ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The Sun-beam Society Holds Its Regular Meeting * unda^. K \ ___ The ?4Sun beam*' society held its regular meeting in the I3;tf>lisi church la>t Sunday afternoon at lour o'clock. A large attendance o! the members was present and liaiened attentively to a very interesting program. Alter the regular exercise t . following officers were Heeled in serve lor nix months, viz.. President, Olde Epps; vice president. Miss Annie Davidson; secretary, Miss Florence Jacobs; treasurer, Miss Berlha Keardon. Miss Rebecca Myers, the retiring president, did much toward making the society a success during the past six months. The object of this society is to bring together all of the children ot the different denominations in town, so that they may work in a good cause. The small collections tha*. are taken at each meeting art; sent to the orphanages ol the State, and occasionally to mission v We ask that all the children in ^ownjoin the "Sun-beams" and let us s'riv?; to make this the most successiul year in its history. The society meets at four o'clock in the afternoon ot every second and lourth Sunday. We shall be gUd to have you attend our meetings, Mr Editor, and all other visitors who may wish to , come will be welcomed. G. O, E. ? - i. i i. A DiacK car, us ieei siiou wnn walnul shells, nearly caused a panic in Statuary Hall in tlie National Capitol about midnight on new year*. The noise caused by tbe one poor cat sounded >o the sleepy watchmen like a troop of cavalry and, only atier the lull guard was called out, was the actual trouble discovered. Doctors ougut make good politicians, as tbey are professional healers. A short acquaintance is always trying to make a touch. The uiau who has but one suit V~of clothes has no redress. The IJi-Art Co. Photos. ie % tinman V^UlldUIl m iimnw ^-nre^dflounshing best in weak lungsT^Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im-1 possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the - weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest The time to treat consumption is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion.. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consumpi i _ tion you can t expect to uc cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treatment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment We will send you a little of the Emul> Be tare that this picture in the form o( a label is on the wrapper of every bottle oI Lmuiiion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and 5*: *11 druggists. 9 Marrie Mr* and Mrs. Adam Livingood, of E Whiskey has prolonged th /s^lk s ' IW^DAWS oii Duffy's P IS TI It has prolonged many thousand lives as It has Mr. and Mre. Livingood, and there Is no other medicine in the world whUh will keep the system in normal condi'Ion, prevent the decay of the tissues, str-n. >en the heart action and enrich the l.uol like Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. It is an absolutely pure stimulant and tonic, free from fusel oil and other dangerous Ingredients so common in most whiskies. It cures grip, consumption, bronchitis, catarrh. asthma, malaria and all low fevers, dyspepsia, and invigorates the brain. It makes the old younr: keeps the veurg strong. I)o not fill your bod" full of drugs and medicines which poison rhe system. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is the only whiskey recognized by the Government as a medicine. This is a guarantee. If is absolutely pure and contains no fusel oil. It is prescribed by over 7 "On doetors and used exciusirriT in ovrr > hu^.-hoib. It is the only reliable and absolutely pure stimulant anil tonic. It ha# saved the lives of millions of people the past fifty years who have used it as their only medicine. NOTICE. The Committee appointed by the Democratic Convention of Williamsburg county, for the purpose of raising funds to assist in erecting a monument-to the memory of the lamented Hampton, will please take up the collections at once in their respective communities and remit the proceeds to The Bank of Kings tree. The committee will remember that pursuant to instructions, I sent out last May bank notes on which to take subscriptions, payable in the fall, but only one member of the committee has made collections and remitted to the bank as directed. I beg to appeal most earnestly to the ? gentleuieu composing this commit- 2 tee to thoroughly canvass their coin- ? munities and collect as much as d possible, bearing in mind that the j d historic old County of Williamsburg 5 should not be behind in this lamia- ? ble work, and it is the imperative ? duty, and should be the pleasure of d the people of this county to aid in S the erection of a monument to this grand old hero, Wade Hampton. In $ nrdwr tn svv?dl thi? fund I WOtlUl suggest to the committee that they call upon the ladies of their re- ( spective communities to aid them in this noble work by giving some kind of entertainments and thereby increase the fund to such an extent that Williamsburg County may be proud of the material aid that they have given to this praiseworthy effort The following is'a list of the committee as appointed by the convention: J J Eaddy W D Snowden Wm Cooper Henry Collins D C Scott D E Gordon A A Brown B B Chandler W D Bryan J R Cox J S Graham S R Mouzou W II Harmon W S Lynch T B Gourdin S II Gurry S Evans W W Kennedy S W Gamble Thos Wilson | W C Wilson W S Caralin J J Graham J II Blackwell J E Davis S M Bradshaw John A Kelley, n Chairman. 0 YOU KNOW WHAT YOU TAKING. C When you take Grove's Tasteless ? Chill Tonic because the formula is * *impiy lion ana yuimne in a iascei?;ss form. No cure, no pay. 30c Negro servants come under the | head of unbleached domestics f To Cui I Take Laxative Bron 1 Seven MSBon boxes *oW in post 12 n> I ID 65 Iverson, Pa., who hive been raffled tit hippy union many years ryond Mr. Llvlngood la 91 years old and bit iff Is K-l. They are both hale and hearty nd feci vigorous as a couple 50 years of BP. Reading, Pa.. Feb. 15. 1902. T'lem- \t.uT u'liuvrv rr? Hoehcsur. N. Y. Gentlemen?I take great pleasure In rtting to you tc.'ling the benefit 1 am delving from the use of Duffy's Purs Malt "hiskey. I have been taking it in small uantitirs every morning and evening for number of yars. I am 91 years old and i excMlcnt health, good appetite, and am ving all my own farm work. I know your Thiskey is giving me rent wed strength . ad prolonging my life. I feci as well to- f ay as ten years ago and I fct-l an If I *? 111 yet pass the century mark. I would * trncstly recommend It to all old people. ' was recommrnd> J to me. and has prova a Messing. My wife is S4 years old and ever fails to take a dose of this Whiskey a retiring. She Is also In perfect health. ADAM LIVIN'GOOD. Elrerson. Chester Count j. Pa. ] ure Malt JE TRUE ELIXIR OF IL c Pi tfc r< t c In I)u X. TOBACCC The undesigned will l>e in the this senson. They will lx prepare* ferial ull SIZES and KINDS of LOWEST POSSIBLE COST to I give your 6rders for FLUES IS of which they aie made is alwu the year, LATER IT WILL HE solicit your orders, promising to j Respectfully EDWIN S. H. DAVIDSON, FRED W. HARPER. WVWW?WWW%*W?%WW%4>V D. C. SCOTT, President, THE BAN OF 1 Transacts a General COLLECTIONS CAREFULLY PROMPTLY H DEPOSITS FROM $1.00 U DIRECT HENRY P WILLI tMS, JOHN A. KELLEY, R. H. KELI, w^vwwwwwww^v% wwv Dotton Seed Meal X and G FERTILIZERS. ? I am prepared to Ex- ? change Cotton Seed Meal for Cotton Seed, ? 9 and will also Sell all ^ a kinds of Fertilizers for Cash. Highest g Cash prices for Cotton i Seed. D. J. EPPS, 5 I*t e crailr*. 1'iNrapiloai draler*, lad fill of the excellence at thla operation, will try to aell yarn rap Imitations, and ao-enlled Malt hlskey anhatltatea, whleh are pat 1 the market tor pradt only, sat hlrh, tor from relieving the stek* e positively harmfnl. Demand lady's" and he a a re yon set It.' It the only ahsolately pare malt III* ey whleh eaatalas medicinal* alt It-irlrl* a qaalttlee. Look tor e trad*.mark, "The Old Chemist,'* in* ino*i. Phe genuine Duffy'* Pur* Malt WhigSold it III OispeHiriu, direct at $1.00 a bottle. Refuge Imltfr. na and tubafl ut*a, th*re ig none Just a* >d aa "Duffy's." It la the only whiskey orolred by the Government a* a medi. e. Valuable mcdlrat booklet a*ot fre*. ffy Malt Whlakey Company, Rochester Y. J FLUES HP""""' TOBACCO FLUE business i to make out of the best maTOBACCO FLUES at the the purchaser. The time to RIGHT NOW, the material iya cheaper at this season of HIGHER. We respectfully Ljive you entire satisfaction. PER DAVIDSON & CO. Jan 13, 1902. EDWIN O. EPPS, Caxhier. ! > KINGSTREE. | Banking Business j: LOOKED AFTER AND I EMITTED. i PWARD RECEIVED. J OR* I J R. D. ROLLINS, <> D. C. SCOTT. !| ,EHAN. <} tti? i ?r|Ml an A Mdll < om^IMI Mt?kltihM?al ??nm. 4 SOU I ?MaircyAotvaaM o?? lash. Doors. Blinds. Msutdlisg ti4 BailSlag Islsrlsl, SmA Weight* mnd Cord CHABLEJTOV, & a FmAmi osr s*k?, vhloh o* ffssoiIh mporisr k> so/ sold Ass Ik, m4 isrsbj MVS ?Of. flsdsw sod Ftscjr Disss s Sfiddlf. The easily flattered end by attering themselves. Silence overcometh all things, ven life itself at last. Some people are too busy doing olhing to learn a trade. Friends bought wfth presents re soon again purchased from us. sDay XX 1 ry / oiv every I tfj&rwv^>bo?.3Sc.| s ???M??W?? I STACKI Cash J PUB, ALL JUJIi^a U? REYNO $2.00, $2.90, $3.00, $ WARRANTEI PRICES RIOHT ON Sfarklpv** 1 HOLIDAY B. -A-i P. S. GOURTOI FINE LINE DRESS tore q NICE GOODS I LD'S I 3.50, AND $4.00 1 D SHOES ] ILL POOPS AT I i Cash Store J > ARGAINS EY & GO'S' )ODS SHOES 5 AND CRACKERS. jr. both In boxes and bjr Unt line of , * ... U1TS vi Goods. Call aad eta MV * * "|.1 NEY&CO., iMITALId. of XSoxsaa ' Ti3.0r0.as 3 Sta"bles g d jHjutul and jreittk horses and lefy competition. Everybody cordially invited to calf at oaf , you nothing to look and may and Harness. 5 of Standard Vehicles of aff r or a w?g0n noar fe bargain from 1 HAM, Agents, | 3m 3. C. ?????WMH* A r* I nasiintwou. A K | a, S. "C. | .'1 1 , 7 YEAR OLD LENTUCKY RYE CKY MtTIUUir FM 41 YKA89, iMadi of conrtmOra at the beet L for the leeet money. Q? wm yeeroM 91.98 " " 2.49 - ? 2.98 ? ? 1.98 LAR m Mb gtUm, u4 prvn tbm IC PCOPLK't FftffNO. II8TILLIN8 COMPANY, IM?XMTH. rent! St., LOUlfVlUf, IY. : Bank, Bndatreat, or taj SzpreM C*. afeenhtMo.?KB. * ..'-Si. * * . V.*jK!