' * j * . VOL. XIX. ~ KINGSTUEK, 8. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1903. . . NO. wl : IM 1 LOCAL ITEMS 1 OF INTEREST Nov.' for the oil mill. Forty-live to two?that isn't so1 bul. LeRoy Lee, Esq , visited Florence yesterday. Attention is called to town council proceedings. We doff our hat t > the voters of school district No ill. Mr T W Royle was in town yesterday from Greeley ville. Mr J J McCollough, of the Salters section, was noted in town Friday. t Capt J A Kelley went to Georgetown Tuesday on professional basiness. Toe pupils of the Gradeed in to see us while in town Friday ot lest week. Mr J B Bradshaw of Central called yesterday and enrolled his name as a new subscriber to The Record. btill tiiey come. Mr J B Me Bride, county supervisor of Florence county, was in town one day last week. Mr ii H Kellehau of Kingstree paid us a very pleasant call last Friday.?Georgetown OutlooK. Mr C G Carsteu, one of Cades' proiuincut business men, was in town Monday and paid us a vi^t. The money spent in a new school building will pay larger dividends than almost any other Investment. Mr J L tituckey, the popular and genial proprietor of Lake City's sales staoles, was noted in town v Monday. It was impossible to publish all the communications sent in this week. First come, first served, you know. krs M F Heller of Kingstree, who ha? been visiting friend* near ?" ?mi. X" lurvuut*, iciuiucu iiiiiiic xiiui.t' day evening. Miss Lizzie Mclioy, who h as been visiting her friend, Mrs D C Scott ltailroad avenue, left Sunday night for her home in Rock Hill. Messrs R B and Bartow Sriiith of the Hebron section paid us an agreeable call yesterday and the latter added his name to our mailing list. Col Wilie Jones was appoin ted by Governor Hey ward last week to succeed Mr A F H Dukes as a member of the State dispensary U.ard of directors. Miss Mai Sto 11, who has been spending some time here with her brothers, Messrs C W and P H Stoll, returned Monday night to her lmiiiM in Phpsfpr The following from Kingstree attended a germau in Darlington last Thursday night: Messrs L C # Dove, William Scott, Wilmnt Gilland and Miss Louise Gilland. Willie Gardner, a hardened chaingang sinner, was arrested Monday and lodged in jail on a warrant for house-breaking and larceny, issued by Magistrate - kSalters. Mr A F Mcintosh of Workman, accompanied by his friend, Miles B McSweeney, Jr., was in town Tuesday. Both these young men are students at the Sumter Military Institute. Now that we are to have a new school building a few new churches ought to be built. Religion and education go hand in hand and one should not be allowed to outstrip the other. t v,. , * " x J * "*' ' \PPAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR 3 LOCAL REPORT ER AND NOTED ?* vritten in Condensed Form ~Z and Printed in Like Manner ^3 tor the Sake of Our flusv 3 Readers ZZH tOUUittUiUMMUUUUli? (Jcnrgia May Parker, a little girl j living in Bamberg, was poisoned last week by a druggist's clerk, who, in Ailing a prescription, gave the child corrosive sublimate instead of calomel. I After spending some time with her parents at Benson Mrs Will N. Harhen, wife of the distinguished Georgia novelist, left Monday night to visit her sister in Greenwood county. CommundantD EGordon requests us to give notice that thero will be a meeting of Camp Pressley next Monday to elect delegates to the Re mion and transact other important business. Mr J W Ilawkins and Miss Nina Riser came over Saturday from Manning, remaining here until Sunday afternoon au guests of Mr and Mrs LeRoy Lee. Tho frtunil?t nf lt"V S J Mc(7on- I netl were pleased to see him in town Saturday. Mr McDonnell is now pastor of I,oris circuit, Horry county, and had been attending district conference at Clio, Flander Fulton, a negro "trusty" on the chain gang, ran away on Wednesday of last week. On Friday night following he returned to the gang and announced Ids determination to serve his time out. Clerk of Cou *t Tt C Whitehead hns received a check from the comptroller general for the pension money due the veterans of this county and is ready to pay out the same to those entitled to it. Thpre are 8,2-V? names on the pension roll this year against T.T-^n the year before. The total now amounts to "?a'i m >re than last year. Williamsburg's quota this year is 174 against !f>2 last year. In their presentment, at the recent term of court- the grand jury recommends that the court i ? 1 ,1 ...in. I llou.Mr M|iinrt; ur rutnnuu wiwi eing present. Coroner Burrows invited him to occupy a seat with him during the investigation of the case. The Atlantic Coast Lumber Co. of Georgetown hud lieen heard frorti in regard to their chock No 221. The name of the party to whom it was issued was Burgess Hamlet. A few witnesses were examined to day, hut nothing definite was disclosed as to how the unfortunate man met his death and the jury rendered the following verdict: i "That the man was unknown to them and that he met his death in a O. tlw? liirv " lUtllllJl'l (ililMIUtl U IV IU\/ Jill r No one knows how many names the dead man might have assumed. Burgess Hamlet must l>e the one he used with the A C L Co. From that due his relatives and friends may be able to ideutify him. Robbery or pure ''cussedness"?which is it that caused his death? If the whispering winds that sigh through the trees at old White Bay, or the leaves that gently beckon to each other on these same trees, or the night owls that complain to the moon, which pale faced orb seems to smile in pity on the futile efforts of man to peer behind the shroud of mystery?if all these could testify much might be revealed. But as matters stand the "murder mystery" is still far as ever from being solved Reporter. ATTEMPT AT ARSON. Another Ineffectual Effort to Burn a Vacint EuilJing. Another attempt was made last Sunday night to sot lire to the vacant building at the corner of Main and Jail streets by placing a quantity of broom-straw under a sill and igniting it The burnt straw and the charred sill give abundant proof of the wouldbe incendiary's malicious intention. It is only a short time ago that a similar attempt was made to burn the same building If this store were to burn it would mean the destruction of the whole block up to the court house square, and no telling how much more damage if the wind were blowing. It is hard to believe that there ex ist in our law-abiding community a ! character sunk so low as to want to burn out a good part of the business portion of the town; yet these repeated attempts at arson show that there is such a person among us and every good citizen of Kingstree should keep a sharp look out for the guilty miscreant. Ice! Ice! Ice! Having taken charge of the Ice House at the Railroad-crossing I am j x ? r.. ; _i_ T ? i * _ ? prepareu wj luriusu ice m large or small quantities. Special rates of-i fered for Picnics and Entertainments. Sunday hours 8 to 10; 12 to 2; and 4 to 7 o'clock. Save money by buying Ice Tickets, tf 4-14 03 J. B. Lb8E9NE. TO CURE A COLL) IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if itfaiN to cure. E W Grove's signature i* on each box, 23c. . *. v-:.; " /' * ... j ALMOST UNANIMOUS Was the Vote Cast Monday for the New School Building. The election to determine the question of issuing bonds for a new school building came off Monday and resulted in a complete victory for the school, the vote being 4"> to 2 in favor of issuing the bonds.The election passed off quietly, very few of the voters making any secret of the way they voted. The people of the town were probably more nearly agreed on this issue than any other measure ever voted on. The outcome of the election leaves no doubt that the Graded school will have a new home against the opening of the fall term. A DAY'S OUTING Enjoyable Picnic at the H.ad of Wilson's Tramroad. ' / , On Saturday, the 25th iust., I" joined a party of about fifteen young ladies and gentlemen who lawrded the train at, Hebron Station and set out on a picnic excursion. At Kennedy's lot we were joined by about twenty more pleasure seekers, then all aboard again. At Brook branch al>out twenty mo;e got aboard, m iking sixty in all. Mrs John F McFadden chaperoned the young folks and Manager and Conductor Willie Mc- i Elv.rn and Engineer David filled their respective places. At 12 m. we urrtre.i surety at our uesuuauuu, the head of the tram road, where we found a crowd awaiting our arriva'. All enjoyed themselves with thur best girls until dinner was announced. The table was spre id with a*veritable feast, which included a barbecue and other delicacies prepared by the good ladies who know how to prepare good things to satisfy the inner man. After tli * din ner, to which it goes without saving ample justice was done, the time was agreeably spent in tete-a-tetes, buggy rides and other social diversions until 4 o'clock when th aim >uucement of "All aboir l" warned us that our day of pleasure was ended, and we left our friends saying good-bye and waving haukerchiefs until we were well out of S'ght. Mr Editor, from all appeirances there were m ule that day r good m itijr "mortgages" that have not been recorded, and it was a most enjoyable day to all who participated. All praise to Mr John Wilson of Salem mills for his kindness and courtesy in fitting up a flat car with seats for the accomnr datiou of our party. Special t'u. .<$ are likewise due to Mr Willie McElveeu for planning the occasion as a compliment to the "school ma'ams" and other young ladies of Bethel neighborhood, and also to Engineer David, who stood at the throttle and carried us all safely through and back home again. Mork Axon*. WANTED ? Several industrious persons in each suite to travel for house established eleven years and u larje capital, to call up??n merchant* and agents for successful and protitablentne. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of $18 arid all I traveling expense* and hotel hills advanced in cash each week. Experience not essential. Mention leference and enel')se self-addre-sed envelope. TIIE NATIONAL, 334 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 20t 4-30-031 MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP. There's nothing like doing a thing i thoroughly. (JT all the Salves you ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfaction bj I) C Scott. Druggist. Don?t be disappointed if your son insists on doing as you do. 1 1 V- V,'. ttjllHW. THE STRAWBERRY SEASON NOW AT ITS HEIGHT. A Quiet School Closing?Death of Mrs Kelley?Plaint of a Fisherman and . Other Matters Without noise or demonstration of any kind whatsoever -the Lake .Citv school closed hist Friday. All things considered the year has been a successful one and the faithful work of the teachers satisfactory. The number of pupils in attendance has been large?twice as great as the number of teachers could do justice b)'* Hon Theo B Gourdin came up Friday and spent the night with Hon W L Bass. Mr Frank Gregory returned to town the early part of last week. When Judge Gage went home Wednesday he carried with him some of our strawberries. We hope he found them the most delicious he ever tasted. W L Bass, Esq., is in Columbia this week in attendance upon the Supreme court. Mrs North of Laurinburg, N. C., is visiting her daughter, Mrs W E Severance. Miss Annie McBride of Florence spent some days last week with the Misses Rooke. Mr Schultz came up here from Kingstree last week and has opened an "auction store" in the Severance building on Main street. Miss Moore, of South Boston, Ya., is here with her brother, Mr W S Moore. The fishing season is drawing near and the writer is getting restless. If we catch a glimpse of a fishing cane being borne along the street, it requires a tremeudous effort to turn to our desk again, we can't stand the strain much longer. If you hear of us down in "Possum Fork" with a can of worms, don't he surprised. Human nature can't stand every thing and in the matter of fishing our nature is weak, very weak. Messrs L R Warren, special agent, iiud W K Barringer of Florence were in town Friday looking after the matter of the adjustment of insurance on Messrs Moore and ?%iuley'^pack house, which was burned last week. The stock of tobacco was about covered bv insurance, but there will be a loss of something like .$200 or $250 on the building. This is the first tire that has caused insurance companies to pay out anything in Lake City in more than ten J years. Our town has been singularly fortunate in this respect. Miss Sue Severance spent Sunday ; with relatives in to . n. By the time this paper is in the hands of its numerous readers our strawberry season will be at about its height. The shipments are heavy and the prices very good. Borne of the growers are are' selling on the spot. * Mrs Leila D Kelley, wife of Mr Charles M Kelley, died on Wednesday, the 22nd instant. She had been ill for some weeks and her her death was not unexpected. She ? Hftllr /vf 1 Li nn/1 was a Jims uriiv ui i/uiiiu^ivu auu became Mi s Kelley about twelve years ago. She leaves one child? an infant?and an adopted daughter. She was a pine, christian woman and lived a life of devotion to her God and her family. On Friday her body was laid in its narrow bed there to await the coming morning. The sympathy of the community goes out to the husband and the little ones. Sheriff Graham was in town a short while Monday on professional business. Mr John Wilson of Salem was on the. streets Monday morning. / y, ^ . XV \ ' ' X, ? C, .... - w. tr Wilkins, J WHOLESALE 1 JIBES IN GENERAL Minliilist Buying in car- m load lots we | are able to m nAm?1 JJJLuOu UUlUjJUUltion in every 3 line, Here are J some of our I Specialties: \1 FLOUR ORITS MEAL - , 5?^ CORN salt is SOAP LYE SODA STARCH *;;V| BAKING POWDERS fl TOBACCO any GRADf COTTOLENE CAS$ or BKT8 MATCHES per OROSS Pure Ovel Compound LARD HAMS, BOLOjGNA SAUSAGE CANDIES, CRACKERS BACON, SUGAR, Bbl or Sacks POTTED HAM and TONGUE . CONDENSED Ml^K AXLE GREASE Wrapping PAPER and BikpS | HOMESPUN, By thf Boh TOBACCO CLOTH %%%%% % CIDER MOLASSES . CHEESE MACARONI SARDINES SALMON . BUCKETS lis i kits ?. T. lift 9m- . - :r - V ; aSBm .