_ CI*<*endon Count f. f '*> Mr Samuel McClary Noxsen, one of lite most substantial citizens of Clarendon count\\ died * at his home near Davis Station, lasl Thursday at 12 o'clock ot the invaribly fatal Item >rrhairic lever. Mr Nexsen was 55 years of a?e, the last twenty of which he spent in the county o( his adoption. lie is well known in thi* county, being lairn and reared about four miles from Kingslree. He was a sueces?fr?l fanner, and had spent some time in merchandising with the same success that characterized his life as a money-making tanner. His body was brought here on Friday, and was interred at the old MeOlary burying ground, near Boggy swamp. Rev ?1 J C'authen ol this place conducting the funeral ceremonies. Mr NeX?en was a self?made man, but his life was spent in doing many acts of kindness, benevolence and charity. He was known as a man with a broad and liberal mind, and he did much to upbuild the community with ' which he was associated in the latter years \>f his lite. As he succeeded in business, so he exerted his energies in behalf of his community and his county. It is generally believed that Mr Nexsen left a large fortune. , He left to mourn his de ith four brothers., John, Jim, D B, and Willie Nexsen; three sisters, Mrs Alex Wilnon. Church. S O, Mrs D?nie| R->d:;ers, Divis Station, Mr* J F Rogers, Fowler's, S. C., and some neices and nephews, the children of a dead sister, who was the wife of Mr W-1) McClary. We extend to the bereaved relations our sympathies, and our regrets that so good and useful a citizen has joined -innumerable caravan which moves to that mysterious realm." mwawsvmwsss %?%%# | Cades Chronicles. | (s\w wwwv* Cades, 19, 1903.? Cades is by no means a dead place, even if it - is low. The while population numbers about a hundred and six and it is still on the increase. V We regret to report the death of the baby girl of Mr and Mrs B C Ti rontons, which occurred on Friday the 16th inst. The bereaved parents have the svninsi! hv nf I hp pnf.'rp rommnnit v Several of our citizens purchased horses from the Outlaw an I McKenzie sale at Lake City Satur? * day. Mr J N Sauls is in Charleston attending to b.isiness this week Mr Z T McKnight spent several days oi last week in Darlington with relatives. Mr M D Nesmith left last week for Atlanta where he goes to study dentistry. We wish him much success. Several men interested in the turpentine industry of Georgia were up here last week on business. By the way, another one of our young men is building a large two-storv dwelling near town. Mr W A Creech, who for the past three years has served as railroad agent at this place, left last Saturday with hi6 excellent young wife tor North Carolina, where where they will make their future home. Mf and Mrs Creech have many friends here who regret their departure very much, yet we wish that much success will fol low them to their new home. Mr Smoak of Orangeburg has succeeded Mr Creech at Cades as agent. Nox. Once a fisherman always a liar. A lazy man is al ways trying to work other people. Every vice thickens the veil between ourselves and virtue. j 1 J -i In a pre ious article I mad* allusion t(/ the bad condition of the-public highways and if ?niay not be amiss at this time to refer t > this subject again. The roadare bad and getting worse, and it is a good time to bring the matter of good roads before the people, a id more especially to I he notice of the new board of county commissioners. It is Imped that the roads will be their (irst oon-idera Iioi., as {rood roads are ail in all in the farming interest and a> much so to all other enterprise.It Ihe roads are neglected as heretofore travel will be at a stand still, As the roads are at present, it takes a good deal of skill and engineering for one to make ihe trip to the county seat. _ We would call the attention of our new Iniard ol co'uutv comissioiier-, not only to the bad condition oi roadways, but to the bridges al.>o. The bridges on Cedar Swamp crossing are badly in need oi repaiis, particularly the abutments, to say nothing of mud hole.and deep ruts. Perhaps it would be in place to say something about the wax ? ?- ? _i. ..i. roaus are ueing wuim-u, uisi, ?ij *ble-bod|pd men of prescribed ago* are required lo perform eight days work or pay couimutaiioii tax ol one dollar, the payment of tins tax exempts one Irotn road work for tlir* year. This plan, we hold is inconsistent as it puts a lowvalue on ordinary labor, from the tact that it is impossible to hire a man for the small sum of 12^ rents per day, us the one dollai taxis equivalent to eight days* work. The roads cannot be kepi up under such a plan, and it a more reasonable measure cannot be adopted we will be in a deplorable condition as far as the pubiic roads are concerned. W. C>. Ij. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU TAKING. Wheu you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic lieeause the formula is imply lion and Quinine in a tasteless form. Mo cure, no pay. oOe* {RUTS) Th e ur^lL'inrr cirV wliaf i A A1V TT UAUIli^ wUV?) ?* ***?? a crowd of them there are: Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed. "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common English means?long sickness. To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they need Scott's Emulsion. It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. Scott's Emulsion gets {thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be taken as'long as sickness lasts and do good all the time. There's new strength and flesh in every dose. H*?"?. Wc will be glad to send you a few Be *nr? that thi, picture in the form of a label i* on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $11 all druggists. I To Gi | Take Laxative Bro 1 Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 FOLLJM SIXTY-P GRfiN ANDI Mr. Ralph Bullock Who Is In His 1 Is as Young an His Grandchildr Pounds, and Hi DUFFY'S PUil 'I was always fond of life.** said Mr. Bi a great deal of it wh^a I was young, and t< 1M TEARS OLD. I of ilmH and mortlnlnA alonp Sr. It I* with and strong. If the fathers and mothers kei disease, there would be no sickly, puny chl body in a state of normal health by using solutely pure stimulant and tcnie which li Ingredients. Do not All your system with i There are thousands of cases similar tc used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as direct! least twenty years. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has cured i scribed bv over ?,000 dortors and used excl genuine Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is Sold At All I or direct at 11.00 a bottle. Refuse lmltati< good as "Duffy's." It is the only whiskey cine. This is a guarantee. Valuable medic Company. Rochester, N. Y. Our fee returned if wo fail. Ary o jny invention will promptly receive or ability of same. ,kIlow to Obtain a 3 secured through us advcrtisc^rior sale Patent taken out through us reoeivi , The Patent Record, an illustrated an by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy Friiiii. A< VICTOR J. E', (Patent A\ Evans HuJIdlnr:. * WWWV\VWW%VW\1/\V*V\V\ i I). C. SCOTT, President. Is THE BANK OF Transacts a Eeneral COLLECTIONS CAREKULl PROMPTLY DEPOSITS FROM $1.00 1 HENRY P WILLIAMS, JOHN A. KELLEY, K. H. KEL VV* V\WV\V\WVWtV\V1 WW Cotton Seed Meal ? I *?/" anu FERTILIZERS. I I am prepared to Exchange Cotton Seed Meal for Cotton Seed, and will also Sell all kinds of Fertilizers for Cash. Highest Cash prices for Cotton Seed. D, J. EPPS, Kingstree, S. O. The memory of h'essings furnishes remedy for the blues. The sacrifice that is not con I suraed will soon become corrupt. I ? ??????? ire a Cold in Or mo Quinine TaMets.^ months. This signature, ^ M AT 104. 3CHILDREN LIVING MED. of Brooklyn N. Y., 05th Year, Says He id Active as Any ol en--He Weighs 175 is Only Medicine is ViflLT WHISKEY alloek to a reporter last evening. "I saw a this day I ean laugh as heartily as the roungest of my grandchildren. I am good for some more years, and I scarcely feel my age. My vigorous constitution and remarkable freedom from disease Is due to ihe dally use for many years of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Though I am past 104 rears of age. I feel as young and hearty is forty years ago. I weigh 175 pounds, sy appetite is good, and I still do all the shores. I cannot say too much In favor of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey which Is laleed a blessing to old people and Invalids. know it has prolonged my life many rears." Mr. Bullock's wife died twenty years ago, ind be is living with one of his grandchtlIren. Sixty-five grandchildren are marled, and they are all strong and healthy. 11a descendants who live In Fort Hamilon. Brooklyn and Manhattan arc the Mc>onald, Watts, Hurst, Bullock and Clark amilles. The health sad vigor of Mr. Bullock's hlldren and grandchildren show that their ather thought of his descendants and kept Is constitution strong and vigorous with n >ure stimulant and tonic, leaving all kinds t woman; lot anouia Keep uerscii DCAIluj >t tbelr constitutions strong and free from Idren. Zt la an u>r matter to keep the Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. the only abi free from fusel oil and other dangerous >atent medicines and drugs. > that of Mr. Bullock's, and If every one td. the average life would be prolonged at nllllons In the last 50 years. It la preuslvely by 2,000 prominent hospitals. The Dispensaries, ns and substitutes, there Is none Just aa recognized by the Government as a medl:al booklet sent free. Duffy Malt Whiskey ne sending sketch an>l description of ir opinion frco concerning the patent latent" 6cr.*. upon request. Patents at our crpcr sc. a Special notice, without charge, in dwid j circulated journal, consulted i dress, fANS & CO., ttornevs,) v/ASwiweTf** n, c ===== I WWW^WVWVWVWW* WV"\ ? ( EDWIN O.KPPS, Cashier. 5 < KINGSTREE. IJ Banking Business * j Y LOOKED AFTEIt AN1) I ( REMITTED. * ] UPWARD JIECELVED. J \ I'OK.*i: \ ( R. D. ROLLINS, < ( D. C. SCOTT. J | ; LEHAN. \ WWWWWWWWWVWVWvJ 5 Tke I irgMf and Moat t ompletf J I-ainblUhutrnt >OU th. ^ GEO, S. HACKER & SON. j ?HAwrrAorniixM or? , Sash. Doors< Blinds. < nlilag tld BolMlng | 8a?h Wrights and Cord j CHARLESTON, ft. a l Purohsse our mske, whiob ? putr- * ?nU?. superior to soy sold South, sad Ihoroby ht? taoasy. Wis low and Paacy Olaas a IpidaHy. Lemon juice is recommended <10 1 Hoclrrwor nf minrnhp.c T.pmnii 14 O VI vj V v? ...VI w vvwi. MVIIIVII juice is good with or without "bug juice" and is a cure for snakes in in the head and bugs in the intesI tines. ieDoyHHTl /7v /j on every I box. 25c. 1 w nmui Q( STA( ICas FOR ALL KU ri r- > l nc I $2.00, $2.50, : IWARRAF ; PRICES RIG1 HOLIDA P. S. COUI FINE LINE DR LARGE ST( FANCY l S (' I, E S S E N (i E It S C .1 A Ftesh Lot of this Celeb Pound. We always carry i FI Large Stock of Firework! Stock. P. S. CD -k FEES ^?.rLOtl2.ex Cf Biad.1: Fine Bu s'NOLD'S I 53.00, $3.50, AND $4.00 I SITED SHOE8J IT ON ALL GOODS AT 1 kley's Cash Store J Y BARGAINS ^ ITNEY & CO'S pas noons )CK OF SHOES CANDIES AND CRACKERS. N D I E ?? rated Candy, both In boxes and bgf Ut n complete line of NE FRUITS * and Xmas Goods. Call and M? ?3?SH0CS - O t TWO MUBWgBKBS II THW08U.| ft Ki?iI)i)lt)K,| 11 star??, S. C. ? J OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCg | 00 7 YEAR OLD I m KENTUCKY RYE iT OUR KENTUCKY DISTILLERY FOA 4f YEARS, liscd by thousands of consumers as the best j in the world for the least money. PYg Off BOUPBOW fall quarts, 7 year ell $1.M , " " 10 " " Mi " " 12 " 2.M " " 14 " ** I.M 1 Yom ON8 DOLLAR m ?adl fiMia, Mi prm that WC ARC THE PEOPLE'S PKIENO. UMERS DISTILLINI CfiMPANT, ^ INCORROMTti* 42 to 250 Seventh St, LOUISVILLE, KY. >. jM rman Insurance Bank, Bradjtrcct, or any ft |n bovc company to b? rallaMa,?Kd.