?ljc unfa # tcotb. VOL. XIX. lUNGSTREE^cT,"THURSDAY, MARCH 5,1903. N0.9'-^a I 1~ ITEMS I 1 OF INTEREST Read Stack ley's new ad. Note list of township assessors in this Usue. Mr R S Tisdale of'Central called to sec us Monday. Mr \V ? Nomnith of Cades spent 1 1.... I?? JT.1lCruttJ in wnu. Mr W W Burrows of Loo spent Friday night in town. The board of super visors of registration mot Monday. V* , Mr F L Shirer of Pineland was a county seat visitor Monday. Hon W L Bass of Lake City was , In town Monday on business. A contest for the school children. Bead our "Flag Contest" offer. Mr W N Core of Sutton* added hit name to our mailing list Monday. Dr-A D Epps has been elected county physician?a good selection. ISf'Jct I After an illness of some days Mr R C Logan is able to be out again. Mr W S Grayson of Benson caine in to see us while in town Monday. Former Supervisor B B Chandler of Rome was on our streets Saturd.y. The time for paying taxes without the penalty expired last Saturt day. Mr James Henry Rice of Georgetown was in town Monday on business. Mr E W Boatwrisrht of Harpers was among the visitors in town Monday. Just in It Thomas A Bradham's stables today, a car-load of horses and inules. K'j-. Messrs Fred and Cuyler !Carper have been and are still very sick of pneumonia. If I)r L B Johnson of Lake City w*s in town Saturday greeting his ?f. numerous friends. * - -? tr Among the visitors in www Monday was Mr N M Venters of Vent?-r# postoffice. Mr W J Morris of llloomingvale called Monday und advanced his ??iil?*CTiption a year. Mr JW Josey, Melchers A Co'* genial and affable representative* was in town yester ?ay. Mr D W Courtney of Cedar Swamp paid us a pleasant visit Thursday of last week. Mr J A Montgomery of the IGreeleyville section, paid us his -eapects one day last week. Mrs Lizzie McRoy of Rock Hill is visiting the family of Dr D C , Scott on Railroad avenue. Mr R J McKnight, our esteemed Cades correspondent, was in town Monday and came in to see us. Our valued friend, Mr W H McElveen, was an appreciated visitor ?? at The Record office Monday. ?ri nf .'1131 JlrtVlriO X CIIUUI j^l <>l Florence is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. L 3tack)ey. Messrs W H Baylor and D G . Howard of Cadar Swamp were welcome Tialtors at our office Monday. Mr J 8 Branson, the newly elected chaingang superintendent added his name to our mailing list Monday. i There will be preaching in the Presbyterian church here orj Sunday next, 7:30 p. in., by Rev Bunyan McLeod. Misa Julia ThorhweH, the accomplished teacher tH Salter* Depot, visited Mrs C If Chandler last Saturday. Miss Eva Miller gave an elocutionary entertainment Thursday night to a small audier.ee in the courthouse. 4 ?? Mr Samuel J Sinfcletary, the new member of the board of county i commissioners, was inducted into L*. office Monday. ? AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR 2i ' LOCAL REPORTER AND 23J. NOTED 28 I = 3 Written in Condensed Form ^2 j and Printed in Like Manner :8S! for the Sake of Our Busy M Readers Z38 h luiiuiuuiiuiuuiiuuiiiiiuail'; Mr R C Johnson of Lake City look oecasl' Mr J T Thompson of Society Hill v has been appointed in his stead. The pension board nivjt Monday e and forwarded to Columbia the t revised and approved pension roll. ( The roll shows twenty-one new ] names added and seven 'deaths since last year, making a total net gain of fourteen members over last * year. , 1 At their meeting Monday the t board of county commissioners j elected Mr J S Brunson of Gourdius superintendent of the chain gang . and Mr J F Baker was retained as 1 guard. 8ince the resignation of 1 Capt Wheeler some weeks since Mr * Brunson has performed the duties of superintendent in a very satis- j factory manner. ^ From now on Mr A J Lee. of Like 1 City, will be iu Kingstree ouce or * twice every week. l-29-3m j For Sale. 25 bushels extra early Valentine 1 Beans at $3.50 a bushel. ! Nermith Bros., j 2-26,2t . Cades, S. C. ] HOMICIDE AT TRIO. Inquest Held by Magistrate McCants on February 19. On the night of Wednesday, Feb naryl8at Trio, Abraham Swin- I :on was shot and fatally wounded by William Hicks. It is said that the \illing grew out] of improper rela;ions between Swintou and Hicks' -rife. All the parties are negroes J, 3u the night in question it seems hat tlicks waylaid swmton ana , iliot hiin in the back with a , shot juii inflicting a mortal wound. ( [dicks escaped at the time of the shooting and is still at large. Mag- , strata W B McCauts held an inkiest over the remains the day after j he shooting and the jurv rendered i verdict in accordance with the ' ] 'acts above stated.. . \ i ?c. ~ ^ SAME OLD STORY. Mother Leaves Children at Home and Child is burned to Death. Mr J L Thomas was in town Mon- [ lay and told a representative of The ] Iecord of a horrible occurrence ; y'hich took place last Thursday near < lis homeabout six miles from Cades. ] n. the afternoon of that day he was ] talking by a negro cabin when ] lis attention was attracted by the ' * VM 1 % rifts ot several small negro cnnuren i q the yard. They were crying 6ut 1 hat "Sallie was bnining up."- Mr i Thomas went to the door to get in ( nd hud to force it open as it was ] ecurely barred. Inside he found a leap of smouldering rags 'covering , he charred body of a ijegfo j*irl bout 7 years old. The child was \ [uite dead. According to the story 1 f the children, their mother,' Jane j Jooper, went off leaving the five . hildren in the yard and barring the oor so that they could not enter the j louse. ( But the children became hungry , nd Sallie, the victim of the tragedy, ( rent into the house through a win- ( ow and tried to cook some peas she ( ound inside. When she put the pot ] n the fire her dress caught and the { est followed naturally, as she was j hut in the house with no one to , ielp her until too late. A pot of , ,alf cooked peas was found on the 1 re to corroborate the children's , tory. j The mother of the child was in a leasure responsible for its death ? nd the case above reported should | e thoroughly investigated. j ? ] (JROSSED OVER THE RIVER. < Death of John Edward McEIVeen, a Confederate Veteran. The subject of this sketch was 10m August 8, 1837, in Clarendon 1 ounty, and was therefore at the ime of his death, February 16,1903, bout 66 years old. Twenty two ears ago he moved to this county, , rhere he lived near Spring Bank. , MrMcElveen was a brave Confed- s irate soldier. At the beginning of he war, 1861, he enlisted in Co. H, }apt Whitworth, under James D Blanding, 9th Reg, S. C. V. This company was ordered to Vir- ; jinia and re-organixed in April, L862, into Co. K, 6th Regt., Capt 1 \\ S Brand, under the gallant Col, lohn Bratton of the Army of ( Northern Virginia.,. Mr MelClteen ( vas wounded. ^ Md., n 1862, but continuSCftf service intil the surrender at Appomattox 1 H. After the war was over Mr McElveen returned home and followed , the avocations of farmer and sur- i reyor. In the latter calling there ire many who can 'testify to the >ains-takiDg ; accuracy which char- 1 icterized his work. * He leaves a devoted wife and ?ight children, besides an only brother, Mr W H McElveen of Spring Bank, who in common with i large number of fiiends are bereaved by his .death,.Vl ? . SI IN Sf HE. MR. F. WILL FAIREY KILLS HIS STEP -FATHER AT BRANCHVILLE The Latter Crazed from Drink, Pointed a Gun at Mr Fairey, Who Was Trying to Quiet Him. Braxchville, March 3.?Mr N G Heape was shot and instantly killed here this morning by his step sou, F W Fairey. It seems that Mr Hcape has been on a spree for several days and had become delirious; he had threatened several times to shoot his wife, Young Fairey'a mother, and had run the whole family off the place. Mr Heape and young Fairey had always been specially good friends and he started to 50 and try to quiet Mr Heape, who had already been shooting at Mrs Heape, and at any one that passed the place. "As soon as Mr Fairey entered the yard, Mr Heape drew his gun, and Fairey had t<[ shoot to save his own life. The verdict of the coroner's 1 . jury was that "Heape came to his death by gun shots wounds in the hands of F W Fairy, Jr., and we believe the same to }>e justifiable homicide." This is one of the most deplorable affairs that has ever occurred in this section. Mr Heape was one * of the oldest and most trusted engineers m this branch of the Southern railroad. Mr Fairey will apply for bail at mce. Mr Heape Was h member of a Colombia lodge of Woodmen of the World and the Woodmen here have already taken charge of the remains. ?The State. Mr F Will Fairy, the young man referred to in the foregoing article, rame to Kingstree about a month igd to take a position in the law jffice of John A Kelley, Esq., and luring that time he has gained the ?steem of every one with whom he tias been associated. On Monday ifternoon he received a telegram from a friend stating that his mother sranted him to come home. With)ut knowing the reason he complied irith this request, leaving here Monlav night. The sad affair which followed is a great shock to Mr Fairy's friends here, but the circum stances of the killing seem to entirely justify his action. Capt Kelley, bis employer, left yesterday for Branchville to offer Mr Fdrey hia xmnsel and assistance. Seed Irish Potatoes* Bliss Triumph and Early Rose it 25c a peck. These seed are Vhen it was found that the sum named by some of the bidders for working the roads in a single township amounted to more than double the the entire fund for keeping up all I the roads in the county, which fund j 1 i? estimated to be between $6000 and j |$7000. ' , In these circumstances the boafd rejected all bids as it had the right to do, and will devise some other method of getting the work done. Just what plan will be pursued has , not yet been decided on, but doubless the matter will be settled at the > next meeting of the board on March ' 17.. I The trouble seems to be that the commutation tax of $1.00 is tncom* X. _iil? altornativ. nf meneuf?i? ?nu wv -eight day's road doty, and ahnost i every body, white and black, is pay* , ing the tax. Mr David Snider returned this i morning from Ohio, where he has been spending some months. W. T. 1 Wilkins, "j _ \ |I1 GENERAL Mirtlniiii Buying in carload lots we 1 are able to | meet competi- j tion in every J line. Here are j some ol our ; Specialties: tfl 0 OX FLOUR GRITS. MEAL CORN OATS SALT SOAP . LTE SODA STARCH BAKING POWDERS TOBACCO any GRADE COTTOLENE CASE or BKTt MATCHES per GROSS Pure Ovel Compound LARD HAMS, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE M PA wnirs rPAP.KRBS BACON, SUGAR, Bbl or Sacks POTTED HAM and TONGUE CONDENSED MILK AXLE GREASE Wrapping PAPER and BAGS HOMESPUN, By the Bolt TOBACCO CLOTH ODER MOLASSES CHEESE MACARONI SARDINES SALMON SNUFF ROPE BUCKETS lis H MS IT. Kills,