The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 23, 1902, Image 5

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Council ProceedingsSpecial meeting of Council held August 26th, 10O2? Present: Intendent Kelly, and Wardens Nelson, iiroekinton, Wilkins and Heller. The object of the meeting was to consider petition of Thomas and Bradham, in reference to building on Jail Street. On motion of Warden Heller, petition was grunted with following t<ro- . rise to wit: That the said stable be built parallel* v e<l with Jail street and on Jail street, and that the building be covered by tin roof; provided further, ' that no fine* for stoves be run through the roof < but chimneys from the ground l>c built. The carriage hou>e to be built subject to same restrictions. The same provisions and restrictions herein made as to petition of Thomas and Bradham was adopt- 1 od on petition of Or. W. L Walla.'e as to lot in ' rear of T. M. (lilland lot and oa?t of B. P. Bar- . ...i |?. i T V.?lnn?i. rou ioi aio aiM>ti* luiwnunuvu u, ... ?, No. 105. J No further business Council adjourned. M. K. I.KVJN. Clerk and Treasurer. STATEMENT. ' CLERK AND TREASURER. Aug 1, Hi.l e&?h in hand > 503 03 i Side of barrels 1 (K> W W Gravsou T '2 110 Fine H Smith lOOO Kil Epps & Co L 5 00 t Htoll A Stoll L lOOO , '20, K D Rollins school . 03 22 1 Total * 5!M,85 \ AMOUNT PAID OUT.' Aug 2, W T Wilkias $ 3 18 S c Anderson 8tio e C Jones street work ' 1 05 Wm Brockinton street work 1 05 W Williams 1 35 4 4, WW Grayson cleaning ditcli '25 OO 1 F Davis cleaning well 2 OO WT Wilkins merchandise 1 OO S C Anderson salary 8 oo { 0, C Jones street work 175 1 Wm Brockinton street work 1 50 W Williams street work SO Jas Tharp naunng urne ? - ? 1 S E Lime Co for lime 17 OO J Freight on Lime 4 40 f 16. S C Anderson salary 8 00 C Jones street work 1 00 I IV iu Broekinton street work 1 00 26, S C.Anderson salary 8 OO SO, s c Anderson salary U 00 Geo Fulton cleaning school yard .*>0 t CiTCom. 1001 Balance cash in hand Sept 1 475 51 I STATEMENT. ci.erk and treasurer. Sept 1, Bai cash in hand $ 475 51 15. Reed M rs M R Hemminguav bal L 2 .50 16, P A Allsbrook L lOOO , J L Sullivan L 5 OO 1 P S Courtney & Co L lO OO ?. J P Nelson L 2 50 ' 22, R I) Rollins for school 106 41 30, M Bradley fine lO OO Total $62102 * J AMOUNT PAID OUT. . g - Sept 5, Holmes A Co oil 9 47 f W T Wilkins merchandise 2 05 < W Johnson putting on locks 75 P Fulton putting glasses in school 75 Jn.s Tharu hauling 35 r Win Broekinton work school fence , and yard 0 25 (J J A Scott salary 8 00 C Jones street work 2 75 Nell Tharp street work 1 75 13, Ja* Tharp hauling lime 3 00 } J T Sullivan coffln and school house work 9 50 J A Scott salary 8 OO Eii Wilson street work 50 P C W Wolfe per contract 12 50 OJenes street work 250 Wm Broekinton street work 2 50 E Johuson work in school yard 1 25 3 20, Bob Broekinton street work 2 50 i Nell Tharp street work 1 25 ? Geo Carroll street work 1 50 C Jones street work 2 75 Wm Broekinton street work 2 75 .. John Bmckiuton street work 2 54) " J Wilson stnet work 1 SO f J A Scott salary 8 (XI W R Kunk cutting weeds 15 (io Hoi mes A Co for oil 8 01 28, J A Scott salary 801) (' Jones work in truck house 25 CAT Com 13 05 Total $ 140 43 a Hal cash in hand Oct 1. 1902 t 481 92 The man who looks over your v shoulder can always see where 11 you should have moved your ^ chessman. STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. |j Henderson Grimett, of this place. ^ WUI MntM'li wiiiu laiiiui |miui,iw \ and completely l<?st the use of one arui 7 and side. After being treated l?v an eminent physio inn for quite a while without relief, my wife recommended ? Chamterlain's Pain Balm, and after J using two bottles of it he is almo*t en- 0 tirely cured.?Geo. It. McDonald, Man, e jw. Logan county. W. Va Seveial other F very remarkable cures of partial pa-- e alysls have been effected by the use a ol this liniment. It is most widely a known, however, as a cure for rheumatism, sprains and bruises. Sold by I)r. ? W L. Wallace. Kingstree, and I.ake \ <>lty Drug Co., Lake City. ] I What some men consider pa- s triotisin is only aggravated par- t tisanship. e I .fnct Gmmr fn Dn is nlwavS *' j^V4,,r ~ ? - plavins second fiddle to Has Done. iimci Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There arc many Shylocks now, the convalescent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it?take , Scott's Emulsion. i Scott's Emulsion is flesh ! and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they , feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the ( great giver of human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street, New York, ybtadfua; sndmggieUw I * v m ' 1 ?VW?V?*?*W?VVWV?V?*?wa i| Greeleyville Glints. j <.wwwwwv?wv?\>wvwvvv (Written for last w?ek.) Greeleyville, Oct. 13.?Rev. W. W. Mills preached at the Methodist church last night to a good ?ongregation. There is some talk of building a parsonage at Greeleyville for the Methodist preacher. It is to be hop_-d that those interested will not take t out in talking.J Mr W F Hogan was on our streets ;his morning. Miss Nannie Duke is visiting relatves at Lanes. Mrs Kate Habenecht, who is caching school in Sumter, came lere last Friday night to spend a few lays with her sister, Mrs M G McMillan. She returned this "morning. Mr T W Boyle's new building w ill 0011 lie completed. Dr A D Epps went to Manning his morning. Mr J A Scarborough was here Saturday buying cotton. Mr and Mrs H L Baxter, from Bennett Swamp, were in town yeserday visiting Mr. T J Hogan's amily. Miss Mary Mac Brunson, who is eacliing at Spring Bank, attended reaching here Saturday and Sunlay. Swamp Fox. Greeleyville, S. C., Oct. 20th.? Hr. J. E. Keels was on our streets his niorniug. Rev. L. L. Inabiuet preached at he Methodist church last eveviug. dr. Inabinet's friends were glad to ee hiui out after a recent attack of , ever. A large crowd from here attended (reaching at Corinth church yesterlay. Mr. J. R. Hair went to Columbia ; esterday, returning last night. Prof. X. D. Lesesne visited Manling Saturday. r t n W. 11 * wrx ni 3ir. J. u. wiuunam 01 jar. rieas,nt, is ou a visit to his father, Judge r V Windham. Mr. C. M. Spaun, who is clerking t Foreston, spent Sunday with his ( ather, Mr. E. C. Spann. l Mr. Maxie Lesesue also of Fores-.! on, M as a visitor here yesterday. Miss Naunie Duke returned from i , visit to Lanes yesterday. I Miss Jessie Brown, who has been isiting relatives at Mullins for two . nonths, returned home Saturday. ' ' Timj!vt .Qr>rnrtinn nnrt I ' ) i trwi/%1 vuf uffiui/ uffu ji| | Johnsonville :::: : : | [ Written for last week.] Married?On Thursday, October I, at 8 p. m., Mr. J. H. Haselden of ohnsonville and Miss Lizzie Tanner f Leo. The ceremony was performd by Mr. W. W. Burrows, notary lublic. This was Mr. Burrows, first xperience in "splicing" a couple ,ud he acquitted himself very creditbly. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Graham of Jingle, are the happy parents of a >right baby boy; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. frown near Leo have also recently >een made happy by the arrival of a ou, and the same good fortune in he shape of a daughter has attendd Mr. and Mrs R. E. Brown of Leo. Mrs. J. H. Baxley of Spencer, N. ^ - ? ? ? ? ? ' ^ r* 4- t Am j., IS UU li > 1511 IU iciainw at uauijert Mrs. James Wyand of Columbia, s spending some time with relatives 11 Williamsburg. Dikd.?On Monday, October 6, lear Leo, S. C., Ossie Evans, the 16 rear old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Evans. He was sick only about hree days. Ossie was converted at Prospect church a few weeks ago ind was to have been received into the church the day before he died. Being delirious all Sunday morning, he came to his right mind about 12 /clock and asked if it were not Sunlay. Being told that it was, he said: 'I was to have been received into the church today, but I can't go; * * i I'll may he the Jjorcl will let me live xui next preaching day." On Tuesday following hie death the remains were carried to High Hill for interment. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. T. B. Owen. May the Lord comfort the bereaved ones. Ego. Rev. Thomas Leilch at JohnsonVille. Rev. Thomas Leitch, the Methodist evangelist, will assist the pastor, Rev. T. B. Owen, in a protracted meeting at Johnscnville church, tieginning November 7. A cordial invitation to all is extended. Ego. A patch on the trousers is better than a nil at - tbe slotbiers. ON A WHEEL an accideut iwtppeus is a U/lUtf ui J USce Runniin need not become n K/a/1 \r 7 f i li i->\r /I /\ 1 XX cUWJ uv ? MEX MUSTANG will thoroughly, q nently cure these ? is no guess work a iment is used a cu YOU DONT KNOW until Mustang Liniment. A* u Utah Some men think thev should receive credit for being charitable when they give a dollar to the poor and get ten dollars' worth of advertising out of it. AMKKIUA'S i'AilUU8 BiSiAUlli? Look with horror on Skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores, Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one, who uses Buckles'* Arnica Salve. It glorifies | the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanishes before it. It cures sore lips, | L'happed hands, chilblains. Infallible j for Piles. 26c at D. C. Scott's drug store. A woman may not lie able to iove three men simultaneously, but she can make a strenuous blufl' at it. *aU 26 Mkli U O. < ?. 18T8.?D*. C. J. KOTTSTT-ICI By iimUom wtth yocrexeoHeot modiclno, TUTHINJ troablo toothing. Stmt roraody m oxhmattftl In tto ?b? MBtlnaod I* MM oH pan bl<y*J nndbanlng bw ooaUai Bor Bother dotomlood to ttr TtBTHlItAyoml to n day [bo feovote won nfulor, andthonko to T&BTHIXA. tho 1 Yoan, ota, IX w. Mi wlm qimmjim i Ub UXggBd Ever obtainable in are now being offerei RACKET * - . - ? At prices tnat cannoi c Think of it! We are n Good, Reliable C cent Below Come and see for you HERE ARE A Best Calico at 3 l-2c anc wr .1 J _ TT_n - I ara-wiue x enu w numt Check Homespun - best All Colors Duck at 6c to Ladies', Gents', and Chi] 25c per pair. The biggest line of here at 25 per cent 1 LACES and EMBROIDERIES Fine Line of Dress Goods, C and He H. D. REDDICK ' \ J V 1 *. t' * upntly nux>t? with di?aiitor. A*?ty i. iont ?l?vf?r to h*T? with you #ftcfc iiexlcuu Muataug Liniment. a 4 K.: f"A I rs cr ig Sores l fixture upon your it is your fault, for ICAN UNDENT uickly and permaafflictions. There , bout it; if this lin re will follow. quickly a burn or scald cnnbocurod you liuvo trwatwl it with Mexican bcalvr it quanta at tho very top. The man who says lie takes no interest in politics is usually the one who makes the loudest complaint when abuses creep into government. Get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets at Dr. ?. L. Wallace's di us: store. Klngstree, or Lake City Drug t o.'a drug store, Lake Cltv. They are easier to take and more pleasmt in effect than pills. Then their use la not followed by constipation, as is often the ease with pills. Regular size, per box. An old bachelor is a man who admits that he doesn't think he is smart enough to lake care of any one but himself. wnr^^BCvt* CMtfi-brfitlia, ^U^BovwtJ^fro^Wa'o?^ 55**SrmjAM? Digestion, ^cgukite* IOWSKkS/VBH the Bowels, Strengthen* c *t Rm/wricft *** Child end Makes 5 flt DrtgpSO, TEETHING EASY, j. Moppmr, m. ST. louis. mo. ' Dmt Sir I JudM to T?* demoa4i that! ehoeM glTe r*i u Oar tmia tiri, jutiMrteeamoathjeld,bubtdnock p* of prMcrlpOoM from feaUr phrticiaoe. Bar bu e>to led tor &*y ??tiM Her B? wee olwoet deepened at er Ore thera aree freol cheap new Ute bed utojuert Litie bob* la new dolof **U. aVKH, Editor o*d Proprietor Txbijii (Alto) 9mm 1 R ' i Bargains Williamsburg County 1 in the STORE, >e duplicated elsewhere, ow offering ioods at 25 per w York Prices! rself and be convinced. FEW PRICES: L 4c a yard. ispun at 3 3-4 and 4c ayd. grade - 4c a yd. 8c per yard. Idren's Hose at 2 l-2c to f SHOES ever seen below factory prices. Going at lc, 2c. 3c and up per yard . X X X X lathing, Harness of all kinds 'rdware, ,Kingstree, S.C. \ ?:?:@:?:@:@:@:@:?:@:( j| New Store! | P.S.COUFr y At Benjamir @ A FlXL @ Dry Goods, Notior (5) A > 1> A> IBXCEPI'IOA <?> Fancy C All we Snh is a trial to convince I P. S, COURTNEY & C ?:@;@:?:@:@;?:@;@:?; < wear! FOR THE WINTER THE EARLY : THE EHniEE. WE TAKE A PRIDE IN I '.' Only First C In buying Dry Goods, Dress Goods you will save money by trading With line of Ladies'Millinery Goods. We Stackh inn AS I All GOING OUT OF THJ MY WHOL AT UNHEARI A GRAND OPPORTU1 Tours foi \ I Going Oi I iness.^? (o) ^ Gagg, Olive1 ripm'Hod fn disr.f @ are closing out i @ at absolute cost @ You will ther jgj if you buy elseu w specting stock S prices. ? Thanking yo ? al support in t) ? You] | Ga^-1 ? ?:@:?:?:@:@:?:@:?:@:< A Uttle Msfi&i But Stilly to the R J All hough we wen * are by no means onl S temporary quarters ii ? shall keep on hand as | Buggies, Wago: Come to see us and treatment and correct business mt ored to show the people of Kingst THOMAS & BR 2Qng^ . J B STEELE, Manager. Man will never know what teal trouble is until he experiences the feeling of a housewife whose jell.v wout jelL \ i - v j& ji /\' i' v New meets % rNEY&CD., II l's Old Stand, ^ stock of jgj is, Shoes, Tinware, q % ai.i.y fme i.iai: or jg 3-xocexies. to Nj yon that we cauuot be underiidld'. 0., Kingstreu, S. C. 2 V @:@:@:@:@:@:?:?:@:@:@ fTiT- "Jg | ; READY FALL AND TRADE, | BUYER GETS ? w * #4, ' v'/.jKHB KEEPING ALETrfETtMH . Dietss Goods-: ?i, t, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Notions, * ' us. We are just opening a splendid^ 4 also carry a large'sfcscfr Of Ftiraiture.* iy's Cash Store. l RETAIL BUSINESS I OFFER,B STOCK i i nc pomps / VI I I II VUW.) ' . M 31 x "Till JITY FOR BARGAINS._ : Bargains, V. T. WILKfNS. | - ' = M 9: it of Bus- || II r # Co. having ^ mtinue business ^ ^heir entire stock ? i 'efore lose money jK >* there, before in- & 9 t and getting ^ mm u for your liber- yte past, We are @ rs truly/ ft ,-Oliver & Co. ?; s>:?:?:?:?:@:@:@;@:?:# II" ..111 III* ' ired ing. 3 heavy losefs 6y fhe decent fire w6' i nf 1 iio ftolH While nccunvinc? ? ",v - ?' I ?CT i the rear ot the Coleman Hotel w& usual a fine line of ns. Harness* Whips, Etc *ve promise yotr the same conrfeou# it hods that we have always endeav ree and Williamsburg county. ;-"V 4 } !-.>?..< ??? !?*. ADHAM, Agants, r?e, s. c. V-vj A great many people think | they are charitable when they give something away that the/ have no further tree for, ; .