The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 01, 1903, Image 8

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miI ch rce A* HASS, Esq. ^ H^K: f4? Hfl|^^Vi.vS Esq.. was in Oharlesdays n<rn on business. HW^W mi ihi livery stable e. IV McOlam <fe AieElveen has I population of our town I Vr bv one?a girl?at L)u? f boy arri -ed in town las' marked "C. 0 D," Casii or HBt ry. |VThe Baptist Sunday school had Iff tree fcr the children on Christ is night. W Mi and Mrs Boyd have fePWrtied front a visit to their old f home in Virginia. Mr Sidney SutclifFe, of Ne* York, is spending some time wit!: his parents in our town. &>tt Hickson was fined $2 00 "i* - *? o if- u....I ... rw FH- l<ljr>K Vynaruf UUl III a}? - from I he guard house last week. Mr> (J D Garnly was 111' towi Thursday.. She and her husl>am! are,now living in Morven. N. <\ Mr and Mrs Barnes, of 8ou>) Bo Ion. Va , came w eek Mr Haines will go into the raisin}! 01 tobacco in our community. Mr K L Blow. our former agent. nl'tiriffin. N. stopped in Hi Friday on his way to Floi|^K where he will spend some W Mr.W I' (t dwirt and Miss Law (were married at the res? of the bride's lather Mr t rrence, near LibeiIv church. i,:?3rd instant. it*? R R and S C Morris f \< (tfaw Rusjrton, Janie hiuReama ^lurris ami Marii. at:d Masters Metier Suir nd Floyd Ko(f|^r>utjgJfc? ' holidays I lie night of the :ffdL)<r the gin house nl Air .J iham, near Cades, uy> fDalo and some five or six d pad-, of seed cotton tlierotrom regular election held on 1 ?*T t lio f Atrn (BC if VI II I'M t'lilUCIB ??J MIL l.rnti |H?ulfed as billows: Intendant. H II V GaAins Wardens, J F BBWrenbalior, J VV Rollins, S T KJ**que and .* W Floyd. These '. officers will begin their lenn JanMmtot* 1st, 1903. We think the ecialiy fortunate in sor Uaskins lor intendant. nas passed clT very ere. LJp to Christmas i were lots of people in i trade was imod, but k day aeemed more like f merriment. The streets v 0 tost deserted and the s was an occasional gun r. The life, jovousness fellowship that use to > day scent gone and rer. npfon Benton died Mon12nd. HeVas about 68 HHTrs of.a^. Mr tsemon whs j^Emied twice. The chil<\en of ^Be first marriage are in Louisiana, ^ i* second wile, who with three Hhildren survives, was a daughter p>f the late Mr Shadrach It Kodgers. Mr Benton was a good soldier, went- through the entire war, jj was tn a good many fieice battles, was severely wounded and came home a Cfipple for life, his leg and ankle having been shattered by a ball. Nevertheless he struggled W~1>rRvely, cheerfully aad b+Rr[P?tul)y and by his industry, sobriety and steadiness raised two families and died like a true soldier?with his face to the enemy. His widow and children, ^Specially his little children, have 'the sympathy of the community. ...w...!,',,,, hoc hppn formed C<II |IUI(IIIUI| MUX for the purpose of carrying on a Ioieeale and retail hardware nrfess here. The name adopted the Lake City Hardware Co. b amount of goods carried will leveral thousand dollars worth Iwill include everything in the I Duffy's fm & vMEDICI J ?nk LOOK FOR THIS"TRADE a Cures Con Dear Sirs:?After reading your advertisement I bought a bottle of your whiskey, s Which helped me right away. 1 am now t on my third bottle, using it for consumption, and I feel like a new man. I think j that If I had known of your whiskey when f I was at home in Chicago, I would have ( never come out here for mv health. ; ED. SCHl'BARTH, 1608 Market St.. , Denver, Colo., Aug. 18, 1902. Stopped Hemorrhages. Nashua City, X. H.f Sept. 11, 1902. Gentlemen:?It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you that I have r used eight bottles of your Pure Mait t Whiskey. I would not have been here to- i day only for your wonderful medicine. I have used all kinds of medicine and been under the care oi doctors, * nave had three severe attacks of grip anl j i pneumonia, which have left are with a , bad cough and weak heart. I am 67 years r old. It has toned up my system and t stopped the hemorrhages and I cough but , very little. I only rigret that I did not ,c know of your whiskey before. I cannot J express what it has done for me. I beg , to remain, Yours resrectfuliy. t MRS. H. C. ALLINGTON. Thousands of such letters are received t from patients who have been cured by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. ? Caution.?When yon n?k for Dnff> I ouiiuino I* r% ut* r II I) *11 O II * (I 4%ll! ' J. preparation, t?ill try to noil yon eh | "Whinkey nobtnltnte*. ^riilcii lire jutt o ' Tvliirh. far froin relieving: the nicU. n ' Duffy'*'* nncl be sure you fjet it. It . wlitukev which contain* metllctuiil. It | the Irude-nutrU. "The OH t'heiniKt." 1 Vjcgenuinc Pure Malt Vfhiskey '.3 X Soid At All E or direct at ,*A>?tle. Refuse imitati I as good as "Duffy's." rSis the only whiski medicine. Valuable jncdicikjbooklet sent I | Rochester, N. Y. v. ! hardware line tint i-? used in li'is I country. As soon as a lot can be 1 | secured a brick will i, be built, and the business will , open up We are not now at': liberty to disclose tiie names of'M file stock-bolder?, but we say this J ,?liiey are solid bnsines- men and < I represent several bundled tij??11-, < land dollars in wealth most oil j thetn are of a certain larjre city, < | and have considerable confidence in the future of this section. All' the capital stock lias been taken l and a charter app'ied lor. Our [information is from one of the <iiI rectors and may therefore be ac:cvpled as authentic. A nejrro man named Lee Kinder j came very near closing his cuieer, j in a tragic manner here SundaVl, nitrht. lie was on train 50 jroi:?^|f North while the train was slowing j i | ' j : up but before it came to a stand [J still be jumped oil* near the cul-'j vert below the depot. It was I J some lime before lie was u>c<>v:ere?l. When found h:.s condition appeared critical Dr Williams I i was summoned and succeeded in j f I bringing him around. lie was ! very much stunned and bruised j and the wonder is that he was not j j (killed outright, lie claimed to; have boarded the train at Cades.) I j We understand that only one j I ticket was sol J at that place for , i ^ this train and that was purchased j by a nciiro woman. Therefore it' is believed that Kinder was ubent- j ( ing" a ride, and in order to escape j detection decided to leave thei tram before it stopped. He did leave it and came near ^ leaving everything else. Thi.8 the warnings of the past ai\. i unheeded. ;i FOILS A DEADLY ATTACK. : d "My wife was so ill that good physic-, ians were unable to help her," writes J M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Intl.,' r "but was completely cured by Dr. ( King's New Life Pills." Tney work I wonders in stomach and liver trouble-. Cure constipation, sick headache. 25c 1 a at D C Scott's drug store. ^ 111 MANKIND^ 1%\ 2% 1 [ARK ON* THE BOTTLE. sumption! Mr. W D. Bill, of Richmond. Vs.. la*, a I similar experience to that of Mr?. Ahicg- I on. , , Ocntlomcn:?I commenced oft your ruffy | Halt Whiskey last Marcn, and h ve been j althful in taking it ever since. I have used . >::e doz?n bottles, and ata f. dins better, ily hemorrhages have almost stopped, and ay cough very much lmprov-d. WILLIE D. BALL. 718 N. 1st St., Richmond. Va.. Sept. 5. 1002. Pneumonia Cured. Gentlemen:?I had a severe ens'" o* pneu- | r.on!a last fall, and have used ao?ut one i iozen bottles of your whiskey to build nje i;> and find it does what >\.u claim tor it. Your3 respectfully, B. PEDERSEN*. Han.l?ne, Minn. May 11, li'OJ. ' It cures constimp'ion, con,he. coid3. .grip, ; >ronchitis. catarrh aad s.l u.i -JLs a or the ' hroat and lungs. It aLo eur< s >ervou less and indigestion. It g ;i.? power to j he brain, strength and cl.. ti to the nuscle, and richness to the blood. It in | i promoter of health and longevity, ; nakes the eld roue, tin young > i strong. It is absolutely pure and con- ; I ains no f 11 e 1 cil. It will cure almost any car-" cf consumy- 1 ion if taken in time. Over 7.00:) do tors yrceri'ie it, ar.l i i.OOO hospitals u~e it exclusively. ! , '** Pnr? tlnlt VM*?*e? h? e-rre " | I rr. iiiiiilf". I of tlie excellence of llils | onp iiuitutioiiM. iiml ?o eiilieil ilul. i n tlie miirkct for i?r?!lt only, n.i I re positively lm.nifnl. !>?*n:riT?'l i i. ii.. nhtninirlv nil re mult , I > ^ **?* . oitltixlTliiK <icn'!(lcs. Look lw < cn flit' label. dispensaries ons and substitutes, there is n??.e just ey recognized by the Goveruiy* nt as ft ! tree. Duffy Malt Whiskey Company, Bv special arranzemSent with the mMishers we are able to offer The lU:t ;Jt:> in club with tiie Semi- ! IVeekiy News ami Courier at $1.50 a ! i ,ear in advance. These papers I, separately ^c >st you .$1.00 each. J Heme mini'' you pet three papers a j ivetk. (' out iininp all the State and! ounty news for the small sum of 1=1.50 a year. Do not 11-ple.-t this i/pjHirt unity. rrrtwgn?fa?"-iwrr 'un^'ir rr? ' 3 io YELL jW POISON , J >1 ?n your blood ? Physicians ccl!~i- , .3 it t ir.lsrial (Term. It can be St-Jn % u changing red Mood yellow un.ier ? 3 microscope. It works cay ard :> u night. First,'it turnsyoux ccm- W| g plexioR yellow. Chilly, aching R ! pj sensations creep down your f. I 1 bickbone. You feci weak* and h : ;| worthless. r J B33E3TS' CHILL TONIC ?1 j will stop the trouble now. It K: ij enters the blood at once and g- (. I- drives out the yellow poison, a If neglected and when Chills, E Fevers, h igh!-Sweats and a gen- j eral break-down come later on, ! Roberts' Tonic will cure you 5 then?but why wait ? Prevent ft -i future sickness. The manufac- 9 A turers know all about tbis yel- g| low poison and have perfected g { |.J KODCrtS' ionic iu urivc n. vui, ? N nourish your system, restore g i appetite, purify the blood, pre- m I vent and cure Chills, Fevers and I ! y Malaria. It has cured thous- F ands?It v/ill cure you, or your fej j si money back. This is fair. Try I ? it. Price, 25 cents. V g L. B. Johnson. W Lynch. I Sometimes an orator makes his )est point when he e.-)mes to o top. Fast men don't pay any atten ion to the regulation fast days, j If a man cultivates bad habits, te is apt to reap earthly miseries. But few men ever take the rouble to look a friend up that's lown. The man who is born rich is laturaiiy born lucky. Rent days seem to come twice is often as paydays do. 4 * w jutenial Scibtics. n*r % liitijjsli N<?. 01. I'i. <?f r. Kin?r~t r?*?' T >< . ui. K of I iii-ets on tilt* -ml and 4i h UY.?u light-* of f*;i< 11 loourh Visit in:* i#roi r< po'diiiilv welcovu'i]. II.fC. c. < K. C K II. S. 4 ^ _ Lakv Ciiv F^ulir'', X??. SI. K. ?f IV c-ty Luke. X?. s?. K. of ] neetson i Nt <11<I -r' To* s.Uy ni^ri >f acli iiKini ii. Visiting hn rlicvs n lially welronied. .1. 1). (. r. A. W. IIoi):;ki;s, K It S. Srriiiijou L<nki', >'<? 114, !i. ??f I' ranton Lndsrv. No l!l K of I nects on tin-i'mi ar:d4th Friday "ijfl >f eavli nioi'.ts. Vi-i?injj broilm riven welcome. \V. H Gau-e, c c. i W. Eiisr"ne O okv. K. It S. ..A , -V A V Ifp? / *' vr ^ Kiner-dree Lod^e, No. \ A. F. } Kinjr-trco lodge. No. -1G. A F. ! meets on Friday night on r N-N be full union in <-a< ii nncili. Yi? iug brothers given aoriial weleou M. A. Ko-s. W. M Louis Jacobs. >ec. A cow neve f.iim>, but s sometimes turns i ail. Ik* ' ?n<1 >t"M ' omplrU r iKblUi.iiirur ' ui't i, GEO. S. HACKE3 & SO! ?ip|: g aaMay&jHkp*1 ?MAMrpAOTrHHits ?>r? Sash. Doors. Blindi SlOUldtpg ?nd Hilltrilng M urr nl, Sash Weiyhi* ami Cord CHARLESTON*, 3. C. Purchase onr which w* tfU' ?Dt?e superior to a a/ eoM Sooth, ?j :hereby aara mooej. tVlndow end Fancy Qlai? Specialt S.-miior Ci.iik's m:n* on fii mi llien lie li:i> li ill it io burn I some liino. ifilEDFOHDS IBKCffMB? i tt-zf r-i^sT 1 *.?. Li# wi.ii.jL?.* i.i , pKafHfisa?! rThedFord's Blnrk-Dranght has saved doctors' bids for io#re than ^ sixty Years. For the common fam\t ily aiimcnts, such a3 constipation, J indigestion, hard colls, towel comh plaints, chills and fever, bilions$ iiecc, headaches and other like 0 coat plaint 3 no other medicine is y ncno3sarv. It invigorates and res<3 the liver, assists digestion, stimulates or:ion of Use kidneys, nuri:V?s the blood, and purges the Dowels of foul accumulations. It cure, liver complaint, indigestion,, ^ i sour stomach, diirincae, chills, *| rheumatic pains, siclcache, backI ache, ki.Ucv troubles, constipation, ( diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard (J colds and headache, tvery drug* 5 gist has Thedfcrd'3 Black-Draught u in 25 c<mt paclagoa and in mam| moth size for $1.W. Never accept I a substitute. Insist on having tno I original made by the Chattanooga 1 Medicine Company. I I believe ThedforcTj Black-Draught H ii the best medicine on earth. It U I good for any and everything. I have 9 a family of twelve children, and for |fl four years I have kept them on foot "1 and healthy with no doctor but Black* I Draught A. J. GREEN, Hiewars, La. The Formula tells Grove's Not a patent med Fluid Extract PERU Fluid Extract BLAC Fluid Extract DOG It Cures the Chil ISe Best General T< ? t LB01[ OF HORSES, MULES AN Will arrive at our ^tables by ment will contain some of t Stock ever brought to this ma them whether you wish to bu ?v ^ifT.f?rrr5iTp(S<?K ai. ALSO A LARGE AN! f J HARNESS"0 - OUR LIVERY IS ALWAYS READY TO _ i STYLISH AND SERVI j REASONABLE PRICES. ~ J. L. STUCI Lake Cit hif1 itotj FALL SUIT 01 The kind which von write to me him! 1 w it it Our suits rnn 34 to 5 ,e targe variety of I, Boys' and Chili t ' Every cuit or Overcoat that we sell . if they Uo we v. ill give yoi 1 H, BROWN'S GRANITI v" Opposite the Acs * 224 King street jJUST Ai Two Cor loach Horses ancl Ai y Rock Bottom Pi ices. Gome and see tl head which must be sold. All stock g 3 M. F. I | Kingstree, S. C [ ~l ] | CRACK GOES THE W I IN COME THE ORD j f Mirf^feikafie \ BELLS THE VERY BEST GRA FERTILIZERS ! AT THE VERY LOWEST C s j ft pays to fertfltzs yotrr land* 1 THE VIROIMA-CARULINA } CNE.WCAL COMPANY# j PRODUCTS. r K SOLD EYERT ^nEtrRE. \ TV? V!rgtnia-C?raflna CTwrrna^ fco.. ICWACLESTOW. S. C. I *r \ the story: Chronic CI Seine: a thin spirituous Squid, of a pleasant bit WAN BARK Fluid Extract X ROOT Fluid Extract WOOD BARK Fluid Extract Is that other Chill To ID December 25. This he smoothest and nicest^^^^^^B rket. Come and look at y or not. L THE STAN I).. I'D M A EE. 3 VARIED LINE OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE DEPARTMENT SUPPLY YOU WITH ICEABLE TEAMS AT ?EY & CO,, Y, S. C : OVERCOAT, can't get in tour city, ill Semi von samples. 0. We carrf a very T Irens' Clothing. we guarantee not to fade or'np, and i a new Suit or Overcoat. ?? i l CLOTHING HOUSE.' ' * I idemy of Music, - CHABLES^ON^^^ RR1VED! 3 First Class ? f ules tt lem at our Stables. Seventy-five (75) fiiaianteed as represented. IELLER & CO. J ERS- d&TfK' 1 walk >13^ DESOF f 1 * p Til TIHIIII-IIIIIIH I c?UMUI! j ? "The Largest 1 Manufacturer of ^ Fertilizers on Batlli* Forty odd ^ \ Manufacturing plants Wholesale purchaser* Largest importers . Concentration of Vv Management --4 hill Core ter taste, made at POPLAR BARK I PRICKLY ASH BARK SARSAPARILLA nics Don't Cure. I