Hp. The Count? licrcrrl I PUBLISH KD EVERY TUIT.SDAY AT ! KINGSTRKE, S. C. J , I ? C. W. WOLFE. ? Editor and Proprietor. TERMS. SUBSCRIPTION* RATES: One copy. ??tio year, - - - $U10. One wry. six months, - - - ."><> One copy, thiee months. - - .2"> Subscriptions payable in ail vance. ADVERTISING RATES: One Inch, first insertion, $1.00; cad subsequent insertion, M) cents. ObiruarieSHnil'l rihures of Respect over 10 words cha tied for as tegular adv? rtist ment*. L beral reduction on advertising marie for three, six and twe!v? months' contracts. Cotnmuuicaliong must be accompanied by the real name and address of the writer in order to receive attention. No communication of n. personal nature will be DubUshsd except as an adwr Use merit. A (hires* all letters and make all lraft> payable to C. W. Wolfe, >. Kingstree. S.<\ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1902. J ? ? Special Notice. 3fr HI) Rollins is our duly authorized agent with authority to col led moneys and issue recs ipts there, for; also to receive subscript* as to Thk Record and take orders for job work. Parties wishing to subscribe to The Record may do an by handing him their names along with amount of svbsoription. tf The County Record Free. Any one who is not a subscriber M> The Record can get it sent +o| his address free from now until January 1 by sending us his or her; name and address on a postal card, j Write quickly and take advantage j ! of this remarkable offer. St' I It is said that Mrs Carrie Nation is much more considerate fur. the j feelings of the saloon men since she has had a little experience of her own in the smashed eud of a real jr : smash-up.?Richmond Times. ?? i iiii ii ?? . We really do not know whether' to advise our Republican friend.-,' thoSe in as well as those wanting fed-! * I cral office, to hasten arid produce lir. j Booker T. Washington's endorsement or not. It looks as though this is becoming necessary for Southern republicans if they hope toj reach the inner sanctum of the new j White House.? Raleigh Morning j Po8t. ? ' | fPki,, :? OnvnlVol U'UuL" in Fliir* I X ilia -D vaiitiini n\..? ... . | ence and the little city is agog with interest and excitement. Among the attractions is a midway with all sorts of shows and exhibitions. The whole town is in holiday attire and the streets will be thronged with visitors. The festivities are under the auspicies of the Knights of Pvthias lodges of Florence, and in other towns where they have been held these carnivals have been quite successful. ' v ' The Congressional election resulted in the Republicans securing a majority of about twenty-five in the next House. The Democrats gained j several members in New York and Pennsylvania, and elected all except two or three members from the TViev lost several UVllCIXV'-I v* N/mwvt ? , members in the West. Cider, the; Democratic candidate for Governor in New fork, carried ''Greater New York" by a plurality of 120,000, the largest plurality ever given, but Odell had phenomenal pluralities in the State and was elected by a plu? rality of 10,000 or 12,000. Too Hard for Us JSditor Cotinty- Kecord:? Wonder if trusteed in township No 10 don'fc'iieed some instruct i?j? hm ia-r ? ' Mtfiiii igwiMr* v-r- * Tlir rotation .-v.-t.-n: i:::.- }v n ' !):ii ii<- ,li ih-' | v*h;i? vJ. i ; . ,t j Vfjir>. i ji?* Sujirci:. ("n.ii'l ! .1 : ... ... tilt." ItMyililirm- t.| jr.' I .. .u >. judge v?. ill j.ivside <<\ r ?}? eeurts of even t?iln-r circuit ! ; >rt* In- r.h. ? his own circuit, a second time. It is argued that under this plan the work of the jmices is ovn? .v a dcdicious suppor awaited them, j As a token ot their popularity, j many handsome and valuable presents wore received. Today at -*5; t/? ' M. (he happy j couple, accompanied by Miss I Strong and Mr Willie Kinder. j " j brother oT tl?o groom, will leave for their home in K.'ngstree, to! I If'weil by (be best wishes ami congratulations ota host oi friends. Miss Wilson's brother, Mr J W Wilson, of Gohhb'U'n, and Mrs K (.' Sandlinc, of Ciir.ton, were here to attend the ereniony.? Wil mington Alorxi!?ijr Mar. ,>ov i -j LUCK IN T1IIUTKEN. By sending lit miles \\"sn. Sj.ir y. of Walton Furnace, Vt., .in a box of Buck leu's Arnica Salve, that wholly cured a horrible fever Mire on hi.- leg. Nothing rise could l'osiliYcly citr?;s bruises, felons. ulcers. eruption-. : oil.-,, burns, corns and pi!fs. Only 2oc. Giarant" (huggist. In a campaign of education if is often diflicalt to distinguish between pedagogues and demagogues. Some men get inure futivfaetidn out of their laziness than others do out of the dollars (bey toil for. No'hing seems to please the k?mall boy more than the opportunity to run across the street in front of a trolley car. When it comes to laughing stock the pessimist is a bear and the optimist a 1> til. ?I mmm-r rr.rr. fd-.ai JUg rTfT*! liS YELLOW POISON J 1 in your blood ? Physicians call J 8j it iialarial Oerin. it can be seen J 1 changing red bio )d yellow under V 1 microscope. It works day and I' Jhjj night. First, it turns your com- n 9 plexion yellow. Chilly, aching 5 sensations creep down your 9 backbone. You feel weak and a w orthless. i ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC 1 * w?U slop the trouble now. it S .* enters the hiood at once and jl n drives out the yellow poison, m If neglected and when Chills, a u Fevers, Night-Sweats and a gen w 3 tral break-down come later on, 1 J Roberts' Tonic will cure you *3 5 then?but why wait? Prevent J j future sickness. The ntanufac* B | turers know ail about this yel- g f low poison and iiavc perfected j J? Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, ? B nourish your syste;n, restore 3 S apatite, purify the Mood, pre ?3 vent and cure Chiils. Fevers and Malaria. It has cured ihous- 9 ?: ands?ft will cure >u, " ?* your | "J money back. Fhis is fair. Try 9 jg it. Price, 25 cents. 9 L. R Johnson. W" , .Lynch. H 'nwiiiniiii 11 iii ~'rrr tf?&0K5 vi?V ' . I ifl t it 1 : ' ,\r T:ir- r Out I-- !i: tlifc ? ? lie : J | : !- jew.* tbrusijh th< luuidMof iwSu|**rialeiHi- , , }. lit ?:; Kiturtrw m fctioi. ht ( nioiith s siu>\v> :j to dec improvement in me amount j and the grade of work that the pupils are doing. The one great need ? I of the pupils now, a?1 is shown hv j the general tone of their responses. j s that of more home study." So! j in.'.sr. eiiildivn are pursuaded' t" re-1 jgart! their work as U'ing located only jin the sclu k > 1 luilding, during school I ! hours If parents will eo-o]?eratej J tiiov witit the teachers i>\ repairing j i the ehildren to study their next! ni j day's lessons at home during the af- u term Km or evening; the improvement in the work of the school as a whole would 1 marked. While many pu ' 1 - : I ! pilS wave linpn'XM u: V '?! 1 11 4 1 Tl-UVilV* j in j in which they v.vve deficient when >'. tlu- tlrsr month's reports were sent out, still many have made "4" on , some studies for the last month? 'and that means failure in their work. | It can be said, however, that the m pupils, as a w hole school, show a de- T cided improvement in amount of Utudv and grade of work. f * _ ; One careless scholar, though, may throw a damper over his or her w hole grale. Tin follow ing pupils have averaged 00 per cent, or more on all their | ! studies and are entitled to 00 on honor roll. ' 1st grade, 1st division?Conrtenav ni t . . * '1 [ Kirk, Jennie Lee Stack ley, Ji;ss, Mamie ^ ! Montgomery, Mary Swunn. ai 0th grade?lilioda McConnell, ^ ; Nita Whitehead, David Scott. S I j 7th gradi?mine: ;ll ; Sili grade?Lila Kannnett, Mattie P1 j Brockington. I Oth grad -Florrie Jacobs. 1 ft 1 The following pupils deserve spec- j ii ia! mention, because they have J 'been neither late nor ?absont si act j school began oil Sept. loth. ! 1st grade?Alice Stack ley, Esau j _ j Davidson. "Miriam Fluitt, Olive' j Montgomery. 111 4iid grade?Clarence Alsbrook, D j Marion McKaddon Lily Alsbrook, I ^ Katie Sfaekley. ' 3rd grade?Fred Davidson, Wal- j iter ilarper, Bessie Sivann. l. .Ii -ll.mmhin Cnnrtnev. I j. till glllHl ^x?w..rvw? ~ 7 | U. Jultji Davidson, Robert Whitehead, j Vl 511i grade?Mary Swann, John },, Britton, Dick Kellehan, John Boss, t,i [ Annie Roddick, Mamie Montgomery ! Maurice Scott, Pearl IVndergrass. tit h (trade?D-la Davidson, Rhodal McDonnell. Ola Coward, Nita Whitej head, Mary (jordon, Burric Broek! ington, Willie Barr. Tt?) Grade?Odessa Montgomery, j Willie Rogers, Thetis Siaekley. i bth grade?Jimmie Britton. Mat-' 0 I tie Brockington, Mabel Snider. 9th grade?Lamar Montgomery, Adelaide Harper, Flossie Harper, ! Annie Dii^TTtam, , j 1 pkhsoxals. I [Contributed by Miss Annie Davidson, of the 9th grade.] . ' t' Francis Weaver was not at school d j 1 Dtirsuav ana r niutv uu inwiuu v/i i 'sickness. She was very ill Thursday [j! night but is letter now. We all X1 n 11 hone she will soon return to her . \ h: place in school. jj,, iy j Louis Brockington left school sick g j Tuesdav and did not. return until ai ] Thursday. ? Hen 11 v >>huw? conmienced school sc ! here but i{jd not conie very long l>e- ?! fore he Sloppy ^ The small t hildrei* have a picnic ' liearh even duv bv theniSidvejveiioh . j U( carries laneh and they sii down in a, M . ring to eat together, in of Kmma Gordon was absent all of in ' E last week on account of sickness. Her class-mates will he triad to have t,( ? or [diet back iii her phiciAsoon. ! D ' 1 'i+'J ' \ .*vr .'.rTnrurr Mis* Trek'mum 1?;'; pr-iir-. ?I lu-rj ill* irirl? of t!u- -ffo'iil division of " first :r;idi- ! > fafce to th<-| .vr or s'im?j pro'iv jdao* . ?;i. .vis* siiiillV Ssltiinlav Hiiw . < * i-'ii.'. T!i v !! i.:_r f"; ry u nice iim< Fraternal Scieties. 5?f '! Kii:^sl? 1. K. i.f I'. ?x i *iir-1 ? -? T.???ir: . N*>. fM. K of' P.. i<*l> <>n the -: ?| and 4th Wednesday !iT ? >;' . ;;? }? n><>tit 1 > Visit iiiir bruth cordially wolruiie'd. I-el toy c. ('. K. . Kpjs, K It. S. Lake City J.mtjrc, X?. SI. li. ??r I*. Lake 'm Lodjre. No. 81. K. of P., ret- i.ti t In* M and 3rd Tuesday nitflite ' ' at-li month Visiting hi-nther* orally welcomed I). Danikl. r. r. , A. W. lioDOKis, lv. R. S. Sernurnii lanlre, No. 114, K. 'crant?n Lodar, No' 114. K of P.. eet> <'M ill- 2nd aiiu 4t?i Friday nights ' ea?*li month. Vi?iting brothers iveil a fraternal welcome. W. B (iatue, c c. IV. Eugene coke, K. R. S. / X Kiinr-aree Ian!;jre, Xo. A. F. M. Kin^live lodge. Nn < r before 10 full im*0(1 in each month. Visit ig !#n?:iiris Kivrn a o?rl?ai welcome. >1. .v. 'jo. s. Vv\ AI. Jjouis Jacobs. See. Registration Fotice. The office of I In- Supervisors of Rogtx at ion will he opened oa t lie first [outlay in every mouth f?.r :hc purase of tli registering ' f any jier??v ho is qt:alllieija> ln!u. Who -hall have been resident ff in Male for u\o years, and of the Minty one year, and of flic polling prenct in wiiiclt the elector offers t ?ie four months before the d?v of i i ..li ; , . trVbH'U. ?"iu ."MUiJ l.'tiw I A ontlis hefnre, any \v il tax then y thinner visors nf Revi-tr-i! Ami, i.r who hi show that ho owns. ami ha- paid 1 taxes colloetable <>n. durirn* resent yjjar. prcperfy in rhis State >se>sed at three Hundred dollars or tore. ,J. J. EAi?L)Y. Clerk of Hoard. WANTED Standard yellow pine ties OxOxS. Anderson Lumber Co., ct ih Charleston, S. C . WANTED?lU,UUh cords Swamp liekory in ciir lots, delivered at eiwnark, S. C. Address Jno. F. ii.MMoxs, Kowesville, S. C.gm STRAYED MULE. Caiin tiHK7 p|ai% Oct. 2?th, one irk bay horse mule, about ten ars oltl, nearly liiiad. Owner can live same on payment of this 110ce and cost of feed. Solomon Floyd. Xoy. 1, 1002. - v . BUELL & R GASH DRY S0< We Beg to Call Pavticul ALL-LINEN HU< 1 ! iincite,*. r:ir:cv ..i.h* <>. n? two for ^ m . , i All Linen Dann>k Towels, <'? ! ?! 2 Border, 21 by 30 inches. 23c. Bis Bleached liuck l.inen Towel?, Hem- BU ftltehed. in Bed or Bine Bonier, 21 j L by 40 inches. 25c. I BU Red Border Cotton Damask Towels, I*1 1 ay 30 ifich< s. 5c. Potion Rod Border Hemriicl Towel*. 1J? br 40 inches. 10c. !,!' I'carl Buttons, 2c per doy.cn. Ladies' ,\il Linen I latidlon hic-t'v 4<- I a I acc Curtains. 00 inches by on. yards, : ^?K?d ?yiality, $1.50 per pair. i I Ladies' and Chi We would call your attention t<> this 1 and Kmbroideries. We have many speciall 2 Ooo yards Percale at 5c and tic, worth FURNITURE DE WALNUT SUITS, OAK SUITS, SI!)J | CHAIRS. GO-CARTS, BABY C. WINDOW SHADES. ?iP"31ail Orders Receive Careful Altei 373 and 375 King Street, MAKE NO MIS' ?GO TC Is. THOMAS . 2L>7 KING STUEET. CL Fori WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVEI SPECTACLES AN Jewelry and Watches Bcpaii .April ;5-tf i mvwvmuuuvmvftvw vi JI I>. C. SCOTT, President. THE BANK OF , $ _ Transacts a General i ?? _. < COIjIjECTION.S CAlihl'l l;u\ i . PRO S[] THY R i DEPOSITS FROM *1.00 U1 J ?iri:<"h y HENRY P. WILMAMS, ?? JOHXA. KELLKY. ; - - WV\* . V-VVLV* l^nrnmisniniifflHrnmRimnn | DR, L. B, JOHNSON ? ? 1 1 * 1 1 "* ' * rT_ 1 1 1 11 11 11 ' ? * ' ? Practicing Physiciar?, ^ Surgeon aitd Druggis?, '?= W ZZ: mt"" ;F' : , Nrxi I)!Kir to SluaFi A. Fioy-:., i? LAKE CITY. - S. C ^wiinmMayuawii&auaiiii ! H. a. ASKms; t ! Attorney and Oounsglar at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC. LAKE CITY, 8. 0. 1-9 ly . . . :-f Tax Notice. ^ T?CK.\sruK!t's : '.Villi\m.-i :i: ; *, COLNTY. j'fe Ki.vgstkkk. S. C. Oct. f>, , y { Tito tax levy for tlie fiscal year li!G2 j $ is a4 follows- ; For State - - - "> mills' re For School - - 3 inltis1 j?! For County - - - l inrlls'f jS 3i) nriljs in \ alio* oil all -slock- in Arnl- f ft si>o. Sutt"i;s at.fi j):n of LVn iTown- )jj j :> mills on value of ail property m [ School District4 N".s. loam] ii?. foi i tniils on valilo of ail |>i< pcity in i School ! list rifts 19. it) and 21. pr ! 1 mill on ail property in School Di.s- kc; triet No. IS. ion A capitation tax of One Dollar on all ' . males between the age- of >1 and * years unless constitutionally < xempted, L. A coininillation tax of One Dollar maybe paid by those liable to mad duty. I will be at ihe following places hrc^ aponths and the doctor could at hnQ|HM&ihaJ fits frequently, some u!i ciaina xj:.e recervW?W< n.oRw :nefit from the first bottle that so^^B ore. She has taken a number of bottles | it has never had a fit since taking the first >se. She also thinks very highly of Dr. iics' Nerve and Liver Tills and is never ithuut thtm. If there is any way >i makg this testimonial stronger do so because j the good the Dr. Miles Restorative Nerve did my wife."?Wm. Y. Allen", P. M, ikville. Miss. All druggists sell and guarantee first bet--' : Dr. Mifhii Remedies. Send for free book , i Nervous kftd Hiart Diseases. Address - " j ' V'k'T.r', Ind. . -> U V^OI K/lm> 11 r ? I y 0 BERTS* )X?S STORE, ;;r Attention to Our ^ DK. TOWELS mi "vi'in r'vrun.*, ir? jiiack. riuU aii'i Oimix),^3c, -worth ick Dimity, & , worth 12l.je. ick Cashmere, JHJ Inches wide, a good lack, 25c. ick and White Mixed Lawns and 'irnity. Iff. worth I20e. nk ('iirwt;roy i< r Skirt*. 1-l... ' iin Lin Iwautir'n.' quality, 8c, k.-. 1- ~o.... JV* ;?T .-tii'.l Missc- JH.-xck Hose. in all it wiIh t>. I'm an tf to zjf. A good Jlack. ' .J idren's Hats. department, also our Ribbon, Lace ic- in these departments. 10c and l.'c'j. iPARTMENT. o BOARDS, LOUXGKS, .PIAZZA MIRIAGRS, MATTING KUGS, iti?n. , CHARLESTON, 8. S. * TAKE I >JR. A BRO , i A H.LKS i ON, ?! C., i WARE, PLATED WARE D CLOCKS. J red by Expert Workmen. y' ''"fiH EDWIN C. EPPS, Cashier. i % K1NGSTREE. # Banking Business. | .'/JOKED AFTER AND * EMITTED. J inVAItf) RECEIVED. J UEtS: J! U.'D. ROLLINS, *\ ' D. SCL>TT. V v 11 1 * ?mmmmmm????? ttW , ! Piii'fl -ruff*, 4'Item- ^ II j i?'?K mfd j ft'uleua and n.ou-*c?*ref ~-~m i .'r^pariitiaiix. All XS j kiittN of DvRijglslw* Nil tkdriew. '5'OEIq< KC> ?< * , J, ?}ui>it s, l'an< .1 Pt'l** ;f Santory and flity<>cins ~^S * * ! Mrm a. AI* Seed*. ?* 11 Cold and Refreshing Drinks, ?3 i ?/l o??': j So (in ' j Wa rrr.l'jtca Cola. Ltr.. }' and nliae liueol'Fi*e?h ?* jj 1'i iiits.l'ancyCaudiem j| I '!'<>!? a < < <>, C'iifa' s and iuuuhiiuliiiaiiiuiiuiiuK ' Pure Cora Whiskey. 4 FULL QUARTS $3.00, Express Paid. r^a No Mar 1m to Indicate 8$? Contents. ' jfSM Direct Front Distiller to IF 1 Consumer. * m m Thl* Isold steokwhlskey. put up in plain eotto:i wood cases, holding JL Four. .Six and Twelve botth s tm-aso. No marks to indicate contents. This whiskey is ?spec- > ~L" '^.2 lailv suitable for raedicintij purposes, being pure and of the best quality-. You are at liberty to have your family physics t0"r 11 ?na if not :?N WTii5tt?r i satisfactory retnrn it at ' n'V expense and I will refund your money. Nq^.ra^ TJTJTiffamily should he withiMi 6 yliy out a case. No order must call for less than ir ?iuai ts by express prepaid. [f intere-ted in whiskies write for full ice list. In ordering remember whis Kit ^hlnnnrl (1 (i H *mr? ill- \ > V tlliljl/l WV > >rs iaii'1 be accompanied by cash. Address all communications to. . A. LACKEY, Hamlet, N. C WHISKEY of-*? AIL ALL i IND3 ? PURPOSES^' peciai iipund" Corn Whiskey, $ 1.25 oplar Lue" On ii Whiskey, 1.50 'opiar Lotf'', Old, Smooth, Mellow 2 00' rivaio Stock,"' 4-ot. case 2.50 'rivals Stock." 12-qt. ca-e 7 00 I uiitin.s; Creek'' li ve. 12-qt. case 7.00 id Uautin^r Creek" Stye, 12-qt 10.00 , !c Crandy 2*50 har^reoi 2.V. for 1 -j;al.,3"?c. for 2-gal., I -15c ?!ir8-?,'.i! jui's. and 75c for 4)j. !.? ir '.; A lien returned prepaid, they ,1 be taken back at cost. J. C. SOMERS & CO., distillers, . ate&ville. nor fh carolina' 7-Oru Carelessness is olien mistaken' . ausent-iniudctlutsj