The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 23, 1902, Image 4

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? 3 r . -' * *, C^Wiv* 'vv;^ -'- ' jmrnrnrnMummmmti |- i * 1 ' * - * -Ttye ?crnulg Gerard Published byery Thursday at KIX9STHEE, s. c. C. W. WOLFE, lSurroR and Proprietor. *.L .. - ? TERMS. -Subscription rates : One copy, one year, - - - $1.00. One copy, six month*. - - - .50. une com", riurv iuwih.ii>. - 'Subscriptions payable in advance. "advertising rates: One inch, first insertion. 81.W>: each "subsequent insertion, 50 cents. Obituaries and"! ributes of Respect over 10J words charged for as lefjular advertisements. Liberal reduction on advertising made for three, six and twelve months' contract*. Communication* must be accompanied by the real name and address of the writer in order to receive attention. No 'communication of a personal nature Will be publish*] except as ?q advertisement. / Address all latter?and make all drafts payab.e to C. W. Wolfe, Kiujrstive. S.<\ % THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23. 190?. As Others bee Us. The Kingstree papers are waging : an energetic tight in the interest of their graded school, to the end that their people get together and erect a suitable building. Go it, brethren, > jour town cannot spend money for j&t,/ -a better purpose. After they shall have had it, they would not part ' Vith it for many times its cost.? . Manning Fhrmer. APPROACHING MARRIAGE. *Rev. LouiR J. Bristow Jto Wed Miss Caroline C. Winkler. The editor has received the following card of invitation, w hich will be of interest to the many readers of The Record who knew Mr. Bris tow as its former editor: Mrs. ?. T. Winkler requests your presence at the marriage of her daughter Caroline Cornelia, to Louis Judson Bristow, "Wednesday morning, Oct. 29th., Nineteen hundred and two, at half past seven o'clock, Summerville. At home 8ammerviile, South Carolina. ? |; Cades Chronicles. \ % J *v%%wwv*vwvvwvwwwv* (Written for last week.) Farmers of tbi? vicinity have about harvested their cotton crop. Mrs W P McGill spent last week with relatives in Charleston. Mr Thomas S Smith of this place visited Wilmington, N. C,, last Thursday, returning Friday 1 accompanied bv his brother, S W _.u_ I OIIUUI, WI1U (IMS UCCH IKillg 111 Wilmington for the past six . months. Master Ezekiel Sauls has gone to Charleston to attend school. We wish him much success in his studies. Mr W M Sfriith came up from Ki ngntrce Sunday and spent the day here with friends. Mr Dave Parker, while running after an escaped mule a few days ago, fell and hurt his hand pretty badly. Mr Dave Nesmifh of Fork, Marion county, visited his brother at this place a lew days last week Mr Hatch?ll of llartsville was I i ' " ~ w on our streets one day las' week In the interest of the Hartsville Ginning Co. The McGill Joint School, situated near ht re, opened Monday with J^iss Fannie Epps in charge. What is the matter with I he 'phone line between Cades and Kingstree? The man who boasts loudly o! being self-nude has forgotten to finish his job. When a man has made up his mind to do a wrong he is never at loss lor an excuse. OUT OF DEATH'S JAWS. "When seemed very near froin a very severe stomach and liver trouble that I had suffered with for years," writes P. Muse, Durham, .V. G\, "Dr. King's Kew Life Pills saved my life and gave perfect health." he<t pills ^ on earth and only 2T?c at D C. Scott's t drugstore. [ Notice of Election. * For State and County Officers, and up' on Proposed Amendment to tfle Stat< Constitution Statk o? Sot tii Carolina, Countt ok Wii.uamshuru. Notice is hereby niven that the gen oral election for state and County ofticers will be held at the voting pre cincts proscribed by law insaidCouutj on Tuesday. November 4. 11102. sab 1 da/ heinjr Tu'-.-day tollowinj; the tirsi j Monday in November, as pr<\*cribei ! by law. At the said election a separate hoi ; will he nrovidcl. at which oualitiet electors will vote upon the adoption 01 rejection of an amendment to the Stat< Constitution as provided in the foi low ing Joint Resolution. A Joint Resolution Proposing ti Amend Section II. of Article VII of the Constitution of 18SK?. Relating to Counties ami County (rovernmen Section 1 Be it resolved by the Ren <r:il Assembly of the State of Soutl ( arloitia: That the following auieiid nientto Section 11, Article YJi, of th< Constitution, be agreed to: add to th? end thereof the following words: tha this seetion shall not apply to the fol lowing townships in the following Counties: Dunklin and Oaklawn ii he county of CreenvilJc: the township of Cokesburv. Nitn ty-Six and Coopei hi the county of Greenwood; Sullivai ownship in the county of Laurens Uuiett and J'ine Giove'itt the Count; 't Saiuda. That .the corporate cxistene <?fsai'l townships be, and the same it hereby, desttoyed ami all officers tin der said townships are abolished am all corporate agents removed. Sec. 2. Rut the question of adoptinj this amendment jhall he submitted a the next genenl election to the elector as follows: Those in favor of th U> Mie (/onnnissioners or raeenon ui poll li>t. the iktxcs containing the bal l"ts ami written- statements 01 the rt " nit of the election. The following managers of ei.f.ctiox. have be#n%appointed t<> hold rhe dec tion at the various precincts in th said county. KixgsTrkk? Marvin Martin, II ( Ilritton, J G Mc?'utclien. Greelkyville? W C Tittle, S ) Taylor. A McD Burgess. (fOi'RoiNs?B E.Clarlcsou, I) O Gam hie. .1 \V Branson. 1 Suttons ? S Cooper, A W Chand ler, H Richardson. scatters ? V E Lifrasre. j H 1 Chandler, Alex Spiwy. Cedar Swamp ? .1 B Chandler, W l Grayson, I) W Courtney. Black Mingo?John S Graham, B ] Brockinton. B 'A* Marshall. Trio ? L E Burkett, J B Kilet*, J V Register. i Earls?\V S ('ani)in Jr, Albert Has elden, W li Camiin. Altaian's Store?j .1 Altman. S 1 Altman, I) W Thompson. i ' Bi-OOmingvai.e? B S Smith, J M Mc Connell. S lliissell dr. Hebron Chcrcii?J LGowdy, W 1 ' Burgess, H A Kennedy. Cades?li F Epi?, C G C'irstcn, r. P Fulmore. McAllister's Mii.l?W A Webstei deir Matthews, M V Ward. Lndiantowx ? J I> Ilanna, M J Wilgon, 11 P Snowden. Lake City ? A X Suydiffe, J 1 Stuekev, G T Rollins. I Muddy *Creek? R Cannon, "W A Venters, L L Ard. ScKAxroN ? K E McKnight, S > Dickson, K 1> Cannon. I'kospktt Church?J M Eaddv,: , B Boston, T E Humphries. The managers at each preeinc named altove are requested tj delegat ??ne of their number to secure l>oxe and .blanks for the election. They cai be secured on and after Saturday, Nov ember 1, at Kingstree bv calling 01 w.u.kennedy, g. w. ARMS, s. g. Mcdonald. commissioners of State and count; Election for Williamsburg county October 3, 19o3. WANTED. Standard yellow pine ties 6x9x Anderson Lumber Co., Oct 16. Charleston, S. C. Notice of Election - For Representative in Congress > J?ixth District, Statk of Soi'th Carolina, Cot nty of r wl?iamsbiru. Notice is hereby given that the Gon rial Election lot Representative in Congress will be held at the voting pre eincts tixea by law in the eonnty of ' Williamsburg on Tuesday, November i 4. 1902, *aid dav being Tuesday folL lowing tlie tirst Monday, as prescribed I In* law. amendment shall deposit a ballot wit] tlie following wyrds plainly printed o written Ihereou "Constitution:! amendment of 6ection Eleven of At tide Seven (?f the Constitution* relat ingto euui.tie-and county government Yes.'" Those opposed to said amend tnent shall cast a ballot with the fo] lowing words plainly printed or writ ten thereon: "Constitutional amend ment ot Se-tion Eleven of Article VI of the constitution, relating to coun ties and county government, Xo" Approved the 2dth day of February A. L). 11MJ2. Sec. 7. There shall be separate am distinct ballots and Itoxes at this clec tion for the following officers to wit 1 Governor and Lieutenant-Governoi 2 Other State office; s. '< State Sena tor. 4 Members of the House of Reji : resentatives. y County officers. O which shill be the name or name of the person or persons voted for a such officers, respectively, and th office for which they are voted. Before the hour fixed for opening th polls Managers and Clerks must tak and subscribe the Constitutional oatli The Chairman of the Board of Maua.ii trscan administer the oath to the oth er Managers and to the Clerk: a N< tary Public must administer the oat to the Chairman* The Managers elec their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting plac" must b opened at 7 o'clock a. in. and closed a 4o'clock p.m. except in the city c Charleston, where thev shall be open ed .-it 7 a. ra. and closed at 6 p. m. The managers have the power to fil a vacancy, and if none of the Mana*<-i , attend the citizens can appoint fror 1 among the qualified voters the Manag [ er?t, who, after l?eing 'sworn, can con , duct the election. ' At the elo-e of the election, the Mm ' agers and Clerk must proceed public!; to open the ballot boxes and count th ballots therein, :nd continue withoii ' adjournment.until the same isvomplet ed, and make a statement of the re *ult tor each office and sign the saint Within three days thereafter, th Chairman of the Board or some om designated by the Board, must delive c witson, It. d. iTranam, .jr. r Lake cit.v?E. T.i Moody, P. E. Seve erance. J. P. Philips, '* Muddy creek-.1 no. Dennis, M. V. * cox, E. B. Xeweii. Scranton?So/on Evans, W. E. coward, J. M. Kirby. Pro-ijH'i't church?W J FI. Brown, J. J. Kiddy, J. B. Prosper. 7 The manager* at each precinct named alnive are requested to de/ogate one of their number to secure t>?x?s ) niwl h/:i Lw fnr t lip plpi't ion . TtlPV Can ? be secured on and after Saturday. Nor' ember 1, by railing on K F. PKOSSER, chairman, - J. ll.Uf.AcKWELL. J. P. EPPS. '* commissioners of State and county Election for Williamsburg county. Oct. 13, 1902. S r Summons for Belief. V State of South Cauolina.) County of Williamsbuig.l Court of Common Pleas. F. Jthem and D. D. Ithetn. trading under the firm name of F, JKhein & Sons, Plaintiff, against Paul James and JJettle Jarrott,Defendants. J _ _ ^ ^ ^ To the defendants 1'aiu James ann T Bettie Jar-ott, you are hereby summoned and required to answer the , eomplaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you. and [ t? serve a copy of your answer to said Complaint on the subscriber, at his j office in Kingstree, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof; I exclusive of the day <of such service; and if yon fail to answer the Complaint I within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will npplv to the Court s for the relief demanded in the Complaint. f Date?September 3, 1902. e JOHN A. KKLT.EY. s Plaintiff's Attorney. ] To the defendant, Paul James, take ii nouc?-. mat me uompiauu m tin?action was filed in the ollice of the Clerk of Court of Common l'leas. nr. Kingstree. in the County of Williamsburg, and state of South Carolina, on the 21st day of June. 1902. 6t JOHN A, KELI.EY. WANTED?10,000 cords Swamp !. Hickory in car lots, delivered at Denmark, S. C. Address Jno. F. ' Simmons, RowesvUl*, S. C. 3m irTc-' " &rw; - -* xt' i i ih ill i Tax Notice. Treasurers Office Williamsburg County. Kingstree, S. C., Oct. 9, 1902. The tax levy for the rtscal year 1902 Is as follows: For State - - -5 mills For School - - 8 uiills For County - - - 4 mills SO mills in talue on all stock in Amlrrson. Suttuns and p.trt of Pens Townshins. 3 mills on value of all property in School Districts Nos. 15 and 16. 2 mills oti value of all pioperty in School Districts Nos 19, 20 and 21. 1 mill on all property in School District No. 18. A capitation tax of One Dollar on all males Itetweeii the aye* of 21 and 60 years unless constitutionally exempted. A commutation tax of One Dollar may be paid by those liable to road duty. 1 will l>e at the following places on the days mentioned below lor the collection of the said tax: Kinpstree, Octol>er 20 to 24 inclusive Harpers, October 27 Trio, " 28 Muttons, u 29 Gourdins. " 30 Greeleyville, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 Kingstree, November 3, 4 and f> Sailers, " 6 Cades, " 10 Indiantown. " 11 Kennedy's Store. " 12 Cedar Swamp, " 13 Rlooniinsrrale. " 14 Morrisviile. " 15 Rome. " 17 Lamberts, " 18 Ards X Roads, " 19 i-v.. r>.. .i on isuiYittiba, -v Posmn'a Slore, " 21 Scran ton, " 22 Hebron, " 26 Lake City. u 27 and 28 Kingstree, December lto.'tl. inclusive K. D. ROLLINS. County Treasurer. Summons for Relief. Statk of South Carolina, ) County or Williamsburg. Court of Common Pleas. H. M. C<K)per, T. M. Cooper and J F. Cooper. co-partners in business under the name of Cooper Brothers, Plaintiffs. again-t Bin* McFadden alias Scott, Nero MeFadden alias Scott. Bill McFadden alias Scott. Daiiy Scott, Duke Scott, Toby Scott, Amzi Cooper, a minor. Laura Cooper, a minor, and Flora Cooper, a minor, heirs at law of Duko Scott, deceased, Defendants. To the defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and required to answer thp complaint in this action, which has ?*een tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas ror tlie said county, aim to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office In Kinjrstrec, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time afotcsaid, the plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief^emanded in the complaint. September 29th, A. D. 1902. GILL AM) & KIRK. ? Plaintiff's Attorney. To the defendants, Dairy Scott, Duke Scott ami Toby >cott, take notice: That the complaint in this action wa> riled in the office of the Clerk of the fir urt. of Pikiniiinn Pleas for the Oountv df Williamsburg, S. C.f on the 30ih dav of September, 1902. GILLAND & KIRK, Oct 2-6t Plaintiff's Attorney. Summons for Belief Statu of Sooth Carolina,) County of Williamsburg.) Court of Common Pleas. T. G. Britton. assignee, Plaintiff, against Sarah G. Britton, Minnie L. Hemingway and Aunie Lee Lanaire, Defendant* T?? the defendant Annie Lee Lanaire: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the Complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon yon, and to nerve a copy of your answer to said Complaint on the subscriber*. at the office of LcRoy at Kingstree, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; ami if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action wil apply to the Court for the r?li?f demanded in the Complaint. Dated September lsrh, IMS. LEROY LEE, MONTGOMERY & STACK HOUSE. Plaintiff's Attorney. To the defendant, Annie i^ee canaire, take notice: That the Complaint in this action was tiled In the office of the Clerk of Court of Common I'leas, at Kingstree, in the County of Williamsbin g, State of South Carolina, on the l?th day of {September. 1902. Dated September 18th, 1H02. LK ROY LEE, MONTGOMERY & STACKHOUSE, I'laintifTs Attorney. Notice of Homestead. is hprehr onv?'n thiit T? Mft#? Cooper has applied to me to have his personal property exemption (homestead in personal property) set apart as provided in Section Nb" 2134. of the Revised Statutes of South ( arolina. B C. WHITEHEAD. Clerk of Court. September 30, 19u2.-4t. H. G-. ASKINS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC. LAKE CITY, S. 0. l-o ly With the possible exception of the repairs in a new house there's an end to all things, ' Tue qualifications for suffrage are as ; follows: 1 Resilience in the State for two years, r in the County one year, in the polling ' preeinct in wlileh the elector offers to - vote four months, ami'the payment six monilis before any election of any ? poll tax then due and payable: I'ro vided, That ministers in charge of an i' organized church and teachers of pub lie schools shall be entitled to vote af tor six months' residence in the .state, 1 otherwise qualified. Registration. ' Payment of all taxes, including poll e tax. assessed and collectible during t the previous year. The production of a certificate or of the receipt of the uff tieer authorized to collect such taxes ' shall i>e conclusive proof of the pays ment thereof. r before the hour fixed for opening 1 the polls Managers and Clerks must i t.lice aim suuserioes tin* vmn puuuiuj.u y oatti. The Chairman of the Board of ? Managers can administer the oath to ' the other managers and t ? the Clerk; " a Notary Public must administer the ' oath to the Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. ? Polls at each voting place must l>e I opened at 7 o'clock a. in. and closed at s 4 o'clock p. m., except in the city of e Charleston, where they shall be opcnII cd at 7 a. in. and closed at 6 p. in. '' The Managers have the power to fill ' a vacancy, and if none of the Man" agers attend the citizens can appoint r from among the qualified voters the ' Managers, who alter being sworn, can conduct the election. l* At the close of the election, tlie Mnn " agers and Clerk must proceed publicly '* to open the ballot lioxes and count tlie * ballots therein, and continue without " adjournment nnt'l the same Is completed. and make a statetnenl of the ' result for each office and si^n the same. Within three days thereafter, the chairman of the Board, or some one j designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commissioners of Election the ' poll list,*tlie boxes containing the bal; lots and written statements <*t the nI snlt of the election. ? The following I, MANAGERS OF ERECTION s have been appointed to liold the elecs rion at the various precincts in the e said county: . Kingstree?T. I). Gamble, W. W. e Grayson. J. B. Lemnmn. e Greeleyville?W. H. Campbell. J. W. ' Gamble, B. L. Gist. >* Gourd'n*?A M. Gordon, J. c. Gra" ham. A. M. Gamble. ' Snttons?S. B. Gordon, A. B. coojier, '' X. B. Garner. f Salter* -A. It. Moseley, Richard Spivey. J. E Davis. e cedar Swamp?II. L.Grayson, E. It. Rembert. J. 8. Tisdale. Black Mingo?F. M. Nesmlth, J. P. Eaddy, F. G. Rheni. Trio?W. I). Bryan, T. A. Blakeley, I E. It. Boweli. Earls?rJ. H. Hutson, Wade Eaddv, II w. s. carol in. Sr. >* Altaian's Store?J. It. cox, J. P. * Stone, J. B. Aaltman. Bloomlngvah;?T. K. Smith, Sylvesn ter Mitehum. Frank cantley. )' Ilehron?Bartow Smith, T. R. WIN e <on, .1. c. MeElveen. 11 cades?J. T. MeElveen, Itobt. Tart. - J. J. Epps. Mrciliisters Mill?II. collin*, 21111' ary Baldwin, Kobt. Webster. e Indiantown?c. c. Daniol, W. c. ? .. BUELL & F CASH DRY GO We Beg to Call Parties ALL-LINEN HU 19 by 3G inches Frncy Border, 15c or .M two for 2o?\ ? i? r 1. All LtflKlf*11 l/aillil>n lonci3, V*'iv?vu , Border, 21 by 30 inches, 25c. \ R Bleached IItick l inen Towels, Hem- B stitehed, in Red or Blue Border. 21 by 40 inches. 25c. I B Red Border Cotton Damask Towels, 15 j by 30 inches, 5c. in Cotton Red Border Hemmed Towels, 10 br 40 inches, 10c. j* Pearl Buttons, 2c pe1* dozen. Ladies' All Linen Handkerchiefs. 4<\ i I .ace Curtains, 60 inches by yards, j good quality, $1.50 per pair. Ladies' and Ch We would call your attention to this and Embroideries. We have many spcei. 2 000 yards Percale at 5c and 6c, wort I FURNITURE D: WALNUT SUITS, OAK SUITS, SI I CHAIRS, GO-CARTS, BABY ( WINDOW SHADES. ^^T'.Mail Orders Receive Careful Alt* 373 and 37S King Strce MAKb NU IVtlh ?GO '1 S- THOMAS 257 KING STREET, C FOf WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILYE SPECTACLES A! Jewelry and Watches Repa April 3-tf g D. C. SCOTT, President. ? m m m?1 r-m a m r fy f \ i-t 5 I nth daivi\> ur i Transacts a General ! COLLECTIONS CAREFUL |l PROMPTLY ] |! DEPOSITS FROM 11.00 I ;! Diicnri It HENRY P. WILLIAMS, JOHN A. KELLEY, ' | DR. L. B. JOHNSOP ?E Practicing Physician, ?= Surgeon and Druggist,. Next Door to Stuart & Floyd., H LAKE CITY, - s: < Tiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa KINGSTREE GRADED SCHOOL?==^1 ERNEST WIGGINS, A. B.. PRINCIPAL. TK/v will Vmrri n 1 lie IICA t OCCOIVII TV Alt W ^ in on Monday, September 15, 1902. Xon-resident pupils boarding in town will be charged . nominal tuition fees. For terms and other in. formation" apply to DR. D. C. SCOTT, : r f Chairman Board Trustees, KINGSTREE SOUTH CAROLINA. < *?p25 I ORANGEBURG COLLEGIATE" , INSTITUTE. ORANGEBURG, S. C. , i-t J ? - * - - - ? S . t 1 % n .Beautiful ana lieaitnnu ioca- | tion. Artesian water. Kepaired and remodeled buildings." Special courses in Music, Art and Elocution. Four classes?two preparatory and (l two collegiate. Prepares for / the Sophomore and Junior classes in the best colleges of a the country, or the business A requirements of life. Thorough and systematic foundation work the aim. ? -<? 2 For catalogue and particulars write JA5, R. CROUCH, o21 PRESIDENT, h S / \ 1 1 lOBERTS? iQDS STOBE. Bj Liar Attention to OurH CK TOWELS I fercerized Satin Cyrano, in Blac<:,]^M Blue, Pink and Cream, 15c, worth T 2.5c. lack Dimity, 8.-. worth 12,Vc. lack Cashmere, 30 inehes wide, a good black, 25c. la k ai d White Mixed I.awnt and i,:?lib. 1* lOl '? I'Jiiniv, iw. ?umi * Hack Corduroy f*?r Skirts, 12>g. ndia Linons, beautiful quality, 8c, 10c, 12'Xc, 20c. 25c. a< lies' and Misses Black Hose, in all numbers, from 5c to 25c. A good Black. ildren's Hats. ; department, also our Ribbon, Lace ltie< in these departments. :i 10c aiVI 12c!;. EPARTMENT. )EBOARDS, LOUNGES, PIAZZA :ARRIAGESy MATTING RUGS, .'tit ion. t, CHARLESTON, S. G. .TAKE I 0? JR.& BRO j HAULESTON, S. C\, i :r ware, plated ware i CLOCKS. jred by Expert Workmen. ^wv\v%wwv*v\.wwv?>vw\/ EDWIN 0. EPFS, Cashier. t KIHGSTREE. f Banking Business. y iT LOOKED AFTER AND * REMITTED. S ;PWARD RECEIVED. 2 I'OKS: i Ji. I). KUliLliNS, > 1). C. SCOTT. nmnnfflwifnminmiwnifi Pure *lnnp<, Chem> J iealM and JJtdlelnex. ?? Paleutuml non-ferret ? ? Preparation*. All XZ ~ kind* ol" l?rue:y;I*t*' fnndrie*. Toilet lie- 3 qnlNit'N Fancy Perturnery and Flavoring; Extract*. AI*o PariM 3 (irccu, tiardcn Meed*. Gild and Refreshing Drinks, ? Of every kind. Hotla ?% lVaterX'oca Tola, and a fine line of Freiih ?? Frni in,' 1'ancy fa ndicm ZZS "i Tobacco, Clgma and J* Clpirellca. ^ iumuuuuu mu mm tuuut Pure Corn Whiskey. 4 FULL QUARTS $3.00, , Express Paid. FPa No Marks to Indicate Contents. Direct From Distiiler to ja | Tlii* is old stcok whlsWkm ' key, ]>ut tip in plain ?otItf I ton wood eases, holding k2JL Four, Six and Twelve bottles to ease. No marks fi^KTlauM to '"dilate contents. MfjiQHj This whiskey is rspectally suitable for medic'^.LACKmj inal purposes, being pure ann 01 tne r,0Hlj 4uai,,'y' You are at liberty to liav,i y?ur family physi'""'^cr Clan test it and if not satisfactory re torn it at K^'-'^Tsi exPc,i8e an<i i win llmhk^nlH refund your money. No IfH family should be vsithm\\im outl a case* or^er must call for less than our quarts by express prepaid. If interested in whiskies write for full iriee list. In ordering remember whiskey cannot be shipped C. O. D.. and all >rders must be accompanied by cash. Address all communications to. f. A. LACKEY, Hamlet, N. C. WHISKEY < OF ALL ? ALL KINDS ? PURPOSES Special Brand'" Corn Whiskey, $ 1.25 i Poplar Log 'Corn Whiskey. 1.50 fl Poplar Log'', Old, Smooth, Mellow 2.00 'Private Stock," 4-qt. case 2.50 'Private Stock." 12-qt. ca*e 7.00 Itunting Creek" live. 12-qt. case 7.00 'Old Hunting Creek" Rye, 12-qt 10.00 ipple Brandy 2*50 Charge of 25c. for 1-gal., 3">c. for 2-gal., rid 4.5c for 3-gal. jugs, and 75c for 4}?al. kegs: when returned prepaid, they - ill be taken back at cost. J. C, SOMERS & CO., distillers, 1tatesville, north carolina my T-<!nj The dollar mark is unknown in eaven, f