The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 06, 1903, Image 5

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* jpv.-r-ftvrt\?r->rV* . *~Tv" *?; - / mi? iwwKwwim f w n, ? ?inmmtm .?? * ? ? mBI Mill! EDITOR P. H STOLL SCORES CAPT. W. H. KENNEDY. flinging Reply to a Recent Article from W H. Kennedy 1 hat Appeared in The Weekly Mad. The following signed eilitoiia! is taken from last week's issue of our local contemporary, The Weekly Mail: During my vacation an article | from Capt W 11 Kennedy appeared in The Mail, which in substance save that I lied in my statement of the interviews which took place between himself, the editor of The Record and the editor of The Mail. This article was conclusively answered by the co-editor of The Mail, but since the matter is strictly personal between Capt Kennedy and myself, 1 deem it proper that I should say something in reply. To do this it will be necessary to ieview the matter to a certain extent. Believing that light is the best policeman aud that if corruption ex isteu in our municipal guHiunnui it should be exposed, I, in company with Mr Wolfe, called uj>oii Capt Kennedy aud requested him to tell us where the corruption existed. To my questiou he replied: "No, sir, I don't kuow of any, sir. Have not charged any, sir. No, sir. I was referring, sir, to the usiug of the dispensary money, sir. That is what I meant, sir. Don't you see, sir?" This was jus answer to my question. I said nothing more and retired. So much for our first irifrrvicw. This interview I wrote up and submitted to Mr Wolfe, who uiade a few suggestions in regard to certain words, and we "both signed it for publication in our respective papers. On Monday, the 29th, I was requested by Uapt Kennedy, through Mr T.iifiii* Mmitvonierv. to call at his office. I did so. He informed me that I reported him as saying certain things in the interview on Saturday that lie did not say. That lie did uot say that the dispensary fund had been used for working the streets, but that he had asked me, ' JIow about the dispensary fund?" , I insisted that my rejwrt was correct, and lie was willing to take an affidavit that he was wrongly quoted. He then called Mr Montgomery and Mr Hemingway and asked them if ^tthey heard him say it, and they said they did not hear him. They did not say that he didn't, but simply that they did not hear hint. I then said that both Mr Wolfe and myself - * - ? i would take an affidavit tiiat lie am. He then with gloat emphasis, said: -"I will be damned if I said it!" I then told him that the town council hud a perfect right to use this money any way they w ished, and as I only wanted charges of corruption, I was perfectly willing to change the article if Mr Wolfe would. And right here let me say that any man with an ounce of sense will readily understand that I could not change it without. Mr Wolfe's consent. Both his name and mine were signed to it and we were jointly authors of it. Each of us had a copy for publication and neither could alter the 6igncd statement of the other without permission. In fact, if either of tis had done so it would have been forgery. I tried to explain this to Capt Kennedy and thought I had succeeded, but from his article I am forced to believe that he ^ either a fool or a wilful falsifier. I left him with a clear understanding that the part referring to using the dispensary money would be left out if Mr "Wolfe agreed. If he would not consent to change his statement it would appear as it was I written. Mr Wolfe, at my request, | agreed to omit what we are both * ready to swear was said?viz: that the dispensary money was used by the council to work the streets?and Capt Kennedy's statement was published as I agreed to publish it. It % J i it. is true tnat l was asKea oy iue tain to add this question: "What about the dispensary fund?" This, though, I refused to do, as it was not relevant to the subject. If he had said the dispensary money had been misused and stilted where, it *ould have been the information I - >? "r"v 2 :r#" ?- V> - ~ **-. "T r"* v~ ~~ 7~~ ; \va< si.rk.:.;, but <> a>.k a (lucstior , was direct iy what I <iid rot want. I ! wanted : rs. not jai stious. Any fjrx.l far. a>k o west ions. I In iiiy second int?-r\iv\v with C'api j Kelllicdy I lolil hitu v\ hat 1 would t ? 1 T ..11 A "\ 1 1 lie ami wiiai 1 weuui noi ue. ami 1 believe lie understood me perfecth*. The above are the facts ami any I statement to tic- contrary is absoj lately false. Ami now Id's a ttaJyze the Captain's position in this matter ami probe for reasons actuating him. It appears that the ex-mayor is very sore over his defeat of two years ago and lias been trying to throw discredit on the present council. Faultfinding, it seems, is the only balm he can find for the cankerous sore that troubles him and he is ever applying it in profusion. Doubtless he would like tn )??? iimvnr aouiti and as the election will soon be on thought that a little insinuation here and there and a big loop hole yonder where he could slip out if cornered, | would be good politics on his part. So a few unconunittal letters to the press, letters that did not specify auything wrong, yet, at the same time, made the public think that something was rotten, were written. The average'reader never asks for facts, but assumes as true any statement made in print, and this wily ex-mayor would have doubtless had smooth sailing had not the local press iu its search for facts asked him some questions which took the wind from his sails. The questions asked clos.d his loop-hole and shut him in. Our request to specify placed the ex-mayor in a predicament and now lie is trying to distract attention by maliciously and falsely accusing me with niisrepreof facts. He claims that Messrs Montgomery and Heming-j way will affirm the truth of his statement. This I do not believe, for I consider them honorable and truthful young men who would not tell a lie to get their employer out of an unpleasant situation. For my position in this matter 1 have no apologies to offer. I interviewed Capt Kennedy in order to get facts and if possible set right the minds of the people on the affairs of the town council. 1 have no axes to grind and would gain nothing by perverting the truth of Capt Kennedy's statement. It looks to me, though, that he has several axes to grind and is anxious to pull himself out of the hole by pulling me in it. The truth is somebody is lying. Either his statement or mine is false. I will leave it to the public to judge who is the Ananias. Philip H. Stoll. SERIOUS RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. Mr. John Tilton Thrown from Wagon and Badly Injured. Sckanton, August 4, Special? Mr John Tilton of Leo. was hauling some wood on Saturday. July ISth, when his team became nnrulv, and he was thrown out ol the wagon on the double tree, breaking three of his ribs. Two of the wagon wheels ran over him bruising him badly. Ho has been suffering very much, but I am glad to say is a little better. No out* ho nrnnnpd n n in bed for "V V-.... J 1 . -r ? a short time. I hope to see htm out again sooir Eoo. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is imply lion and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50c Card of Thanks. Editor County Record:? Please allow me space in your valued paper to l hank my many friends for their kindness shown me during my wife's illness. Very respectfully, S. J. Morkk. Suttons. July 31, 1903. WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. The busiest and mightiest little -i UllUg mm ever was uwuc is jsi umS .-> New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlsseness into energy, brain-fag into mental ]>ower. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box-.- Sold by W L Wallace, ' - "? '.V * / ?; -rj Drink! Qlenn 1 Has cured thousan any Liver, 5tomacl Recommended by < cians. STILL CARBONAT A GIINGE Write for terms, THE GLENN GLENN SP K & I I It I AININUUIN EDWIN HARPER & SON de in addition to their TOBACC now prepared to do any and PAIR and BLACKSMITH wor ialty. They will also keep in si CASKETS, and BURIAL OU ially invited, when in need of a call. We guarantee both 01 good as the best and as cheap We can make your old Bu Give us a trial and be < Yo Kingstree. S. C. White St TAT In flic liisliliHtl liter ou llio mm only on (lie l,Mcr or Kidney Wsiler uelN on l,lvor aiud Mltluc WHITE STOKE In the Int-gfCNt Ilrlck or (ipurniii, 4-ovei'i (f roti ml. II r. I*. V. Dead what. the noted Dr. Ij. C. Ste] Staic Medical Association of S. C., al Medical Examiners until lie resigned I do not hesitate to say that the cfl drink it for any length of time has lj an ine,rease lxjth in llesh and appetite it. to he a mineral water of umlonbtci liar adaptability to diseases originatir bladder and liver, snch as dropsy, l?r culi, and all forms ot dyspepsia, rheu from the splendid analysis. It has t before using this water, had to follow reetive or confine themselves entirely these entirely, being delighted to lind remedy?sufficed. WRITE F( White Stone Li WHITE STONE Augus ATLANTIC ( Annual Seash< To ~ Wrightsville Beach, N. C. Old Point Comfort, Va. ir:?V,, Ocean View, Va. Tickets on sale We good to return until Sej Pullman Sleepers and t For reservation or an) G. Y. JONES, Agent. FOB SALEBrick in .my quantity to suit purchas cr. The Best Dry Press Machine-made Special shapes made to order. Correspondence solicited hi tore placing your orders. W. li. FUNK. P. O Kox. 10li. Ri nipt fee, S. C. - *4 i ,'jv ' . SWytfiw , i Ti vnn'iniTi7 1 FOR YOUR: 1 Health's -5ake, springs | 1 Wetter, ! ds and WILL cure h or Kidney trouble. .11 ? ill icpuiauic WATER, ED WATER, ND R ALE. SPRINGS Co., RINGS, S. C. CEMENT! sire to inform the public, that 20 FLUE business they are all kinds of GENERAL REk, HORSESHOEING a spectock a full line of COFFINS, TF1TS. The public are spec anything in our line, to give us if itrnrl/ onH tn hp 11 WUl f\ auu pi iwvj iv t/v as the cheapest, ggy or Carriage look like new. :onvinced, urs to serve, Edwin Harper & Son. one HI A WATER rkef- Nome wnlot* an ?. UhiK< M??n?? l.itliia ijr*. ; LITillk HOTEL i ; Hotel in <'nrolInii? < ng over nn acre of ] < Ktcpbcnx. | [>hens, wrho whs President of the J so 1'resident of the State Board of < (iKKF.xvii.LH, Sept. 5th, 1902. < Vet of the water upon those who J cen perfectly marvelous. Invariably < m;is perceptible in one week, proving 1 powerful tonic property, its peeu- : lg from disorders of the kidneys, , iglit's disease,- diabetes, uric acid cal- J matism and gout, is to be expected < >een noted frequently that" parties, < r every meal with some form ' of cor- < to predigested foods soon dicarded < 1 that the water alone?nature's own J 4 4 JR RAIfcS | thia Water Co,, ; SPRINGS, s. c. t 19th, JOAST L,INB >re Excursion. Rates from Kingtree $5. 50. $7. 50. ~~ 1 dnesday August 19th., )t. 2nd., 190L Through rain service to Norfolk. ' information apply to, W. ]. CRAIG, Gen. Passenger Agent. WILMINGTON, N. C. , ___________________________________ t [ To Cui I Take Laxative Bron I Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 m< /S ;"~ '_. ji.., \\/0 AkE RECI w U itNEWE White Goods, Eih Ribbons, Skirt* Gc MANY?Zc But we will have tions coming in ei ahm4a??iA%,r nrtll alit uuobuuicta wrntun est to select from. STYLE, ?i ARE ALWAYS T Stack If ITIlL Thomas&Bradham's 1 a STABLES A; ^ : UA FRESH SH HORSES a Call and take s ?WE CARRY A I Buggies, Wagon SEE THE CELEBRATED WH1 It ST, Built by I lie Atlanta Bugg; Guaranteed by T!b.omas ?c Br J B STEELE, Manager. >VW*VWWWWWWVVWWVV1 ? D. C. SCOTT, President. : THE BAN OF ! Transacts a Genera COLLECTIONS CAREFUL I \ PROMPTLY DEPOSITS FROM $1.00 | DIREf HENRY P. WILLI vMS, | JOHN A. KELLEY, R H. KE1 IVV ^ WWWVWVWWV*V%WV1 I Dr.lT.B.H t a: physician a Lake Cit; -DEALER IXDrugs, F Medicines, CAI Chemicals, Perfumery, * and Fancy, Toilet Articles. . PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Ik? Art- of ! ?REACHES ITS HIGHES L. Adler B ROCHESTER?MADE Hie graceful shoulders, the neatly titrir the very acme of quality in materials wherever fhcrc are men wl dre?sers of sole agentsjfor thf. celebr^ union-made hat in iVE also handle john k stetf just received, all OF our s' All of our celebrated Duchess Trot Trousers that if they rip in sixty AT ?, BROWN'S HI Opposite the Act 224 King street ??TT onmr.R? PTiOM Av. .U /UU re a Cold in On 10 Quinine Tablets. withs. This signature, aVING DAILY. THB :ST THINGS' IN ?tl*T broideries, Lafces,' >ods and Millffiery. rHESE ARE tod >OUT!ON ARRlVAk 1 the latest prodtic* rery week so oil* rays have the neWRIGINAUtY - AN# .OWEST PRICES' 0 BE FOUND AT y's Cash Stotei : . ? /; iPKkl IPMENT OF tt t I " nd MULES I i look at them. 1 FULL LINE OF?:?:? ? s and Harness** I A.R BUSBY | v Company and Sold and, ^gta.Kv - - KIMiSTltEE S. U. EDWIN U. EPPS, Cashier, i KING TREE. I I Banking Business jY LOOKED AFTER AND i ' ';f REMITTED. <!' UPWARD RECEIVED. I I TORN: R. D. ROLLINS, 7 D. C. SCOTT. J LLEHAN. * . vwwwvwwwwvww?%%%y ; ' m ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ; '. Courtney, | 1 ND SURGEON X . v, s. c. I ?A LSO? ' < 1NE Soda Water TIDIES and Cold Drinks k? V * Of every lj^J' Description Made from ' \ Pure Fruit Syrups.' Compounded at All Hours. i, Suaitt M&Mimgf T DEVELOPMENT TN? . 3T(D)S <S GO'S ' . KEADY?TO?WEAR. i?r collars, the artistic color effects andf* have made this Clothing popular lose aim is to be classed as t u afp lTED YOUNG'S HAT, .THE BEST THE WORLD FOR 13. , JON'S HATS, |3.50 TO $5 EACH.'' TRAW HATS. PRICES 50cTO $5. J i?ers are in. These are the kind of' days ?tve give you a ne\y Pair. ; : CLOTHING HOUSE, idemy of Music, > CHARLESTON, S. c: PTLY ATTEN'DEIJ 'TO.' ?^ ? * *- ' Jy|g e Day I /jnj cm every I jfcjCyrvir\*0' boi, 35c? J|