* -t ,f&. ^jju Cotintjj fteftnft. \ -v^a m - -^aSH ^ . i i i ? , i * - " "'*" ** 1 ' ' * 1 '"' 1 1 h * * * ~* * *,T m ",n r am i -7 mmmmmm > n i nn ??, ,n, vol.. XIxT KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 2G, 1903. NO 12 ?inmmmnwmmmnwnn ! LOCAL ITEMS 1 OF INTEREST mmammmmm Mr J J Morris of Lake City is in ! town today. Tlie county hoard of equalization 1 met Monday. M" ' ^ I ?.?* ! j u-uu in fnu'il Tin's- I .* 1 ?l ?l n ??? i?s v? m day froai Walters. Mr M K Hanna, from near Cades, was in town yesterday. Rev J 0 Carraway of Scranton visited Kingstree Tuesday. "v Mr 1* C MeClary of Georgetown v sited Klngstree !ast week. Hon Joe! E Brunson favored us with a pleasant visit Monday. Mr and Mrs J L C Moore of Lake -- --- * -? rn i City visited fnenas in town iuesday. Miss Bertha Hodge, of Reiser's X Road*, has been visiting friends in town, We regret to hear of the serious illness of Capt A J Smith uear town. Former Supervisor B R Chandler of Rome was in town Tuesday on business. Mr A D Wilson of Church passed through town yesterday en route to Manning. Mr W H Baylor of Cedar Swamp paid us a pleasant call on Tltu:sduy of last week. Mr S M Haynesworth, a former resident of Kingstree, was noted in town yesterday. Mr and Mrs W 1) Daniel of lndiantown spent Sunday witn Mr H U Britten's family. Mr A? W Chandler of Pineland was a welcome visitor at The BecoRI) office Tuesday. MrC d Ilichburg ot Greeleyville was in town Thursday of last week w.aiul dropped in to see us. lion PS Wall and Mr R E McKtiight of Scranton visited Kingstivo one day last week. I Mr II Van Krnreu of Smith's Mills was a welcome visitor at our asactum last Thursday. ltev James E Dunlop of Georgetown was in town this week greeting his numerous triends. MrJC Bell of Iudiantown tells is that his oats are commencing to head. How is that for March? Mr W S Eaddy of Leo was in town Tuesday attending the county board of equalization meeting. Mr John Kindpr took occasion to reaew his subscription to Thk Hkcord while in town Saturday. Mr M F Heller of Kingstree spout several days in Georgetown last week.?Georgetown Outlook. Miss Annre Belin of Rostic, Florence county, is visiting the Misses Myers At the Central flotel. Mr Matt Montgomery, now of Georgetown, spent several days this week with his parents in town. Mrs J C Hell oflndiantown passed thro'igh town this morning * going to Darlington to visit relatives. Sheriff Graham and Mr Ernest Wiggins were inducted into the esoterics of the tirst degree of Pythiauism last evening. Mr D R Snider of Kingstree visited ilr and Mrs H E Montgomery n Georgetown a few days last week. Drucilla Tharpe, wife of James Tlsarpe, colored, died Tuesday night after a long and painful illness. Hon John S Graham, who is a member of the county board of equalization, came in to see us Tuesday. Miss Italine Brockinton, who has been spending so.ne time in Columbia. returiuvl to lvingstree last Thursday. r???M?????B?iM? mmmmmmmmm II AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR ~ j| LOCAL REPORTER AND ~ II NOTED ~ i a 1 || written in Condensed Form || and Printed' in Like Manner {| for the Sake of Our Busy 2i I | Readers 2! Miss Lizzie McClary retnrned t< 'lingstree Wednesday after mi ov(uiirai iw u.i UII? one should ren 1 It. Mr Willie I Nexsen, one of oui most successful young business men near town, recently closed oul lOti bales of cotton at 9 0-16 cent) the pound. The cotton was bought by Mr Byars of Marion county representing In man & Co. We are indebted to the courtesy of Hon William Elliott for a copy of an abstract of the twelfth censu.? of the United States. This is t small, handy volume published by the government, containing tht most interesting statistics of tht last census, and is invaluable as t book of reference. Rev Joel I Allen, financial ageni of Furinan University, Greenville occupied the pulpit of the Baptis' church Sunday evening, when union services were held. Ai thi clo?e of the sermon?wnich was i notably good one?It was announc ed that services would be held It the Baptist church every evening during the week under th( auspices of the Ladies' Missionary Society. Jake Epps, a half-witted negri chaingang convict, get ids lej broken last Sunday whjj^^Pstlinj with a fellow-member of the "gang.1 l)r Gamble, who was called in t< see hint, advised that Jake tx brought to town where he could tx properly attended to. Superviso Graham accordingly had the negn brought to Kingstree, where he i: lodged with relatives who will taki care of him until he recovers. From now on Mr A J Lee, of Lak City, will be in King8t?-ee once o twice every week. l-29-3n : ... 'j iih'itli n| king convicted. Florence Double Murderer Found j Guilty?Sentenced to Life lmprisonm?nt I Florence, March 20? William j C King, the white man who murdered Janu* and Samuel Rodger* in this county ou Saturday, January 31, 14/ixq fun ml "aniltv with recommeu j, ? dation to mercy" today by the jury } in the criminal court now in session here. Ilis attorney, Walter Wells, Esq., ; made a motion for a ne . trial, but when court convened this afternoon he announced his abandonment of ihe motion, but gave notice of an appeal to the supreme court. , Judge Gage then sentenced King to the penetentiarv at hard labor for his natural life. The verdict has given unusual sat' isfaction. and groups of men can be seen on the streets discussing the case. The general consensus of opinion is that it marks the beginning of a new era in South Caro' lina, especially in this part of the State. It is asserted that this is the first conviction of a white man for * l'" I'illiiin r\t tnwif hiir in tliid ill II1C nilllug VA UUVVUV* earal?and the shirts ' were taken in. As to the causes of * % i the two full fights inquire of the 1 merchant who9e sign, envelopes, * letter heads and red head Ixars each ' a different business name. The town 1 treasurer made several new entries 1 on his books, and in some pocket 1 books there is an aching void that ' shucks cau not fill. Selah. We.have been asked so many times when otir next circuit court will convene that we feel constrained to ask j the editor to make the announcement again. The next term of court will begin on Monday, April 13th, and 1 will continue two weeks, if so much J be necessary. This has been stated in this paper before. And we want to add that if you want to keep i-J a-1-_ TVvnnnn pOSlfU, lAKl' JLHti VUIM l unvuau and read it and believe it. What it ( says may be relied on. Dr Williams has gone to Cottageville, Colleton county. Prof Clinkscales was greeted by a full house Tuesday night. The , house was full iu the full sense of , the word and the speaker was full of t his subject, "The Utilization of Waste," and he filled his hearers with bright ideas and golden thoughts. Everyone seemed delighted and evidenced their appreciation by hearty plaudits. The door receipts footed up a good deal more s than the guaranteed sum. Prof Clinkscales went from here to Latta and Dillon. j Marshal Arms seized a two gallon | jug of North Carolina corn Saturday and shipped it to the State commissioners. The intendant and the marshal wera satisfied that the circumstances warranted them in suspecting that it was intended for purposes not legal. These seizures < of liquors by the town authorities are having good effect. There was less evidence of driuking here Satur-: < day than for a number of Saturdays past. All good citizens will stand by the officers in their efforts , to enforce the law- I V* j v Strawberries are beginning to ripen right along, If the warm Weather continues, growers will be able to begin shipping in a few days. But on the other hand should we hare a breeze, the entlfe crop will be ruined. We shall, however, hope for the best. The Bethlehem Baptist Union will meet with the Scranton church next Friday and continue till Sunday. Mr KB Cannon was over from Scranton Monday on business. W. L B. We cordially invite oar customers and the public to call at our store and examine our new spring stock, In millinery everything is up to date, both in style and quality. Our line of dress goods is new and complete. We have the latest in trimmings and novelties* A glance at our line will convince you as to quality and price. Dou't buy until you see our line. If you haven't received samples from us drop us h card. Special at* tention is given to dressmaking? , satisfaction guaranteed. Stewart & Floyd, 4t Lake Citj, S. C. The Gonzales Monument Fund. j Editor County Record:? I have been appointed by Mr W A i Clark, of Columbia, chairman of the ^jnimittee for the "Gonzales Motiu- 4 tnent Fund," to open a subscription I list at Kingstree and to solicit contributions to that fnnd. 1 take this method of informing the citizens of * Williamsburg county that I will receive and forward to the treasurer J sf the fund at Columbia any contributions which may be made to me, ( it left at the Bank of Kingstree. j It would be a work of snpererogitlon to recall the services to the State of South Carolina by the lamented dead. His life-work was 1 le voted to the honor and welfare of the State, ahd he discharged the In ties devolving upon him with a fidelity, courage and ability which son the admiration of all impartial minds. Let a gratified people emulate his example and perpetuate fiis memory. R. C. Logan*. Try a pair of our "Girl Graduate" Shoes. Stewart & Floyd. 36 inch Peau de Soie and guaraneed Taffeta Silk at Stewart & Floyd's. Men's Pants at Stewart & Floyd's Mr T C Ovtfpns, county supervisor j >f Clarendon, was in town one day his week. Mr Owens is a brother )f Mr W D Owens of this county. I TO CURE A COLD tN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Itromo Quinine Tablets. All drogglsts refund the uoney if it falls to cure. E W Grove's signature is on each box, 2.">c. Ladies' Umbrellas at Stewart & Floyd's. ( Gents' furnishings have particular ittention at Stewart & Floyd's. MrRT Parker of Cades called today and left us a pleasant remembrance on subscription. ? - Latest novelties in Ladies' Neckwear. etc. at Stewart & Floyd's. Trouble is about all some church members give the preacher. . Chambrays 10c per yd at Stewxb & Floyd's. " 1 Those who become tired1 art a 40 minute sermon can sit three ?oocs> i? a thefttre* , . a v _ . , .* . c * . i' .v,*:. W T 1 Wilkini, WHOLESALE j JIBBER IN MIL . .. .uftt Buying in carInaH lnts Wfl are able meet compete*! tion in every line. Here are some of oar Specialties! ''LOUR GRITS MEAL CORK ' . OATS } !&t ' SALT SOAP LY* 90DA STAKCK ? ? % ? f BAKING POWDERS TOBACCO any GRADE COTTOLENE CA8E ar BKTS MATCHES per GROW Pure Ovcl Compound LARD* -jams, bologna sausage df CANDIES, CRACEEfc* 3ACON, SUGAR, B%1 *vS?ci&? >OTTED HAM add TONGUE i| CONDENSED MILE AXLE GREASE //rapping PAPER and BAG# . HOMESPUN, By the Boll TOBACCO CLOTH :ider * \i8S MOLASSES CHEESE MACARONI SARDINES SALMON &NUTP ropb; buck&ts ,1 /JTVfc. USkfeM, 11. 11B, ; it L,,