The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 10, 1903, Image 1

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VOL XIX. XIXG8TRFJ{. S~ THURSOAY, SEl^EMBLR Hh li)o:i ^NO. 36 ^ WHOLESALE PROVISION MARKET Corrected Weekly bv W T WilkinsT Grist, per saok, - - 1.50 Meal, 96 lbs sacks, - - 1.40 D 8 Ribs, - - - 8J J D S Butts, - - - 61 Best Patent Flour, - '5.00 to 5.501 i Patent Flour, - - 4.50 j Best St Flour, - - 4.20 J Corn best white, 80 Feed Oats, - - - 571 'Texas R R Proof Oats seed, - 6211 Granulated Sugar, - - 51 I Rice, - - - 4 to 511 Pure Peach Leaf Lard, - 6* Compound, ... 8 Coffee as to grade, - 7 to 11 .tobacco as to grade, - 25 to 371 DEFEND MR HARRIS. + i i Statement of Guests Concerning Robb^rtes at White Stone Lithia Springs. We, the undersigned guests ol White Stone Lithia Hotel, having noticed iti flie various papers throtighout the State numerous articies concerning tie recent robberies I'rohi the rooms of this hotel, believe that great injustice lias been done Mr Harris. At the earnest solicitation of guests from whom articles of value had been taken, he was induced to make search lor I he recovery of the lost property. He did so and made a search of t he effects ol one of t he guests, who was suspected by almost every guest in the hotel. While none of the lost property was recovered, we are informed that sufficient evidence was se^ cured bv examination of the trunks of the suspected party to warrant the suspicion and to justify Mr Harris in his search. We leel confident that Mr Harris did all he could to recover the lost property taken from his guesl*. We heartily approve of his action: ^ in the matter and believe in the, coming trial before the courts' that he will be thoroughly vindi-j eated. And we would furtherj state that up to the time of the arrival of the suspected parly no j valuables were missing from the rooms and since the departure of the suspected party we have not heard of a single article being nissed. Signed: J P E-isterling, Hamwell, S C; L B Folk, M D, Columbia, S C; J J Nichols, Augusta, Ga; Thomas Taylor, Columbia, S C; J Johnston Fowles, Columbia, 8 C; D 8 Brown, Atlantic City, Is J; C Bates, Chester, 8 C; D H Sally, Sally, S C; Ben F Townsend, Union, 8 C; L C Stephens, M D, Greenville, 8 C; <x H unnxscaies, opananourg, 01 'J; G W Easterling, Barnwell, 8 C; C 0 Fuller. Laurent, S C; J M Witherington, Dublin, Ga. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fail* to cure. E W Grove's S'gnaturc is on each box, 25c. Attention Everybody! Having removed from my old stana across the Railroad *into the Grocery Store form' ally occupied by J. H. Brilles. I shall be glad to serve my Friends and Customers with HIGH CLASS FAMILY GROCERIES at the lowest Prices. Thanking the public for past favors, and hoping to deserve a continuance of the same, I remain, At your service. J: H. V. GASKINS, Lake City, S. C. j&L. .'wk& : HI! HI on. I jl BUDGET OF NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK. |, The Tobacco Growers' Convention? ^ Banquet for Judge Wallace? A ^ Blind Tig*r Haul. ( , Lake City, September 0:?We a always manage to have a pugilist or 11 two on the town council. One of i J the wardens had a light Saturday 11 and was lined $3.00. His antago-ju nist got off with $2.00. ! s Mr C S Lucas, county treasurer of ic Florence, came down Thursday and |1 remained until Monday visiting at if W L Bass, Esq's. " j1 Mrs Mattie Fulmore went to:^ Florence Monday on a visit. . Dr A H Williams went tt Char- a leston the early part of the week. f Much iuterest is being thown in I the "Tobacco Growers' Convention", j} wnicu win iueei nere on next rn-ic day. We hear this meeting talked o of 011 all sides. There will no doubt f lie a very large attendance of earnest t men who will discuss matters of s interest to tobacco farmers, especial- j ly the tobacco trusts and the de-ie pression in prices and try to devise (t some plan of relief. All should be a interested in this matter. 'The growers are receiving the hardest t blow, but all are affected by the j ridiculously low prices of tobacco, i; When the farmers have less money e to spend and with which ro pay a debts, the merchant, the doctor, the fi lawyer, the blacksmith?all are hurt, t And all should join hands and i hearts with the growers 111 their c struggle for relief. We sincerely i hope thut out of this meeting some- r thing of lustiuggood will be evolved, d The Florence- Times cf one day ^ hist week made mention >f the fact that a shipment of Collet -u tobacco * brought three cents per pound at Lake City, but that paper lias been (! careful to say nothing eitl er of the N Colleton shipment that sold for 1} 1 cents on the Darlington market or I of the Steele lot from Georgetown v that brought next to nothing at 11 Florence. Three cents is low, shamefully low, hut it is a little bet- 6 ter, at least, than 1?, and if the v Colleton man who received 3 cents r is hurt, Steele must be ruined. ^ Miss Eva North, of Laurinburg, * N. C., is visiting her sister. Mrs W \ E Severanoe. J Hon P S Wall was in town from ^ Scraiiton a day last week and while . i :.i .. -l * ii 111*11* I'UIU US a jULtKttUll' Lull* Magistrate Wallace seems to be r gaining a splendid reputation. , Recently we have lieai d several and f solid men say that he is making one ( of the best magistrates we ever had. t We congratulate Kingstree and the county. Nineteen gallons of whiskey came a here Saturday and it is reported y that a gocd deal of it was blind f tiger liijuor. The effects of the stuff e were in evidence, very much in evidence on the ways, and in the by j i i 7i : . i ways auu neuges. it is rumored that there are some white men engaged in the business?men wiio would hardly be suspected of such a ^ thing. How a decent white infill1 who lays claims to respectability can ! I go to work to systematically violate! the law we can not underhand. We can very readily appreciate how ' a man under stress of circumstances * and the impulse of the moment may 1 ! commit a crime, but how a niau who i ; wilfully day after day violates what i j he knows to be the law of the land 11 can hold up his head among honestI1 men is beyond our comprehension.1 And they will be found ow. The | j ( slickest blind tiger this town ever! j , had was caught not long since. No ;; | man can continue to break the law!, without being caught sooner or i later. Look out! The day of;' reckoning will come as sure as to- j morrow's sun will rise. And when ! rt comes ?. W. L. B. j i ? 5 ' t . Kiife.. AN ANTI-TRUST MEETING. rhe First Gun of the Campaign Fired Monday. In response to thy call issued by Mi A C Stewart, President of the iYilliamslmr# Co. Alliance, a meetnff was held in tiie court house last Monday to devise some means for - - * ? i u-i.i :...i 4.. ill organizeu ngiii, uguiuM. mr u/lacco trusts, especially the eombilatiou known as the American To-( mcco Co. 'J'lie meeting was well; ittemled, there being present repreentative men from a 11 sections of the I :ounty, who seemed to be sincere in heir desire to lend their aid against he giant monopoly that is grinding he life out of the tobacco growers.! The meeting was called to order I >v Mr Stewart, who explained the ibject for which they had gathered, iter which an oiganization was efected by the election of Hon J )avis Carter as chairman and C W| Yolfe secretary. Upon taking thei hair Mr Carter spoke very feelingly I i the conditions confronting the! armors, especially those who raise] obacco, and urged the necessity ofj ome organized effort to restrict the [ tower of these monopolies. Other' ounties ha^e passed resolutions to his end and Williamsburg should lso fall into hue. Capt John A K el ley suggested hat while he was entirely in sviulathy with the object of the meet-) ng and that he had no doubt that veryone present would be willing nd ready to lend his aid in the ight against the trust, yet he bought, in view of fact that a meetng of tobacco growers had been ailed at Lake City for next Friday o discuss this very question, it night be premature to take any lefinite action prior to the Lake ,'ity meeting. He then moved that lelegates be appointed to represent iingstree meeting at Lake City. Mr Stewart made an eloquent adIress in which be pictured very ividly the conditions confronting hi* farmer at the hands of the trusts. le believed there was one way to j k hi}) the trusts and only one way, nd that is through the Farmers' Uliance. As long as the farmers tuck to the Alliance they were inineiblc, now the thing to do is to organize and present an unbroken rout. He closed with a stirring ap>eal to all old Alliance-men and any (tilers who wanted to come in to I oin the Alliance. After some discussion it was deermiued to aj)]>oint as delegates o Lake City all who felt sufficient I Merest ill the matter to attend the neeting there Friday. Quite a itnuber signified their desire to at- j end. The Lake Citv meeting will loubtless be well attended and titing resolutions passed. I The public is cordially invited to! ittcnd our Fall Opening Sept 23, 21 ind 25. Pattern Hats and latest hings in Dress Goods, Trimmings, fte. on display. Stewart & Floyd, Lake City, S. C. .lust returned from Baltimore vith a complete line of goods. Come md see our bargains. Stwhit A-, Floyd. Like City, S. C. FEARFUL ODDS AGAINST HIM. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, in l>rief was the condition of in old soldier by name of J J Havens, Versailles, 0. For years he was Ironbled with Kidney disease alid leither doctors nor medicines gave aim relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on hio feet in snort order and now be testifies: "I'm ou the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for Liver ind Kidney trophies and all forms sf Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed by W L Wallace, Druggict. Subscribe to Tne ReCO'fd; | tie mm no. : l RECOMMEDATION OF GRAND JURY SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT. | Questionable Advanlaga of Using the Court House Yard as a Hitching Dlai a MAnumont. r mtc 1 ICa i VI n (Written for last week.) j Kditor County Record:? I At the request of County Com: missiony S J Siugletary I will eu! deavor to raise my wee voice as to the court house enclosure, but if I regulate mv tones in proportion to the number of square inches I would be entitled to were the court house square divided up among the tax-payers of the county "divil a bit" would it reach the moou. Mr Siugletary is correct when .be says that the people, i.e., the taxpayers, own the court house, the surrounding square and the public , funds of tlie county and that they should have a lively interest in the management and the judicious expenditure of the latter. Yes, the humblest tax-payer, living in the i most remote corner of the county, has an eaual rijrhfc with the county j supervisor or even a county commissioner himself to the court house yard. He has the same right to j hitch, feed or graze his stock that citizens of Kingstree have to eon1 vert it into a pasture for iuilch cows. Hut have we nut enjoyed this felicitous state of affairs long enough, ai.d is it not time to make a change? For the past two years at least we have been edilied with the dainty [spectacle of the wandering Gypsy, with his one-eyed, skinned up plugs ! running in happy abandon over the 1 yard; the bow-legged "nigger" with , his one-horned ox, hitched to the front wheels of some old buggy, as it browzes around oij the feed from a tax-payer's buggv; the African squaw, with her cypress scoic smoke and her great tubrof spoiled fish, squatted in the must comfortable nook of the yard?all these and more we have seen, and they seem to have not only an equal light, but, withal, a sjiecial privilege, and have < taken 1 heir half right out of the middle. They seem to vie with one another in conducing to the gladsomeness of ?i popular occasion and have contributed largely to the comfort and convenience not only of the tax-payer, but likewise to that of the judge and the jury by the puffs of smoke, together with the great whiffs of savory aroma from these same fish constantly borne in through open window on the wings of the morning zephyrs, causing the Judge to smack his mouth and the jury to agree to disagree* with all despatch in order to make their ticape. Now. in all seriousness, would it ! not be better for us all?vea I i cheaper for the tax-payer who lives I 25 or 30 miles away?while visiting ! the county seat to put our stock safelv under shelter (where they j should l>e) even though if may cost J10 cents? And let us at once | abolish this eyesore and nuisance, j Clear off the yard, beautify the |ground and place an abundance j of comfortable seat.-, conveniently I arranged,.where tax-payers who drive j in from 25 or 30 miles off tired and ; and thirsty mav rest comfortably and not be annoyed with the horrid stench and innumerable flies consequent upon the congregating of so much stock in one small space. Yy$. he can leisurely stroll aiound jover the healthful ground dis; cussing the topics of the day ! while admiring the beautiful and substantial iron fence, togetherwitlf the handsome mor ument (which will l v follow,) erected to the honor and in memory of our glorious Wade I Hampton and the heroic Confed; eratf dead of old Williamsburg. y | In my humble judgement this would l>e preferable, so here goes one for the fence and $5.00 to the monmnent. Can't we do it this fall with cotton at 11 cents? Let us hear from you, friends. Respectfully yours, J. 1). Daxiel. T i- n.'i.. o ii JJUKC V'lTV, O. V/., September 1, 1903. DOING BUSINESS AT OLD STAND. I am still doing business at the same old stand and am better prepared tliau ever to serve my patrons. Respectfully, R. A. Watts, Jr.. tf 9-9 The Jeweler. Will Gin Your Co'ton. The Williamsburg Oil Mill will gin cotton during the coming seasou at the rate of $1.00 a bale for bales weighing 500 lbs or less. All over this weight will be charged for ut 20 cents a hundred. We are prepaied to furnish our patrons with bagging upd ties at 50 cents a bale. The Williamsburg Oil Mill, 8-27 tf. Kingstree, S. C. Don't forget Stewart & Floyd's Fall Opening, Sept 23, 24 and 25. Strawberry Plants. I have a few thousand Hrflin's Early and Profit Strawberry Plants for sale at $2.50 a thousand. G W. Westnrook, W rightsville, N. 0. Having secured a first class Baltimore milliner to assist Miss Rodg?T3 we feel sure we can give our iwstomers better attention tban ever blfore. Our aim is to give you upto-date goods at right prices. Cornel and see us. Stewart & Floyd, Like City. S. C. Basket Picnic. The public generally is invited to participate in a basket picnic at the home t.f W F Kennedy, on Friday, Sept 25. 11)03. Newest things in Millinery and Dry Hoods. We have sonio bargains - * i l for you. Ue sure lo see uieni. Stewart & Floyd, ' Lake City, S. C. Some rich men think thai thev can right anv kind of a wrong by writing a check. WHAT IS LIKE? In the last analysis nobody knows but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means derangement .of the oigaus, resulting in Constipation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr King's New Life Pills quickly readjusts this. IPs gentle, vet thorough. Only Jioc at W L Wal kiees I ?ruu: fMo?*e. The average man i* a good nurse when it comes lo nursing a grievance. It won't help your crop to sit on the fence and count the weeds in your neighbsr's field. A bOY'S WILD RIDE FOR LIFE With family aroupd expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Congh6 and Colds, W H Brown, of Leeerillf, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughl, Colds and (kip prove its matchketf, merit for all Throat .^uof 'tatoiblcs. ? Quartdteed febttlea/COi Trial bofcfcfa W L Wallade^ dfu^jtore. < v v W. Tt VI T'ili.ti iai ii .1 vviiKinsf 101111 JOBBER IN GENERAL Mill Buying in tff<| load lots wO j are able to meet competi-1 tion in every line. Here aril some of out J Specialties!. J FLOUR GRITS MEAL CORN | r'M OAT SALT SOAR LYE SODA STARcrf . %%%%%% . jg9 oAviMr. onu/nrDS *. JDni\Aiiv x w ww ~3Kfa TOBAC O any GRADE COTTQLENE CASE or BKT^ | MATCHES per GROSS | Pure Ovel Compound LARD HAMS, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE CANDIES, CRACKERS BACON, SUGAR, Bbl or Sacks POTTED HAM and TONGUE" CONDENSED MILK AXLE GREASE Wrapping PAPER and BAG^ HOMESPUN, By the BoK \ TOBACCO CLOTH % % % w + < H CIDER . . -? d MOLASSES cheese i macaronr m sardines salmon .<:-3 snuff rope bucket/ .j in in m Iw.T, Hi r- - -