I / ? / | Dots From Leo. | A good deal ol fever has prevailed in this community, but none was attended with fatal results. Miss Lowell Brown is convalescing from an attack of ty phoid fever, and Mrs. A. A.Brown is recovering from an illness caused by malarial lever. Miss Fannie Keels' school at the Brovin school house is progressing nicely. Miss Keels has been teaching in this neighbor hood for about ten years and is well thought of by both patrons and pupils.. On Tuesday evening, Oct. 14, most of the youth snd beauty of this immediate vicinity assembled at Air. J. T. Eaddv's to a moonlight picnic. Every ihing was propitious for an enjoyable evening and all who attended seemed to have had a most pieasam nine. Miss Lee Kellehan of Lake Oily, has been visiting the family of Mr. W. YV. Burrows. Farmers are rejoicing in good crops this year, especially in the way of provisions. There will be no scarcity of *'hog and homiDv" this fall around Leo. People of this section are well blessed with church and Sunday school privileges. Kev. T. B. Owen, the earnest and zealous ^ pastor of this charge, preaches twice a month at Prospect, and we have besides a flourishing Sunday school, superintended by lion. J. Davis Carter. From every side come reports of profitable tobacco growing and Leo is no exception to the rule. Hon. J. Davis Carter is our most extensive planter. Under the ekillful iii'inaironipnl of Mr. O. S. cniiil Ul _ w _ Boyed of Virginia, from a field of 18 acres Mr. Carter has realized $1 80(Jas the proceeds of his crop. The tobacco acreage in this section will be considerably increased next year. Lippincott's Magazine has discovered the friend of Edgar A Foe who was with him the last night of his tragic life in Richmond. This is Dr. J. F. Carter, now a venerable physician of Richmond, Va. His simple and pathetic story will be sought by every lover of "The Bells" and ''The Rav% -I il..A en," who will Una in n mucn uiai is new concerning Poe. STRICK EN WITH PARA LYSIS. Henderson Grimett, of this place, was stricken with partial paralysis and completely lost the use of one arm and side. After being treated by an eminent physician for quite a while without relief, my wife recommended Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after using two bottles of it he is alruo-t entirely cured.?Geo. R. McDonald. Man, Logan county. W. Ya Seveial other very remarkable cures of partial paralysis have lreen effected by the use ot this liniment. It is most widely known, however, as a cure for rheumatism. sprains and bruises. Sold by Dr. W L. Wallace, Kings tree, and Lake City Drug Co., Lake City. SHVLOCM Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convalescent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh , and they can get it?take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty -years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT A BOWNE. Chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street. New York, joe. and ; aU druggiata. 11 Greeleyville Glints. j cwvvwwwwwwwwvwvS Greeleyville, Oct. 27.?Maj. E. R. Lesesne was on our streets this morning. All the merchants in our town ?* seem to be doing a thriving business this season. The ForeDauch and Sells circus at Sumler attracted quite a crowd from here last Thursday. Among those who attended were the lollowing: R. H. Johnson, S. V. Taylor, E. 0. Timtuons, C. E. Register, S. W. Hogan, Sam Allen and others, Mr. J. T. Hair and family of Alcolu,is visiting his lather, Mr. J. R. Hair. Messrs. C. C. McGee and R. W. Spann went to Sumter Wednesday to take in the circus. Mr. C. U. Rrowder left Monday for Columbia to remain during the State Fair. Mr. W. Clarkson was here Saturday from Heinemann. Mr. J. A. Scarborough, the popular cotton buyer, was here Saturday. Swamp Fox. A Bonnet Party. \T UfTO-ip TC PI1 iUiOCCO A *?luvto U'iV4 nedy entertained a number or their friends last Friday evening at their home with a unique "Bonnet Party." Prizes were awarded to the young men who showed the best and greatest skill and taste in trimming hats for their fair partners. After a reasonable period of time, during which the young men presented claims to acquaintanceship with things before unknown, the first prize was awarded to Mr. Lonnie Flagler, and though competition for the booby prize was sliarp, Mr. E. C. Epps was finally declared the winner. During the evening, light refreshments were served in very dainty style, and Miss Frances Kennedy delighted her guests with a number of choice instrumental selections. The following guests were present: Misses Amelia Kennedy, Bertha Wells, Nannie Snider, Lila Hemingway, Agues Erckmann and Addie Montgomery, and Messrs. Theo. Hemingway, Lucious Montgomery, Kinard, E. C. Epps, Lonnie Flagler and Ernest Wiggins. The important paper in the November Lippincott, called UA Slender Sheaf of Memories," is reported to come from the pen of a former editor of that magazine who bears a noteworthy name in the field of history. He gives un published letters of ldacKeray and Carlyle. He has signed his delightful recollections of London authors a generation ago simply Senex, but those who read them will not fail to discover the lurking personality who has himself discovered so many authors destined to fame. A lie is often told without saving a word. The Walnuts and Wine Department in the November Lippincott oK/wi-q nwiro luimnr tn st nairfi than r?i n/ tf f? uiviv 11 v? i ii v ?v ? | ? ? is to be found elsewhere. The jokes and sketches are always absolutely new. The "smile" ot the summer girl is usually ice cream soda. Lippincott's Magazine for November contains several poems worthy ot the popular authors. Madison Oawein, Clarence Urmy, i G. M. W hie her, blanche Trennor Heath, and H. Talbot Kummer. Never judge pictures and horses by their frames. Alice brown's name stands for sympathetic portrayal of queer New England types, and in her ' short story called "The State! House blatter," in the November Lippincott, she realizes vividly two sisters whose humor is ot the inimitable Yankee type. There is nothing as heavy as a heart without hope. HM A U/UEEI the rider freos UR ? nnCCL hundv nud r:fl< Wi aocideot bappeos u * Uoiue ul M V Ulcei RiMinim need not become a body. If they do i MEXI MUSTANG will thoroughly, qt nently cure these ? is no guess work al iment is used a cui YOU DONT KNOW & Mutt&ng Liniment. Aa a fiwb b The little tale called uNeighbors," by Abbie Farwell Brown (Lippincott's for November), will touch the heart of the working girl very closely. AMERICA'S FAMOUS BEAUTIES Look with horror on Skin Eruptions, Bloti'hes, Sores, Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one, who uses Bucklea's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum van- J Ishes before it. It cures sore lips, j chapped hands, chilblain*. Infallible for Piles. 26c at D. C. S**ott's drug store. A wise man always bets on the top dn<: and the bottom tacts. * Vi'rraj?! IntbUMilii. Iverj niudr *m uhMiMl li tt? |bt{ KUaaad I* MM * rm Ho?d Hi kwalif Hrm r moMtr iivaluitotitT6BT*!*iuM4 to?ter ftikmkfM Mt?i?.Mrirac^t^lfc^Iti TheBigge? Ever obtainable in 1? are now being offeree RACKET At prices that cannot t> Think of itl We are n< Good, Reliable 6 cent Be i Come and see for youi HERE ARC A Best Calico at 3 l-2c and Yard-wide Yellow Home Check Homespun - best All Colors Duck at 0c to Ladies1, Gents', and Chi] 25c per pair. The biggest line of here at 25 per cent I LACES and EMBBOIliis" Fine Line of Dress Goods, Ci and Ha H. D. REDDICK, V lentlymeot* with disaster. Avery *ient d vtor to hare with you wbea .exlcMB MusUuig Llaimeat. &A & J I rs or g Sores fixture upon your t is your fault, for CAN LINIMENT lickly and permaifflictions. There . )Out it; if this lin:e will follow. i 4 nfckly a hum or ncald can be cured kou Luvo treated it with Mexican icoler it ktamls at tbo very top. The complete novelette of the November Lippincott is "The Other Man," .by Frederic Red dale?a story of a diamond find which won the discoverer the woman he loved. Get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets at I)r. IV. L. Wallace's dine Store. Kingstree, or Lake City Drug t o.'s drug store, Lake City. They are easier to take and more pleasant In effect than pills. Then their use Is not followed by constipation. as is often the ease with pills. Regular size, 25u per box. Telephone girl? never invite you lo call again. rrrs^acn. CMn-ktatn, Himh iii fhrMahm VTSHH LftUKlf QMrtMrtAtrMf. IHjoUOH, ftcgokfe* HOMBwBB the Bowels, Strengthen* itlnsgbt* ^ I. MOPFSTT, M. IX, ST. LOUIS, MO. Pmi SijuSw t? wt il?ISM I ?bwM girt jam m at iMu(pdMi tram ik^lcUu Km M?i> >4 lor ?? at a ?n*. Umn/awmatm** Sii|rfii??l l k*l NhntS* MM to ?w dni|iW? TMNwUL) ?ws i n ' i Bargains i Williamsburg County 1 in the STORE, e duplicated elsewhere. )w offering ioods at 25 per w York Prices! rself and be convinced. FEW FKIUEB: 14c a yard. spun at 3 3-4 and 4c a yd. grade - 4c a yd. 8c per yard, dren's Hose at 2 l-2c to SHOES ever seen >elow factory prices. Going at lc. 2c 3c and up per yard, A; A; A; A; !othing, Harness of all kinds rdware. Kingstree, 8. G. ?:@:?:@:?:@:@:@:@ :: ?" New Store? | P. S. COURTIS ^ At Benjamin's < jgj A FI LL STO< @ Dry Ocods, Notions, I (gj A.\D A> ?\fEP'l'IO.\ALI ? Fa.ncjr1 G-r J8{ All we ask* is a trial to convince you t I P. S. COURTNEY & CO., ?:?:@:?:?:@:@:?:@:?: ?:u money on cider, and up, get at ead>ther bargains. t j | lease, ?<*-* \ T WILKINS. 1 = I Of BUS- ;f f! I? 9 ? i Co. having W ^l^e business jjj r entire stock ft *e lose money j| \ e, before innd getting w, r your liber- ft wsU We are ft ?idy, ft OL rtm. ft rer ? w. v'$1 Mil!3. of SCoxses rh.om.as cSs 5 Ststbles d sound and gentle horses and efy competition. Everybody cordially invited to call at Q}jr you nothing to loolf and {Myand Harness.' ; of^Standard Vehicle* of all ' or a wagon now is bargain from HAM, Ageats, 5. s. c. 1