 5 to 25o. ' LADIES' H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS. all Linen. C( fmr LADIES' LAWN* H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS. in 1-4. 1-2, nnd 1-ine.h hems, at 5 cents, t LADIES' FINE CAMBRIC, 1-in H. S.. 10c ,? or three for 25c. W LADIES' ALL-LINEN. very fine. 15c.. two and for 25c. Also a full line of COLORED-BORDERED HANDKERCHIEFS for Ladles and Children from 3 to 10c. K We also have a nice assortment of I Handkerchiefs for Gentlemen. | njf t at from 5 to 25c. Sr Wt have just received carefully selected line J , <>' I 2 Gents'Neckties. jse|j! ^ in a variety 01 siiao'-?, uiiij ^.k-. (Underwear, u i This is the pluee to get these. for Men, Ladies \V and Children. - $0. j Orders Receive Careful Allen r| 373 anil 375 King Street, ;THi? Art- ?f ? !i ?liKACHKS ITS HIGHEST L. Adl?r Br< : ROCHESTER-MADE RE I i The graceful shoulders, the neatly lilting c( Ilie very acme of quality in materials hav wherever there are men who-o dressers of poo SOLE AG ENTSjFOIi THE CELEBRATE ,| UNION-MADE HAT IN T I WE ALSO HANDLE JullN B. STETSOJ I JUST RECEIVED. ALL OK OUR STR. if' All of our pp)ebr;in*d Duchess Trou*er . Troiiscix that if they rip in sixty di} H, BROWN'S GRANITE Opposite the Acadei 224 King street MAIL ORDERS PROMPTI % / 5 FAMILIES | r Life in the S Association 5 TOME MANAGEMENT, ;crc:a^7 and Treasurer, Lake City, ^ Church, ^ I WBWHWfBB^HaWIMI J MULESook at them. ILL LINE OF-:-:- " and Harness. ,: J BUGGY I Company anil Sold and dliam., -A.grte.fl - - K1NGSTREE S. C. I EDWIN 0. KPPS, CashiVr. S KINGSTREE. | Dankirg Business i LOOKED AFTER AND I , emitted. < * WARD RECEIVED. > R.*?h-?!OLLINS, | D. C. SCOTX J EH AN*. v J VWVUUWUWHiW^ ????? OBERTS' 3D8 STORE. <i Ladies' Skirts, c have these up to date having had them 10 to order. Flannel Waists. 11 Wool, in Black. Blue, Gray Garnet Old Rnr*. Ladies' Jackets, time and see us. We ean give them to you at n $1.50to $5 iD Oxfonl Gray, Blue and L-k. Hosiery, 6 have a fine line of these for Men. Ladies Children. Furniture Department. spot cash prices. I-piece Imitation Walnut Suits $11. >-piece Solid Oak Suits, $10 to $75. l-piere Solid wainut suits, ?7o, wo to full line of wardrobes, $10 to 28.50. did Oak Extension Tables. $o. .-ntre Tables from 50c to $4. ?by Carriages, $6, $2.55 up to $12. -Carts, $3. 5() to $13. ildren's Chairs, Rockers aw<l High Chairs, et stock of Reds, $3. 50 to $13. mnges. Couches and Single Lounges. illow Rockers. $1.75. nod Seat, High Arm Rockers, $1.50. hite Iron Beds, $3.50, $1.25, $5, $5.50, $7. and $8. linn. CMfiLESTOjj 3. 8. nit M&lkfeg; DiiVELOI'AllONT IN? m Go's A 1)1?'TO?WEAR. jllars t lie artistic color eflects nnd e made this Clotliing popular niin is to be cl:i<sed as 11 taste !D YOUNG'S 1IAT, THE BEST HE WORLD FOR *3. PS IIAT*4, $3 30 TO *3 EACH. \W HATS, PRICES 50c TO $3. . ? nre in. The-e are the kind >f s'wn {,'ive you a new Pair. CLOUS HOUSE, nay of Music, CHARLESTON, S. C. ,Y ATTENDED TO.