The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 18, 1903, Image 4

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!-, * The fltouniy lictorri published kvkky thursday at i kinhstrke, s. 0. _ c. w. wolfe. Editor and Proprietor. TERMS. 81 brcription ratf.s: om* <-onv. ?'!? vt-iir. - - r\ ? >' atv .......ft.c _ _ _ vl ! One conv. thiee in?*n?hs. - - .25. Subscriptions payable in advance. . r advertising rates: One inch, first insertion. eaeb subsequent insertion, 50 cents. Obituaries and! ribufcs of Respect- over 101 words cb-inred f<'r :,s titular adv?-rti*t-! merits. Liberal reduction on adverti?ing made for three, six and twelve month*' cm tracts. .1/ Cnmrnunicationa mnat l?e acconfpanled in-the real name and address of the Sf writer in ortler to receive attention. Xo cowhTTUnlcation of a personal nature willi)e publish*d except as ?n advertisement. Address all letters and make all draft* payable to C. VY. Wolfe, Kingstree. S.O. e s.j... i THURSDAY. JUNE 18, 1903. l ; Brief Records. A perpetual fault-finder seldom finds anything else. While the water is up the fishermen of Black river might take a I day off and read up on the fish law. i ===== "The cold day in June" has become so common that it is no longer available as a condition for the fulfillment of a promise. A hotel-keeper of Scrauton, 1'a., starved himself trying to fast forty days. Sometimes even hotel-keej>ers have the tables turned on them. Hbfe. . i" ^m?mmmmmmmm? Mr I H Gibbes, who is said to have firsit the first shot on Fort tfomter at the outbreak of the Civil r v*. * f war, died in Columbia last week. South Carolina, has reason to be proud of the liberality of her citizens in responding to appeal of the storm stncken sufferers at Pacolet and Clifton. Last week the kiug and queeu of Servja were both assassinated in their royal palace. It is perfectly nstaxml that their successor should y.:> 1 he a little coy about accepting the job. professor of Chicago University * cUim. to be able to make the heart I of animal pulsate after death. What good the professor's experiment does to the deceased animal is not explained. The relief committees in Spartan burg,bare- announced that they have.the situation well in hand and - -*- | no more outside help is needed. At the time of this announcement contributions from all sources amounted to about $20,000. 4? . i, = Jctt and W hite are the names of i the men on trial for the assassination of 'Attorney Marcum in Breathitt county, Ky. If there be any - significance in a name Jett and Black T. ; would be more appropriate appella4". * tires as expressive of the nature of the crime qpmmitted. ~ > tt is announced that the attortoriOTS of James H Tillman will j move for a change of venue for their clients Should the motion be granted the case will probably be transferred to Edgefield or Saluda county, where the defendant is more likely to be in the hands of his friends. The deadly microbe incident to church sociables seems to have been extended to the white population of GreeQwopd.eountv. At a little informal affair near i'benix, in that county, last week two men became involved in a "mixup," as the result p of which one of the combatants lost a liberal portion of his nasal feature and h*d his lips sliced pretty badly. These Helicate attentions, it is said, marred his features beyond recognition. y1' -f J );? V jit ??: ? ' 1 //hat IS doing at the cap:- i tal of the nation ? President Roosevelt's Return from j His Junketing Tour-The Postoffice Ecandals and Ohar Matters. Washi1). .Juno 10? i A li> I So trick ?f t ho Ptoxjileuf > ; i tiiiriim hi* *A-s\vimr ;i'nutni iho cir- j < !( *' Wits to jiiye to l ho Associated i Jhe*s representative nccompnn.v- i imr him i v dp-written copies ol i his address lo Ix* delivered at any j j given point, i(i he sent nut hroad < cast over the country as llieji speech he delivered there. That 11 speech, as sent out, was carefully i built and edited. It was not the i . speech he delivered, however, In !, a long shot. Mr Koosewlt said!, many things in his speeches that J< did not reach the people of his ; country, and things he did not | want the country at large to hear. | He was caught at his little game ; l?V *the Butte, Montana, Miner. , That paper sent a stenographer ;, lo hear Mr Roosevelt and look 11 lxi? sj?eech down verbatim, and it j i differed materially Iroin the type ;, written copy sent to that office , early in the evening. He said ; many things of a radical nature, and they were things he would ; not want the business interests ol , - - I- - 1 1 _ I 4* . I lie coiim ry io gei uoiu ui, mi j fear ihat iliere would not be the , same unanimity in endorsing him ; for nomination as there seems to have been lately. If this isn't | saving things on the stump that . he does not say off of it, what | would you call it? it this isn't j | approaching the game ol the fakir ', who sells soap from the tail gate < of a wagon, name it? That sort , of work has neither the color nor i the odor of statesmanship. It is j (he mere trick of a politicalro. If this be lese niajeste, make the | most of it. i * * * Since the return of the I'resi dent to liis little cheese*box office , he has had several interviews with his Post master General and lie has told him to ugel oJF the | lid and let the stink come out. ( The latter is going to obey him [ by getting out of town and allowing his subordinates to stand the stench. It is well known that Mr Payne sutlers with acute nidi- , gestion and his stomach is not strong enough to stand this tiling anv longei. Those of us who are ^ I compelled to live in close prox-j imilv In the rottenness and corioption emanating from the Postoffice Department do not blame him. The investigation goes ''bravely on," so it is said, but it 1 is remarked here that, alter all the | replies to Mr Tu I loch's charges are boiled down to the last analv- | sis, the only way in which they have* refilled anything he has charged has been by calling him 'ranother." It is h noteworthy lact to be i borne in mind that all the replies i to Mr Tulloch's charges tiave been < given to the public with the ex- I ception of the reply of MrBris- i tow, the Fourth Assistant Post- i raas'er General. The reasou, it is believed here, is because Mr Bristow has corroborated Mr Tul- ( loch's charges in almost every ( important particular. It will take a democratic spade to get to j nf tliic nilU'k h^JlD / I tic U.J Ill/Ill UI inu ? r. * * ? The American Society ol Equity of Indianapolis has issued a bulletin to the fanners ot the United States demanding an increase in the price of wheat,, arguing that the minimum price of wheat should be $1 a bushel and \ urging the farmers not to sell for iessthanll. The Society was or- j ganized a year ago, with that t city as national hea'quarters, to maintain higher prices for farm < products by co-operation of the ( farmers of the country, and this t is the first formal demand for in- a crease in prices. The bulletin ! reasons that because of the low ! f ' -niojiiy of whtM' ;i>>>) lh<* liilh <*??<! o! net iui., i'.v i!ri! I Vn:' oilier i*omuiori.iio?# .? 1 >?! CIikm^ii i > only ;?n J o jii'K'c lot J i may !>e Ihtonv, but 1 woulil iik?? to siiirirt si to tho Kqui-y mkmHv tlmt there i< rino'lit r ;linl msier and more certain way lor I I he tanner* to accomplish I In* j result aimed at, ami it does not I involve the risk and a!mo*t cer-; am failure ol attempting to inn-' ale the manufaetnrin?j trusts. In' lie first place the prire of wheat j is fixed in Liverpool and not in j i 'Inea^o, ami it we ceased entire]\ | o export, the chances are thai ! the price in Chicago would noi ?oj lo one dollar. There are too innnv | farmers and they are loo widely j scattered to lorm a trust, and I *ven it they were rot they aie not protected by the tariff rates, is are the manufacturers. The latter can net together, form a Iriist and force the juices as liijili is the Ianff wall at any time they dioose. The tanner can do no mch thins:, The manufacturers tave thus forced up tlie prices hat the farmer must j.ay for nanii(iict iced floods tut average >1:1 bout 40 per cent, since the Dingley tariff bill became a law. i'he prices of many articles, sncb ?s barb wire, wire nails, tin plate, window glass, etc., have been forced up 100, 200 or 300 per :ent in our markets, though sold il very low prices to foreigners. If tarifl'duties on trusts were aken oil' manufactured goods which now sell for #1 would sell lor 00 cents. The tanner con I : then buy as .much with his bushel if wheat selling at 75 cents in Chicago as he would jret if he ;ould force the price of wheat up to $1 while payinir the present high trust prices lor bis goods. It is entiiely leasible for the farmers, by voting tor no tarifl*on trust goods, to reduce the cost of what they have to buy. It is not uL all feasible for them to get to gelher long enough to artificially raise the price of wheat 30 or 40 per cent. The farmers are the backbone of protection in this country, although, as a leading republican?the late Ben Butlerworth?said in 1S90: ,4The manufacturers and the trusts get the protection and the profits of the tariff; the farmer eels the husks and the humbug." How much longer will the farmer continue to buy republican gold bricks? Hiiakles A. Edwards. DRIVEN TO DESPERATION. I Riving at an out of the way place, remote from civilization, a family is often driven to desperation in case [?f accident, resulting in burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lav in a sup plv of Buck leu's Arnica Salve. It's the best on can h. 25c, at W L Wallace's Drug Store. A man in Cincinnati applied lo the courts lor an injunction to restrain the tongues of the gossips of the neigh bo: hood. lie learned From judicial sources that there are some tilings beyond the control of the highest human power. Practically all the caviare merchants af Astrakhan, iW&ia, have ieclared themselves bankrupt. Nol a single lennant has cornel forth to rent the rich government fishing stands on the Volga. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY ai.d Backache All diseases of Kidneys, AI TTV {ladder, Urinary OreanB. 1*1 I I 1 B , Also Rheumatism. Back m H I icho.IIcartDisease.Gravel.? > I |\ H Jropsy, Female Troubles. V/ * m. a-d Don't becone discouraged. There Is a :ure for you. If necessary write Dr. Feuner tie lias spent a life time curing just sucb A&es as yours. All consultations Free. "Your Kidney and Baekaclio Cure has ured two very bad cases among our custoners the past year whom the doctors had :lveD up. J. L. STILL A CO.. Woodland, la." druggists 30c., 11. Ask lor Cook Book-Free. JT UlTllQ'nANPC Sure Cure. Circular. Dt H VIIUO UAnuC Feuuer, Fredouia.N.Y III K.I III I II I 111 ' Ull ? A tlJiJ'ill n.-ijx'i ? I il?'la;. O j ivrlifieate. [!i stci'pii re.utio?liitr !u:"!l el j lift* huildiMir-. Even an iiiiioiMiii Indian uia\ I>e a well Alan. Even us hot weailiei li.e -spiri'-i are usually wrapped up. Ceremony is a poor platform j vnu have no!iiin*; else Inj i si anil on. The iceman may not hp hoar'- ] loss in spite of his hard, cold weijrh. Ii is often as il ili.'iiit lor a poor! man to find moat lor liis stomach as it is for a rich man to find a stomach for his moat. | LEGAL NOTICES 1 Notice. I'ntil school commences ajpiin I will be in my office mi Mondays. Teachers and Trustees wlm have not vet handed in School registers will please do s ? at their earliest convenience. G-lSif W.M. rOOI'Kli. Co, Supt K?Iti alioo. Notice. Notice is hereby sfiven t.hat tiic hoard of County Coinuiissioiiers will meet at 11 o'clock a m on Saturday the 27th inst.. at Barr's ford to let OilL tile ort'lges at I ini pru-i: mi repair. J. J. Git AH AM. Omntv Supervisor. C- F. St. .\MANI>/ Clerk. it Wintlirop College Scholarship and Entrance Examinatior s. The examination* f"r the award of vacant scholarships in Wintlirop College and for tli? admission of n?*w students will Ik* held at the County . Court House on Friday, July lULli, at J a. m. Applicants must not be less than fifteen years of age. When scholarships are vacated after July Ki h. they will lie awa?ded to those making the highest average at , this examination. The next session will open about September IC. 1WW. For Iurtlier iufortualion and a camlogue address l'res, I) H Johnson. Rock Hill. S. C. T-J? i Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisors of Registration will he open.! on the first. . Monday in every month for the pur- . pose of tli-registering of any person i - ? -- ? .. vril?? IN ([Millllicw i|- lUII'm?. Who -hull have heen it resident of < tin* state f"r two years. ami of the county <>ne year, ami of the polling pre- , cinclin which the elecu?r offers f> vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax rhea due and payable, and who can lmth read and write any section of the constitution of submitted to him by the Supervisors of JletfMrntion, or who can show that lie owns, and lias paid all taxes collectable on. during the < jresent year, property in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J. J. EAI>l)Y. Clerk of B ?ar d. ; A - IV-J-* nu uiuiirdiiuc To proliibit the riding of bicycles on the pavement*, or sidewalks, of all streets within the town of Kingstrce. He it ordained by the Intendant and Wardens of Kingstree, in council assembled. 1st. That on and after the passage of this act the riding of bicycles on any pavement, or sidewalk, of any street within the ineorporate limits of the Town of Kingstree, is hereby prohibited. 2nd. That any person violating this ordinance shaiI be liable to a tine not exceeding Five ($5) Dollars, or t?c conlined, at bard labor. on ttie chaiugang for a period not exceeding ten (10) days for each and every violation. 3rd. All Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances in conflict, or inconsistent, with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, liatirted June 18. 1903. JOHN A. KELLEY, Intendant. C. i?. St. AMAXP, j Clerk and Treasurer. 1 i !? r urgent and Moat ("ompleta j r ?u*i>tirninevit doum, m. S. HAGKER & SON, , ?X^NCPAOrUXVlUt CJT? Sash. Doors* Blinds* Moulding und Bitlldlag Material, Sash Weight* and Cord CHARLESTON, 8. 0. Pnrcha?e onr make, wbioh we guaraaperior to nay sold Soatb, tad thereby sara money. ( Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty. a The Ready-U>-3erve Cereal ^ ready for any emergency. > Farmer? ut Eating " Fore#." "Thanks for 'Force.' I cat It thr?< times a day. Folks call me 'Sunny Jim. Took some to the country with me on i Zvisit and the farmers oat there an eating 'Force' now. "Will Rctt." W?7 Costs Only 25 cents " <eat? te C. ?i DR. C. ?F. 3lOFFETT?Dcar Doctort feinfers) to our little grand child tcit Ioere aim oat magical, and certainly nu tee overused. Yours verytr* iSotc Bishop Southern Methodist Chut BUELL & F CASH DRY 01 Now is the time to buy your Hankerchiefs WE IIAVE THEM IN GREAT variety LADIES' In Fancy Ij?? owl Kin broidery ef- i feet, t'nixl sheer Ijiwii from A to 'J.V. LAL)IKS' If. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, all Linen, V. | LADIES' LAWN II. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, ] In I-I. 1 -"J. and 1-inch hcras, at A cents. LA DIES' FINE CAMBRIC, 1-in n. S., 10c >r three inr'AV. LADIES' ALL-LINEN, very tine. I.5c.. two i for viftc. Al?o a full line of Ct)I/)REIMV>RDKRF.D HANDKERCHIEFS for Ladies and Children fromto loc. We also have a nice assortment of Handkerchiefs for Gentlemen, ' it from 5 to'iAe. Wt have just received carefully selected line if Gents' Neckties. , hi a variety of ?hade*. only 25c. Underwear. Till* i* the |>1 lee to>;et these for Men, Ladfe* awl Children. 11 Orders Kerelre (jt refit I All 373 and 375 King Strci S. THOMAS 257 KING STREET. (. IF YOU Clock or Silver Spoon Plate Spoons Spectacles anci Gold Rings a Gold Necklaces MAKE NO MISTAKE T (W A T C II INS I'El'TOI WATCHES AND JEV Mail Orders ('a ANNOUNC EDWIN HARPER & SON desi in addition to their TOBACO now prepared to do any and a PAIR and BLACKSMITH work, ialty. They will also keep in sto BASKETS, and BURIAL OUT ollv invifpH u/h^n in np^rl nf 31 i call. We guarantee both our *ood as the best and as cheap a We can make your old Bugi Give us a trial and be co Youi I <ingstree, S. C. W. F. CLAYTON, i i Attorney at Law. ; FLORENCE, S. U Practices in all the Unfted States ? Courts, and in the Courts of Florence nd Williamsburg Counties. v-'l ? ; ins Dumps found Mr*. Dumps 1 distressed S .bout an unexpected guest. S "There's nothing in the house I "There's something better far than meat." The guest endorsed Jim's Tiew with vim Vhen helped to "Force" bj "Sunny Jim." rce loWii r&jKafl A Chlldrtn of Any Ag?. ?"JW?jAlds Digestion, Rejulates^^" jWDERS) W the Bowels, Strengthens of I>m(r<rkf? the Child and Makes at MTlggiStS, TEETHING EASY. I. MOFFKTT, M. D. ST. LOUIS, MOW Cotuwbu*, Ga.t Aug. 94, 1979, ' FT# oare your TEETJBlXA \Te*thinm h the happiest result*. The effect* we matiafactory thunfrem mm/thing tlu, JOSEPH 9, KEY, JPmetor of It PemlChmrch, ROBERTS7" JODS STORE. Ladies' Skirts, We have these up to date having had them node to order. Flannel Waists. All Wool, in Black, Blue, Gray, Garnet ind <>1?1 Ro~c. Ladies' Jackets. Come and see a*. We can give them to you at from $1.30 to $5 in Oxford Gray, Blue and Slack. Hosiery. We hare a fine line of these for Men. Ladies ind Children. Furniture Department. SPOT CASH Pit ICES. IO-piere Imitation Walnut Suits, $11. lO-piece Solid Oak Snitx, $10 to $73. lO-pta-e Solid Walnut Suits, $75, $85 to 11 as. A full line of wardrot^, $10 to 28.30. Solid Oak Kxtcndon TaMe*. #3. Centre Tniilc* from .Vic to$i. Baby Carriage*. $0. ti.'nt up to $12. Go-Cnrta, $8.V>t? $1:{. Children'* Choir?. !{ ? 'gem and High Chain, iClcet stoek of Bed*. $0. VI to $15. lounges. Cnuehesaiid Single Lounges, Willow Rooters, $1.73. Wood Seat, High Ann Rnokec. $1.30. White Iron Beds, $3. 30, $1.23. $5, $,".. 30,^' N?. 17. and $8. ^s lenilon. St. GKIRLEST9N, S. C. 10? JR. A BRO-/ )li Al\ LESION, 8. 0., WANT A Watch s and Forks and Forks * I Eye Glasses ind Brooches and Lockets. HIS IS THE PLACE R SOUTHERN* RAILWAY) VELRY REPAIRED. refully Attended To. CEMENT! re to inform the public, that D FLUE business they are II kinds of GENERAL REHORSE SHOEING a specck a full line of COFFINS, FITS. The public are spec nything incur line, to give us work and prices to be as s the cheapest. (y or Carriage look like new. nvinced, rs to serve, DwiN Harper & Son. , FOB SALE5rick in any quantity to suit purchns r. The Best Dry 1'ress Machine-made x' peeial shapes made to order, (.'orrepondence solicited before placing your rders, W. R. FUNK. P. O Box 103. Kingstree, S. C. '