The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 06, 1902, Image 7

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? PE-RU-NA CURES iflfi M! M"j"r t- h- Mars- II ^y^WQH^ CURtS o.T^j otNQcHuys ki DN ETDISEASI Pe-ru-nn Creating a National Sensation of Chronic Ailments of the Kii Major T. H. Mars, of the First Wisconsin Cavalry Regiment, writes from 142T> Dunnimr street. Chicago. 111., the following letter: "For yearn I naffered with catarrh af the kidneys contracted in the army. Medicine did ncdhelp >re dny until a comrade tche had bcenhftped by Ferutux advised me to tr.y it. 1 bought some at once, antl soon found blessed relief. 1 kept trtklng it /our [ months, and ?m now wetland strong and /eel better (1tan I have done /or i the past twenty years, thanks to Poruna."?T. H. Mars. Mr. John Vance, of Hartford City. lnd., says: "My kidney trouble is much better. I have improved so much that everybody wants to know what medicine 1 am using. I recommend Peruna to everybody, and some have commenced to use it. The folks all say that if L>r. Hartman's medicine cures me it must be great."?John Vance. Ilr. J. Brake, of Petrolea.Ontario, Canada, writes: ''Four years ago 1 * had a severe attack of It right's dfx ease. \cntcn urougni mr so iuir inr [ doctor sai^f nothing more could be done for me. I began to take I'eruna and. Ma nut In, and in three months 1 M-as a vpell man, and have continued so ever since.''?lirake. At theappearanceof the first symptom for SOUTHERN MAIDS j The Best Ladies' Shoes In America for $1.5} i TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. IP TOt'B BRALKR DOKS NOT CARRY THKn. A POSTAL CARD TO IN WILL TELL TOO WHERE YOU ( AX UKT THKDI. 9 O O o _ CRADDOCKTERRY CO., nAKHRS. LYNCHBURG, VA. r Situations Secured for graduates or tuition refunded. >Write at once for catalogue and special offers. Massey ?X? Louisville. Ky. Honlgomsry. Ala. Houston.*Tsx. Columbus. Ga. Richmond. Va. Birmingham. Ala. lacksonvllla. Fl* V h?o. 45. WA I TCD'C A*k -vour \ L 1 C l\ j tor *??" * cure for . \L I Ll\ Headache. He w'll DHlA/flCD? sriv?v?u Waller'*, j I U VfULflO testimonial- fiom w every eectlon. So il at all drug etoree-3 nowu> nt. 10 cents. Ho wirA to ret h\ A LTKK S. Hel'i->e all others Your druindft will cet them lor rou. They ar<- , sure to rive relief i'they don't cure. Send 10 I cents lor package to 'I'Mtt W.I LTCIt ( Htnit AL CO.,\V A*III\C.TON)D.< . ! I ! Money Iti Chickens e x. > r?rWo.iiMaiam vraaklat" I 1< f tApd auOW srruw agparl IX I of a ,Tuct?sai i*uWlry Uuaor? Jt\l f \ tut an.ii.-ur. m a suui wwltiu, f T .'or Ooiatet Ml . atl uttrW;; -i I ty tract. it Taodes Am* to uetee. 1 a.ui.t Core >?UMniw?: NM iot alao ior r'arOMiu? arnsea r'uwW;? ' \ rave far mss-dnu. eraryttWug re- . II quail* lor pruttuuu* r"eu(trv rai?M. >??. AMOK Ktfll.lHJilMU i CO, 1 34 l.*?gar.i Street, .lew k'eriu mftm/i j Cws Si?2?tlm ail 3:iiti:? t? nntrallilag the a: ) Ii far h>tt:r t:u lis h:n h'.?i pcrifer. All hi: v In the fall-winter of 19001 was j that 1 liad to uso a cane to assist me .u ( no ease to tuy thijrb, and the only pos.t j straight out in front of me, wline iuui* C of th-> disease. I began treatment at once, J Mr. J. T Doster, of Oreenvilio, of the i J " Rhromcioe." I purchased a b >ttle 1 1 D?wer r . t If 3 bottles did not euro rat \ bottler. ii rrd rne, and I have had no ton / VV. A. }' oner, who lived heroat tnet; C of rheuin.-? i?m, and for six weeks h*d to 3 uso?f seve al oottlesof RHEUMACIDE, C lug nhysioiv., who IS a great Itedevor in t J Yourstiutj, J. L. 0. THOMPSON. S All Druggists, or cxpreiss NBobbitt^ChtRilcal Co., ' / CATARRH | EYS EVERY TIME. the escape of serum trout the blood, l'eruua stimulates the kidneys to excrete from the blood the accumulating poison, and thus prevents the convulsions which are sure to follow if the poisons arc allowed to remain. It gives great vigor to the heart's action and digestive system, both of which are apt to fail rapidly in this disease. Peruna cures catarrh of the kidneys simply because it cures catarrh wherever located; If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruua. write at once to Dr. Hnrtiunn. giTing a full stateiueut of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartmau. President of The Hartmau Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. TABLfc TALK~ Table Talk. Philadelphia, for October comes to our desk in much improved appearance, having a new and appropriate cover design. The contents as usual, are helpful to bright housekeepers. If you want to know how to give an entertainment in your home, Table Talk gives you the menus and table decorations, and other information desired, tl is the most helpful to the housewife of all the magazines. It teaches the art of good cooking and of wise and economical liriig. Its information ia reliable. A free copy of this magazine will be sent ta any of our readers who will ask for it. "Dr. August Kocnig'i Hamburg l)re&*t Tea," writes Mr. F. Balsch, of Horicon, W is., "enabled me to get rid of an obstiivate cough; we feel very grateful to the discoverer of this medicine.'' There is quite a difference between a shrewd man and one who marries a shrew. Stat* or Ohio, CittT or oleoo, < liCCAB CotJBTT. li 7* avc j. ohexet. make oath that hei? th* senior oartnor of the Jlrm of V. J. Cv.hry A Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo. Countv and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pnv the sum of ose hcjiobed i>ollabs for each and every case of cataerk that cannot be cured b> the use of Halt,'b Catarrh Core. Frank j. Cnrmi. Sworn to before me and subscribed in mr . presenco.thisCthday of December, J beal. J A. D., 1886. A. W. Glkason. ' ?^? ' Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, qnd acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the systefb. Send tor testimonials, [ tree. F. J. Chexkt 4 co., xoieao, v. > Sold by Pruggists,75c. i H&li'.s Family Fills are the best. American linotype machines and printing ! presses are u?ed in England. I FITS permanently cured.No fits or nervou*| nes; after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great j Nervel'.estorer.f 2trlal bottle anil trcatisefree | 11. Klike, Ltd.. 931 Arch St.. Phila., Pa. American windmills can be seen in the I 'and of the Jordan and Bashan. MrsATlnslow's Soothing Syrup lor children I feething,aoften the gums, reduces inflammation,allays pain.cures wind colic. 36c. a bottle Flying fish have been known to jump ten feet above the surface of the sea. P'ctkam Fadeless Dtes produce the brightest and fastest colors. Some people who run into debt are forced to crawl out. Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken ol a a cough cure.?J. W. O'Bbism, 3'.'2 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1JJJ The millionaire's chief end is the divnlecd. lis ia iti find sal irlrlag then eat of the tyrles. S , icd dims:: yield praajtly to this rest rtselj. ( <1 with Sciatic Kheumatism, so tnuch so / walking. Upon silting down, there was ) ion in whicn I could hear my leg was C -dining position. Realising the nature c ] , but received no relief until induced by r drug firm of Bruce & Doater, to take y [roiu them under the guarantee of Mr. f : the money would be refunded. One 1 cb of rheumatism since that time. - V mo (1901). was down with a severe attack / be turned in bed on a sheet. After the S he w*s pronounced well by tho attend- C be efficbcr of your medictn*. , Editor Pltkem Stnlintl, Pickens. 8. C. r ire prepaid, Price li.oo. f . beltliisore^nd. ) . % Our. Budget of Humor.. I ??^WV ii i An Improvement Snggeated. The automobile. To take no chance, Should always carry An ambulance. ?wasnington iitar. Scarcely Courteous Himself. Newrieh?"I have no time for anything common." Wigwag?"No; not even common courtesy."?Philadelphia Record. True Disinterestedness. > While clearing the kitchen Jane picked up a stick and was about to throw it out of doors. "Oh, don't throw that away; that's mamma's stick to whip me with," cried the small boy of the house.?New York Sun. An Offset. Wealthy American Father-in-Law? "I lind, Count, you did not tell me the full extein. of your debts." Count Boylon de Bakkovisnek?"And you did not tell me, Bare, ze full extent of Mademoiselle's tempare."?Chicago Tribune. Kot Head) to Return. "Ah," he sighed, "I was happier WKAW T WOO ivnAf '' TTUCU A n no J/VVI. "Well," they answered coldly, "it Is always possible for a man to become poor again." But somehow the Idea did not seem to impress him favorably.?Chicago Post. A Hortlcnltural Sweetheart. "Did Biffkins ever tell you about his love affair?" "Oh, yes. When he flrst met the girl he thought she was a peach, and she soon became the apple of his eye, but he learned that she didn't give a lig for him, so it soon became a case of sour grapes."?Toledo Bee. To Joke Either Way. ilfifit! I uv^wFx. ]v\ ai ' It must be horr.ble to be buried | alive." "Well, it's no joke to bo buried dead, either."?Ainsleo'8 Magazine. The Poet's Explanation. "What do rou mean by 'embers of j the dying year'*'" asked the poet's J wife. "Why. Nov-einber aud Dec-ember, of course, my dear." replied the longhaired one with a fiendish grin.?Chicago News. [ Special Inducements to Liberality. "What are your rates':" asked the prospective victim of the lady fortune teller. "I can't afford to tell you anything . but disaster for fifty cents," replied the lady, "hut for $1 I'll agree to tell you a'good fortune with no bad luck In it." ?Ohio State Journal. flood a* An}-. Managing Editor?"Well, what's the trouble?" Assistant?"The beauty editor is away, and a woman writes to know | what to do with a wrinkle in her fore- j head." Managing Editor?"Toll her to putty It up and forget it."?San Francisco Chronicle. A Complexion Improver. Mrs. Earlybird ? "This is a pretty state of things. Here I have to get up at 3 o'clock in the morning to let you in." Mr. Earlybird ? "All on your account, my dear. I read in a paper the other day that nothing improves a woman's complexion so much as early rising."?New York News. Colombo* and the Hoe. Columbus was pleading his cause before Ferdinand and Isabella. "Westward, ho," he exclaimed, "is the course of my voyage." "Ah." interposed the fair Queen, "then'you are the original 'Man With the Ho.'" Crestfallen at this comment, the gvent navigator took out his maps and began to mark 'em.?New York Sun. Kxc?-e?llnsly Strange Condoet. Carr?"Meekton was arrested last night while taking a spin on his new automobile." Motorleigh?"What for?" Carr?"Acting suspiciously." Motorleigh?"How's that?" Carr?"Why, he wasn't going more hnn six miles an hour, had his lr.- ."?? 'ghtcd, kept sounding his goi:*r :;.,:il! rossiegs, and hadn't even run o?or a log."?Puck. * . ,f5, CURES BLOOD POISON. CANCER. Aohln? Rono>, Sblftlntr Palna, Itchinc Skin, rimplei, Eating Sore*. Etc. If you have Pimples or Offensive Eruptions, Splotches, or Copper-Co.ored Eruptions, or rash on the skin, Festering Swellings, Glands Swollen, Ulcers on any part of the body, old Sores, Boils, Carbuncles, Fains and Aches in Bones or Joints, Hair or Eyebrows lailing out, persistent Sore Mouth, Gums, or Throat, then you have Blood i'oison. Talte uotanie rnoou uaim. i (B.B.B.) Soon all Sores, Pimples and i Eruptions will heal perfectly. Aches aiid j Pains cease, Swellings subside, and a perfect, never to return cure made. B.B.B. ' cures cancers of All Kinds. Suppurating j Swellings, Eating Sores, Ugly Ulcers, after ) all else fails, healing the sores perfectly. ! If you have a persistent pimple, wart, , swollen glands, shooting, stinging pains, take Blood Balm, and they will disappear before they develop iDto Cancer. (Write ! for special circular on Cancer.) Druggists : $1 per large bottle, including complete directions for horns cure. Sample free by writing Br.ooD Balm Co.. 1C Mitchell St., j Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble, and free xuedicsl advice sent in scaled letter. Is the matchless beauty the one who never marries? Active re.lttiou is best. r - r(fTHE < ! Life out of dc . ment which they '"'ft greater part of th 'happiness when { '' given to them to i / f/ on which it acts, s / If component parts a /// every object ion ab tm well-informed, aj f8 because of its plea wq,-., Syrup of Figs?ai be u?cd by fathers viv Syrup of Fig naturally without >' system effectually , from the use of tl V? , v. which the childre: '9. grow to manhood them medicines, ?* assistance in the i *" gentle?Syrup of Its quality is 3*^-?""' laxative principle rr< also to our origin; '& the little ones, do ^ tf> err. sometimes of! \ bought anywhere \ " >v.., Vr'^L M : ' J'"*'| felW ft I I ?Coi-set Comfort. M CD F?r warm c!irr K Corsets cotnpn B > Straight fron | Royal | Worcester a ant* Bon T< \ Corset They always fit. Asl your dealer to show thei 'it to you, or order style you selvc Royal Wcrcoster Corset Co., wor?. v^v !&Efllli J \ J LoCiRlPPH,< <?I,DS H * and HEADACHES. J , ^ Sold by nil L'nujgists. ? J *****li*Jt****lilililLSS****S(VKli | Genuine staiij>ed C C C. -Herer sold in balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to seH "scmethicg just as pood." economy is V/eallli IS'iOC ccJ Woacy S&vip' Catalog W-W ! \ Pot Cou^Eyrup^ ^^t<a G ood. C^q I - ;' tftf. r, ' - Dark Hair " I h9ve usetfAyer's Hair Vigor for a great many years, and although I am past eighty years of age, yet I have not a gray hair in my head." Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. i We mean all that rich, I /-loflr ^Alnr vAiir hotr n^pd UA1 a VUiUl T VUA UMi? MWVW g to have. If it's gray now, I no matter; for Ayer's j Hair Vigor always re-| stores color to gray hair. I Sometimes it makes the g haS grow very heavy and I long; and it stops falling jj of the hair, too. 8 Sl.MabeUI*. Ail dranisls. If your drujyjrist cannot supply you, I and ui one dollar and we will express 1 you a bottle. Be sure and rive the name 8 of your nearest express oflToe. Address, 3 So. 45. nlAn^fcTiia'V' + + 7 1 n?TTT>DrM x b^JLJL X x ors and out of the games which they ] receive and the effort* which they lat healthful development which is s< jrown. When a laxative is needed th cleanse and sweeten and strengthen t hould be such as physicians would sa ire known to be wholesome and the remi le quality. The one remedy which phys (prove and recommend and which th isant flavor, its gentle ^ction and its be id for the same reason it is the only laa i and mothers. s is the only remedy which acta gen griping, irritating, or nauseating and r, without producing that constipated 1 le old-time cathartics and modern imi i should be so carefully guarded. If y and womanhood, strong, healthy and when medicines are not needed, and ,vay of a laxative, give them only the s Figs. due not only to the excellence of the < s $f plants with pleasant aromatic syr il method of manufacture and as you npt accept any of the substitutes which :er to increase their profits. The gen' of all reliable druggists at fifty cents to remember, the full name < CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP < the front of every package. In order to get its i i beneficial effects it is al- ^ ;> ways necessary to buy ?**?? \ the genuine only. p. C Fruit trees,' Hi ^ ^ 0RNAA1ENTAL TREES. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. SHRUhS. ROSES, GRAPE VINES, ASPARAGUS, ETC. Catalogue sent on application. J. B. WATKINS & BRO,, HALLMIOHO, VA. "^DROPSY L. m 10 OATS' TnZATHENT FREE, n Ear* made Dropsy anditsccm* Pk?l^ y plications a speoialty for twenty Mptpr [ tears with tae meet wonderfaJ I . I ?orcf>?f. HnTceercdmanvthoci' 12.3.1 C2XZK'S scire, Box B Atlanta, Ga. FOR MALARIA, CHILIS ANO FEVER ~W?TAKE HLIXIR 8A6EK. l'\ ^ilicown nil otct Aniarica aa tbu nurAA??m i4ur*fur *H ni?!?rlal<ifMMae? and a? u |ip?veiit:v? agjinit 1jpt? I . Praparad by (vf.?1C?l?\V?M?r ?0. \Vn?h:nj??u, U. C. OT WVif//or ItitinuniaU. d#\ Frea^g^Ttjcatment lM ^ # If you h?veDO faith in my marbott of [realm?ul,?ond om a of > our *y".& .J morning orino for i>n*f)?l?. I ? !] tixxm than Hud you br mail tur opfpion of n <88 2m 7ourdiao.vaandonowaak'airo?iui?nt r?l? Of Ail COST. Yon ftiU than ba j ' ronriuood that E17 trantmatu curaa. / 'vT-Tk Mailing rataand twtft'a for Qrinaaant .a'Wflfc1* DK. ?J. F*. SHAPER V'gjwf afla Peno Ava., Ptttabunr. Pit "JffSiTlS Thompson's Eyo Wilor * " . - ' >,.<> a* RAT ( bis, kit villus sn^th'ng. :-csf* anrt u.k>*I*a*e efcotoSlSSi , I n-i foul for It. Why uk? rbk ? hltfiwuaj J ASK YOLK IjKLO ,M' :lb? kwi t IL D? ] co t for on* full h!z 1 ox i,rii>rnii?forUMW?l>?9t?%. I postpaid. I U K It AT 111 fill' * ?_ DrfL I hpriume c unio. . Piles or Hemorrhoids j whether itching, bleeding or protroc&n*, imndf I relieved and prnrancBty cured by iny iaetbaa witim* - I knife or optralive measoics. Write nie fciUvftge?- n ing your case and I trill advise yoa hoaettfy M 6m * : I matter. Consultation free. "rice of treatment can*, plete, oily >2.00. Satisfaction -narailced cr iimjf I refunded. Write today. I Dr. H. N. TANNER. Cut Acra. N. Y. j SWIFT CREEK Sir.;; a:id f airy Fan. j f X? ^ !i?. in- ..w j ?irm- m nkMr i I S.I.** ** . <:k iKvyt Hint vci/MaW *J.<XC? I ,\tnte *>- ?vr 1aC~i UtbHW^. I I 'NNht II t .r-e 7 the BMK I ItvT /' irt u; Mw , ,..^1 ? idhiiUVMU. fUs HiUmm, ;]I rauiMte. ssson. P .L<.Si?'K St J Send choc* mid gel wJjatnw wan*. J% T. P. Hit *.? W . 1.1 . l'n<?.iaU'rt**llR .1 2NJOY ||| | play and the enjoy- 1 make, cornea the CV. I > essential to their J e remedy which is 1 he internal organs V^lHs! J action, because its / /-i/ cdy itself free from J .icians ana parents, /-?**/ -? , e little ones enjoy, I neficial effects, is? .4. \V^- -j 1 cative which should J tly, pleasantly and which cleanses the I habit which results | tations, and against < ** ft J oa would have them 0^^ 1 ril happy, do not give J when nature needs ^^C>* 1 .] impie, pleasant and J combination of the f I ups and juices, but 2J 9 1 value the health of ? | t unscrupulous deal- ^ 'j^.T 1 1 aine article may be &^ \ ~ <B per bottle. Please & k fjj 1 af the Company? ^ J/j 1 CO.? printed on U INVESTMENT The Preferred Stock, of tho ' < J W. L. Douglas cT J Capital Stock, $2,000,008. 11 S l ,000,000 Preferred 8tock. 1 S1,000,000 Common Crock. I Shires, SI00 each. SoMatFat 1 0: 'j Pref rred Sx:k offered for i k. j itf i j ismmiCu <fl n. I~ UJUgMM IW?UJ> ?U WW > hy Ixirrft yoar money at 8* or ** wben Uw W. U- r. ..^ss^sxs&ssssts^esk 9 it ti a dollar"# worth of art pal /" .ta. W. 1. DouBlr* continues /; . , wnone-halfortho twines* ?S= vv ! 11? to remain theattiT* head #g_-. "J- business U not ae taJa $?3 \ >ioi?<l prnt-pect. It laa demon- jtffjj -Bseo- 9Bt <1 ..rued dividend payer. TUta isScoi y? - 1 ;.ic i ir/e?tliutirw?# Inlhe world k ,?T % ]|f. >J I-r.-durmit Men'stJoodrearWetl Ejatey\ />? V< ?h.iudaewfd proees*}shoes, and ha* always been limnensely.-^HXJsIfc ! { rotltaMe. The huslrw *? I# kale WSaaj^ , '? 'd asalnst fen* competition or safr jX>c f < J panic. liiahla* it a Micr l.?-iflgr^^sS'iTL vestment liian any other la- ;" /Tab*"dustrfal stock. There baa jSK/ni /JBMHw. ' not ts-en a year In the pan yY MB Hiil ' twelve when the buriiysa ffSSottvWMlCT/ XgvWSBK. lu? not earned in actual l^aBCtUi. \>w/ /Mmfimm cash mneli more than Hie amonnt uoifif to pay Jw animal d.rldend on the pretrned rtork <rf |L.IW # . ' ?H The annual business now L? tUCtMBJ# tors?SiasfT Jfl Trry ranldly, ami will oioal jT.trM for tty^wrUA 1 The tw-tory Is now tundmc Ctrl 7U? porta of ?y?|? 3 day. atrl an adiUllou to the ptar l la twin* *ajtta ta* vrll lmTease the capacity to J08nt>psrts_per day. Tk? J rvaton 1 am onenriK tlx 1 reletua bwxx t?w uue u 10 perpet nate the basinets. I If tou wish to Invent In the Nft shoe tartness(9 Ita j world, which It permanent, and rrtartvn T% * your J, mutter, you can porrhate one thare or mttra br.thlt 5 meat business. Send money by rnshWr'trbork.orrftord check, esprett or P. (). money onto*. nule payable te W. I.. Doiiitlaa. Ceatidcare of stock will ta rut vac - < by re lorn malL Prospectus trivia* fait information frnt, 1 W.LDOl)QLAll,BreeUa^Musa :i I have been using Ripans Tabulcs for over two years ; as a medicine for general i iils. 1 always keep a sup- j t I I 1 f J al '.^S ply on nano, ana nna incy 1 come in handy for everyday I use in case of headache, j constipation or a bilious J attack. j At drugget*. a I'he Kite-Cent paeket w trrrrngM far ? I ordinary oeeaston. The Umi; bafctV 1 flQ cent*. eoaUiai a wtpply far m J**? ^