0 flUflKHNMvnuvinm +*rn*f*wrmmmimn "T ' O / I' ^ Twixi Set union end ; , $ Johnsonviik : ::: : : j| | ? A new telephone Sine has bui n put np from .Sav to Lambert. tiiu/ connecting the line from i :!.< City to Lambert. By trans-erring a message at Lambert it can be sent to iihems, and Dy making a second transfer at Ivliems the message can be* transmit fotj it, Georgetown. The new line connects at Jay with the line f'nmi Lake City, "oat does not connect at Lambert. This line has "phones at the following places: J M Eaddy's, E F Prosser's new stoie, Lee McDaniel's, L L Ard's and W C Hemming way 1,007. If this is not profitable farming it. looks preitv much like it. We doubt ii there is another farmer ^ imtho Pee Dee section who can equ.al this record. ? Florence Times, Nov. 14. Change in Treasurer's Appointments , Owing to unavoidable circumstances the county auditor has not been able to finish and turn over to me the tax duplicate for 1902: hence I have not been able to meet my appointments for the collection of taxes at the several ivnvnient places and I regret that I v. ill no; have time now to make other appointments except as mentioned below. I hope to be able to meet my appointments from Durunt's Store on. As the duplicate is completed below Black River I will be at Gourdius Monday, November 1?, and Trifc November 1*. Pi. I). Koi.uxs, County Treasurer. A cynic is a man who would make a fool of himself in the society he satirizes. ^ JUMP EI) ON A TEN PENNY NAIL. The little daughter of Mr. J. N. Powcl! jumped or* an inverted rake made of ten penny inula, and Thrust one nail entirely through her foot ami a second one half way through. Chamberlain's Pain Calm \\;n promptly applied and live minute- iat?-i the pain had disappeared and no more -uiToring was exi*erienced. In tltree daythe child was wearing her shoe as us ual and with absolutely no discomfort. Mi Powell is a well known merchant of Forkland, Ya. Pain Balm i- an anantiseptie and heals such injuries without maturation and in one-third the time required by the usual treatment. For sale by I)r. D. C. Scott, Druggist.L* . - M ? V : i f ?s.. .or- ' ; rlii :' i Once more, Mr K-iitor, it pves jjlensMr- *o sen ! you :? lew litems. Yoar cor res pon Sen! ! .. , i -;.oj?? ii,.' - : ' ' : unwell lor some length ol' lime. Sickness has been quite prevalent 3f late in our little town. Five eases of typhoid lever have been j rioted, m which three resulted ia| tally. Bo'k cases that resulted ' f 11:s :v u i eoloreii patients I J ; \\ iioOjiJ.g tough lias spread] through this section from Black | I . , river to >antoe. Mr W D Bryan's time is pretty | well taken up nowadays looking! after his business with the Allan-j tic Coast Lumber Co. -Jle has j j three stores to look after. I I The Company's 'Jigging camp. ! Xo 7. has been moved *o Black ! j river, The number of logs trans- j ported over the railroad is enormous. Pretty fair crops generally have been made in tin's section. Corn, peas, potatoes, sugar-cane, are very good. Mr J W Register jot Trio says he will make U00 j bushels of potatoes. I do not I know the number of acres cuiti ; vated by him to produce this 1 yield. Mr K li Roweil says his present crop is the best lie has made for soverai years. Mr Rowel! runs a two-horse farm and has made six- j tec*n hales of cotton and plenty! of provisions. | Miss .Sue ReeK is in charge of( i the school here .Miss Keels is a; teacher of experience and the, ' > i? . i ; JJOJUi"* set-111 iU 'JC ' nicely.'under lier tutelage, Bismarck. j Any'man why Jive- within him-1 Isolt is ant to be troubled with; | indigestion. j Vv'hen Dame j oituii.'goe call ing she utterly disregards "at j home" days. Kooklicejiens and washerwomen ; ialways know where to .'.raw the-i ! ' I ji.l.C j Misery may love company* Ini' > ' the COIMTKJttV I eCi ViT'tC .1! CP. i I ' < " When the butter won't j j come put a penny m the j | churn,'' is .an old time dairy i . proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. When mothers are worried because the children do not j gain strength and flesh we i say cr! /e them Scott's EmulI . j sion. It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something! astonishing about it. Fmnltiirkn ^imnlv j i milk of pure, cod liver oil with some livpophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be! cause it is so perfectly adapted I to their wants. ! For ail weak and pale and ; thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat mcnt. r~ We will send you Hthe penny, /. e., a P.e sure flat this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bo'.lle of SCOTT & BOVVNE, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 30c. and $:oo; all drug (fist*. ffj-j rrmmr I FOB HAHN'33 '?mL% a* t>Aii A LII5K11A1-i KR. The undersigned will gi\e a f::* i, sample cf (.'hHinherlain'-Stoi'iarh and L.ver Tablets to anyone wanting i? reliable r< medy for disorder- of tie Stomach, biliousa ?r < ' i' This is a new remedy and a -.. ! one. 11 l)r. I), C. ScotL. druggi*;.. Berutv is often one womanVj: I horn in another woman's liesh. Poverty is tlie grinds one on:' which many wits are ydr;. p< nod. 1 j i ... i ? : - L. .. ... j-?very mooce firfi". :i v ;?,;i . il?;u;?iilll I Onr fee returned il wo fax).' Any oany invention will r romptly receive on ability of name. ' How to Oi.tain a i saenred t.brouyh uj advertise:' for reie Patent taken out tlirougb us receive Ta>* Patsxr Rncoir?,an by Manufacturers and Investors. Solci for srrf?ii> t or * F'I.l."/. A?j VICTOR *5, EM (latent J t Evans BuSId;ncm . ei tbs nffliffS# ittil tfifcgii Ever obtainable in IX 1? iP J are now oemg uuereu RACKET At prices that cannot b< Think of it! We are no Good, Reliable G cent Below TVei Come and see for your bh?b HERE ARE A Best Calico at 3 l-2c and Yard- * ide Y eliow Homei Check Homespun - best j All Colors Duck at 6c to Ladies', Greats', and Chil 25c per pair. The bijr^est line of hero at 25 per cent i: i | LUCES arid EIUDE1S I ii in in? i ! I Fme Line of Dress Goods, C'l end He H. D. BHDICK. I i-t-vr ? i>lus'.'v*ig 5ji ?i,a.. j ju ih-mI. It tak? t tfoc 'X) s?-: 1 w .iui.:kty it. heals ai>rf*s, i ff" . r %Mi< i' ' ^Mfo\ i': jMl./ jit ys - , h elf with Fire, with ? i can scald yourself \ irVaUT, but there is > . ? , to cure a bum or j (? "sing "5 ,/s jl Liniment?! | 1 Got a piece of soft old j. J ^ !i this liniment and bind 8 {g fou can have no adequate j Iedy thin is for a burn until j i (S jjl l'ird afflicted *ritfc Roup or oiir ! ^ dis*aso us*- Mexican Mnita&g : U. l> r^iaedy by poultry brw*l?:rs. | (J The man wilii the bi^headj I . is ilu* nun wiih the small i * iiiirul. "I.! |~ Knnt'.tiy ; :?cl if: :j Mint. time *ii! i ini^r j ivas p.iM ami therhiiil r .-covered.'' This | ivmtv'iy not :?tijv- cures rroup. hut wi:i*n ?ri\e:i as soon as the tir-t syrup Uiius appear, wiil prev'-nr :h" attack, i i" i.i .' <> r.u'i;.iin< or ??i!u-r harmful ;!'Sta:ii-<- and lativ be jivca a- o>nt.f!cu*:y ' > Irii?y a> t>. tn adult. For .?%!.?; to ij < II? Ul lUiUUi WK TAKE A PRIDE IN KEEP On lyjPirst Ch !?i bl i.ij Dr i>r?(' :m'i-!, Clot )ii will nave jnonev t>\ i.ra'lisig with us. in* of Ladies' Millilu-ry Goods. Y.V also ^tsm^^Stackley' ;?!@ . ZETancsr G-x ^ Ali we ask is a trial to convince yon I P. S. COURTNEY & CO., DOLLARS 3uying goods in lai un prepared to sav 1 *1 H I ?* I i iMif ??f?1 ? Car r lour just arrived. 1 1 Car Salt. 15,000 pounds r; L'5 -sacks coffee at prices to ! 2U0 boxes ' 'rankers. 50 bos 50 cases sardines. Big stoc HK? boxes -imp from to I Biff stock of Calicos, Outing Ilomospun. < Bargains in ail wool blank j. reduced. ' Buying meats and lard in I . ? save you money.. % H-dc pair pants to close out i (> b? i?air shoes. 1 have redi and they must be sold. Big .< must go also. 15 sacks cocoi:i Ms unnles. Save v I . pyjon pounds tobacco at 25< fly while cheap. Numerous 0>me and see me. Yours to P ^z^otlxax Cailoa and I?v?"u.les a,t1 Biadliam^ Fine liujrjry Hprses, saddle horses an lules for farm work at prices that c 'ho intends buying a horse or mule is tables and inspect our stock. It cost ave von manv dollars. Buggies, Wagons We have also just received a fine !in kinds. If you need a bugs; vcnir chance to get u THOMAS & BRAC ^Ing-stra? J B STEELE, Manager. i i m-el Hk 1 jfPj > ftMDE AT CUR KENTL j " j gra^ed^r l 7/0 Sere You ;~.: German In.:@:@:@:?:?:?:?:?#|1 New Stock! IEY&CO.,. 3 Did Stand. 8 M ink OF V S Shoes, Tinware, @ '.V FIXE M.\K OF '(g) ocfcxies. that we cannot be aodersold. Kingstree, S. C. | ? '* iSAVED ~ge quantities / p e vou money. J, Car Texas seed oats ?f|j| ) ice 3 cents up. :es Cheese, k hams on hand. J.'JO por^iox. s. Check and Brown ' f & J :ets, *2.90 to $6.75 urge quantities will in next few davs. iced the price on all itock crockery ware ! ' .tnuts, at Charleston ou money on cider. and up^ei'at cadother bargains. 1 C 3 S C, T. WILKINS. aanrma. of XZoxses1 Th.craas dz s ste/bles . .. ; : id soupd and gentle horses and lefy competition. Everybody cordially invited to cat) at our , yob nothing to lobkfand dia/ and Harness-. e of Standard Vehicles"of air v* or a wagon now is ? l bargain from )HAM, Ageats,- 1 => S_ G. . sij 7 YEAR OLD (ENTUCKY RYE ICKY DISTILLERY FOR 43 YEARS, is 'ndr. of consumers as the best 3 for the least money. t'K' tiUUI?OUI| j-jar otd . . t . $1.98 2.49 f " ?*..../? 2.98 - " 3.88 XAR on uUi fillMi, atia prove that I. iC PEOPLE'S FKlCftD. mum gtimpmnr, | icoc ro??rca. , vcnlh StM L0UI8VILLT, KY. c Bank, Bradstreet, or any Bxprcsa Co. ' to be reliable.?Ed. * v.. : > :?> -r* _ the r?core> l year, j ? 'A-? ill I