The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 27, 1903, Image 5

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. ' ' : r % iSw WORK OF EDUCATION. Programme of the Florence District i Educational Campaign. Florence. August 14.?Special: The following speakers have promised to do service in the educational j campaign for this district: Prof J Cj Clink scales, Pr W W Daniel, Dr James A Duncan, Prof A M Duprc, Prof W T Lander. The meetings will be held as follows: September 1?Cheraw, 11 a. m.; Darlington, night. September 2?Philadelphia, Lamar circuit, 10 a. m.; Hebron, Darlington circuit, 10 a. ni.; Wesley Chapel, Darlington circuit, 4 p. m. September 3?Union, Clyde circuit, 10 a. m.; Newman Swamp, 10 a. m.; Hartsville, night Timmonsville, night. September 4?Bethlehem, Hartsville circuit, 10 a. m ; Liberty circuit, 11 a. in.; Florence, night. September 5?Lake City, 12 a. m.; Prospect, Johusonville circuit, 11 a. m. September 6?Kingstree, Dr W W Dauiel, 11 a. m.; Darlington, Dr S A Duncan, 11 a. m.; Kingstrec, Prof J C Clinkscales, Prof W T Lauder, Prof A M Dupre, afternoan. September 7?Harpeis, 10 a, m.; ^ CreeleyvilJe 11 a. m.; Harmony 3:30 p. m. Better Try Lake City. The tanners all over the country are complaining loudly about the failure ot the tobacco crop, and Georgetown seems to be no exception to the rule. Talking ? :.k it. I D Ciuolu an TlinpiHar Willi ill I O U "ICCIC I'll > ) lie informed us that his crop ol twenty-three acres, recently shipped to Florence, brought him in the insignificant sum of fifty^ight dollars, whereas the same crop (on twenty-three acres last year) brought him in over thirteen hundred dollars. Mr Steele says it cost him about nine hundred to make and harvest the crop this year, so you can figure how much he lost. This gentleman savs the charges at Florence for handling his tobacco erop were very large?about two or three times what it was last year; besides he only received trom one to five cents a pound lor Ins to baceo, or some such small figure. Granting; as he says, that his to k bytcco was not up to tlie average that was a big tumble ttom former prices. But instead of being mad about his ill-luck, lie laughs at it, and will try Wilmington as a market next time. We would like ??? hear the experience of other planters along this line.? Georgetown Times. PUTS AN END TO IT ALU A grievous wail oftimes couies as a result of uu wearable pain from over taxed organs. Pizziuess, Backache, Liver complaint and Constipation Bnt thanks to Dr King,s New Life Pill thev put an end to it all. They are gentle but thorough. Try them; only 25c. Guaranteed by W L Wallace, Druggist. ''A rattle snake which was the "?? ? Nouaitu man liver! in the |?o?. v. ?% house with him him, recently caught a burglar in the house, got a death gr*sp on him and ran its tail out the window and was rattling for the police when the owner of the house awoke."'?Ex. i Wood's Ms 1 I FOR FALL SOWING. * S Farmers and Gardeners who de- J 1 sire the latest and fullest informa- 1 ' / tion about i I Vwatabls and Farm Seeds 1 s- f should write for Wood's New 1 Fall Catalogue. It tells all about 1 the fall planting of Lettuce, Cab/ bage and other Vegetable crops i | which are proving so profitable to 1 southern growers. Also about i I Crimson Clover, Vetches, | Grasses and Clovers, ) Seed Oats, Wheat, 1 I Rye, Barley, etc. 1 Wood's New Fall Catalogue mailed f free on request. Write for it. I { T. W. WOOD & SONS, ,1 I Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. 1 I DATE OF REUNION CHANGED. Tuesday, the Thirteenth Day of October the Day Settled Upon. Ac niiMisi)P(l recent I v. t lie Ivt'tiiiitiM of Co (j, 15th 8 0 Regiment, ?;i- announced to be held on ;i certain day of the 2nd week in September. I understood that it was to come ofl' on the same day of the same month as last year, as it was then decided for last year's that it was too early and warm to have it any time in September. Alter correspondence with Mr J J Brown, Sr., ol Florence, one of the prime movers, I am authorized to announce the settled dale to be the 2nd Tuesday in October, which falls this year on the 13th, the same day and week of the same month as last year. The Reunion will be held at Indiantown church, as , heretofore. All interested or concerned will please govern themselves accordingly, the ladies and children of the community coming out in full force with their smiles, flowers and heavily loaded baskets. Acting Secretary. GREELYVILLE GLINTS. , Gkeelyvillk, August 24,?Mr D F Wells returned home this ; morning alter visiting relatives at I Kosemarv. Mr 8 V Taylor and Miss Marie DuBose have returned to Greelvville alter a visit to relatives in Charleston. Mr 1' E Brunson. section master at Kimiui, returned to his home there this morning after spending a tew days down here with re!ative? and friends. Mr B D Colclongh returned home Sunday after spending a i fon1 Hm is in (Miarlaston. Messrs R 8 Branson and R H Footman went to Charleston Thursday on a business trip. Dr A D Epps of Kingstree is in town this alteruoon. SwAJir Fox. Educational Rally. < There will be an Educational Mass Meeting held at Prospect church Satuiday, September 5lh, the purpose ot which will be to < advance and promote Christian 1 Education in our common schools. Everybody is invited to attend, Meeting to be called at 11a. m., 1 and will be addressed by prominent speakers from abroad. T. B. Owes, D. Dura xt, J. Davis Carter. Committee of A range men ts. ' , ^ YOU KNOW WHAT YOU TAKING Wlien you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Toiiie because the formula is simply lion and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50c > Journalism Under Difficulties. The editor of this 6heet is lying on his back with acute pains chasing each other up and down his spinal stairway and all over his darned system, and with a temperature of ISO degrees above the sea level. And he feels about as much like writing slush as a hen with the gaps feels like danc-t :i ^ ing ilie can-can. ou u any ui vuu readers ihink I am going to write anything jovial this week you are going to get mighty badly fooled. ?Cherokee Democrat. THE DEATH PENALTY. A little thiug sometimes results tn death. Thus a mere scratch, insignificant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Bucklen's Arnica Salve ever haady. It's the best salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores, Ulcers and Piles threaten. Only 25c. at W L Wallace's Drug Store. The clash ot arms and the romance* of love are commingled with singular charm in the complete novel of Lippincott's ior September. It is called ,uThe Blade that Won" and is by B'utton Egbert Stevenson. ? ? 1- - em*?. Drink! Glenn i Zbv?inn.exa.I has cured thousanc any Liver, Stomacli Recommended by a cians. STILL 1 CARBONAT Af GINQEI Write for terms, THE GLENN : GLENN SP] ANNOUN' EDWIN HARPER & SON dej in addition to their TOBACC now prepared to do any and ; PAIR ana BLACKSMITH worl ialty. They will also .keep in st CASKETS, and BURIAL OU' ially invited, when in need of; a call. We guarantee both ou good as the best and as cheap We can make your old Buj Give us a trial and be c Yoi Kingstree, S. C. Whitest Zv/T Ik I he I.igkteKt water on Ih? mat rtiilv on the Mver or Kidneyi Hater act* on I.irer and Kidn? WHITE STONE Ik the InrffeKt ltrlck or taeor{cin? core^Ii KrounJ. Dr. L. C. Read what tie noted Dr. L. C. Stq; Stiiie Medical Association of S. C., at Medical Examiners until he resigned: I do not hesitate to say that the eff ilrink it for any length of time has b mi increase both in flesh and appetite it to be a mineral water of undoubted liar adaptability to diseases originatm bladder and liver, such as dropsy, Bri culi, and all forms of dyspepsia, rheu from the splendid analysis. It has b before using this water, had to follow rective or contitie themselves entirely these entirely, being delighted to find remedy?sufficed. WRITE F( White Stone Li WHITE STONE f n w round 11 U II Atlanti $13.05 WASHINGTOr Annual Convention G Reformers, September limit to reach Starting A special Validating Agency undei Special Agent, will be located in the i D. C., and will be opened oue hoar b of each train, August 30th to Septem no other Agent in Washington will b portion of these tickets. $15.00 BALTIMORE, Sovereign Grand Lodge Septeniber 18th, 19th a with Joint Agent in Bi Baltimore, and upon pi limit will be extended 3rd 1 003. JONES, i Agent. FOR SALE. Brick in any quantity to suit purchas er. The Best Dry Press Machine-made A:ZBX3XCXT. v Special shapes made to order. Correspondence solicited betore placing your orders. W. R. FU\K. c P. O Box'103. Kingstree, & C. 1 * ' - ?>.' 2-A. \L\ ???? FOR YOUR health's 5ake, springs L "^7"gtt?x, Js and WILL cure i or Kidney trouble. 11 reputable physi WATER, ED WATER, VD R ALE. SPRINGS Co., SINGS, S.C. DEMENT! >ire to inform the public, that -O FLUE business they are all kinds of GENERAL REc, HORSE SHOEING a specock a full line of COFFINS, rFlTS. The public are spec anything in our line, to give us r work and prices to be as as the cheapest. Tgy or Carriage look like new. onvinced, jrs to serve, Edwin Harper & Son. one HI A WAT BR kef Nome wnfem orl ?. While Nilone l.lthiu LITHIA HOTEL Hotel in Carolina* ri(lt orer an acre of* NfepheuM. iheus. who was President of the so President of the State Board of G KEEN VILLI, Sept 5 th, 1902. ect of the water upon those who een perfectly marvelous. Invariably was perceptible in one week, proving I powerful tonic property. Its pecuig from disorders of the kidneys, gilt's disease, diabetes, uric acid calmatism and gout, is to be expected een noted frequently that parties, every meal with some form of corto predigested foods soon diearded that the water alone?nature's own )R RATES thia Water Co., SPRINGS, S. C. TRIP RATES VIA c Coast Line, je) cFrom FLORENCE nI, D. C.f And Return, rand Fountain United Order True 1st to 8th, 1903, with return tiual point not later than Sept. 10tlrl903. r the charge of Joseph Richardson, Station 6th & B, Streets, Washington, efore the schedule time of departure iber 10th, inclusive. On those dates - a rnfnm C auiliuuzcu lU lanuaic iuv i vimi *.* Md., And Return. ? of Odd Fellows. Tickets on sal# md 20th. Tickets must be deposited iltimore immediately upon arrival in lynient of $1.25 at time of deposit to leave Baltimore not later than W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Passenger Agent, (ToCu Take Laxative Broi Sevan MM on tea told la past 131 | .- iiZi A.1 .. / a. -L ^ ; ___ !\1/C ARE RECEI | VV C & HEWES White Goods. Etnbi Ribbons, Skirt-Goo MANTIS Put, we will have t tions coming in eve customers will alwa est to select from. STYLE, ?lR( I ABE ALWAYS TO Stark lev IffE Thomas ABradham's x STABLES - j tt tA FRESH SHU HORSES an Call and take al ?WE CARRY A Fl Buggies, Wagons SEE THE CELEBRATED 1-ri HTTH 1T7TTr A Iwni 1 rz u 1 n Built by the Atlanta Buggy Guaranteed by Bra J B STEELE, Manager. > D. C. SCOTT, President. |l THE BANK OF | Transacts a General i COLLECTIONS CAREFULLY I PROMPTLY R 5 DEPOSITS FROM $1.00 UJ J DIRIXT / HENRY P. WILLI \MS, i JOHN A. KELLEY, > R. H. HELL f D7.S7B.W. I X PHYSICIAN AN) Lake City, ? ix? Drugs, FII Medicines, CANI Chemicals, j Perfumery, and Fancy, ! Toilet Articles. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Co . Tlhe Art of ? ?REACHES ITS HIGHEST L. Adler Bit ROi'HESTEK? MADE R] The graceful shoulders, the neat!}' titling i he very acme of quality in materials ha wherever there are men wharf reisers of go SOLE AGENTSJFOR THE CELEBRAT UNION-MADE HAT IN r WE ALSO HANDLE JOHN B. STETSO JUST RECEIVED, ALL OF OUR STI All of our celebrated Duchess Trouse Trousers that if they rip in sixty rfi AT H, MOM'S HI It Opposite the Acad 224 King street MAILORDERS PROM I ire a Cold in One no Quinine Tablets. ? n<wths. This signature, ' ving DAILY Urn - % IT THINGS E# 'J *' >s^$ ^r - ^' roideries, -Laces; j- - ? j nfiii:i.AM. us tmu iumiJLLury. ST~arrMisid )UTpN AfdyVAL/ he latest produc- ^ ry week sb biir yshavethb neW* [GINAOTY ~ AN0 )WEST PRICES BE FOTJlri) AT *s Cash Store: ?MENT OF tt I !>> | d Ml II PA. I ; look at them. f (ILL LINE OF?:?:? 1 , and Harness. | lr bugby I Company and Sold and B:. M .ca.l3.ana, 3 - - - KINGSTREE S. CV 1 EDWIN 0. EPP8, CMlllrr. 5 KINGSTREE. | | Banking Business | LOOKED AFTER AND i J EMITTED. t psvard received. 5 (?r.<t; j -jta "R, D. ROLLINS, ^^9^9 D. G S^OTT. JWT -'J EIIAN- ^ /I ^vwwwwww?%v?v?w%<?y 3 r \'i - Courtney, \ d surgeon a: ; s S. c. ;i -also- .; f$*l vJE Soda Water )IES and s\ M Cold Drinks Of every Description Made from <' * ; Pure Fruit Syrups. mpounded at All Hours. ,, ? J ' :J&&8 DEVELOPMENT IN?' '?? c?9^ i EAD Y-TO-WEAR. * | collars. the artistic color effects and , ve made this Clothing popular caim is to be classed as , od taste Ja EI) YOUNG'S HAT, ITtfE rHE WORLD FOR $a N'S HATS, $3 80 TO JCAC&' tAW HATS, PRICES 80c TO M. ? % J J.' -* f \ * r rs are in. These are tys iwe give you 8 new Pair. CLOTHING Hi' | emy of Music* t . > ;v| CHARLESTOtt. S. Of- I TLY ATTEWl)iili ifer "-^j 1 " ' r m J * D/IV CroC^'y | M t l/ll jr in Two Days. K ?|