Mk.-rvv*-. :.r ' - - ' : . - ; ? lie (founts e?n\ 1 VOL. XIX. KINGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1903. NO. J0.'v'| | LOCAL ITEMS 1 OF INTEREST i C iuiuutiuuuuuiuiuiuiiuau Tuesday, March 17, .Is St Patrick's day. l?r A M Snider In on the sick list this week. P If Stoll. Esq, s|?ent yesterday in Charleston. Yesterday was delightfully fair after the raoent rains.' Sir VV \V Boyd of Trio was on I our utreets yesterday. ^ Mrs C A Mouz ?n of Mouzons ?j?ent Saturday in town. t . Mr C E Grayson was in town yester -ay from Dcnson. Mr J E Tharpe of Dunson was a i visitor in town Saturday. The K of P lodge held an inter* ' esting meeting last evening. f Mr James E Davis of Salter* a pent Monday in town business. lajRoy Lee, E*q., has recently enclosed his yard with a neat paling. Mr Olin Johnson of Lake City : visited his parents in town Sunday. H[on Theodore Ii Gourdin called to sue u.s while io town Saturday. Miss Kloise Cooper has returned from a visit to relative* at Indiau* town. r Messrs Fred and Cuyler Harper are convalescing from their recest ? illness. Mia* PtednAVehinAn of Charleston U rioting Mr Louis Jacobs' family. K Mr T J Duke was noted on oar [ afreets Saturday from Cedar L Swamp. Mr S J M Tisilale of Greeleyvllle ^ > c died Monday and renewed hiMibscription. I fu^.Mrs T M. Gill-tn I his returned from a week's visit to friends in | Charleston. (Capt John A Keltey went to Georgetown yesterday on professional bu*iite?*. ~ Mr Frank M Player of Reiser* X H >aU was among the county seat visitors Monday. Magistrate VV il MeCtito of T:lo spent Tuesday a 11 Wednesday in town ou business. Me^H El If.eain'.ugw ay an I J P llnnna of Lambert ware in town Friday of. last week. I Messrs \V G Cautiey and, uUncle George" Mitehum were in town Monday from Central. Mr Joel Ross who is now relief age nt for ti)o Coast Line visited his parents in town Sunday. People who have to travel them say there are no good roads?they are all bad and worse. Miss Etta Jacobs, who is teachin? at Gourdin*, spent Saturday F ami Sunday at hoine. Miss Thetis Stack ley entertained her young friends with a flincn party last Friday evening. I Mr W M D McGeccame over SatUk ur^ay from Scran ton and'wiiile in t m pakl us a pleasant visit. | Mr George Heminingway and WM >e Walter C Hemmingway were here Monday from Lambert. V Mrs J M sturgeon of Lake City W i spent yesterday in tho city with J . friends.?Florence Times, March 9. I Mr James H Tlsdale, Sr. of Cen^ trul was in Kipgstree Saturday and added his name to our mailing list. I C ipt B 8 Smith of Bloomingvaln, f one of the leading farmer* of hi* section, was noted in town yester ? . *t Mr J X Hammett, who 4ias been spending several da/a ?with his family in town, returned to Taft yesterday. Mr Millard Gooiman and Miss Cornelia Player have returne-.l from a visit to Kingstree.?Tim toons* vllle Enterprise, P . Mt? -v f-fiMj- ?-Y-|tfiW nomnmmmmmmmmm? AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR 3 LOCAL REPORTER AND ^ NOTED Written in Condensed Form and Printed in Like Manner 1^3 for the Sake of Our Busv ^5 Readers 1^3 UDUUUUUIUlUiiUUUUiUUli Mr R B Smith, a stirring farmer and substantial citizen of Soring IJank, paid us his respects while in town yesterday. Mr \V J Rrocklnton, who is at present staying at Lucile in Florence county, was in town Saturday on business. Mr Sigruon Courtney, who has been in Florence since last fall in employ of E F Douglas, returned home this week. Mias May Stoll, who Is teaching near Sailers Depot, *pei.t Sunday with the Misses Kennedy on Railroad a ven ue. A dance at Mr Louis Jacob's residence on JastThurs.lay evening was occasion of much'enjoyment to those who attended. Mrs J 11 L Chandler and Miss Mary Thornwell of Salters Depot were the guests of MrsU M Chandl *r one day this week. Mrs R H Kellehan and Miss Lula Strong returned last evening from "" nrfunilwl til frit'lllls ill Pensacolo, Florida. Quite a nnmher of her friends were entertained by Miss Mug Scott Inst Friday evening with a progressive flinch party. Mr John I* Confer, representing the Daily Times, Florence's sprightly afternoon paper, was in Kingstree Tuesday on business. ' The supervisor has [Misted the large bridge over Black river, framing the public that anyone crossing it does so at his own risk* Misses Sal lie anil Mary Emma Kirk of St John's. Berkeley county, are the guests of Mr and Mrs R J Kirk, the former of whom is their uncle. Mr W 1) Bryan of Taft, one of Williamsburg's most progressive and public spirited citizens, was in town yesterday and looked in to see us. WANTED? V competent man to take charge of the Williamsburg Presbyterian Cemetery during the ? i - %r iv summer months. Apply to iurs v C oeott. We *re requested to Announce that ttev W F Gregg of Manning will preach in the Presbyterian church on next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The State Dispensary board of directors has decided to allow Dispenser Coward an assistant ail the year round instead of during the winter mcnth* as heretofore. Misses Louise Collins and Annie Marvin, two beautiful and attractive young ladies of Charleston and Hendersonville, 8. C., respectively, are visiting the family of Capt G P Nelson on East Main street. Hon J C Lanhain, a prominent member of Clarendon county's Legislative delegation, was here the first of the week. Mr lamham lias Numerous friends in town who are always happy to see him. Among the visitors to town Monday was Coroner H M Burrows of Fowlers, who was " receiving the congratulations of his friends on the happiness incident to his having recently taken unto himself a better half. Mr S O Matthis of Manning a-In fniifn lil? ftimilv I'M. l,,vu " ? - 4? terday to take a position with Messrs Harper & Son in their wood work and repair *hop. We underhand that Mr Matthis is a *kil't I artisan with many years experience in bis line. Rev Bunyan McLeod preached in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening. Although quite young in years Mr McLeod is a forceful and eloquent speaker and held the closest atteution of his congregation. His sermon Sunday night has elicited many admiring comments. / I Mr J F Coojjer and l)r I) C Scoti left Tuesday night torDavis Station, Manning and Sumter on business connected with the Kingstreo oil ; mill. These gentlemen are memi hers ?>f the committee appointed to : purchase the plant for the mill soon to Ihj erected here. Bishop Ellison Capers will hold services in the Kpiscopal church on Monday evening, March 16, at 8 I o'clock. Bishou Caners is one of tlit' ablest unci most eloquent divines in the State and those who go out to iiear him may expect an exceptionally tine sermon. The largest and most promising tleld of oats we have seen this year j is that of Messrs Thomas & Brad- j ham over Broad Swamp. This Held, j containing 75 acres, was planted some time ago by the tirm's popu- ^ lar and efficient manager here, Mr 1 J B Steele, and it bids fair to yield ' more oats than than the famous 1 "Mr Carter" had. I From now on Mr A J Lee, of Lake ' City, will la* in Kingstree once or ' twice every week. l-5iy-3m < f Spec al Notice. ' After this date the barber shop at the Coleman Hotel will be closed on Sunclnvs after 11 o'clock a. m. I/1 respectfully ask my patrons to come early on Sundays that they may receive attention. J. D. M ouzos, 4t Proprietor. A SAD ACCIDENT Mr Harmon McDaniel's Little Girl Fatally Burned Near Jay. Jay, March 9, Special.?On Thursday, March 5, Mr Harmon McDaniel's little girl, aged three years, was burned so badly that she died ou the following Friday morning. The child went in the field near the house where a small boy was burning cotton stalks, and getting some fire from a burning pile, set it it to the grass near by. When it blazed up her dress caught fire. The bov ran to her assistance but * . 1 could not extinguish the blaze. He j then liurried to the house for his mother, but before they got back the ^ child hud fallen to the ground and j was so frightfully Jiitrned that she died next morning as above stated. The funeral took place on Saturday _ at 12 o'clock at the Eaddv grave yard. " ' Mrs and Mrs McDaniel have the sympathy of the entire community ( in this terrible affliction. J. M. B. I w -? ? A Young Life Ended. On last Saturday morning a gloom was cast over our entire neighbor? j ? A1-- J il. VO. + noou oy me ueuui ui /U*. mc eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs So- ' Ion Nesmith. She had been in declining health for more than a 1 month but was not very ill until ' just a few hours before her death. ' Etta was a bright winning child of just twelve years, who endeared herself to all who knew her. At home and at school she was always 1 loving kind and gentle. She has ' been taken from a loving family, 1 who have the profound sympathy of 1 the community. 1 lie has called for many a loved one, We have seer them leave our aide, With /hip Knvnnr we shall meet them, i When we, too, have crossed the tide. Her Tkachbr. Dock, S. C., March 10, 1903. 36 inch Peau de Soie and guaranteed Taffeta Silk at Stewart & ' Floyd's. Chambrays 10c per yd at StewaIit ; & Floyd's. ? Look at our low quarter Shoes; before buying elsewhere. Stewart & Floyd. Stewart & Floyd's ready to wear Hats are up to date. i(lire PITY input? inni uiii LiiufiLu. A WEEK'S HISTORY OF A LIVE AND PROGRESSIVE TOWN. Prof. Clinkscales to Lecture?Making It Warm for Blind Tige< s? Other News. Dr "Williams was in Charleston I he early days of the week on business. S W G Shipp, Esq., came down from Florence Wednesday und spent the day on legal business. Last Friday Mr 1> M Epps presented us with a tine, fully developed And thoroughly ripe tomato, which he grew iu his garden. It was [rcfitun ir? rinun nrnMinil B'ifhilllf nnv ijIVTT U 111 V/|/VH glVUltv% ?* * WMW?t v muj protection whatever. Fresh tomatoes as late as new year's day are not unusual, , but we are disposed to think that this tomato of Mr Epps' tieats the record. We have never tieard of an open-air grown tomato m March 6th in this country before. This gives some idea of the possibilities of our soil and climate. Miss Mattie Grimsley, who had beeu spending some time in town, eturned home last Saturday. Our young folks enjoyed a "flinch party" given by Mrs Grimsley Frilay evening. Flinch is rapidly becoming one of the most popular >f card games. Mr J M Sturgeon is getteng ready ? build a sample room be tween his lotel and store. This will bequite oonnmmrtliifinn tn fhp rlriim Tiers. There is now not an available oom in town for a display of their ^oods. Prof John G Clinkscales will deliver a lecture here on the 17th nstaut. His subject has rot been innonnced, but it will be one of the Following: "Utilization of Waste," or 'The Grit, Bare Legged Laddie," or 'A Live Wire." Prof Clinkscales is ine of the best known and most mtertaining lecturers in the State, liid he should be faced by a large md intelligent audience. lie is no stranger to a great many of our people, as he has made several addresses in Kingstree end conducted at least JUC V/i. VU1 KHVU^JO lUOUbUVWCt n onr streets Friday of last week. The Lake City Drug Co. has moved into the store formerly occupied by Joyher Bros. The loom has been entirely remodeled, the walls nicely papered and all the wood work nearly painted. The (Vftole makes an attractive appear Mice. The old stand will be occupied by the Globe Millinery and Dry Goods Co. This room has been materially altered and arranged to accommodate the new business and the whole freshened up with white paint. Messrs W S Moore and J W Floyd spent Sunday in Florence. It will be remembered that the Legislature, recently adjourned, passed an act providing for the payment of expenses and gervices of Mr J D Daniel in the effort to capture and bring back the strawberr; swindler, H C Holloway. Last weekMr Daniel received a check for the amount, $64.00. Intendant Gaskins is putting on his war paint for the "blind-tigers.' He says he is going to make it warm for the eyeless monsters. Saturdaj he came near making a haul. Suspecting that whiskey intended foi illegal purposes was secreted in i certain store in town, he instructed ' ' '.1 . - */+ : " V-'jiit Marshal Arms to go in and make a . raid. On the first visit the marshal found othing, hut on second inves tigation (the intendant insisting that the stuff was there and musi he found; a two-gallon jug was' dheov ered. The cop, instead of taking charge of the jug, went back and reported the find. Mr Gaskins ordered him fc) go and get the whiskey bnt it ??a4- liuvln ft Vwu>n L'UUIU 11UI/ lUUi Ut 4.VUUU) UMiiiig WWM spirited out of the back dbor. 3f r 0 T Hall, who had been in Danville,' Va>, for tore rteeks, returned home Monday morning. trijf was on business and he came back in a most excellent humor?in love with all the world. The visit was a most pleasant and successful one. ' The town council, having' concluded that the lights now on the streets are too expensive and difficult to keep in order, have purchased oil lamps to take the place of the. discarded lamps. We cordially invite our customers and the public to call at our store and examine our new spring- stock, In milliiiery everything is np to date, both in etyje and quality. Our line of dress goods is new and complete. 1 We have tne latest in trimmings and novelties' A glance at our line will convince you as to quality and price. Don't buy until you see our line. . If you haven't received samples from us drop us a card. Special. attention is given to dressmaking? satisfaction guaranteed. 4 Stewart & Flotd, 4t Lake City, S. C. A Card Party. Dr and Mrs W V Brockinton gave a delightful card party at their elegant and hospitable residence on Tuesday evening. Tlinch and other card games were played, tlje pleasure of which was added to a great ileal by a number of popnlar musical selections art istically rendered by the skilful pianists present. The mam h' nv/ot aiiu UWDW.OO nviv vi*v??.w r?M their*efforts for the entertainment of their guests and the hoars glided by all too swiftly. Dainty refreshments were served during the evening in the mostfjecherche style. Following are the guests who attended: Misses Edith and Beulah Nelson, Annie Marviu, Louise Collins, Ma1 mie Jacobs, Eloise Cooper, Sallie and Mary Emma Kirk, Louise Gilland, Freda Wehman, Fannie Cordes and Marion Gilland. Messrs C W and Philip Stoll, Ernest Wiggins, R J Kirk, Wiluiot Gillaud, William and Montie Scott, C W Wolfe and Isaiah Tisdale. Try a pair of #ur ' Girl Graduate" Shoes. Stewart & Floyd. TO CURE A COLU IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bruno Quinim' Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fail* ro cure EW(i rove's ? * *A?/?K KA? 0"U? S'|(IIillUIC 12* UU tail! UVA, ?"V. Ladies' Umbrellas at Stewart & i Floyd's. It's far belter to be disappointed in love than in marriage. Gents' furnishings have particular attention at Stewart & Floyd's. Wit is the wipe of intellect; illnature turns it,into vinegar. t. - *? T J!._f V..1. * .Latest novelties in jjaujes necK' wear. etc. at Stewart & Floyd's. .. . Men's Pants at Stewart A Floyd's . The Iramp must belong lo the > upper crust?at least he is always . on the loaf. .. Honeyed words are not always ' characteristic ot a quilting bee. 1 It a sad thing to-be without a '' fivuny-*boBe. * . V " . :?/u'ri. . %Si?a&2', "... W; T. 1 Wilkins, I /yr-TF3^ : SSr MirtUin 1IJ.U1 UUUUUAWV Buying in carload lots we are able -to | meet competiX tion in every line. Here are some of our | Specialties: _|| j O ? FLOUR ' Aj||| GKITS MEAL CORK ~ OATS r** SALT ?,SOA? ^ LYE ! 9 SODA ' ^ \ I STARCH" * * * * BAKING POWDERS , <| TOBACCO any GRADE 1 COTTOLENE CASE or BET# MATCHES .per GROSS Pure Ovel Compound LARD Q HAMS, BOLOGNA SAU3AM> CANDIES, CRACKERS BACON, SUGAR, Bbl Of tack* POTTED HAM and TONGUE | CONDENSED MILK AXLE GREASE Wrapping PAPER and BAO0 , . i HOMESPUN, By the Bolt TOBACCO CLOTH j v CIDER T " ''i MOLASSES1 CHEESE - \'k MACARONf ?AOnTMi?sf > UftiWAll MV SALMON i * . ,&*&! ?. ... note *" SOCKETS : <:j It 1MB T. Wtt, * - eg* -rV jJWCTi1 IMIIM